Subject: Re: [novaroma] Agenda Item - Title Needed - Gens Registration Lex
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Gnaeus=20Salix=20Astur?= <>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 00:00:29 +0000 (GMT)
Salvete Quirites; et salve, consul Sulla.

--- "L. Cornelius Sulla" <> wrote:
> It is not clearly stated in any law of Nova Roma that a gentilis
> needs
> the permission of his paterfamilias to leave a certain gens. I know
> that you would like that permission to be compulsory, but it
> currently
> isn't.
> Sulla: We have no law stating they can leave without pater consent
> either. Therefore, as I do believe in the power of the Pater I am
> just spelling out that while this period is ongoing they cannot use
> this period of flux as a means.

That means that, if no law specifies a decision, you choose to limit
the right of the individual. I am afraid that that is

> Prior precedent and practice of the
> Office of the Censorship reinforces my interpretation as well,
> Tribune Salix.

I thought that we had already established that neither Roman precedents
nor Novoroman precedents work in that way.

> I think that a gentilis of a "static" gens should be allowed to
> change
> gens according to our current legislation.
> Sulla: I disagree, I believe that we should promote gens stability
> and gens growth not gens distruction. The whole purpose of this lex
> is to promote stability within the gens. By allowing citizens and
> family members the ability to jump ship during this transition period
> would not be productive. As a matter of fact, the precedent that
> has been adopted in the Censorship requires pater approval as leader
> and spokesperson of the gens before an individual is able to leave a
> gens and join a new one.

"Gens stability" should be promoted, but not imposed.

As of "precedents", read above. No common law in Nova Roma, please.

> One more thing; what are "sub-gentes" supposed to be? Such a thing
> is
> not defined anywhere else.
> Sulla: This is another piece of legislation i am working on.
> Where individuals can create gentes that are related to the parent
> Gentes. (for simplisity I called it sub gentes but I am open for
> other suggestions). Such as if Pompeia Cornelia Strabo wants to
> create the gens Cornelia Straba.... She would be unable to do so til
> a Pater is decided on...

You should not use terms that are not defined yet.

Bene Valete in Pace Deorum!
Gnaeus Salix Astur.
Tribunus Plebis
Legatus Externis Rebus Provinciae Hispaniae
Triumvir Academiae Thules
Scriba ad Res Externas Academiae Thules
Lictor Curiatus.

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Everything you'll ever need on one web page
from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Computer Virus
From: Kristoffer From <>
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 01:24:26 +0100
Marcus Minicius Rufus wrote:
> The virus some of us have received is calle W32****
> (different endings). It is a worm which takes
> advantage of a Windows/outlook bug, so my advice is to
> read your mail via web at
> Right now I looking for a solution, as soon as I find
> it I'll let all of you jnow....

Salvete, omnes!

I've found a permanent solution to all these e-mail viruses! Just click
on the link below, download the bootable CD-image(it's quite small),
burn it onto a CD, place it into your CD-drive and reboot your computer!
Follow the instructions, and no viruses will EVER visit you again.

Linux rules! Go vi! :)

Valete, Titus Octavius Pius.


"Qui desiderat bellum, praeparet bellum." - Vetinari

| Version: 3.1 |
| GCS d- s:++> a-- C++>$ ULS++ P+ L++ E- W++(--) N |
| o-- K- w--- !O M-- V-- PS->$ PE- Y+ PGP- t+@ 5- X- |
| R+++>$ !tv- b+++>$ DI++++ D+ G e h! !r-->r+++ !y- |
| ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ |

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Agenda Item - Title Needed - Gens Registration Lex
From: "L. Cornelius Sulla" <>
Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 16:39:17 -0800

----- Original Message -----
From: Gnaeus Salix Astur
Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 4:00 PM
Subject: Re: [novaroma] Agenda Item - Title Needed - Gens Registration Lex

Salvete Quirites; et salve, consul Sulla.

--- "L. Cornelius Sulla" <> wrote:
> It is not clearly stated in any law of Nova Roma that a gentilis
> needs
> the permission of his paterfamilias to leave a certain gens. I know
> that you would like that permission to be compulsory, but it
> currently
> isn't.
> Sulla: We have no law stating they can leave without pater consent
> either. Therefore, as I do believe in the power of the Pater I am
> just spelling out that while this period is ongoing they cannot use
> this period of flux as a means.

