Subject: Re: [novaroma] Re: Censor Handbook now available!
From: Fortunatus <labienus@-------->
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 20:04:46 -0600

The 'earthink' link was due to a typo on my part. I copied and pasted
the URL originally given into my browser address bar. I also tried
adding the '~alexious' part after the fact, as suggested by Sulla.
Neither worked, due to the missing slash. Since I actually know why
that fails, I really should have caught it.

Ah, well. There's an unwritten law somewhere that allows all 30+ year
olds at least one senior moment a day (and two on their birthday, which
gives me one to spare). In any case, multas gratias for the help, everyone.

T Labienus Fortunatus
Quicquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.

Subject: [novaroma] Re: Censor Handbook now available!
From: "g_popillius_laenas" <ksterne@-------->
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 02:11:18 -0000
Salvete Oppi Flacce et Luci Corneli,

I actually ran across the Censor Handbook a few week ago while I was
just surfing for stuff related to the historical Sulla.

Let me commend you on a great job. One of the first things I
wondered when considerting any kind of service to NR was "what
exactly is required". The handbook is a good start.

Thanks to both of you,

Gaius Popillius

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Just an observation
From: Amulius Claudius Petrus <pkkt@-------->
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 21:03:47 -0500


First off Quintus Cassius, welcome to Nova Roma. I look forward to talking
with you often in the future once your citizenship is approved.

>quintuscassiuscalvus at pokrock@-------- wrote:
> a) The office of Curator/Curatrix Sermonis be a position
> appointed by the Senate akin to governorship that may or may not be
> prorogued at the Senate's discretion.
> or
> b) The office of Curator/Curatrix Sermonis remain an elected
> position but under the law no candidate for any office may be placed
> on moderated status from the time of announcement of candidacy until
> the election.

I have discussed this myself with Praetor Q. Fabius. Because there is no
current law concerning this nothing can be done for this election,
unfortunately. Hopefully, the new consuls for next year will see too a law
being developed to prevent this in the future.

Your idea of a senate appointed curator is a interesting proposal. I think
this would not necessarily be in the peoples interest. By the people of Nova
Roma directly appointing a Curator we can all have more input into what
policies we want established on this list. I also don't like the idea of not
being able to easily get a new Curator. With a public election being held it
would be much easier to have a new Curator on a yearly bases if the current
one is not doing a good job.

Your second proposal is exactly what I would like to see established. It's
just not a fair campaign to censor your opponents posts. There is just too
much temptation to abuse this power, it's only a matter or time until abuse
will take place if nothing is done.


"Quamquam cupido sit delictum ab suis crebro est mater virtutum"
"Though ambition may be a fault in itself it is often the mother of virtues"

Amulius Claudius Petrus
Candidate for Aediles Curules
Provincia Legatus Canada Orientalis
Retarius Officium Canada Orientalis
Retarius Officium Gens Claudia
Canada Orientalis Provincia

Please visit my campaign website at:

Canada Orientalis Website:

Gens Claudia Website:

Subject: [novaroma] Happy birthday, Fortunate!
From: Gnaeus Salix Astur <salixastur@-------->
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 18:16:44 -0800 (PST)
Salvete Quirites; et salve, Fortunate.

--- Fortunatus <labienus@--------> wrote:


> Ah, well. There's an unwritten law somewhere that allows all 30+
> year
> olds at least one senior moment a day (and two on their birthday,
> which
> gives me one to spare). In any case, multas gratias for the help,
> everyone.
> Valete
> T Labienus Fortunatus

>From these lines of yours I have deducted that today is your birthday,
Fortunate (I should work as a consulting detective) :-).

Please allow me to wish you a happy birthday, tribune.

Bene Valete in Pace Deorum!
Gnaeus Salix Astur.
Legatus Externis Rebus Provinciae Hispaniae
Triumvir Academiae Novae Romae in Thule
Scriba ad Res Externas Academiae Novae Romae in Thule.

Do You Yahoo!?
Send your FREE holiday greetings online!

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Subject: Re: [novaroma] Re: Censor Handbook now available!
From: Fortunatus <labienus@-------->
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 20:36:02 -0600
Salvete Censor Corneli et Oppi Flacce et omnes

I've just read the Censor's Handbook, and am fairly impressed. It's
very nice, and the presentation is well done. As the originator of the
magistrate's handbook idea and the principle author of the Rogator's
Handbook (yes, I'm running for office), I'm glad to see the concept
taken and run with. Good job!

T Labienus Fortunatus
Quicquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Happy birthday, Fortunate!
From: Fortunatus <labienus@-------->
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 20:38:59 -0600
Salvete Gnaee Salix omnesque

> From these lines of yours I have deducted that today is your birthday,
> Fortunate (I should work as a consulting detective) :-).

A veritable Poirot!

> Please allow me to wish you a happy birthday, tribune.

Mi amice multas gratias tibi ago. It's been a good one so far.

T Labienus Fortunatus
Quicquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Re: Censor Handbook now available!
From: Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix <alexious@-------->
Date: Fri, 07 Dec 2001 18:45:09 -0800

Thanks. Its taken most of the year to prepare and run various drafts.
It is by no means finished. I have been working on a few "opinions" to
be added when I have some time. Also, I hope that future censors will
be able to add/change/remove information that is no longer pertinent to
the office.

If anyone has questions or suggestions please feel free to contact me.


Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix

PS. Happy B-day Senator.

