Subject: |
re: pronounciation of names |
From: |
"Gaius Marius Merullus" <a href="/post/novaroma?prote--------=194232192180194153138149203043129208071" >rmerullo@--------</a> |
Date: |
Sat, 22 Apr 2000 22:23:07 -0400 |
Salvete Augustina Iulia et alii
That's the way I pronounce it too.
C Marius Merullus
:Hmm I always pronounce a j as an i so Ivlivs would be yu-li-us
:Or is that just me?
Subject: |
Re: History of Nova Roma. |
From: |
"Gaius Marius Merullus" <a href="/post/novaroma?prote--------=194232192180194153138149203043129208071" >rmerullo@--------</a> |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 00:57:40 -0400 |
Salvete Druse Corneli et alii
You're not alone in thinking that it's necessary. Consul Fabius mentioned a
while ago that he was working on a history of Nova Roma (at least for year
2752 AUC). I continue to look forward to publication of that. I can't hide
my fascination with history, even very recent history.
I believe that a history of last year's events, written by a relatively new
citizen, or even better, a panel of such new citizens (who joined us no
earlier than the Kalends of Ianuarius last year and held no offices, maybe)
would be a neat thing to have.
C Marius Merullus
: I was just thinking about the idea that was tossed around here on this
:list a while back about getting an official history of Nova Roma written.
:Personally, I love this idea; in fact, I think it's absolutely necessary.
:we don't write the history now, and a later generation of Romans chooses to
:take up the work, then what's going on now in Nova Roma will undoubtedly be
: What does everybody think?
Subject: |
Marius Merullus suffragia vestra rogat (English then Latin) |
From: |
"Gaius Marius Merullus" <a href="/post/novaroma?prote--------=194232192180194153138149203043129208071" >rmerullo@--------</a> |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 01:00:11 -0400 |
Salvete Cives Novae Romae
I urge you to vote for me as censor. If elected, I shall put my utmost
effort into processing citizenship applications and preparing the citizens
rolls for the December elections. I shall learn as much as possible from
Censor Sulla on how to respond quickly to the questions of new citizens and
applicants to citizenship. I shall in addition to this undertake
compilation of a handbook for censores, taking as a model the handbook for
rogatores conceived of my colleague T Labienus Fortunatus and started by us
during our term as rogatores. The handbook will list all the laws and
regulations applicable to the office, as well as input from previous
censores. Those who have been here any length of time know that I put a lot
of time and energy into our Republic. In December, the Senate had enough
confidence in me to bring me into their ranks. I ask you to give me the
chance again to earn the trust of the Senate and People of Nova Roma.
Vos hortor eligere me censorem suffectum Si censor factus ero maxima cum
diligentia petitiones ad civitatem accipiam et alba nostra ad Decembria
comitia parabo Quam plurimum a Censore Sulla de rescribendis celeriter a
novis civibus et petentibus ad civitatem rogatis discam Incipiam praeterea
librum scribere de censorio labore exemplum a libro de rogatorio labore
cogitato collega T Labieno Fortunato et facto nobis sumens Illo libro
continenda erunt omnia regula e legibus Senatus consultis magistratuum
edictisque ad officium pertinentes et commentaria priorum censorum Ei qui
nobiscum se abhinc aestimabile tempus iunxerunt me sciunt nostrae rei
publicae multas horas et vim dare Senatus in Decembre mihi tantum credidit
ut me in suum numerum addiderit Rogo vos ut mihi iterum fidem facere detis
Senatus Populique Novae Romae
C Marius Merullus
accensus consularis
legatus proconsularis ad Novam Terram Belgarum (NH legate)
rogator in anno Cermanici dictaturae consulatusque Palladii et Sullae
Paterfamilias Mariae gentis
Subject: |
Report of the Meeting in California |
From: |
Helena <a href="/post/novaro--------rotectID=165158192237078153036181001245114223071048139" >oceanlilly@--------</a> |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 02:34:02 -0400 (EDT) |
I am very, very pleased to report that the meeting here in
southern California was a smashing success! :)
We had 8 Nova Romans in attendance:
-Our honored Consul Quintus Fabius Maximus
-Censor Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
-Drusus Cornelius Claudius
-Publius Cornelius Sertorius Claudius
-Drusus Cornelius Maximus Claudius
-Secundus Troicus Ductor
-Lucius Troicus Paganus Venator
& ME!
We partook of fine Italian cuisine and fine conversation;
Consul Fabius also took some pictures. Among the items
discussed: Consul Fabius's ideas and ongoing research on taxation, Sulla's ideas for the Censorship and database,
my ideas for California. Our new citizens asked many
questions covering all aspects of NR, past and present.
We also talked about the current election, the Religio,
and our own personal lives. Fabius (and maybe I) plans
to attend the gens Troica's upcoming gladiator match.
We are looking forward to the next meeting which will take
place in August. :)
-Helena Cornelia Ovidia Equitia
Propraetrix of California
FREE Personalized Email at Mail.com
Sign up at <a href="http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup" target="_top" >http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup</a>
Subject: |
Album Civium |
From: |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 04:03:39 -0700 |
Salvete Omnes
I am very pleased to announce that the Album Civium is
finally......COMPLETED! :) This has the latest information and should
be forwarded to the Webmasters within about 24 hours.
When the Album Civium is posted, and if you notice any inconsistencies
please contact me and I will make the necessary corrections. If you
name has been removed from the Roles, (and I have removed quite a few
names) it is most likely either because I have tried to contact you via
at least two points of contact (e-mail, telephone or snail mail).
