Subject: Answering Questions
From: <a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=045232113165042200148200112241225012177026038196249130152150" >jmath669642reng@--------</a> (James Mathe--------/td>
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 11:18:57 -0400 (EDT)
Salve, L. Sergius Aust.

I thank you most kindly for your words of praise. My head will be quite
turned if I am not careful!!! In regard to your comment about The
Honorable Senator Germanicus and the tribes and centuries, the fact is
that he probably could have undertaken the review at that time,"if he
had all the listings." It is my understanding that the listings must be
available first, and then the compiling can begin. A lot of work has
gone by before those lists were available, and apparently now they are.

I disagree with your assessment of the situation and progress of NR as
"discouraging." I think that you lose sight of the fact that though
this organization is certainly more than a mere club, most of the
members are working people and only have so much time to devote to these
affairs. In any other Volunteer Organization in which I have been a
member, the accomplishments of Nova Roma shine far in excess of them
all!!! I have the privelage of being retired, and I find that I can
only devote about 2-3 hours per day to NR, with my other activities.
The bulk of the citizens work at least 8 hours a day (some like my
friend Alexander work 10-12 hrs a day) and that reduces their available
time severely.

I am sorry for your DISMAY at the fact that I trust my government. I
have worked within and for that government for forty years and I can
honestly say, that as someone who was sincere about doing a good job, I
always received the best treatment and consideration. Government to me,
in the first place, are the people placed over me in authority and as I
rose in knowledge and experience, those placed under my cognizance.
Throughout that period, I have made some serious mistakes, and those
around me have helped to rectify them. They didn't do it for me, but
they helped. I am credited with a couple of neat projects as well, and
received full recognition. I cannot think of a single instance in which
when somebody got slammed, they did not deserve it (My Draconian Idea of

The second part of my trust in my government is the make-up of the
Constitution and Amendments, the checks and balances, and all the
safeguards that we have. I taught government in San Diego highschools
for some period a few years ago and if I didn't apprecate the structure
of my government before then, I do now.

Yes, I know there are incompetants in the government and I have done my
part in getting them out. The "up or out" system of military
advancement assists greatly in this and it has been fine turned since I
left the service. No my friend, the government is not a Tiger waiting
to devour me when my back is turned; it is rather a friend that provides
me with services every step of my life, clean water, clean air,
highways, sewage service, community service and opportunities for that
service, and a list of further services that I can call upon that fills
a large book. Further it is a structure which provides me the freedom
to pursue a career and pastimes in the greatest possible degree. I
don't know if you have lived overseas at all, but in the several
occasions tha I have done so, I am always happy to return to my
government with the idea of how lucky I am again firmly fixed in my

Yes, I trust my government. I don't necessarily trust some in it, and
those are to be watched carefully. I do not name them as I am still a
military man and I draw a pension. It is irresponsible, in my
estimation, to clamor about those placed over you unless you wish to
take immediate action, and then you probably don't want to warn your
target who you are going after. I am sure that you will find my above
statements somewhat naive and perhaps rightly so, but they have served
me for better than 60 years without revision and I am sure they will see
me home!!

In regard to your question;"You invite us to jump in and
serve--how???"--I was reluctant to be more specific, as I know little of
your strengths, weaknesses, abilities and desires. However, perhaps the
following list will assist more:

--I echo Senator Flavia Claudia's suggestion that you write to the
Senate, tell them what you are interested in, and what your skills are
and asked to be appointed to a committee or Chair (and create) your own

--I suggest that you form a committee of citizens to consider some facet
of NR that you feel is needful of attention, draw up a proposal to deal
with the problem, get concurrence of your committee, and submit the
proposal to the Senate. If you wish to have frequent updates on the
status of the proposal, if you will contact my self. I would be happy to
keep you informed.;

--Your excellent work in establishing a Temple To Mars, would indicate
that there is perhaps an interest in your background that might lead to
proposing your own sodalicum;

--Offer to be one of a magistrate's election team, and play the
political game. I am sure that a successful candidate receiving your
assistance would support you in turn for an elected / appointed

--There are openings in both sodalicae (military and Food and Wine) for
researchers and hosts of net-talks, and newsletters. I believe a third
Sodalitas for Children and the Roman Family is currently under
consideration by the Senate. At least application has been made. The
Honorable Senators will have more information on that I am sure;

--Our most excellent Quaesor P. Cassia has offered a list of jobs in
assistance to her work in the task as Webmistress.;