That means that, if no law specifies a decision, you choose to limit
the right of the individual. I am afraid that that is

Sulla: Tribune, I couldn't find a section of the Constitution that this lex violates. Could you let me know which section you have in mind?


Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Computer Virus
From: Michel Loos <>
Date: 04 Feb 2002 22:47:12 -0200
Em Seg, 2002-02-04 às 22:24, Kristoffer From escreveu:
> Marcus Minicius Rufus wrote:
> > The virus some of us have received is calle W32****
> > (different endings). It is a worm which takes
> > advantage of a Windows/outlook bug, so my advice is to
> > read your mail via web at
> >
> > Right now I looking for a solution, as soon as I find
> > it I'll let all of you jnow....
> Salvete, omnes!
> I've found a permanent solution to all these e-mail viruses! Just click
> on the link below, download the bootable CD-image(it's quite small),
> burn it onto a CD, place it into your CD-drive and reboot your computer!
> Follow the instructions, and no viruses will EVER visit you again.
> Linux rules! Go vi! :)

Definitively, and Debian rules over Linux if in addition to
viruses you want to let the hackers out.
+ It is free as out of charge AND as freedom of changing/adapting etc.

Manius Villius Limitanus

> Valete, Titus Octavius Pius.
> --
> "Qui desiderat bellum, praeparet bellum." - Vetinari
> +-------------------------------------------------------+
> | -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- |
> | Version: 3.1 |
> | GCS d- s:++> a-- C++>$ ULS++ P+ L++ E- W++(--) N |
> | o-- K- w--- !O M-- V-- PS->$ PE- Y+ PGP- t+@ 5- X- |
> | R+++>$ !tv- b+++>$ DI++++ D+ G e h! !r-->r+++ !y- |
> | ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ |
> +-------------------------------------------------------+
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Subject: [novaroma] Regio Occidentalis Congressio - 2 Kalends Februarius
From: Piparskeggr - Venator <>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 21:20:39 -0600
Salus et Fortuna Omnes,

This day, face to face contact between Nova Romans in the Western Region
of our Province was started on a scale beyond the visit which our
Proprætor Emeritus and I started in December (when he was Proprætor).

I traveled to the fair city of Milwaukee, about 75 miles NE of my home.

A little after the first hour after Noon, I entered the establishment of
a seller of books and coffea Arabica.

I was warmly greeted by Corvus Cassius Taurusis. We engaged in pleasant
conversation for awhile, getting the measure of each other, then I got
myself a beverage.

We were joined in short order by Romulus Pius (name subject to change upon
Citizenship) and Quintus Ulpius Otho. Marcus had brought his Helmet and
Quintus his Lorica.

The four of us spent a good three to four hours in conversation, wide-ranging
in topic.

The Urbs Rockton Congressio for 8 post Ides March was discussed, with some
favorable anticipation

The Urbs Milwaukee Congressio for just before the Ides of April was discussed,
and we each volunteered to do a short talk; mine will be on winemaking.

Plus, it also looks as though Legio XIV has a good set of "midwives." These
three Romans are looking also to preserve the memory of Lucius Albanus in their
plans for the Legion. I even offered the idea of trying to form a band of
"enemies" with which to contend against the forces of Rome. (Well, the
Germanii were NOT, on whole, friendly to Roma Antiqua ,-)

A good first get together, I think.

Plus, I handed out copies of the following (1st verse is repeated as a chorus),
which will be the centerpiece of a Ritual to Honor Minerva:

She walks in us - A lay of Minerva

Minerva, tall, graceful, serene,
Grey-eyed One, mind fully wise
Elder Goddess of Roman Tribes
We hear Your Voice, within our hearts

In Roman minds, inspire thought;
In Roman hearts, set wisdom's gift;
To Roman hands, give crafting skill;
In Romans all, instill true pride.
- Chorus -

In Elder Days, Etruscans called,
To You Wise One, Holy Mnvra.
They heard Your Voice, in sage's words,
In buildings, crafts, they honored you
- Chorus -

Upon a hill, the Capital,
Your shrine was there, with Juno, Jove;
>From Roman hands, came sacrifice,
In Roman voice, were praises sung.
- Chorus -

Your Name did spread, as Legions marched;
>From Latium, across the world;
In shield's defense and hasta thrust,
In civic works, built by their hands.
- Chorus -

And as Rome did meet other folk;
Your Genius wise was seen again;
In Others who, Goddesses were,
Of crafting things and knowledge gain.
- Chorus -

