Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Comitia Centuriata Election Results |
From: |
Maximina Octavia <myownq@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 10:15:25 -0800 (PST) |
Congratulations to all the Winners!
Thank you for your willingness to serve Nova Roma.
Bona Fortuna to all!
Valete, Maximina
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Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Another passing |
From: |
Maximina Octavia <myownq@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 10:20:57 -0800 (PST) |
--- Ave, Piparskeggr - Venator
My sincerest condolences at the passing of your great
My prayers are with you and your family.
Vale bene,
Maximina Octavia
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Subject: |
[novaroma] Resignation as Praefectus Sodalitatis Egressi |
From: |
"Caius Cornelius Puteanus" <puteanus@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 21:35:17 +0100 |
Salvete Quirites!
After talking to M. Minucius Audens Illustrus, and seeing which other tasks
that are calling my attention (Scriba Aedilis, Scriba Academiae) I decided
to lay down the office of Praefectus Sodalitatis Egressi Germaniae
Inferioris Europaeque Occidentalis. My tasks will be taken over by my wife
Claudia Cornelia Puteana, and I will act as her Scriba.
Vale optime in pace deorum!
Caius Cornelius Puteanus
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Subject: |
[novaroma] Oath of office as Scriba |
From: |
"Caius Cornelius Puteanus" <puteanus@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 21:52:48 +0100 |
Salvete Quirites!
As promised, I will continue to work for the Sodalitas Egressus, but I will
serve as a Scriba. I wish my wife good luck in her endavours!
I, Caius Cornelius Puteanus (Bart Vandeputte) do hereby solemnly swear to
uphold the honor of Nova Roma, and to act always in the best interests of
the people and the Senate of Nova Roma.
As a magistrate of Nova Roma, I, Caius Cornelius Puteanus (Bart Vandeputte)
swear to honor the Gods and Goddesses of Rome in my public dealings, and to
pursue the Roman Virtues in my public and private life.
I, Caius Cornelius Puteanus (Bart Vandeputte) swear to uphold and defend the
Religio Romana as the State Religion of Nova Roma and swear never to act in
a way that would threaten its status as the State Religion.
I, Caius Cornelius Puteanus (Bart Vandeputte)swear to protect and defend the
Constitution of Nova Roma.
I, Caius Cornelius Puteanus (Bart Vandeputte)further swear to fulfill the
obligations and responsibilities of the office of Scriba Praefectae
Sodalitatis Egressi Germaniae Inferioris Europaeque Occidentalis to the best
of my abilities.
On my honor as a Citizen of Nova Roma, and in the presence of the Gods and
Goddesses of the Roman people and by their will and favor, do I accept the
position of Scriba Praefectae Sodalitatis Egressi Germaniae Inferioris
Europaeque Occidentalis and all the rights, privileges, obligations, and
responsibilities attendant thereto.
Vale optime in pace deorum!
Caius Cornelius Puteanus
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Subject: |
[novaroma] Oath of office |
From: |
"Claudia Cornelia Puteana" <puteana@hotmail.com> |
Date: |
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 21:44:08 +0100 |
I, Claudia Cornelia Puteana (Dorien Klerkx) do hereby solemnly swear to
uphold the honor of Nova Roma, and to act always in the best interests of
the people and the Senate of Nova Roma.
As a magistrate of Nova Roma, I, Claudia Cornelia Puteana (Dorien Klerkx)
swear to honor the Gods and Goddesses of Rome in my public dealings, and to
pursue the Roman Virtues in my public and private life.
I, Claudia Cornelia Puteana (Dorien Klerkx) swear to uphold and defend the
Religio Romana as the State Religion of Nova Roma and swear never to act in
a way that would threaten its status as the State Religion.
I, Claudia Cornelia Puteana (Dorien Klerkx) swear to protect and defend the
Constitution of Nova Roma.
I, Claudia Cornelia Puteana (Dorien Klerkx) further swear to fulfill the
obligations and responsibilities of the office of Acting Praefecta
Sodalitatis Egressi Germaniae Inferioris Europaeque Occidentalis to the best
of my abilities.
On my honor as a Citizen of Nova Roma, and in the presence of the Gods and
Goddesses of the Roman people and by their will and favor, do I accept the
position of Acting Praefecta Sodalitatis Egressi Germaniae Inferioris
Europaeque Occidentalis and all the rights, privileges, obligations, and
responsibilities attendant thereto.
I hereby appoint Caius Cornelius Puteanus as my Scriba and ask both Quinta
Fabia Claudiana Lucentiana and Alexandria Iulia Agrippa to remain a Scriba.
Vale bene!
Claudia Cornelia Puteana
Subject: |
[novaroma] FW: roman events and replicates |
From: |
"C. Minucius Hadrianus" <shinjikun@shinjikun.com> |
Date: |
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 16:44:11 -0500 |
I received this email today - looks like a very interesting website!
C. Minucius Hadrianus
-----Original Message-----
From: Forumtraiani@aol.com [mailto:Forumtraiani@aol.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 2:48 PM
To: shinjikun@shinjikun.com
Subject: roman events and replicates
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]