--Make up or have Cassius Julianus send you a copy of his excellent NR
brochure and have a few hundred copied to distribute in your area;

--Contact all the people in your province and chair a committee for a
Roman Dinner get-together at some central place;

--Compile a series or column of facts or stories to be shared by all NR
by "Eagle" or by posting on the list; for instance; you know a lot more
about Mars than I do. I am a student here. Your expertise in that area
could only be extremely interesting, and you write well, and have the
ability to be amusing. I would look foward to your articles / stories;

--Apply to your Provincial Praetor to take over a regio as Legatus for
the the purpose of recruiting and getting Nova Roma before the eyes of
the public;

--Put together a Roman Kit (military or civilian) and contact the local
schools and liraries about putting on programs;

--Attend the annual Roman Re-enactments in Maryland and elsewhere as a
visitor or participant;

--Participate in local Time-Line Histories as a Re-Enactor. Contact
Venator for information on how to get started;

--Start a business about something Roman that might generate funding for

--Establish a Special Talk-List or Newsletter for one of your favorite
Roman Topics such as Architechture, Art. Law, Politics, Literature, etc.

My friend, you do not have to post sarcastic questions for me to respond
to you. I am an elected Magistrate and I am sworn to that duty. Due to
my limited view of some areas, you may not get all the finer points, but
I think I can promise you all the information that I have at hand,
whenever you are ready.

In closing I wish to comment that I believe in one small item you have
misunderstood my previous post. I do not "defend" my fellow magistrates
for two simple reasons:

--I am not qualified or authorized to do so;

--I do not consider any of my fellow magistrates in need of being
defended. All of those who I am privelaged to work with, have dealt
with me honorably, and with respect. They have encouraged me,
challenged me, and have honored me far above my station and my poor
abilities. I honor them for that, but, I do assure you, that they do
not require my defence in any area.

I hope ths message has provided you with some information that you may
use, and I send with it my very best appreciation for your
correspondence and hopes for your further and more specific involvement
in NR.

Vale, L.Sergius Aust.


Marcus Minucius Audens

Fair Winds and Following Seas!!!

Subject: Prayer
Date: Sun, 04 Apr 1999 12:01:48 -0700
At the time I was reprimanded our Augur, Dexippus stated that at
Passover I should offer a prayer to the Gods after our First Seder.
Well, on Saturday our family got together and had our Passover
Celebration at dusk and after the celebration, I fulfilled our Augurs

The following text is what I said, and did. But, before I get to the
text I would like to thank Dex, for the recommendation, Nocta for
helping me with the prayer text and for the instructions on how I was to
do it and for the pronunciation of it. and Q.Fabius for his assistance
in the prayer and his support. Now here is the text of what I said.

<light a candle> I kindle this flame as a symbol of the eternal flame,
which lights the hearts of both men and Gods, and ask the blessings of
Vesta upon the flame, and all upon whom its lite may fall.

Salve, Iane Pater Maututine, Admitte me <R. hand to my center chest>
Coram numie lucentia. <Put Matza on plate>. Ita est.

I come before you, Gods of Roma, upon this festive nite to ask for your
forgiveness for my actions against the State. I went against the word
of the Senate, and against the Oath, as a magistrate, and I have
violated the Sacred Trust of the Roman People. For this I am deeply
sorry and I hope that you can find it in your hearts to forgive my
transgression. I make this offering to you as an atonement of my

<Put more matza on table> Iupiter pater, et vos dii invocatii, csi
quiquam fuit vobis in gratum in stipe a me oblata, accipite hoc
piaculum. <offer more matza> Ita voltis.

Quod bonum faustum felix fortunatem salutareque sit mihi <r. hand to
chest> Genti Cornelia ac nationi Novae Romae Universae. Ita Est.


Again, I would really like to thank Augustina Iulia Caesaria who
authored this prayer for me, without her assistance I would have been
unable to now how to say this and what I needed to do as I was saying
this prayer.

Thank you everyone for your support and kind words, I do appreciate them
very much. And to all citizens of Nova Roma, I will not let you down in
the future. I will strive to be an asset to the State in all of my

Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Praetor Urbanus

Subject: Re: Answering Questions
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 16:07:19 EDT
Salve Marcus Minucius

So you are a bit older than I -- that helps to explain why you sound like
one of my father's generation of veterans, and why you are such a
valuable citizen of Nova Roma. You come from another age and another
world -- one where at least the pretense of honor and good intent on the
part of national governments was still credible. I will not presume to
argue with you about your beliefs concerning your government. I don't
argue with my father's, either, although I suspect that you and he would
find much to agree upon with regard to those in government who are not to
be trusted.