In regard to the Centuries, I will admit here and now that I still dont
totally understand how they work. However, I have been given feedback
from Germancius and Palladius in how to do the Century placement, and I
truly hope that I followed the Constitution. The following is an
explanation on how I sorted out the Centuries. Again, I apologize if
this is not correct, I have completed this to the best of my knowledge.
Once the revisied Century Calculations were completed I sorted them from
the highest point totals to the lowest. Once that was completed I
utlized the Century division used by Fl. Vedius Germancius which stated
the following:
1st Class had 55 Centuries
2nd Class had 47 Centuries
3rd Class had 39 Centuries
4th Class had 30 Centuries
5th Class had 20 Centuries
Subject: |
Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application Part 1 |
From: |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 04:44:30 -0700 |
Beginning immediately, every citizen application must initial that they
have read the Censorial Edicta on Roman Names. Each Paragraph shall
have a box where they have to initial their legal names that they have
read each paragraph.
The reason this is necessary is that too many citizens have applied and
either do not include information or they have failed to comply with the
Censorial Edicta. I wanted this to be done when our Webmaster put up
the Censor Edicta but it wasnt. Given the 4 months the Edicta has been
up, there are still a very large precentage of applications that do not
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
Subject: |
Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application #2 |
From: |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 04:50:39 -0700 |
This Edicta will require a minor modification to the citizenship
application. This Edicta will include a section to include information
about Instant Messaging Programs. The Application will include the
following additions:
An entry for Yahoo messenger program for users to enter their handles.
An entry for Aol Instant Messenger (and prototypes) for users to enter
their handles.
An entry for ICQ users to enter their UIN (Universal Identification
An entry for other instant messaging programs to be entered as well as
their handles.
Since instant messaging programs are NOT covered under the Lex Cornelia
de Privatus Rebus. I want to set aside a page on the Nova Roma site to
include this information so that citizens can contact each other. This
"Album" will be controlled and maintained by the Censors.
Also, Instant messaging programs will be counted as a point of contact
under the Edicta I published in March. That Edicta stated that all
citizenship applications must have at least 2 points of contact to be
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application Part 1 |
From: |
"Augusti--------ulia Caesaria Noctur--------#34; <a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=091176219007018031015158190036129" >--------la@--------</a> |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 13:21:00 +0100 |
Do you want to word them specially?
Or do you want the following to go up?
Beginning immediately, every citizen application must initial that they
have read the Censorial Edicta on Roman Names. Each Paragraph shall
have a box where they have to initial their legal names that they have
read each paragraph.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lucius Corn--------s Sulla" <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a>
To: "NovaRoma" <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 12:44 PM
Subject: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application Part 1
> Beginning immediately, every citizen application must initial that they
> have read the Censorial Edicta on Roman Names. Each Paragraph shall
> have a box where they have to initial their legal names that they have
> read each paragraph.
> The reason this is necessary is that too many citizens have applied and
> either do not include information or they have failed to comply with the
> Censorial Edicta. I wanted this to be done when our Webmaster put up
> the Censor Edicta but it wasnt. Given the 4 months the Edicta has been
> up, there are still a very large precentage of applications that do not
> comply.
> Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
> Censor
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.
> Classmates.com has them all. And with 4.4 million alumni already
> registered, there's a good chance you'll find your friends here:
> <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956490564/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956490564/</a>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application Part 1 |
From: |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 05:17:09 -0700 |
It needs to be worded as I wrote it...even though I liked what you surmised..
You can put it in there as a summary. :)
Augustina Iulia Caesaria Nocturnia wrote:
> Do you want to word them specially?
> Or do you want the following to go up?
> Beginning immediately, every citizen application must initial that they
> have read the Censorial Edicta on Roman Names. Each Paragraph shall
> have a box where they have to initial their legal names that they have
> read each paragraph.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lucius Corn--------s Sulla" <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a>
> To: "NovaRoma" <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
> Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 12:44 PM
> Subject: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application Part 1
> > Beginning immediately, every citizen application must initial that they
> > have read the Censorial Edicta on Roman Names. Each Paragraph shall
> > have a box where they have to initial their legal names that they have
> > read each paragraph.
> >
> > The reason this is necessary is that too many citizens have applied and
> > either do not include information or they have failed to comply with the
> > Censorial Edicta. I wanted this to be done when our Webmaster put up
> > the Censor Edicta but it wasnt. Given the 4 months the Edicta has been
> > up, there are still a very large precentage of applications that do not
> > comply.
> >
> > Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
> > Censor
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.
> > Classmates.com has them all. And with 4.4 million alumni already
> > registered, there's a good chance you'll find your friends here:
> > <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956490564/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956490564/</a>
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Your high school sweetheart-where is he now? With 4.4 million alumni
> already registered at Classmates.com, there's a good chance you'll
> find her here. Visit your online high school class reunion at:
> <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956492440/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956492440/</a>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application Part 1 |
From: |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 05:17:33 -0700 |
Can you make those changes???? on the citizenship application?
Augustina Iulia Caesaria Nocturnia wrote:
> Do you want to word them specially?
> Or do you want the following to go up?
> Beginning immediately, every citizen application must initial that they
> have read the Censorial Edicta on Roman Names. Each Paragraph shall
> have a box where they have to initial their legal names that they have
> read each paragraph.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lucius Corn--------s Sulla" <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a>
> To: "NovaRoma" <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
> Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 12:44 PM
> Subject: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application Part 1
> > Beginning immediately, every citizen application must initial that they
> > have read the Censorial Edicta on Roman Names. Each Paragraph shall
> > have a box where they have to initial their legal names that they have
> > read each paragraph.