Athena fine, we mostly see,
As like unto, Minerva proud,
Hellenic One, of Holy Mien,
With Spear and Shield, and Scrolls of Lore.
- Chorus -

And sometimes still, Minerva speaks;
Gives counsel wise, to listening heart,
Of we who live upon this earth,
In faithful will and open mind.
- Chorus -

In Roman minds, inspire thought;
In Roman hearts, set wisdom's gift;
To Roman hands, give crafting skill;
In Romans all, instill true pride.
- Chorus -
- Chorus -

In Amicus sub Fidelis
- Piperbarbus Ullerius Venator
Cives Nova Romana et Paterfamilias
Legatus Occidentalis pro Magna Lacus

Domus Familias

"Kemer wyth na wrylly gasa an forth goth rag an forth noweth!
(Take care not to discard the old ways for the new ways).

Subject: [novaroma] Revision - Lex Cornelia de Tabulis Gentium Novaromanarum Agendis
From: Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix <>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 20:57:39 -0800
Avete Omnes,

Here is the revision of the Gentes/Paterfamilias registration lex. In
one aspect I have increased the scope of the lex to include the Gens
registration (II.D.1) and the Paterfamilias registration (II.D.3).
Also, I have included the additions of Senator T. Labienus, and I would
like to thank him for his assistance in rewriting section VIII (of the
new draft) to make it clearer. Also, I would like to thank Lucilla
Cornelia Cinna for her assistance in coming up with the appropriate
Latin name, however I will need to revise this as well.


Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix

Pursuant to the Constitution of Nova Roma (II.D.1 and II.D.3) The People
of Nova
Roma, via the Comitia Populi Tributa hereby enact this lex in regards to
the registration of Gentes and Paterfamiliae and Materfamiliae with the
Office of Censors.

(The use of the word paterfamilias is, for the purpose of this edict,
will include both Paterfamilias and materfamilias.)

I. Each Gens shall be registered with the office of the Censors every

II. Registration of Gentes must be completed by the last day of June.

III. The censors must announce the opening of the registration period
at least 8 weeks before the deadline on the official Nova Roma email

IV. Patresfamilias are responsible for contacting the Censores using
any of these methods:

A. Send an email to the Censors via the official email address of the
Office of the Censors, which is at the time of the
passage of this lex.
B. Mail a written statement to the Nova Roma post office box.
C. Complete a form on the Nova Roma web site, the address of which
shall be specified by the Censores at the beginning of the registration
D. Appointing a representative within the Gens to act as representative
during this process.

V. The current official address of all Nova Roma Mail Correspondence

Nova Roma
P.O. Box 1897,
Wells, ME 04090

At the time of the passage of this lex, the above address is the
official address, if the official address changes in the future, the new
mailing address should be utilized.

VI. When the deadline is reached, the Censors must publish a list of
Gentes that have failed to register with the Office of Censors. This
list must be published on the official Nova Roma email lists, are
currently located at and

VII. A Gens that has failed to register with the office of Censors is
considered to have NO Paterfamilias. If there are other members of that
gens the Censors must work with the Gens to select a new Paterfamilias.

VIII. A Gens that has failed to register with the office of the
Censors, and which has no member other than its paterfamilias, shall be
removed from the Album Gentium. Its former members shall be considered
to belong to no Gens, and shall be given the nomen "Nemo". The nomen
formerly used by that Gens shall be considered unused and available for
future applicants.

IX. Patresfamilias who are unable to communicate with the office of
Censors may appoint a designate within the Gens to act as
Paterfamilias. However, notification must be on file in the office of
the Censor(es).

X. During the period of time when there is no paterfamilias in the
Gens, the Gens will remain static. No new admissions may take place.
Nor can there be any individual leave the Gens until a new paterfamilias
is selected.

XI. While a Gens is still trying to pick a new paterfamilias, that gens
will be listed as closed for new citizens recruitment. The new
paterfamilias must notify the Censors, upon receipt of the position of
Paterfamilias if he/she wants to reopen the gens for new members.

From: Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix <>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 21:31:51 -0800
Avete Omnes,

I have revised this lex with the latest version, I would like to thank
Tribune Gn. Salix about the oversight in the II.C.2 Section and I
revised section under IV. A. 1. e. 5, based on input from Senator Q.
Fabius Maximus. Thank you for your comments.