I will respond to some of your comments/suggestions. (below)

>From: Marcus Minucius Audens (<a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=045232113165042200148200112241225012177026038196249130152150" >jmath669642reng@--------</a>)
>Salve, L. Sergius Aust.
>I disagree with your assessment of the situation and progress of NR as
>"discouraging." I think that you lose sight of the fact that though
>this organization is certainly more than a mere club, most of the
>members are working people and only have so much time to devote to these
>affairs. In any other Volunteer Organization in which I have been a
>member, the accomplishments of Nova Roma shine far in excess of them
>all!!! I have the privelage of being retired, and I find that I can
>only devote about 2-3 hours per day to NR, with my other activities.
>The bulk of the citizens work at least 8 hours a day (some like my
>friend Alexander work 10-12 hrs a day) and that reduces their available
>time severely.
I work at least 8 hours daily and have extensive other responsibilities
and interests outside of that. I FULLY empathise with others' limitations
in that respect. That is one of the reasons I did not run for office last

>I am sorry for your DISMAY at the fact that I trust my government. I
>have worked within and for that government for forty years and I can
>honestly say, that as someone who was sincere about doing a good job, I
>always received the best treatment and consideration. Government to me,
>in the first place, are the people placed over me in authority and as I
>rose in knowledge and experience, those placed under my cognizance.
>Throughout that period, I have made some serious mistakes, and those
>around me have helped to rectify them. They didn't do it for me, but
>they helped. I am credited with a couple of neat projects as well, and
>received full recognition. I cannot think of a single instance in which
>when somebody got slammed, they did not deserve it (My Draconian Idea of
You trust PEOPLE you know. That is fully in agreement with what I said.

Part of my concern and my opinions stems from the fact that in more than
50 years of direct observation and experience, and in extensive readings
of history, I find that when people come together to form an
organization, the whole is often less than the sum of its parts in terms
of the responsibility, rationality, and morality reflected in its
actions. Put three people together and they will often do foolish,
reckless things that none of them would do alone. Put ten people together
in a club, and they will do dumb, thoughtless things that they wouldn't
do individually. Put a few hundred million together as a nation, and they
will cheat, rob, enslave, exploit, torture, and kill, acting as a nation,
where individually few of them would countenance such behaviors.
Therefore I assert that people may be trusted when acting individually,
but when acting on behalf of a large organization, they cannot be
trusted. History teaches that large organizations of people are a deadly
danger to themselves and all around them.
>The second part of my trust in my government is the make-up of the
>Constitution and Amendments, the checks and balances, and all the
>safeguards that we have. I taught government in San Diego highschools
>for some period a few years ago and if I didn't apprecate the structure
>of my government before then, I do now.
>Yes, I know there are incompetants in the government and I have done my
>part in getting them out. The "up or out" system of military
>advancement assists greatly in this and it has been fine turned since I
>left the service. No my friend, the government is not a Tiger waiting
>to devour me when my back is turned; it is rather a friend that provides
>me with services every step of my life, clean water, clean air,
>highways, sewage service, community service and opportunities for that
>service, and a list of further services that I can call upon that fills
>a large book. Further it is a structure which provides me the freedom
>to pursue a career and pastimes in the greatest possible degree. I
>don't know if you have lived overseas at all, but in the several
>occasions tha I have done so, I am always happy to return to my
>government with the idea of how lucky I am again firmly fixed in my
>Yes, I trust my government. I don't necessarily trust some in it, and
>those are to be watched carefully. I do not name them as I am still a
>military man and I draw a pension. It is irresponsible, in my
>estimation, to clamor about those placed over you unless you wish to
>take immediate action, and then you probably don't want to warn your
>target who you are going after. I am sure that you will find my above
>statements somewhat naive and perhaps rightly so, but they have served
>me for better than 60 years without revision and I am sure they will see
>me home!!
>In regard to your question;"You invite us to jump in and
>serve--how???"--I was reluctant to be more specific, as I know little of
>your strengths, weaknesses, abilities and desires. However, perhaps the
>following list will assist more:
>--I echo Senator Flavia Claudia's suggestion that you write to the
>Senate, tell them what you are interested in, and what your skills are
>and asked to be appointed to a committee or Chair (and create) your own
I suppose I have assumed that the Senate would ask citizens for help if
they wanted it.
>--I suggest that you form a committee of citizens to consider some facet
>of NR that you feel is needful of attention, draw up a proposal to deal
>with the problem, get concurrence of your committee, and submit the
>proposal to the Senate. If you wish to have frequent updates on the
>status of the proposal, if you will contact my self. I would be happy to
>keep you informed.;
It is the government of Nova Roma that I think is needful of attention.
My illustrious ancestor, L. Sergius Catalina, formed a group and drew up
proposals and voiced them to the Senate to try to get the government
fixed, and look where it got him and his committee! Nova Roma may not
have legions to send against me, but they have Flavia Claudia. [JOKE,
Flavia Claudia!]