> >
> > The reason this is necessary is that too many citizens have applied and
> > either do not include information or they have failed to comply with the
> > Censorial Edicta. I wanted this to be done when our Webmaster put up
> > the Censor Edicta but it wasnt. Given the 4 months the Edicta has been
> > up, there are still a very large precentage of applications that do not
> > comply.
> >
> > Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
> > Censor
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.
> > Classmates.com has them all. And with 4.4 million alumni already
> > registered, there's a good chance you'll find your friends here:
> > <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956490564/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956490564/</a>
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Your high school sweetheart-where is he now? With 4.4 million alumni
> already registered at Classmates.com, there's a good chance you'll
> find her here. Visit your online high school class reunion at:
> <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956492440/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956492440/</a>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application Part 1 |
From: |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 05:19:00 -0700 |
Oops...that was supposed to go privately to the webmaster....I apologize for the
bandwidth.. :)
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
Lucius Cornelius Sulla wrote:
> It needs to be worded as I wrote it...even though I liked what you surmised..
> :)
> You can put it in there as a summary. :)
> SF
> Augustina Iulia Caesaria Nocturnia wrote:
> > Do you want to word them specially?
> >
> > Or do you want the following to go up?
> >
> > Beginning immediately, every citizen application must initial that they
> > have read the Censorial Edicta on Roman Names. Each Paragraph shall
> > have a box where they have to initial their legal names that they have
> > read each paragraph.
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Lucius Corn--------s Sulla" <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a>
> > To: "NovaRoma" <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
> > Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 12:44 PM
> > Subject: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application Part 1
> >
> > > Beginning immediately, every citizen application must initial that they
> > > have read the Censorial Edicta on Roman Names. Each Paragraph shall
> > > have a box where they have to initial their legal names that they have
> > > read each paragraph.
> > >
> > > The reason this is necessary is that too many citizens have applied and
> > > either do not include information or they have failed to comply with the
> > > Censorial Edicta. I wanted this to be done when our Webmaster put up
> > > the Censor Edicta but it wasnt. Given the 4 months the Edicta has been
> > > up, there are still a very large precentage of applications that do not
> > > comply.
> > >
> > > Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
> > > Censor
> > >
> > >
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.
> > > Classmates.com has them all. And with 4.4 million alumni already
> > > registered, there's a good chance you'll find your friends here:
> > > <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956490564/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956490564/</a>
> > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Your high school sweetheart-where is he now? With 4.4 million alumni
> > already registered at Classmates.com, there's a good chance you'll
> > find her here. Visit your online high school class reunion at:
> > <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956492440/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956492440/</a>
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Your high school sweetheart-where is he now? With 4.4 million alumni
> already registered at Classmates.com, there's a good chance you'll
> find her here. Visit your online high school class reunion at:
> <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956492529/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956492529/</a>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: |
Mistake! |
From: |
"Augusti--------ulia Caesaria Noctur--------#34; <a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=091176219007018031015158190036129" >--------la@--------</a> |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 13:24:45 +0100 |
Sorry, that was not meant to be sent to the list!!!
Augustina Iulia Caesaria Nocturnia
Materfamilias of the British gens Iulia Caesaria
etc, etc, etc
Subject: |
Censor Edicta - Change in Citizenship Application |
From: |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 05:36:11 -0700 |
The following links will be added to the citizenship application:
<a href="http://www.novaroma.org/via_romana/names.html" target="_top" >http://www.novaroma.org/via_romana/names.html</a>
<a href="http://www.novaroma.org/via_romana/names2.html" target="_top" >http://www.novaroma.org/via_romana/names2.html</a>
These links will help new citizens pick a correct Roman Name.
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application #2 |
From: |
"Augusti--------ulia Caesaria Noctur--------#34; <a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=091176219007018031015158190036129" >--------la@--------</a> |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 14:19:53 +0100 |
What about putting this?
We are going to compile an Album of citizens including their Instant
Messaging systems and identifications. Please tick if you would like to be
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lucius Corn--------s Sulla" <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a>
To: "NovaRoma" <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 12:50 PM
Subject: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application #2
> This Edicta will require a minor modification to the citizenship
> application. This Edicta will include a section to include information
> about Instant Messaging Programs. The Application will include the
> following additions:
> An entry for Yahoo messenger program for users to enter their handles.
> An entry for Aol Instant Messenger (and prototypes) for users to enter
> their handles.
> An entry for ICQ users to enter their UIN (Universal Identification
> Number).
> An entry for other instant messaging programs to be entered as well as
> their handles.
> Since instant messaging programs are NOT covered under the Lex Cornelia
> de Privatus Rebus. I want to set aside a page on the Nova Roma site to
> include this information so that citizens can contact each other. This
> "Album" will be controlled and maintained by the Censors.
> Also, Instant messaging programs will be counted as a point of contact
> under the Edicta I published in March. That Edicta stated that all
> citizenship applications must have at least 2 points of contact to be
> valid.
> Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
> Censor
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Your high school sweetheart-where is he now? With 4.4 million alumni
> already registered at Classmates.com, there's a good chance you'll
> find her here. Visit your online high school class reunion at:
> <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956490935/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956490935/</a>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: |
Done it again! |
From: |
"Augusti--------ulia Caesaria Noctur--------#34; <a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=091176219007018031015158190036129" >--------la@--------</a> |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 14:21:05 +0100 |
Sorry everyone, this was not meant to be on the list!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Augusti--------ulia Caesaria Noctur--------#34; <a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=091176219007018031015158190036129" >--------la@--------</a>
To: <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 2:19 PM
Subject: Re: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application #2
> What about putting this?
> We are going to compile an Album of citizens including their Instant
> Messaging systems and identifications. Please tick if you would like to be
> included.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lucius Corn--------s Sulla" <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a>
> To: "NovaRoma" <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
> Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 12:50 PM
> Subject: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application #2
> > This Edicta will require a minor modification to the citizenship
> > application. This Edicta will include a section to include information
> > about Instant Messaging Programs. The Application will include the
> > following additions:
> >
> > An entry for Yahoo messenger program for users to enter their handles.
> > An entry for Aol Instant Messenger (and prototypes) for users to enter
> > their handles.
> > An entry for ICQ users to enter their UIN (Universal Identification
> > Number).
> > An entry for other instant messaging programs to be entered as well as
> > their handles.
> >
> > Since instant messaging programs are NOT covered under the Lex Cornelia
> > de Privatus Rebus. I want to set aside a page on the Nova Roma site to
> > include this information so that citizens can contact each other. This
> > "Album" will be controlled and maintained by the Censors.
> >
> > Also, Instant messaging programs will be counted as a point of contact
> > under the Edicta I published in March. That Edicta stated that all
> > citizenship applications must have at least 2 points of contact to be
> > valid.
> >
> > Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
> > Censor
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Your high school sweetheart-where is he now? With 4.4 million alumni
> > already registered at Classmates.com, there's a good chance you'll
> > find her here. Visit your online high school class reunion at:
> > <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956490935/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956490935/</a>
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.
> Classmates.com has them all. And with 4.4 million alumni already
> registered, there's a good chance you'll find your friends here:
> <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956495973/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956495973/</a>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application #2 |
From: |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 06:16:16 -0700 |
Augustina Iulia Caesaria Nocturnia wrote:
> What about putting this?
> We are going to compile an Album of citizens including their Instant
> Messaging systems and identifications. Please tick if you would like to be
> included.
Only say please click if you want your instant messaging programs to be
included. (Becuase no matter what if they apply they will be in the Album
Civium) Ok?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lucius Corn--------s Sulla" <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a>
> To: "NovaRoma" <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
> Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 12:50 PM
> Subject: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application #2
> > This Edicta will require a minor modification to the citizenship
> > application. This Edicta will include a section to include information
> > about Instant Messaging Programs. The Application will include the
> > following additions:
> >
> > An entry for Yahoo messenger program for users to enter their handles.
> > An entry for Aol Instant Messenger (and prototypes) for users to enter
> > their handles.
> > An entry for ICQ users to enter their UIN (Universal Identification
> > Number).
> > An entry for other instant messaging programs to be entered as well as
> > their handles.
> >
> > Since instant messaging programs are NOT covered under the Lex Cornelia
> > de Privatus Rebus. I want to set aside a page on the Nova Roma site to
> > include this information so that citizens can contact each other. This
> > "Album" will be controlled and maintained by the Censors.
> >
> > Also, Instant messaging programs will be counted as a point of contact
> > under the Edicta I published in March. That Edicta stated that all
> > citizenship applications must have at least 2 points of contact to be
> > valid.
> >
> > Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
> > Censor
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Your high school sweetheart-where is he now? With 4.4 million alumni
> > already registered at Classmates.com, there's a good chance you'll
> > find her here. Visit your online high school class reunion at:
> > <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956490935/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956490935/</a>
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.
> Classmates.com has them all. And with 4.4 million alumni already
> registered, there's a good chance you'll find your friends here:
> <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956495973/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956495973/</a>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application #2 |
From: |
"Augusti--------ulia Caesaria Noctur--------#34; <a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=091176219007018031015158190036129" >--------la@--------</a> |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 14:23:50 +0100 |
Allright, what about:
We are compiling a list of citizens and their Instant messaging systems and
Please tick if you would like your Instant messaging system and
identification to be included.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lucius Corn--------s Sulla" <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a>
To: <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 2:16 PM
Subject: Re: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application #2
> Augustina Iulia Caesaria Nocturnia wrote:
> > What about putting this?
> >
> > We are going to compile an Album of citizens including their Instant
> > Messaging systems and identifications. Please tick if you would like to
> > included.
> >
> Only say please click if you want your instant messaging programs to be
> included. (Becuase no matter what if they apply they will be in the Album
> Civium) Ok?
> SF
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Lucius Corn--------s Sulla" <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a>
> > To: "NovaRoma" <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
> > Sent: Sunday, April 23, 2000 12:50 PM
> > Subject: [novaroma] Censorial Edicta - Citizenship Application #2
> >
> > > This Edicta will require a minor modification to the citizenship
> > > application. This Edicta will include a section to include
> > > about Instant Messaging Programs. The Application will include the
> > > following additions:
> > >
> > > An entry for Yahoo messenger program for users to enter their handles.
> > > An entry for Aol Instant Messenger (and prototypes) for users to enter
> > > their handles.
> > > An entry for ICQ users to enter their UIN (Universal Identification
> > > Number).
> > > An entry for other instant messaging programs to be entered as well as
> > > their handles.