Fortunatus wrote:
> Salvete Censor Corneli et Oppi Flacce et omnes
> I've just read the Censor's Handbook, and am fairly impressed. It's
> very nice, and the presentation is well done. As the originator of
> the
> magistrate's handbook idea and the principle author of the Rogator's
> Handbook (yes, I'm running for office), I'm glad to see the concept
> taken and run with. Good job!
> Valete
> T Labienus Fortunatus
> --
> Quicquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Comments about the candidates
From: Caeso Fabius Quintilianus <tjalens.h@-------->
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 08:16:01 +0100

>Salvete, Quirites
>Here is my own list of endoresements.
>- Comitia Populi Tributa
>Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
>Comments: Amulius Claudius made interesting proposals to the Aedileship;
>however, i will vote for Caeso Fabius, that showed enormous capacity as
>Propraetor of Thule.
>Valete bene
>Marcus Arminius Maior
>Aedilis Plebeius
>Petitor Tribunus Plebis

Salve Illustrus Marcus Arminius Maior!

I am sorry I am late, but thank You! I am sorry I can't vote for You! Good


Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
Quaestor of Nova Roma
Propraetor of Thule


The Opinions expressed are my own,
and not an offical opinion of Nova Roma
Join the Main List for Nova Roma
Join the List for the Thule Provincia in Nova Roma
The homepage of the Nova Roma Provincia Thule:
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam
"I'll either find a way or make one"
"Do not give in to hate. That leads to the dark side."
Caeso, he who also is known as Christer Edling.
Using a keyboard that doesn't want to make L! :-(
PRIVATE PHONE: +90 - 10 09 10
MOBILE: +70 - 643 88 80

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Subject: [novaroma] Re: Censor Handbook now available!
From: "oppiusflaccus" <oppiusflaccus@-------->
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 08:05:02 -0000
Salve Senator Labiene;

Gratias multas for the kind words and I too wish
you a most happy birthday!

Bene vale,

--- In novaroma@--------, Fortunatus <labienus@t...> wrote:
> Salvete Censor Corneli et Oppi Flacce et omnes
> I've just read the Censor's Handbook, and am fairly impressed.
> very nice, and the presentation is well done. As the originator of
> magistrate's handbook idea and the principle author of the
> Handbook (yes, I'm running for office), I'm glad to see the concept
> taken and run with. Good job!
> Valete
> T Labienus Fortunatus
> --
> Quicquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.

Subject: [novaroma] Happy Birthday T. Labienus Fortunatus
From: "pompeia_cornelia" <trog99@-------->
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 10:29:41 -0000

I am about six hours or so (my time) late with this, but I wish you a
Happy Belated Birthday, Tite Labieni, and many many more birthdays,
and much happiness, amice.

Buonem Fortunum,


Subject: [novaroma] Censor's Handbook
From: "pompeia_cornelia" <trog99@-------->
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 10:31:41 -0000
Salvete L. Cornelius Sulla et O. Flaccus Serverus!

I have looked through this site, and I am impressed with both of your
efforts!. This will doubtless be of enormous assistance to future

Bene valete,
Pompeia Cornelia
Propraetrix Canada Orientalis
Nova Roma

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Comments about the candidates
From: Caeso Fabius Quintilianus <tjalens.h@-------->
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 11:50:52 +0100
>Salvete, Quirites
>Here is my own list of endoresements.
>- Comitia Populi Tributa
>Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
>Comments: Amulius Claudius made interesting proposals to the Aedileship;
>however, i will vote for Caeso Fabius, that showed enormous capacity as
>Propraetor of Thule.
>Valete bene
>Marcus Arminius Maior
>Aedilis Plebeius
>Petitor Tribunus Plebis

Salve Illustrus Marcus Arminius Maior!

>I am sorry I can't vote for You!

For the benefit of those who are new in Nova Roma I should have said:

Because as a Patrician I can't vote in the Plebeian Assembly where the
Tribunes, the office for which You are candidating, are Elected.


Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
Quaestor of Nova Roma
Propraetor of Thule


The Opinions expressed are my own,
and not an offical opinion of Nova Roma
Join the Main List for Nova Roma
Join the List for the Thule Provincia in Nova Roma
The homepage of the Nova Roma Provincia Thule:
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam
"I'll either find a way or make one"
"Do not give in to hate. That leads to the dark side."
Caeso, he who also is known as Christer Edling.
Using a keyboard that doesn't want to make L! :-(
PRIVATE PHONE: +90 - 10 09 10
MOBILE: +70 - 643 88 80

Subject: [novaroma] Re: Priestess Patricia Cassia!
From: "pjane64" <pcassia@-------->
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 13:17:23 -0000
> as soon as I am finished
> with the portrait of Minerva, I shall post it for your
> viewing.

I should very much like to see it, Maximina Octavia! This sounds like a
wonderful project!

Patricia Cassia

Subject: [novaroma] Thanks to All
From: "flaviusdio" <3s@-------->
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 15:00:14 -0000
Caius Flavius Diocletianus omnibus Quiritibus S.P.D.!

The Contio comes to an end now. Time, to say my heartful "Thank You"
to all citizens.

Thank you for your attention and, of course, the time you spent
reading my posts.

Adressed to all citizens who endorsed me: Thank you for your kind
endorsements, your good wishes and your trust. I was deeply touched by
so much support.

Addressed to my political opponents: Thank you for delivering an
almost fair campaign. Harsh words in an election campaign are common,
and I´m feeling not personally insulted by anyone.