>--Your excellent work in establishing a Temple To Mars, would indicate
>that there is perhaps an interest in your background that might lead to
>proposing your own sodalicum;
Whoops! That's Marcus Martianus' work, not mine.

>--Offer to be one of a magistrate's election team, and play the
>political game. I am sure that a successful candidate receiving your
>assistance would support you in turn for an elected / appointed
What does an "election team" do in an Internet election process? I had no
idea such things existed.
>--There are openings in both sodalicae (military and Food and Wine) for
>researchers and hosts of net-talks, and newsletters. I believe a third
>Sodalitas for Children and the Roman Family is currently under
>consideration by the Senate. At least application has been made. The
>Honorable Senators will have more information on that I am sure;
>--Our most excellent Quaesor P. Cassia has offered a list of jobs in
>assistance to her work in the task as Webmistress.;
That's a possibility, but I'm a rank amateur in that area and I thought
we would have more qualified people here. I haven't even updated my own
Web pages in over a year now.

>--Make up or have Cassius Julianus send you a copy of his excellent NR
>brochure and have a few hundred copied to distribute in your area;
There is essentially zero likelihood of attracting more citizens in my
immediate area, and attracting attention to Nova Roma would probably lose
me my job and get me firebombed.
>--Contact all the people in your province and chair a committee for a
>Roman Dinner get-together at some central place;
>--Compile a series or column of facts or stories to be shared by all NR
>by "Eagle" or by posting on the list; for instance; you know a lot more
>about Mars than I do. I am a student here. Your expertise in that area
>could only be extremely interesting, and you write well, and have the
>ability to be amusing. I would look foward to your articles / stories;
Again, that's Martianus.
>--Apply to your Provincial Praetor to take over a regio as Legatus for
>the the purpose of recruiting and getting Nova Roma before the eyes of
>the public;
Again -- the first colleague to whom I mentioned Nova Roma looked at me
in wide-eyed alarm and exclaimed "But the Romans were PAGANS!" And that's
the reaction of an educated professional person here. This is the Bible
Belt. Recruiting for Nova Roma could get me killed.
>--Put together a Roman Kit (military or civilian) and contact the local
>schools and liraries about putting on programs;
In a year's time, I've created about 20 sq. inches of mail. My lorica may
be finished in time for me to be buried in it.
>--Attend the annual Roman Re-enactments in Maryland and elsewhere as a
>visitor or participant;
I look forward to being able to do that, maybe this year.
>--Participate in local Time-Line Histories as a Re-Enactor. Contact
>Venator for information on how to get started;
See progress on my kit, above.
>--Start a business about something Roman that might generate funding for
I have an idea along those lines, but it is proceeding slowly for lack of
>--Establish a Special Talk-List or Newsletter for one of your favorite
>Roman Topics such as Architechture, Art. Law, Politics, Literature, etc.
>My friend, you do not have to post sarcastic questions for me to respond
>to you. I am an elected Magistrate and I am sworn to that duty. Due to
>my limited view of some areas, you may not get all the finer points, but
>I think I can promise you all the information that I have at hand,
>whenever you are ready.
>In closing I wish to comment that I believe in one small item you have
>misunderstood my previous post. I do not "defend" my fellow magistrates
>for two simple reasons:
Well, to be really picky, I was referring to your defense of their WORK
and not to any defense of them proper.
>I hope ths message has provided you with some information that you may
>use, and I send with it my very best appreciation for your
>correspondence and hopes for your further and more specific involvement
>in NR.
Indeed, along with Flavia Claudia's reports of Senate activity, this kind
of information is invaluable in keeping all of us aware that there are
things happening in Nova Roma. I thank you, and I'm sure many other
citizens thank you.
>Marcus Minucius Audens

L. Sergius Aust.

sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare.

(I think some people in togas are plotting against me.)

Subject: Re: The Machinery of Government II
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 16:07:28 EDT
Salvete Marcus Martianus et Flavia Claudia

Personally, I think this is a great idea.