> > >
> > > Since instant messaging programs are NOT covered under the Lex
> > > de Privatus Rebus. I want to set aside a page on the Nova Roma site
> > > include this information so that citizens can contact each other.
> > > "Album" will be controlled and maintained by the Censors.
> > >
> > > Also, Instant messaging programs will be counted as a point of contact
> > > under the Edicta I published in March. That Edicta stated that all
> > > citizenship applications must have at least 2 points of contact to be
> > > valid.
> > >
> > > Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
> > > Censor
> > >
> > >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > Your high school sweetheart-where is he now? With 4.4 million alumni
> > > already registered at Classmates.com, there's a good chance you'll
> > > find her here. Visit your online high school class reunion at:
> > > <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956490935/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956490935/</a>
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.
> > Classmates.com has them all. And with 4.4 million alumni already
> > registered, there's a good chance you'll find your friends here:
> > <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956495973/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956495973/</a>
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Your high school sweetheart-where is he now? With 4.4 million alumni
> already registered at Classmates.com, there's a good chance you'll
> find her here. Visit your online high school class reunion at:
> <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956496088/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956496088/</a>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: |
Trip to the ancient Rome |
From: |
"yquere" &-------- href="/post/novaroma?protectID=160000044056127198015181190036129" >yquere@--------&--------a> |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 15:36:48 +0200 |
Salvete Omnes
I'm going to Rome, Italy, within a few days.
Some of you may want to get some information about any subject being looked
for there. I will have little time there but if I can be useful to any of
you by wandering around for specific infos, please feel free to tell me and
I'll see what I can do.
In Omni Deorum honores Senatum Populumque Novum Romanum habo
Valete Omnes
Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Trip to the ancient Rome |
From: |
Guido Costantini <a hre--------post/novaroma?protectID=230128180163056135105082190036" >--------e@--------</a> |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 18:39:02 +0200 |
At 15.36 23/04/00 +0200, you wrote:
>Salvete Omnes
>I'm going to Rome, Italy, within a few days.
>Some of you may want to get some information about any subject being looked
>for there. I will have little time there but if I can be useful to any of
>you by wandering around for specific infos, please feel free to tell me and
>I'll see what I can do.
>In Omni Deorum honores Senatum Populumque Novum Romanum habo
>Valete Omnes
Hi all.. this raise a question for me... but am I really the only one (not
yet citizen) living in Rome? I had hoped that at least some of the ones
affiliated with an italian familia would have been around here.. anyone? If
yes, drop me a mail.
Guido Costantini
Via Val di Lanzo 93
00141 Rome
<a href="http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/2519/" target="_top" >http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/2519/</a>
ICQ: 731597 or 35895531
Subject: |
Paschalia |
From: |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 13:18:40 EDT |
Salvete omnes,
I would like to wish all the Christians of Nova Roma on this your holy
festival, a joyous and peaceful Pascha (or Palm Sunday, if any belong to the
Eastern branches of your faith).
Omnibus, optima omnia et pax Deorum,
Acadianus Draco
Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Paschalia |
From: |
"susan brett" <a --------="/post/novaroma?protectID=061158091009093031223225065148243223136058139046209" >scriba_forum@--------</a> |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 18:23:24 GMT |
Salve Acadianus Draco:
Thank you for your kind wishes. You, and all other NovaRomani are in my
humble prayers.
Pompeia Cornelia
>From: <--------ef="/post/nov----------------otectID=243158113150082031172168000208172253098145044009209130152" >--------i--------dr----------------</--------;
>Reply-To: <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
>To: <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
>Subject: [novaroma] Paschalia
>Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2000 13:18:40 EDT
>Salvete omnes,
>I would like to wish all the Christians of Nova Roma on this your holy
>festival, a joyous and peaceful Pascha (or Palm Sunday, if any belong to
>Eastern branches of your faith).
>Omnibus, optima omnia et pax Deorum,
>Acadianus Draco
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at <a href="http://www.hotmail.com" target="_top" >http://www.hotmail.com</a>
Subject: |
Sodalitas Bibliophilica |
From: |
"M. Apollonius Formosanus" <a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=014130014161146028033082190" >bvm3@--------</a> |
Date: |
Mon, 24 Apr 2000 00:32:49 +0200 |
Salvete Cives!
We are now in the midst of forming or at least trying to
form the new sodalitas for dealing with Latinity which some
of us have proposed here on the main list.
We are discussing this on a new list:
<a href="mailto:Latinitas@--------" >Latinitas@--------</a> . May I urge everyone with an interest
to go there and sign up? I sent individual invitations to a
small number of people, but I am sure that I did not reach
everyone who would have a natural interest in this project.
For example Senator Ericius, Cn. Tarquinius Caesar and L.
Equitius Cincinnatus.
The language there seems to be mostly Latin to date, but
English is also welcome, so no one with a particular
interest should fail to come over just because he is
uncertain of his Latin compositional skills or he just
writes Latin too slowly or something. Naturally we shall be
reporting to everyone on the main list often and welcome
contributions to our mission statement here too. We just
don't want to give anyone an allergy to excessive macrons or
indigestion from a too-rich diet of diphthongalisations. ;-)
A happy Robigalia to everyone from Polonia, where
temperatures are 80 + degrees F.!
M. Apollonius Formosanus
ICQ# 61698049
Si vis omnia tibi subicere, te subice Rationi. (Seneca)
[Se vi deziras subigi chion al vi, subigi vin al Racio.]