I had the honour and the pleasure to take part in this campaign. A
pleasure, because we are a living micronation, an international
community with citizens finding together guided by the common spirit
of being a Roman. A pleasure, because it is always delightful to be
together with you all.

A honor, because it is of course a honor serve the Senate and the
people of Nova Roma. Including the declaration of candidacy and the
election campaign. All citizens who declared their candidacy wants to
become a servant of our republic, and they have the right to share
this honor, despite of the election results.

Now, closing my statement, I hope that all citizens are aware about
their duty to go to the Cista. Voting is a right and an obligation,
citizens! So cast your votes for the candidates you are convinced
about, you all have the future in your hands!

May the gods bless our res publica Nova Roma.

Caius Flavius Diocletianus
Citizen of Nova Roma

Subject: [novaroma] Salve, Tite Labiene Fortunate
From: <3s@-------->
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 09:08:45 -0600 (CST)
.. and my best congratulations and wishes for your birthday! All teh best for you and your family!

Caius Flavius Diocletianus

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Subject: AW: [novaroma] Censor's Handbook
From: <3s@-------->
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 09:10:50 -0600 (CST)

Salvete, Senator Sulla et O. Flacce Severe.

A fine piece of work! My congratulations. I have nothing to add to Pompeia Cornelia.

Caius Flavius Diocletianus

-- Original Nachricht--
Von: pompeia_cornelia <trog99@-------->
An: novaroma@--------
Senden: 11:31
Betreff: [novaroma] Censor's Handbook

Salvete L. Cornelius Sulla et O. Flaccus Serverus!

I have looked through this site, and I am impressed with both of your
efforts!. This will doubtless be of enormous assistance to future

Bene valete,
Pompeia Cornelia
Propraetrix Canada Orientalis
Nova Roma

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Subject: [novaroma] Elections have Begun
From: Marcus Octavius Germanicus <haase@-------->
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 11:06:23 -0600 (CST)

Salvete Quirites,

As mandated by the three edicts, voting in all Comitia has begun at
18:00:00 Roman Time (11:00:00 US/Central), Saturday 8 December MMDCCLIV.

Go to to vote.

Valete, Octavius.
Candidate for Consul.

Marcus Octavius Germanicus
Curator Araneum et Senator, Nova Roma
Candidate for Consul MMDCCLV

Subject: [novaroma] Cives, please vote!
From: "Julilla" <curatrix@-------->
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 18:14:33 -0000
I declare, it is a positive relief to step into the cista and mark my
ballot. It takes just a few moments, and you have complete access to
all candidates' statements while you are doing so. Please, cives,
take a moment right now to vote for the candidates you believe will
work for the betterment of Nova Roma.

Gratias plurimas,

@____@ Julilla Sempronia Magna
@____@ Daily Life in Ancient Rome

Subject: [novaroma] Curator Araneum
From: Marcus Octavius Germanicus <haase@-------->
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 12:23:19 -0600 (CST)

Salvete Quirites,

I ask for your vote for a second term as Curator Araneum.

My opponent has spoken of making the site "interactive". I submit
to you that the best means of accomplishing this goal is to vote for
the person who has been doing this for the past eighteen months.

Before I began working on the Nova Roma web site, it had no dynamic
or interactive features at all. The site presented static content
only, text and images. It had no login capability and no database
connectivity. The two forms on the site (application for citizenship
and priesthood) would simply cause your browser to send email to
the censores or pontifices.

I took over maintenance of the site in the summer of 2000 because I
strongly desired to improve it, to add features that all of the
people could use. I started by importing the citizen data into
a relational database, and built tools to query that database.
The fruits of this labor can be seen in the Album Civium.

Every citizen now has a personal profile page. It lists your name,
location, tribe and century, email address if you have chosen to make
it public, instant messenger handles, and magistrate or priest offices
held. If you have submitted a photograph of yourself, that appears
here as well. Your profile page links to your personal home page.
It has a "get voter code" link, so you can instantly receive your
voter code if you have forgotten it.

None of this existed before I began as Curator; the Album Civium
was a single page, listing only the name, tribe and century of
each citizen. It provided no information about where the citizen
was from; it provided no email address, homepage link, or other
contact information at all; in short, it was just a list of about
500 names. The new Album Civium is orders of magnitude more
interesting and interactive.

On your personal profile page, you'll find a "login box". By putting
in your password (which you can also reset from here, if you've
lost it), you are taken to yet more dynamic features of the site.
You can begin by updating your personal information - change your
homepage or email address, set the email address public or private.
If you are paterfamilias or materfamilias, you can change the attributes
of your gens: modify your patron deities, establish a gens email address
or homepage, approve or deny prospective members. In previous years,
all of these had to be done through the tedious process of emailing
the Censores and awaiting a reply. Now, you can do it all yourself.

Because the citizen data has been moved into a relational database,
many other displays were made possible. I replaced the static
Senate and Magistrate pages with ones that query that same citizen
information to present the Senators and Magistrates in an attractive
manner. The Provincia page was simply a single map and a text list
of province names earlier; I have replaced it with
with links to a page for each province that identifies the provincial
governor and legates, allowing you to contact them via email,
lists all citizens of the province with their location (country and state),
and links to the province's own web site.

Lately, I have built a dynamic calendar tool.
will show you any month, identifying each day according to the ancient
classificiation types, calculating and displaying the proper Roman
form of the date (such as "ante diem VI Idus December MMDCCLIV").

And now, you may add events. Use the "Add/Edit Events" link at the
top of the monthly view page; this will take you to an alternate view
where an "Add Event" link occurs in each day's box; this takes you
to a form where the information about the event can be input, and
the new event added to the calendar for all to see. (Please use
this feature responsibly).