L. Sergius Aust.

>What is the plan, ma'am? Perhaps we should have a project status board on
>the web site to which we all can refer. If you like the idea, I'll
>implement it.

certe, Toto, sentio nos in Kansate non iam adesse.

(You know, Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.)

Subject: Re: NovaRoma Growing Up!
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 16:07:21 EDT
Salve Senator

In what way am I "so accusatory?" Is it accusatory to point out that we
are not yet following the constitution?

I am not unaware of, nor unappreciative of, your reports from the Senate.
If I gave that impression, then I apologize. Minucius' response to me
contained a lot of information about happenings outside of the Senate, so
I think it was complementary to your reports. I was thanking him, not
slighting you.

As for agendae, as long as the matter of establishing the comitiae
required for the nation's government to begin to function
constitutionally is being addressed, as it apparently is, then I'm happy
(for now). I don't like "ad hoc" government.


L. Sergius Aust.

>From: <a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=029176066112038190112158203026129208071" >m--------oon@--------</a>
>On 04/03/99 09:48:13 you wrote:
>>From: <--------ef="/post/nov----------------otectID=226107192180229130130232031248147208071048" >LSergAust@--------</--------;
>>My dear Marcus Minucius, who could not appreciate your involvement in
>>Nova Roma? I feel badly at having moved you to compose such a long,
>>detailed, and earnest defense of your work and that of your fellow
>>magistrates. But at the same time, what a wonderful report you have made
>>for everyone out here who may have been wondering if anything is being
>For someone who's so accusatory, L. Sergius must not be reading the list
>very often, or very closely.
>If he's wondering what's being done, he must never read the regular Senate
>reports done by myself, Audens or the Tribune. Or is there some
>agenda that we're supposed to be addressing?
>-- Flavia Claudia

Subject: Re: The government, the constitution and the assemblies
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 16:07:27 EDT
Salve! Wow! What timing!

I can't wait to see it!


L. Sergius Aust.

>From: Masterofhistor--------t;a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=029166066165056209112225046026229222078143100196169130152150" >masterofhistor--------..</a>
>Salvete to the citizens of Nova Roma,
>I am pleased to see some posts concerning the
>assemblies and the mechanisms of the government here
>at Nova Roma. The formation of the assemblies in Nova
>Roma, I believe, will enable swifter communication and
>enactment of proposals the Senate, the magistrates and
>the citizen body as a whole may have.
>I am pleased to announce that I have in my hand a
>completed draft of the Comitia Populi Tributa - the
>Assembly of the Tribes of Nova Roma. I shall submit
>it to this list for public review, then I will carry
>it into the Senate for their consideration and
>hopefully enactment. We have gone for too long
>without a popular assembly of the Tribes and the
>Orders of Nova Roma, I ask you my friends to assist me
>in providing the remedy to this state of affairs.
>Avidius Tullius Callidus
>Paterfamilias, gens Tullia
>Tribune of the People

certe, Toto, sentio nos in Kansate non iam adesse.

(You know, Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.)