Subject: |
Sodalitas Bibliophilica |
From: |
"M. Apollonius Formosanus" <a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=014130014161146028033082190" >bvm3@--------</a> |
Date: |
Mon, 24 Apr 2000 00:55:39 +0200 |
Salvete Cives!
We are now in the midst of forming or at least trying to
form the new sodalitas for dealing with Latinity which some
of us have proposed here on the main list.
We are discussing this on a new list:
<a href="mailto:Latinitas@--------" >Latinitas@--------</a> . May I urge everyone with an interest
to go there and sign up? I sent individual invitations to a
small number of people, but I am sure that I did not reach
everyone who would have a natural interest in this project.
For example Senator Ericius, Cn. Tarquinius Caesar and L.
Equitius Cincinnatus.
The language there seems to be mostly Latin to date, but
English is also welcome, so no one with a particular
interest should fail to come over just because he is
uncertain of his Latin compositional skills or he just
writes Latin too slowly or something. Naturally we shall be
reporting to everyone on the main list often and welcome
contributions to our mission statement here too. We just
don't want to give anyone an allergy to excessive macrons or
indigestion from a too-rich diet of diphthongalisations. ;-)
A happy Robigalia to everyone from Polonia, where
temperatures are 80 + degrees F.!
M. Apollonius Formosanus
ICQ# 61698049
Si vis omnia tibi subicere, te subice Rationi. (Seneca)
[Se vi deziras subigi chion al vi, subigi vin al Racio.]
Subject: |
Elections. |
From: |
"Augusti--------ulia Caesaria Noctur--------#34; <a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=091176219007018031015158190036129" >--------la@--------</a> |
Date: |
Mon, 24 Apr 2000 00:03:31 +0100 |
Salvete Omnes!
As the current webperson, I am pleased to inform that since it is the 24th, the Cista is now up and running.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Subject: |
In the latest Explorator |
From: |
Marcus Pap--------s Justus <a href="/post/novaroma?protectID=197166104009127132130232203026129208071" >pap--------s@--------</a> |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 19:05:29 -0600 |
From issue 2.88:
The big news of the week appears to be one scholar's suggestion that the
bones found in "Philip's Tomb" aren't those of Alexander the Great's
father, but of his half (wit) brother Philip Arrhideus. Here's plenty of
coverage ... that from the Independent and Discover.com is the most balanced:
<a href="http://www.eurekalert.org:80/releases/aaas-sfr041300.html" target="_top" >http://www.eurekalert.org:80/releases/aaas-sfr041300.html</a>
<a href="http://www.independent.co.uk/news/World/Europe/2000-04/alexander210400.shtml" target="_top" >http://www.independent.co.uk/news/World/Europe/2000-04/alexander210400.shtml</a>
<a href="http://www.discovery.com/news/briefs/20000421/history_philip.html" target="_top" >http://www.discovery.com/news/briefs/20000421/history_philip.html</a>
<a href="http://www.discoveringarchaeology.com/articles/042000-philipii.shtml" target="_top" >http://www.discoveringarchaeology.com/articles/042000-philipii.shtml</a>
<a href="http://www.foxnews.com:80/science/042100/alexander.sml" target="_top" >http://www.foxnews.com:80/science/042100/alexander.sml</a>
<a href="http://library.northernlight.com/HB20000420510000011.html?cb=0&dx=1006&sc=0#doc" target="_top" >http://library.northernlight.com/HB20000420510000011.html?cb=0&dx=1006&sc=0#doc</a>
<a href="http://www.accessatlanta.com:80/partners/ajc/epaper/editions/friday/news_83ffbed19555d0cb00ad.html" target="_top" >http://www.accessatlanta.com:80/partners/ajc/epaper/editions/friday/news_83ffbed19555d0cb00ad.html</a>
Discovery.com reports on the discovery of a large Egyptian temple complex
for the crocodile god, appropriately in Crocodilopolis:
<a href="http://www.discovery.com/news/briefs/20000418/history_crocodopolis.html" target="_top" >http://www.discovery.com/news/briefs/20000418/history_crocodopolis.html</a>
Cyprus News reports on what's been found recently at Idalion:
<a href="http://www.hri.org/news/cyprus/cypio/2000/00-04-17.cypio.html#04" target="_top" >http://www.hri.org/news/cyprus/cypio/2000/00-04-17.cypio.html#04</a>
ABCNews picks up an AP report on the discovery of a Greco-Roman fortress in
Egypt's western desert:
<a href="http://abcnews.go.com/wire/World/reuters20000420_784.html" target="_top" >http://abcnews.go.com/wire/World/reuters20000420_784.html</a>
The Times (London) has a brief piece suggesting that pot decoration in
ancient Greece had the same effect as magazine covers do today in terms of
creating societal standards of beauty:
<a href="http://www.sunday-times.co.uk:80/news/pages/tim/2000/04/20/timnwsnws03036.html" target="_top" >http://www.sunday-times.co.uk:80/news/pages/tim/2000/04/20/timnwsnws03036.html</a>
As might be expected this time of year, we have a feature on scholars
disagreeing over the exact route Jesus walked when he was crucified:
<a href="http://www.ohio.com/bj/news/docs/016989.htm" target="_top" >http://www.ohio.com/bj/news/docs/016989.htm</a>
Also somewhat timely is the Christian Science Monitor's report on ancient
Roman censuses:
<a href="http://www.csmonitor.com/durable/2000/04/19/text/p1s3.html" target="_top" >http://www.csmonitor.com/durable/2000/04/19/text/p1s3.html</a>
