Subject: Re: Chat Issue
From: "D. Iunius Palladius" amcgrath@--------
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 01:00:43 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 12 Oct 1998, Robert Woolwine wrote:

> From: "Rob--------Woolwin--------l--------us@--------
> I just wanted to drop everyone a line...especially if you know me in the
> Forum, that my handle, Sulla, has been used by a lurker who is spewing his
> hatred in the chat room. I am not the one doing it. and Avidus Tullus
> Callidus and Marius Fimbra have witnessed this happening first hand. I just
> wanted to let everyone know, that I am not the one.

This is another disadvantage to the current system anonymous hate mongers
that we can't even get rid of. This lurker has been
spewing all kinds of stuff out tonight it seems. Dammit Dex, are you sure
you can't get onto talk city? :)



Non scholae sed vitae discimus.



"Such things have often happened and still happen,
and how can these be signs of the end of the world?"

Julian, Emperor of Rome 361-363 A.D.
Extant 331-363 A.D.

Subject: Re: Chat Issue
From: legion6@--------
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 02:47:30 -0500 (CDT)

Did our 'concerned' acquaintance get worse after I left, Palladi? It
seemed for a while that I was getting through to him:
He drew a circle that kept me out,
A heretic, a thing to flout,
But Love and I had wit to win:
I drew a circle that took him in.
Not all, not even most, but *some* of these pests can be turned around
by a noble and dignified example. Let us turn the same face to them
that the Conscript Fathers did to the invading Gauls. Let's show them
what CIVILIZATION means, and what it is to be a part of something
deeper and more vast than the flurries and excitements of the moment.

Roma In Aeternam!!
__________ _<~) __________
<-\\\\@@@@@) /##\ (@@@@@////-> Märia Villarroel legion6@--------
<-\\\@@@@(#####@@@@///-> Historical Re-Creationist
<-\\\*##*///-> and Citizen of Rome
o---<<<<||SPQR||>>>>---o Latin lessons, History lectures
///\\\ Role-playing Games, too!

aka Lucius Marius Fimbria on the weekends

Post scriptum: How about a text-based Chat room with Ignore feature?
The Internet was here long before multimedia and animated banner
advertisements. All we want to do is talk; do we really need the
commercials? (Juno's banner ads were consistently crashing my 386.
That's one reason I moved over to SW Bell.)

Subject: Re: Chat Issue
From: Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 17:35:55 -0700
> Marius Fimbria said:

> Let us turn the same face to them
> that the Conscript Fathers did to the invading Gauls. Let's show them
> what CIVILIZATION means, and what it is to be a part of something
> deeper and more vast than the flurries and excitements of the moment.

The Gauls slaughtered the Senators and burned the City.But Rome was already
200 years old and was able to come back.

> Roma In Aeternam!!


p.s. Did you ever read the story of what decided them not to move the "city"

to somewhere else? It's in Livy. A grunt can get a chuckle out of it.