Subject: Re: Relevant to Nova Roma (was "Mars")
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 16:07:25 EDT
Lucius Equitius wrote:
>L. Sergius Aust. inquit:
>>Palladius stated a **recommendation.**
>>Cincinnatus concurred with Palladius' thinking.
>Lucius Equitius: Although I do agree with Palladius' *recommendation*,
>what I was referring to was that there would be no 'official' Nova Roma
>announcement concerning the 'Balkan' situation.
>>AFTER I had already posted the message to which you respond, Patricia
>>Cassia (the only one of the three with any legal authority to act in this
>>matter) made a strong request for participants to restrict themselves to
>>topics she considers related to Nova Roma.
>Lucius Equitius: Actually, The Consules do have 'authority' (this is what
>imperium is) to act in this and many other cases. Actually the authority
>that Quaestrix Patricia Cassia has is derived from Consular imperium as
>she is the quaestor of Decius Iunius.
> Having said this, I say again that IF citizens wish to discuss the
>Balkans or any other matter they should remember that (in this Forum) they
>are Novaromani first and also the Roman virtues.
I suppose I should clarify. I don't think ANY of the three of you has the
legal authority to silence orderly public discussion of relevant matters
by citizens. The consuls are not dictators, so they can't engage in OR
authorize dictator-like actions. HOWEVER, P. Cassia has been tasked with
moderating this list, and that implies responsibility for reining in
discussion that gets to far afield or becomes a nuisance in the use of
the list by everyone. So I think it certainly behooves us to cooperate
with her in her exercise of that responsibility. Besides, legal or not,
she has the _power_ to cut us off, and then it would be really hard to
get a hearing! ;-)
>L. Sergius Aust.inquit:
>>You may say, we've made a good start and we can complete the rest as we
>>go along. I say, how hard can it be to take a list of gens and divide
>>them among the tribes, and among the centuries? Does it take an hour? A
>>day? Is there some more research needed to make it possible?
>Lucius Equitius: What is needed is a 'complete' list of citizens. One problem
>is the addition of new citizens on an almost daily basis, any ideas?
I would approach it as two separate problems. Set up a system for
assignment of new citizens to the tribes and centuries when their
citizenships are approved, and put that system into place. Then you can
address the issue of assignment of the previous citizens without having
to chase a moving target as it were. The list of citizens will never
(hopefully) be "complete," so trying to get such a list is a hopeless
>L. Sergius Aust.inquit:
>>You invite us to jump in and serve -- how? I have no authority to start
>>creating organs of government or to assign tribes and centuries. If asked
>>to perform some other task or to take part in some committee, I will do
>>so to the best of my abilities, but I cannot take it upon myself to do
>>public work on my own. I have offered before.
>Lucius Equitius: Would you be so kind as to resend your offer/proposal to
>me? or the Senate?
Actually, Lucius Equitius, I thought I made such an offer to you in
private email we exchanged during the election campaign. Perhaps I am
mistaken about that.

I really don't understand why ideas or offers of help have to be sent to
individuals or to the Senate address to be acted upon. Am I mistaken in
considering this list to be Nova Roma's equivalent of the Forum?

However, if that's the way you want it, I'll send an email to you
forthwith. Perhaps I just don't fully understand how things are supposed
to work.
>Valete, Consul Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus


L. Sergius Aust.

certe, Toto, sentio nos in Kansate non iam adesse.

(You know, Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.)

Subject: Re: Answering Questions
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 18:55:47 EDT
Salve L. Sergius Aust.

I may not agree with all that Marcus Minucius said. But I am also no X-phile
( living with the motto: trust no one).You should give those people who you
gave imperium, by whatever kind of election, the posibillity and time to get
things straight. The system of the ancient republic developed through
centuries with a lot of troubles and outrages, so why not give our
magistrates at least a bit time?
If we are not willing or able to stand for election, we should be grateful to
those who take that tremendous task and give them at least a chance, please.

I donīt want to offend your rightful pride in your ancestors and I respect
your pietas, but perhaps you should think twice about Lucius Sergius Catilina.
I am absolutely no Ciceronian, but being a Caecilius Metellus I stand in the
tradition of a loyal gens to the Senatus Populusque Romanus and L. Serg. Cat.
is not such an easy person to come to terms with regarding his loyalty to
SPQR. Please reconsider this.


L. Caec: Metellus Scaevola

Subject: Province ID
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 19:03:05 -0400 (EDT)
Salvete, Romani!

I just got back from a week's vacation, so when I came back, there was a mountain of e-mail!

Anyway, I was reading letter after letter and I noticed that we had a few new citizens. It's all very confusing because I have no idea who you are or what Province you are from! To make it easier for all the present members and new ones just joining, how about we type the Province you are from under your name so both new and old can find people in their areas? There could be someone down the street from me and I would never know it! I'm constantly adding citizens to my AOL buddy lists and it would be a great help for me, personally! (I am blonde, you know.)

Yes? No?

Thanks for your time!

Minervina Iucundia Flavia
Propraetor SE USA Provincia

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Subject: Re: Prayer
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 19:29:31 EDT
In a message dated 4/4/99 3:22:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
<a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a> writ--------br>
<< At the time I was reprimanded our Augur, Dexippus stated that at
Passover I should offer a prayer to the Gods after our First Seder.
Well, on Saturday our family got together and had our Passover
Celebration at dusk and after the celebration, I fulfilled our Augurs
recommendation. >>

Oh I wish I could've been at that Seder! YOU GO BOY!


Subject: Re: Prayer
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 22:17:52 EDT
In a message dated 4/4/99 12:08:51 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
<a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a> writ--------br>
<< And to all citizens of Nova Roma, I will not let you down in
the future. I will strive to be an asset to the State in all of my
actions. >>
Speaking for the Fabii I welcome and acknowledge this gesture of homage to
the Gods of Rome.
May Fortuna watch over this new and fragile republic.
Q. Fabius. Paterfamilias