The Times (London) has a report on the meeting of the Classical
Association, as well as an editorial on why the study of Classics remains
<a href="http://www.sunday-times.co.uk:80/news/pages/tim/2000/04/17/timopnedt01002.html" target="_top" >http://www.sunday-times.co.uk:80/news/pages/tim/2000/04/17/timopnedt01002.html</a>
<a href="http://www.sunday-times.co.uk:80/news/pages/tim/2000/04/19/timnwsnws01015.html" target="_top" >http://www.sunday-times.co.uk:80/news/pages/tim/2000/04/19/timnwsnws01015.html</a>
Also in the Times (and sounding like a tale from Herodotus), researchers
have suggested that the babbling of babies is a clue to the earliest
language development (becos anyone?):
<a href="http://www.sunday-times.co.uk:80/news/pages/tim/2000/04/21/timfgnusa01002.html" target="_top" >http://www.sunday-times.co.uk:80/news/pages/tim/2000/04/21/timfgnusa01002.html</a>
The Times also has a review of Margaret Reynolds *The Sappho Companion*:
<a href="http://www.sunday-times.co.uk:80/news/pages/tim/2000/04/20/timbooboo03018.html" target="_top" >http://www.sunday-times.co.uk:80/news/pages/tim/2000/04/20/timbooboo03018.html</a>
Archaeology Odyssey has a new issue on the web, which includes feature
articles on Hermann Hilprecht's work, Vitruvius, and some news items on the
Villa of Agrippina, the Elgin Marble saga, among other things:
<a href="http://www.bib-arch.org/aod2.html" target="_top" >http://www.bib-arch.org/aod2.html</a>
A brief notice in the International Herald Tribune informs that the
Capitoline Museum has (finally) reopened (thanks to Judy Underwood for the
heads up):
<a href="http://www.iht.com/IHT/TODAY/WED/IN/travel2.2.html" target="_top" >http://www.iht.com/IHT/TODAY/WED/IN/travel2.2.html</a>
A new source I stumbled across called the Art Newspaper has a couple of
items that seem to fit in this category: one a report on Italy's Etruscan
collections and another on the return of a head of Nefertari (both on the
same page):
<a href="http://www.allemandi.com/TAN/archaeology/archeology.asp" target="_top" >http://www.allemandi.com/TAN/archaeology/archeology.asp</a>
The same source also reports on the Pushkin Museum's putting all those
famous Trojan artifacts on permanent display (pardon the awkward sentence
... this is a big issue!):
<a href="http://www.allemandi.com/TAN/news/article.asp?idart=1415" target="_top" >http://www.allemandi.com/TAN/news/article.asp?idart=1415</a>
The Telegraph reports on efforts to prevent Britain's oldest amphitheatre
from being buried beneath a courthouse (watch the wrap):
<a href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk:80/et?ac=000405944438668&rtmo=kNYb3Jop&atmo=hhhhhhhe&pg=/et/00/4/18/namph18.html" target="_top" >http://www.telegraph.co.uk:80/et?ac=000405944438668&rtmo=kNYb3Jop&atmo=hhhhhhhe&pg=/et/00/4/18/namph18.html</a>
Leighton Reynolds (watch the wrap)
<a href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk:80/et?ac=000405944438668&rtmo=r2Fbm3XX&atmo=99999999&pg=/et/00/4/8/ebreyn.html" target="_top" >http://www.telegraph.co.uk:80/et?ac=000405944438668&rtmo=r2Fbm3XX&atmo=99999999&pg=/et/00/4/8/ebreyn.html</a>
CTCWeb's Words of the Week
<a href="http://ablemedia.com/ctcweb/myword.html" target="_top" >http://ablemedia.com/ctcweb/myword.html</a>
<url:<a href="http://ablemedia.com/ctcweb/myword.html" target="_top" >http://ablemedia.com/ctcweb/myword.html</a>>
Radio Finland's Nuntii Latini
<a href="http://www.yle.fi/fbc/latini/trans.html" target="_top" >http://www.yle.fi/fbc/latini/trans.html</a>
<url:<a href="http://www.yle.fi/fbc/latini/trans.html" target="_top" >http://www.yle.fi/fbc/latini/trans.html</a>>
English translation (probably delayed):
<a href="http://www.cbc4kids.ca/general/whats-new/latin-news/mainlatin.html" target="_top" >http://www.cbc4kids.ca/general/whats-new/latin-news/mainlatin.html</a>
<url:<a href="http://www.cbc4kids.ca/general/whats-new/latin-news/mainlatin.html" target="_top" >http://www.cbc4kids.ca/general/whats-new/latin-news/mainlatin.html</a>>
<a href="http://www.onelist.com/archive/Explorator" target="_top" >http://www.onelist.com/archive/Explorator</a>
<url:<a href="http://www.onelist.com/archive/Explorator" target="_top" >http://www.onelist.com/archive/Explorator</a>>
EXPLORATOR is a weekly newsletter (but posted every two-three days when
there's a lot going on) representing the fruits of the labours of 'media
research division' of The Atrium. Various on-line news and magazine sources
are scoured on a daily basis for news of the ancient world (broadly
construed: practically anything relating to archaeology or history prior to
about 1700 or so is fair game) and when a sufficient number of urls are
gathered (usually a minimum of three stories), they are delivered to your
mailbox free of charge! Those articles that don't expire, plus
supplementary links eventually find a home at:
Commentarium (news articles)
<a href="http://web.idirect.com/~atrium/commentarium.html" target="_top" >http://web.idirect.com/~atrium/commentarium.html</a>
The Rostra (audio files)
<a href="http://web.idirect.com/~atrium/rostra.html" target="_top" >http://web.idirect.com/~atrium/rostra.html</a>
A media archive of links of files that have previously appeared in
Commentarium or at the Rostra is currently under construction.
