Prof. Andrea Giardina
Slavery in Ancient Rome
Prof. Andrea Giardina (Palermo 1949) teaches roman history at the
University of La sapienza, Rome.He is president of the Istituto
italiano per la storia antica. Among his recent works and publications:
'L'Italia romana. Storie di un'identità incompiuta', Laterza,
Roma-Bari 1997 (terza ed. 2004). 'Il mito di Roma da Carlo Magno
a Mussolini' (in collaborazione con A. Vauchez), Laterza, Roma-Bari
2000; french ed.: 'Rome, l'idée, le mythe', Fayard, Paris
2000. His volume 'L'uomo romano' (Roman Man) is at its nineth italian
edition and was translated in english, spanish, portugese, german,
polish and some other languages. He wrote also 'Roma antica', second
ed. Laterza, Roma-Bari 2003.