Subject: Re: [novaroma] Digest Number 752
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2000 17:30:53 -0800
Re: Digest Number 751
and the messages about the dearth of activity here in....

PLease clip your quotes! Please!
Yes, Digest Number 752 had only three messages in it.
Yet it was 14KB with two of those messages each quoting
in their entirety Digest Number 751.
Now, 14KB of new stuff I would love, but it seems to be
slow of late. Things will pick up. Never fear.

Bene valete.
C. Aelius Ericius.
If I was a good writer I'd be able to turn this into a sig line...
the ballot in San Francisco had a person named Starchild
(no other name) running for the State Assembly. For a while
I thought The City was growing staid. ;-)

Subject: Censor Update
Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2000 21:55:15 -0800
Salve Civies!

As most of you are aware of by now, my colleague, Flavius Vedius
Germancius, has resigned his post as Censor of Nova Roma. While the
implications of this issue are being discussed in the Senate, I wanted
to keep the citizens of Nova Roma, both old and new, that I am still
Censor of Nova Roma. The workload will still be dealt with, and once I
get the newest updated citizen list from Germancius I will commence work
on getting caught up on all of the newest citizen applications. Please
bear with me at this time. If you have any questions or concerns
r--------ding this, pl-------- --------il m-------- <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a> or
<a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=219056234112193209090218066036129208" >ce--------s@--------</a>. Tha--------ou for your patie--------i--------is matter.

Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix

Subject: Censorial Edicta
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 11:41:24 -0800

Salve Citizens

This is intended as a Censorial Edict.

This Edicta will affect all current and future citizenship applications
dated from January 1, 2000. All Citizenship applications that have
been submitted but are not completed have sixty (60) days in which the
appropriate information, as requested by a Censor, is to be submitted.
Failure to comply with the Censorial Request will result in the
application being discarded. Once discarded the applicant can reapply
without any hindrance at any time.

The exemptions to this Edicta include: Awaiting approval from a
Pater/Materfamilias, prior arrangement or understanding with the Censor,

and awaiting extra documents (such as signed consent forms as in the
cases of minors applying for Nova Roma Citizenship).

Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix

Subject: Censorial Edicta
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2000 13:05:31 -0800
Salve Citizens

This is intended as a Censorial Edict.

All applications that are submitted to the Censors of Nova Roma must
have two points of contact. This means that there must be listed, at
least, two ways we can contact our citizens. This can be via e-mail
address, a physical (snail mail) address and a phone number. Any given
combination will be sufficient. Also, multiple e-mail addresses do
fulfill the requirement of two points of contact. However, if no point
of contact or only one point of contact is given the application will be
viewed as incomplete and as per my previous published Edicta, that
application will be valid for 60 days, pending correction.

All of the information provided in the Citizen application is
confidential, as stated in the Lex Cornelia de Privatis Rebus.

All applications dated from March 1, 2000 forward are subject to this