I intend to ask the Pontifices and Aediles to use this feature to input
information about our religious observances and traditional festivals.
Provincial magistrates, organizing local events, can advertise those
events here as well. Vote and Contio periods will be clearly marked.

The calendar shows which days are "Market Day". On "Market Day", all
citizens are invited to the chat area. I built this chat area to
replace one hosted elsewhere that had serious security problems. I
continue to improve the chat, adding a new feature almost every week.

Surely the Album Civium, Calendar and Chat can be considered

My opponent has called "a poor site without a pretty
design". I take strong exception to these words. To begin with,
the site is filled with useful content, articles on Roman culture
as well as our own laws and customs and history. It is presented
in a straightforward yet attractive manner. Next, there are the
additional features which I have described above, added during my
term of office. I do not believe that any site as feature-rich
as our own, and one that continues to grow rapidly, can be
described as "poor" by any stretch of the imagination.

As for the design, I believe that the most effective designs are
those that present the content of the site well and do not impede
navigation. Visually, the site has improved during my term; I have
recently changed the background image, reformatted several pages,
and added attractive banners (with logo and subsection headings)
to most of them. This work shall continue. The new banners
and color scheme show how a site can be "pretty" without long
download times, visual clutter, or confusing impedediments to

My opponent speaks of using "Flash" on the Nova Roma site. Flash
is a tool for animations and games; it is the beloved of large
corporate advertising departments. Yet I ask you, when was the
last time you saw a Flash applet that was actually useful, and
contributed to the value of the site? Aside from games and
animated cartoons (which certainly have their place), I can think
of no examples of a Flash applet that could have not have been
more effectively and efficiently done with HTML. He spoke of
using "no little" Flash, apparently meaning that this would become
a major design or navigation element of the site. My friends, please
reject this idea! It would be a major step away from maximum
useability to replace simple, compact, useful text or graphics-based
navigation with a tool that requires client-side installation of
proprieatary software, that cannot be run from a text-based browser
(thus putting the blind at a further disadvantage), is not available
for all platforms, and requires proprietary software to modify.
Flash is a supreme example of frivolity triumphing over substance
and simplicity; please do not let that happen to our site.

I ask you to not change horses in mid-stream. I ask you to continue
with the Curator who has already done more than anyone to make the
site useful and interactive. I ask to choose a site of substance,
not superficiality and empty style. Please vote for Octavius for
Curator Araneum.

Valete, Octavius.

Marcus Octavius Germanicus
Curator Araneum et Senator, Nova Roma
Candidate for Consul MMDCCLV

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Curator Araneum
From: Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix <alexious@-------->
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 10:24:03 -0800

I concur with Senator M. Octavius. I think his experience in improving
what is currently on the NR site speaks for itself. His improvements in
the Censorship are also amazing. I urge all voters to allow him to
continue in this very necessary position!


Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix

Marcus Octavius Germanicus wrote:
> Salvete Quirites,
> I ask for your vote for a second term as Curator Araneum.
> My opponent has spoken of making the site "interactive". I submit
> to you that the best means of accomplishing this goal is to vote for
> the person who has been doing this for the past eighteen months.
> Before I began working on the Nova Roma web site, it had no dynamic
> or interactive features at all. The site presented static content
> only, text and images. It had no login capability and no database
> connectivity. The two forms on the site (application for citizenship
> and priesthood) would simply cause your browser to send email to
> the censores or pontifices.
> I took over maintenance of the site in the summer of 2000 because I
> strongly desired to improve it, to add features that all of the
> people could use. I started by importing the citizen data into
> a relational database, and built tools to query that database.
> The fruits of this labor can be seen in the Album Civium.
> Every citizen now has a personal profile page. It lists your name,
> location, tribe and century, email address if you have chosen to make
> it public, instant messenger handles, and magistrate or priest offices
> held. If you have submitted a photograph of yourself, that appears
> here as well. Your profile page links to your personal home page.
> It has a "get voter code" link, so you can instantly receive your
> voter code if you have forgotten it.
> None of this existed before I began as Curator; the Album Civium
> was a single page, listing only the name, tribe and century of
> each citizen. It provided no information about where the citizen
> was from; it provided no email address, homepage link, or other
> contact information at all; in short, it was just a list of about
> 500 names. The new Album Civium is orders of magnitude more
> interesting and interactive.
> On your personal profile page, you'll find a "login box". By putting
> in your password (which you can also reset from here, if you've
> lost it), you are taken to yet more dynamic features of the site.
> You can begin by updating your personal information - change your
> homepage or email address, set the email address public or private.
> If you are paterfamilias or materfamilias, you can change the
> attributes
> of your gens: modify your patron deities, establish a gens email
> address
> or homepage, approve or deny prospective members. In previous years,
> all of these had to be done through the tedious process of emailing
> the Censores and awaiting a reply. Now, you can do it all yourself.
> Because the citizen data has been moved into a relational database,
> many other displays were made possible. I replaced the static
> Senate and Magistrate pages with ones that query that same citizen
> information to present the Senators and Magistrates in an attractive
> manner. The Provincia page was simply a single map and a text list
> of province names earlier; I have replaced it with
> with links to a page for each province that identifies the provincial
> governor and legates, allowing you to contact them via email,
> lists all citizens of the province with their location (country and
> state),
> and links to the province's own web site.
> Lately, I have built a dynamic calendar tool.
> will show you any month, identifying each day according to the ancient
> classificiation types, calculating and displaying the proper Roman
> form of the date (such as "ante diem VI Idus December MMDCCLIV").
> And now, you may add events. Use the "Add/Edit Events" link at the
> top of the monthly view page; this will take you to an alternate view
> where an "Add Event" link occurs in each day's box; this takes you
> to a form where the information about the event can be input, and
> the new event added to the calendar for all to see. (Please use
> this feature responsibly).
> I intend to ask the Pontifices and Aediles to use this feature to
> input
> information about our religious observances and traditional festivals.
> Provincial magistrates, organizing local events, can advertise those
> events here as well. Vote and Contio periods will be clearly marked.
> The calendar shows which days are "Market Day". On "Market Day", all
> citizens are invited to the chat area. I built this chat area to
> replace one hosted elsewhere that had serious security problems. I
> continue to improve the chat, adding a new feature almost every week.
> Surely the Album Civium, Calendar and Chat can be considered
> "interactive"!
> My opponent has called "a poor site without a pretty
> design". I take strong exception to these words. To begin with,
> the site is filled with useful content, articles on Roman culture
> as well as our own laws and customs and history. It is presented
> in a straightforward yet attractive manner. Next, there are the
> additional features which I have described above, added during my
> term of office. I do not believe that any site as feature-rich
> as our own, and one that continues to grow rapidly, can be
> described as "poor" by any stretch of the imagination.
> As for the design, I believe that the most effective designs are
> those that present the content of the site well and do not impede
> navigation. Visually, the site has improved during my term; I have
> recently changed the background image, reformatted several pages,
> and added attractive banners (with logo and subsection headings)
> to most of them. This work shall continue. The new banners
> and color scheme show how a site can be "pretty" without long
> download times, visual clutter, or confusing impedediments to
> navigation.
> My opponent speaks of using "Flash" on the Nova Roma site. Flash
> is a tool for animations and games; it is the beloved of large
> corporate advertising departments. Yet I ask you, when was the
> last time you saw a Flash applet that was actually useful, and
> contributed to the value of the site? Aside from games and
> animated cartoons (which certainly have their place), I can think
> of no examples of a Flash applet that could have not have been
> more effectively and efficiently done with HTML. He spoke of
> using "no little" Flash, apparently meaning that this would become
> a major design or navigation element of the site. My friends, please
> reject this idea! It would be a major step away from maximum
> useability to replace simple, compact, useful text or graphics-based
> navigation with a tool that requires client-side installation of
> proprieatary software, that cannot be run from a text-based browser
> (thus putting the blind at a further disadvantage), is not available
> for all platforms, and requires proprietary software to modify.
> Flash is a supreme example of frivolity triumphing over substance
> and simplicity; please do not let that happen to our site.
> I ask you to not change horses in mid-stream. I ask you to continue
> with the Curator who has already done more than anyone to make the
> site useful and interactive. I ask to choose a site of substance,
> not superficiality and empty style. Please vote for Octavius for
> Curator Araneum.
> Valete, Octavius.
> --
> Marcus Octavius Germanicus
> Curator Araneum et Senator, Nova Roma
> Candidate for Consul MMDCCLV
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

Subject: [novaroma] Start of Elections/Closing Comments
From: Amulius Claudius Petrus <pkkt@-------->
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 13:44:46 -0500

Salvete cives et amici,

Now that this years major elections are underway I want to take a moment to
express my personal feelings and thanks to all those that have supported me
in my campaign for Aediles Curules. I have been honoured to run for this
position. Elections here in Nova Roma are definitely an exciting time. I am
proud to have been part of this election.

All those citizens that have contacted me privately and publicly concerning
my agenda, I thank you for your curiosity in investigating what I stand for.
No matter who you select to guide Nova Roma into the new year I am sure you
will select the right people.

(( If you are not aware of my agenda, I invite you to my campaign website
at: ))

Citizens of Nova Roma, the office of Aediles Curules has been looked at as
an office with limitations because of our internet based environment. I can
guarantee you that no matter who is elected as an Aedile that they will show
you this is incorrect. This is a honourable office that will play an
important role in the gathering and creating of personal friendships between
Romans in the new year.

The new year will be exciting, and will be the best year in all of our
history because of the dedicated citizens running for office. It will be a
great time to be a citizen, play your part and vote. Take full advantage of
being a citizen of Nova Roma and express your opinions of how you want to
see this nation develop through the candidates you select.


"Quamquam cupido sit delictum ab suis crebro est mater virtutum"
"Though ambition may be a fault in itself it is often the mother of virtues"

Amulius Claudius Petrus
Candidate for Aediles Curules
Provincia Legatus Canada Orientalis
Retarius Officium Canada Orientalis
Retarius Officium Gens Claudia
Canada Orientalis Provincia

Please visit my campaign website at:

Canada Orientalis Website:

Gens Claudia Website:

Subject: R: [novaroma] Curator Araneum
From: "Gaius Quirinus" <gaius_quirinus_caesar@-------->
Date: Wed, 21 Nov 2001 16:54:55 +0100
Salve Marce Octavi,
sorry so the contio is end and you, as Senator, must know it! Your message
was sent after the contio-time ending and after the starting of the voting
Gaius Quirinus
Paterfamilis Gentis Quirina
Civis Italiae, Provincia Novae Romae

Amicis ego plocabilem, inimicis inexorabiles praebes! (Epitaphium)
Vita populorum seculis metenda est,
Italae mille annorum spatium!
Salve, cara Deis, tellus sanctissima salve,/tellus tuta bonis, metuenda
(Francesco Petrarca, Epistole Metriche, III, 24, Ad Italiam)
Nihil Amorem Vrbem superare potest...ROMA NVNC ET SEMPER!