Explorator is Copyright (c) 2000 David Meadows; Feel free to
distribute these listings via email to your pals, students, teachers, etc.,
but please include this copyright notice. These listings are not to be
posted to a website; instead, please provide a link to either Commentarium
or Rostra (or both)! You can subscribe to or unsubscribe from this list by
going to the following web page:
<a href="http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/Explorator" target="_top" >http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/Explorator</a>
Or, send by sending a blank email message to:
mailto:<a href="mailto:Explorator-subscribe@--------" >Explorator-subscribe@--------</a>
mailto:<a href="mailto:Explorator-unsubscribe@--------" >Explorator-unsubscribe@--------</a>
Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Elections. |
From: |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 16:01:30 -0700 |
I got an error trying to vote.... It said "unbalanced, check the message recipient, which it cited
<a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=241233219165194209172056175248006208071048" >Noctur----------------</a>." Please correct this... :)
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
Augustina Iulia Caesaria Nocturnia wrote:
> Salvete Omnes!
> As the current webperson, I am pleased to inform that since it is the 24th, the Cista is now up and running.
> Valete,
> Noct'a
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.
> Classmates.com has them all. And with 4.4 million alumni already
> registered, there's a good chance you'll find your friends here:
> <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956530986/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956530986/</a>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Elections. |
From: |
"Nicola Du--------34; <a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=091176219007018031015158190036129" >--------la@--------</a> |
Date: |
Mon, 24 Apr 2000 00:18:41 +0100 |
Hmm I can vote fine,
You must press OK to the box that comes up asking you whether you wish to
submit by email.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lucius Corn--------s Sulla" <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a>
To: <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2000 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: [novaroma] Elections.
> I got an error trying to vote.... It said "unbalanced, check the message
recipient, which it cited
> <a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=241233219165194209172056175248006208071048" >Noctur----------------</a>." Please correct this... :)
> Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
> Censor
> Augustina Iulia Caesaria Nocturnia wrote:
> > Salvete Omnes!
> >
> > As the current webperson, I am pleased to inform that since it is the
24th, the Cista is now up and running.
> >
> > Valete,
> >
> > Noct'a
> >
> > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.
> > Classmates.com has them all. And with 4.4 million alumni already
> > registered, there's a good chance you'll find your friends here:
> > <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956530986/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956530986/</a>
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Your high school sweetheart-where is he now? With 4.4 million alumni
> already registered at Classmates.com, there's a good chance you'll
> find her here. Visit your online high school class reunion at:
> <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956531322/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956531322/</a>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Elections. |
From: |
"Nicola Du--------34; <a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=091176219007018031015158190036129" >--------la@--------</a> |
Date: |
Mon, 24 Apr 2000 00:21:38 +0100 |
The form appears to be working, votes have been coming in.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Nicola Du--------34; <a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=091176219007018031015158190036129" >--------la@--------</a>
To: <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2000 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: [novaroma] Elections.
> Hmm I can vote fine,
> You must press OK to the box that comes up asking you whether you wish to
> submit by email.
> Noct'a
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lucius Corn--------s Sulla" <a hr--------/post/novaroma?prot--------D=243128192154082190130232203077129208071" >al--------us@--------</a>
> To: <a href="mailto:novaroma@--------" >novaroma@--------</a>
> Sent: Monday, April 24, 2000 12:01 AM
> Subject: Re: [novaroma] Elections.
> > I got an error trying to vote.... It said "unbalanced, check the message
> recipient, which it cited
> > <a href="/post/--------roma?protectID=241233219165194209172056175248006208071048" >Noctur----------------</a>." Please correct this... :)
> >
> > Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
> > Censor
> >
> > Augustina Iulia Caesaria Nocturnia wrote:
> >
> > > Salvete Omnes!
> > >
> > > As the current webperson, I am pleased to inform that since it is the
> 24th, the Cista is now up and running.
> > >
> > > Valete,
> > >
> > > Noct'a
> > >
> > > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> > >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.
> > > Classmates.com has them all. And with 4.4 million alumni already
> > > registered, there's a good chance you'll find your friends here:
> > > <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956530986/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/2885/4/_/61050/_/956530986/</a>
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Your high school sweetheart-where is he now? With 4.4 million alumni
> > already registered at Classmates.com, there's a good chance you'll
> > find her here. Visit your online high school class reunion at:
> > <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956531322/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956531322/</a>
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Your high school sweetheart-where is he now? With 4.4 million alumni
> already registered at Classmates.com, there's a good chance you'll
> find her here. Visit your online high school class reunion at:
> <a href="http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956531896/" target="_top" >http://click.egroups.com/1/3139/4/_/61050/_/956531896/</a>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Subject: |
Problem with Voting |
From: |
Date: |
Sun, 23 Apr 2000 19:55:28 EDT |
After I type in my Voter Code, select my votes, and click send a window
appears which reads:
"This form is being submitted using e-mail. Submitting this form will
reveal your e-mail address to the recipient, and will send the form data
without encrypting it for privacy. You may continue or cancel this
After I click continue only a blank email appears; I believe my voter
information was not sent.
Iulius Titinius Antonius
Faber est suae quisque fortunae.