Very Respectfully,

Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix

Currently the Constitution reads:

II. C. 2 - Ordo equester (equestrian order). The equestrian order shall
consist of citizens who are engaged in the conduct of commerce
(preferably with a Roman theme) who request and are granted entry into
the equestrian order by the Censors. Such individuals are expected to
contribute a portion of the revenue derived from Nova Roma back to the
State, and receive reasonable encouragement in their enterprises in
return. For purposes of participating in the comitia, holding office,
etc. members of the equestrian order shall be considered to be of the
patrician or plebeian order, depending on their status prior to
inclusion in the equestrian order.

This would be rewritten to state the following:

II. C. 2 – Ordo Equester (equestrian order). The equestrian order shall

consist of citizens who are engaged in the conduct of commerce
(preferable with a Roman theme) who request and are granted entry into
the equestrian order by the Censors. Such individuals are expected to
contribute a portion of the revenue derived from Nova Roma back to the
State, and receive reasonable encouragement in their enterprises in
return. Day to day supervision of the members of the Macellum will be
under the direct supervision of the Curule Aediles. For purposes of
participating in the Comitia, holding office, etc. members of the
Equestrian order shall be considered to be of the Patrician or Plebian
Order, depending on their status prior to inclusion
in the equestrian order.

This section would be changed:

IV.A.1.e - To maintain the album equestris (lists of members of the
equestrian order), including the power to add and remove names on that

This section would now read:

IV. A. 1. e – To maintain the Album Equestris (list of members of the
equestrian order), including the power to add and remove names on that

A new section will be added under the job description of the Curule

1. To hold Imperium;
2. To issue those edicta (edicts) necessary to see to the conduct of
public games and other festivals and gatherings and in regards to the
Macellum and the Ordo Equaestor, to ensure order at public religious
events, to see to the maintenance of any real public facilities that the

State should acquire, and to administer the law (such edicts being
binding upon themselves as well as others);
3. To pronounce intercessio against another aedile (curule or plebeian)
or magistrate of lesser authority;
4. To appoint scribae (clerks) to assist with administrative and other
tasks, as he shall see fit.
5. To maintain the Macellum and the Ordo Equaestor. This will include
supervising all aspects of the Macellum including compelling the Curator
of the website to keep the Macellum updated. In addition to this, it is
the responsibility of the Curule Aediles to report any changes of the
Ordo Equaestor to the Censors.

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Subject: [novaroma] Revision/incorporation - Lex Cornelia de Temorum Defintione Magistratum
From: Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix <>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 21:41:53 -0800
Avete Omnes,

The dominate feedback I have gotten from you, citizens of Nova Roma was
a request to consolidate the Lex Iunia de Temporum Definitone
Magistratum into this proposed law. I have done so. I have also
removed the part about exempting the Quaestors and minor magistrates as
it is unnecessary.


Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix


This law shall regulate the amount of times a person may hold certain
elected magistracies during a specified time period.

1. No person shall hold the office of censor consecutively or more than
twice in a five year period. This exception to this provision shall be
any censor suffectus who has served 6 months or less of his
predecessor's term of office.

2. No person shall hold the office of consul for two years
consecutively, or in any five year period, hold the office of consul
more than twice.

3. No person shall hold the office of praetor or aedile consecutively,
or in any five year period, hold any of the aforementioned offices more
than twice. The exception to this shall be any praetor suffectus or
aedile suffectus who has served 3 months or less of his predecessor's
term of office.

Subject: [novaroma] Translation Lex - Title Needed
From: Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix <>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 22:39:14 -0800

With the 3 laws getting sorted out and revised I would like to bring a
new law before, citizens of Nova Roma for discussion. I would like to
thank Propraetor Lucius Sicinius Drusus for his effort in combining a
few efforts and authoring this proposed lex.

Very Respectfully,

Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix


I. Due to the increasingly intermacronational nature of the Citizenship
of Nova
Roma, it has become necessary for the official language policy of the
Republic to be
defined, in such a way that acknowledges our historical antecedents,
concerns, and the sensibilities of all of our Citizens. To that end,
this (insert
tittle) is adopted.

II. Latin is hereby adopted as the official ceremonial language of Nova
Roma. As
such, it shall be used in rites conducted by the curule magistrates and
priests of Nova Roma on behalf of the entire nation, as well as other
where it may be deemed appropriate.