-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Marcus Octavius Germanicus [mailto:haase@--------]
Inviato: sabato 8 dicembre 2001 19:23
A: novaroma@--------
Oggetto: [novaroma] Curator Araneum

Salvete Quirites,

I ask for your vote for a second term as Curator Araneum.

My opponent has spoken of making the site "interactive". I submit
to you that the best means of accomplishing this goal is to vote for
the person who has been doing this for the past eighteen months.

Before I began working on the Nova Roma web site, it had no dynamic
or interactive features at all. The site presented static content
only, text and images. It had no login capability and no database
connectivity. The two forms on the site (application for citizenship
and priesthood) would simply cause your browser to send email to
the censores or pontifices.

I took over maintenance of the site in the summer of 2000 because I
strongly desired to improve it, to add features that all of the
people could use. I started by importing the citizen data into
a relational database, and built tools to query that database.
The fruits of this labor can be seen in the Album Civium.

Every citizen now has a personal profile page. It lists your name,
location, tribe and century, email address if you have chosen to make
it public, instant messenger handles, and magistrate or priest offices
held. If you have submitted a photograph of yourself, that appears
here as well. Your profile page links to your personal home page.
It has a "get voter code" link, so you can instantly receive your
voter code if you have forgotten it.

None of this existed before I began as Curator; the Album Civium
was a single page, listing only the name, tribe and century of
each citizen. It provided no information about where the citizen
was from; it provided no email address, homepage link, or other
contact information at all; in short, it was just a list of about
500 names. The new Album Civium is orders of magnitude more
interesting and interactive.

On your personal profile page, you'll find a "login box". By putting
in your password (which you can also reset from here, if you've
lost it), you are taken to yet more dynamic features of the site.
You can begin by updating your personal information - change your
homepage or email address, set the email address public or private.
If you are paterfamilias or materfamilias, you can change the attributes
of your gens: modify your patron deities, establish a gens email address
or homepage, approve or deny prospective members. In previous years,
all of these had to be done through the tedious process of emailing
the Censores and awaiting a reply. Now, you can do it all yourself.

Because the citizen data has been moved into a relational database,
many other displays were made possible. I replaced the static
Senate and Magistrate pages with ones that query that same citizen
information to present the Senators and Magistrates in an attractive
manner. The Provincia page was simply a single map and a text list
of province names earlier; I have replaced it with
with links to a page for each province that identifies the provincial
governor and legates, allowing you to contact them via email,
lists all citizens of the province with their location (country and
and links to the province's own web site.

Lately, I have built a dynamic calendar tool.
will show you any month, identifying each day according to the ancient
classificiation types, calculating and displaying the proper Roman
form of the date (such as "ante diem VI Idus December MMDCCLIV").

And now, you may add events. Use the "Add/Edit Events" link at the
top of the monthly view page; this will take you to an alternate view
where an "Add Event" link occurs in each day's box; this takes you
to a form where the information about the event can be input, and
the new event added to the calendar for all to see. (Please use
this feature responsibly).

I intend to ask the Pontifices and Aediles to use this feature to input
information about our religious observances and traditional festivals.
Provincial magistrates, organizing local events, can advertise those
events here as well. Vote and Contio periods will be clearly marked.

The calendar shows which days are "Market Day". On "Market Day", all
citizens are invited to the chat area. I built this chat area to
replace one hosted elsewhere that had serious security problems. I
continue to improve the chat, adding a new feature almost every week.

Surely the Album Civium, Calendar and Chat can be considered

My opponent has called "a poor site without a pretty
design". I take strong exception to these words. To begin with,
the site is filled with useful content, articles on Roman culture
as well as our own laws and customs and history. It is presented
in a straightforward yet attractive manner. Next, there are the
additional features which I have described above, added during my
term of office. I do not believe that any site as feature-rich
as our own, and one that continues to grow rapidly, can be
described as "poor" by any stretch of the imagination.

As for the design, I believe that the most effective designs are
those that present the content of the site well and do not impede
navigation. Visually, the site has improved during my term; I have
recently changed the background image, reformatted several pages,
and added attractive banners (with logo and subsection headings)
to most of them. This work shall continue. The new banners
and color scheme show how a site can be "pretty" without long
download times, visual clutter, or confusing impedediments to

My opponent speaks of using "Flash" on the Nova Roma site. Flash
is a tool for animations and games; it is the beloved of large
corporate advertising departments. Yet I ask you, when was the
last time you saw a Flash applet that was actually useful, and
contributed to the value of the site? Aside from games and
animated cartoons (which certainly have their place), I can think
of no examples of a Flash applet that could have not have been
more effectively and efficiently done with HTML. He spoke of
using "no little" Flash, apparently meaning that this would become
a major design or navigation element of the site. My friends, please
reject this idea! It would be a major step away from maximum
useability to replace simple, compact, useful text or graphics-based
navigation with a tool that requires client-side installation of
proprieatary software, that cannot be run from a text-based browser
(thus putting the blind at a further disadvantage), is not available
for all platforms, and requires proprietary software to modify.
Flash is a supreme example of frivolity triumphing over substance
and simplicity; please do not let that happen to our site.

I ask you to not change horses in mid-stream. I ask you to continue
with the Curator who has already done more than anyone to make the
site useful and interactive. I ask to choose a site of substance,
not superficiality and empty style. Please vote for Octavius for
Curator Araneum.

Valete, Octavius.

Marcus Octavius Germanicus
Curator Araneum et Senator, Nova Roma
Candidate for Consul MMDCCLV

Subject: [novaroma] ENDORSEMENT: Titus Labienus Fortunatus for Praetor
From: Marcus Octavius Germanicus <haase@-------->
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 12:50:30 -0600 (CST)

Salvete Quirites,

We have three fine candidates for Praetor this year; any of them will
perform extremely well in that office.

I believe that one candidate is exceptional: Titus Labienus Fortunatus.

During all the time that I have known him - while we were scribes to
the Censores together, and later as Senators - I have always admired
his integrity and dedication.

I believe him to be the most honest, intelligent, calm and level-headed
of Senators.

I ask you to vote for Titus Labienus Fortunatus for Praetor Urbanis.

Valete, Octavius.

Marcus Octavius Germanicus
Curator Araneum et Senator, Nova Roma
Candidate for Consul MMDCCLV

Subject: Re: R: [novaroma] Curator Araneum
From: Marcus Octavius Germanicus <haase@-------->
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 12:52:52 -0600 (CST)
Salve Gai Quirine,

Yes, the Contio has ended... but we are still free to discuss candidates
and issues here on this list.

Vale, Octavius.

> Salve Marce Octavi,
> sorry so the contio is end and you, as Senator, must know it! Your message
> was sent after the contio-time ending and after the starting of the voting
> session!
> Vale,
> Gaius Quirinus
> Paterfamilis Gentis Quirina
> Civis Italiae, Provincia Novae Romae

Marcus Octavius Germanicus
Curator Araneum et Senator, Nova Roma
Candidate for Consul MMDCCLV

Subject: [novaroma] Endorsement - Octavius for Consul! :)
From: cassius622@--------
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 14:20:08 EST
Salvete Omnes,

As this years vote opens, I would like to take this opportunity to endorse
Marcus Octavius Germanicus for the position of Consul.

Octavius has been a Citizen for four years, and during this time has shown
exemplary service and dedication to Nova Roma. If WORK is the standard by
which we are judging candidates this year Octavius is in great stead - he has
donated countless hours to Nova Roma as webmaster, and has been one of the
most active members of the Senate.

As webmaster, Octavius has provided us with a wide variety of professional
grade services we would not have had otherwise. Many of those services are
crucial "behind the scenes" things that our Citizens seldom see, but have
helped Nova Roma to grow and prosper.

Octavius has completely revised the Censorial record system, making Censorial
duties greatly more efficient and far less time consuming. He has also
provided us with a much more secure and efficient method of placing and
counting votes. He has of course provided ongoing site updates and
improvements, including a chat forum he built himself, and the new look for
the website which has already greatly improved our Internet image. And, of
course, Octavius has been hosting the Nova Roma website for free, a great
savings to the treasury each year.

Yet while these vital services are impressive, they are not the reason why I
endorse Octavius for Consul.

I endorse him because as a Senator and Praetor he has proven his excellent
leadership and administrative skills many times over. Octavius' involvement
and activity in Nova Roma have been exemplary, and his political and
community efforts have continued to be clear and thoughtful. Moreover, I
support his agenda if he is elected Consul in this coming year. His
willingness to work with the Religio Romana, his ideas for reenactor legions,
and for improving our political and legal system will be beneficial.

Citizens, I urge you to vote for Marcus Octavius Germanicus - I believe he is
one of the best candidates Nova Roma has yet had for the Consulship.


Marcus Cassius Julianus
Consul, Pontifex Maximus

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Subject: [novaroma] Endorsements
From: "morosbe2001" <hadescallias@-------->
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 21:24:49 -0000
Salvete Romanii
These endorsements are coming out of the back of my throat. I have no
probleme with the fact that people write endorsements to their
favored candidate, hell i did it myself. But this is starting to
annoy me beyond tolerance. Endorsements here, endorsements there.
This group is supposed to be about history, latin language, roman
culture, religion, etc.., even though we are in election time and the
elections have started. I just wanted to say why in Tartarus is this
just a political list instead instead of being a list with multiple
intrests(culture, religion, history of the Roman civilisation). Where
are these posts. It has been months since i have seen these kind of
posts. Elections have arrived, the moderator of this list should
remind cives every day of two that the elections has started, but
please shut your mouth for once about politics or make a Roman
political list for those of you who want to talk nothing but
politics. I reall don't care so much about politics and i think i'm
not the only one who thinks of this and wanted to ask to change the
subject into something different than politics or make a political
Vale bene
Tiberius Apollonius Callias
Permito Deorum Beate quod contego tu totus

Subject: [novaroma] Re: Censor Handbook now available!
From: Caeso Fabius Quintilianus <tjalens.h@-------->
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 21:53:01 +0100
Salve Illustrus Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix and Honorable Oppius Flaccus

Congratulations to the Censor Handbook! It is a wonderful achievement.
Let's hope that there will be more handbooks for the other offices.


Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
Quaestor of Nova Roma
Propraetor of Thule


The Opinions expressed are my own,
and not an offical opinion of Nova Roma
Join the Main List for Nova Roma
Join the List for the Thule Provincia in Nova Roma
The homepage of the Nova Roma Provincia Thule:
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam
"I'll either find a way or make one"
"Do not give in to hate. That leads to the dark side."
Caeso, he who also is known as Christer Edling.
Using a keyboard that doesn't want to make L! :-(
PRIVATE PHONE: +90 - 10 09 10
MOBILE: +70 - 643 88 80

Subject: [novaroma] How many voters?
From: Caeso Fabius Quintilianus <tjalens.h@-------->
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2001 22:47:41 +0100
Salvete Honorable Rogatores!

I would be very pleased to know how many citizens that voted in our last
election? I would also want to know which Centuries that voted, if
possible? It would be nice to know, as some of us really tried to get more
citizens to vote. Does it make any difference compared with the elections

Is it possible to give us these figures?


Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
Quaestor of Nova Roma
Propraetor of Thule


The Opinions expressed are my own,
and not an offical opinion of Nova Roma
Join the Main List for Nova Roma
Join the List for the Thule Provincia in Nova Roma
The homepage of the Nova Roma Provincia Thule:
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam
"I'll either find a way or make one"
"Do not give in to hate. That leads to the dark side."
Caeso, he who also is known as Christer Edling.
Using a keyboard that doesn't want to make L! :-(
PRIVATE PHONE: +90 - 10 09 10
MOBILE: +70 - 643 88 80

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Endorsements
From: Amulius Claudius Petrus <pkkt@-------->
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 17:21:00 -0500


>Tiberius Apollonius Callias at hadescallias@-------- wrote:
>But this is starting to
> annoy me beyond tolerance. Endorsements here, endorsements there.

Tiberius, you admitted to posting your own endorsements, yet you seem to
have a problem with other citizens doing the same act you have done
yourself. That seems a little backwards, don't you think? If you posted up
an endorsement then you should understand why other citizens would like to
state their own opinions publicly. Seems selfish to complain...

> This group is supposed to be about history, latin language, roman
> culture, religion, etc..,

Politics would also be include in that list of topics also. =)

> even though we are in election time and the
> elections have started. I just wanted to say why in Tartarus is this
> just a political list instead instead of being a list with multiple
> intrests(culture, religion, history of the Roman civilisation).

Maybe it's because the most important event taking place in our nation is
the elections. People tend to be drawn to matters of importance...

> are these posts. It has been months since i have seen these kind of
> posts.

Why don't you enlighten us with a post away from politics. I would be happy
to discuss something else, but I don't share your annoyance on political

>Elections have arrived, the moderator of this list should
> remind cives every day of two that the elections has started, but
> please shut your mouth for once about politics or make a Roman
> political list for those of you who want to talk nothing but
> politics.

Look back in the archives of this list. Politics have always been a major
topic here. I don't think it is reasonable to expect politics to move off
this list. Politics is part of the blood of Nova Roma. It disserves it's
place here. If you want to get a breath of fresh air away from politics why
don't you visit another Nova Roma list dedicated to a different topic? Or
even better start a new topic here on the main list?

>I reall don't care so much about politics and i think i'm
> not the only one who thinks of this and wanted to ask to change the
> subject into something different than politics or make a political
> list.

Your problem is understandable. Again, why don't you start a discussion on
something away from politics yourself? Take this matter into your own hands.


"Quamquam cupido sit delictum ab suis crebro est mater virtutum"
"Though ambition may be a fault in itself it is often the mother of virtues"

Amulius Claudius Petrus
Candidate for Aediles Curules
Provincia Legatus Canada Orientalis
Retarius Officium Canada Orientalis
Retarius Officium Gens Claudia
Canada Orientalis Provincia

Please visit my campaign website at:

Canada Orientalis Website:

Gens Claudia Website:

Subject: [novaroma] Some Praise
From: Fortunatus <labienus@-------->
Date: Sat, 08 Dec 2001 17:19:59 -0600

Far be it from me to break the tradition of lauding a few cives during
the yearly elections. Here, in alphabetical order by nomen, are some
people that I think are worthy of some good words.

Sextus Apollonius Draco
Sextus Apollonius has worked with both industry and enthusiasm to better
Nova Roma. He's mature beyond his years, and a great guy to know. I
hope he has the opportunity to put his talents to work as an aedilis.

Pompeia Cornelia Strabo
Pompeia Cornelia is one of the most affable and forthright cives of the
Res Publica. She has worked hard for Nova Roma as a propraetor and as
an officer for more than one sodalitas. She is almost universally liked
for very good reason. If you don't vote for me for praetor, then I
recommend Cornelia.

Caius Flavius Diocletianus
C Flavius is a fair, honorable, and entirely competent man. Even in the
midst of heated arguments, he remains both polite and reasonable. Due
to his level head, good sense, and technical skills, I can think of no
one better suited for censor.

Marcus Minucius Audens
M Minucius and I have had more than our fair share of arguments, but
even in the midst of these, he has shown himself to be a man of immense
dignitas and good sense. Despite our different opinions about Nova
Roman policy, I recommend him without hesitation for any position.

Marcus Octavius Germanicus
Quite possibly the hardest working Nova Roman, M Octavius has been
nothing but a boon to the Res Publica. His work on the Web site,
contributions in the Senate, and efforts on the behalf of various
magistrates as a scriba have all been exemplary. Regardless of the
office, he will serve excellently.

Piperbarbus Ullerius Venator
Venator isn't running for office this year. However, I still have good
reason to sing his praises. Year in and year out, during the elections
or amidst heated debates, Piperbarbus Ullerius does his quiet best to
introduce topics of interest and repair the community that others are
damaging. He stands as an exemplar of Concordia, Honestas, and Nobilitas.

T Labienus Fortunatus
Quicquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.