III. English is hereby adopted as the business language of Nova Roma's
government. As such, it shall be used in official communications from
and day-to-day
business conducted by the central government (defined for purposes of
this proviso
as the Senate and non provincial magistrates). Other languages may be
used in such
communications where deemed appropriate, but an English translation must
accompany such communications.

IV. In order to accommodate the Needs of Citizens who do not speak
English, or who
speak English as a Second Language, and in accordance with section IV 9
of the
Constitution the Decuriae Interpretes is established.

1. The Decuriae Interpretes shall consist of ten Interpretes who shall
responsible for making official translations of all proposed Leges and
and all Edicta and official announcements made by the magistrates of
Nova Roma,
along with all Senatus Consulta. The Interpretes shall also be
responsible for for
providing official translations of all Leges, Plebiscita, Senatus
Consulta, Priestly
Decreta, and Magisterial Edicta in force at the time this lex is passed.
Each of the
Interpretes shall have authority to appoint his own scribae. Should the
position be
vacant, and suitable and willing candidates are available, the Senate
shall have the
authority to appoint interpretes.

2. Each of the Interpretes shall be responsible for one language.

3. The Position of Interpretes Latinitas is established. The Interpretes
shall serve as the (Insert leader Tittle) of the Decuriae Interpretes
and shall
provide aid to magistrates in complying with section II of this lex in
addition to
the duties of all members of the Decuriae Interpretes.

4. Interpretes for the 5 Non English and Latin Languages most widely
spoken in Nova
Roma are hereby established. Until such time as the Senate determines
languages are most widely spoken, The Interpretes will provide
translations of the
French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish Languages.

5. The Language that the remaining 4 Interpretes shall provide shall be
chosen by
the Senate of Nova Roma.

V. In the event of linguistic differences between texts. The language
that will be
considered official in terms of interpretation shall be English.

VI. This lex does not effect in any way languages used in official or
provincial fora, fora maintained by official Sodalitates, or private
fora (including
but not limited to email lists organized] by private Citizens).

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Agenda Item - Title Needed - Gens Registration Lex
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Gnaeus=20Salix=20Astur?= <>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 12:09:07 +0000 (GMT)
Salvete Quirites; et salve, consul Sulla.

--- "L. Cornelius Sulla" <> wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Gnaeus Salix Astur
> To:
> Sent: Monday, February 04, 2002 4:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [novaroma] Agenda Item - Title Needed - Gens
> Registration Lex
> Salvete Quirites; et salve, consul Sulla.
> >--- "L. Cornelius Sulla" <> wrote:
> > It is not clearly stated in any law of Nova Roma that a
> > gentilis needs
> > the permission of his paterfamilias to leave a certain gens. I
> > know that you would like that permission to be compulsory, but it
> > currently isn't.
> >
> > Sulla: We have no law stating they can leave without pater
> > consent either. Therefore, as I do believe in the power of the
> > Pater I am just spelling out that while this period is ongoing they
> > cannot use this period of flux as a means.
> That means that, if no law specifies a decision, you choose to
> limit the right of the individual. I am afraid that that is
> anticonstitutional.
> Sulla: Tribune, I couldn't find a section of the Constitution that
> this lex violates. Could you let me know which section you have in
> mind?

Read the constitution, paragraphs II.B and II.B.6:
"B. The following rights of the citizens shall be guaranteed, but this
enumeration shall not be taken to exclude other rights that citizens
may possess:


6. The right to remain sovereign and secure within one's own home,
person, and property;"

Certainly, it follows the spirit of the Constitution to ensure that a
citizen has the right to choose his own gens. And it follows the
*letter* of the Constitution to ensure that a citizen has to remain
sovereign of his own person; this includes his nomen.

Bene Valete in Pace Deorum!
Gnaeus Salix Astur.
Tribunus Plebis
Legatus Externis Rebus Provinciae Hispaniae
Triumvir Academiae Thules
Scriba ad Res Externas Academiae Thules
Lictor Curiatus.

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Everything you'll ever need on one web page
from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts

Subject: [novaroma] Re: Agenda Item - Title Needed - Gens Registration Lex
From: "rexmarciusnr" <>
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 06:55:56 -0000
--- In novaroma@y..., "L. Cornelius Sulla" <alexious@e...> wrote:
> Sulla: Tribune, I couldn't find a section of the Constitution
that this lex violates. Could you let me know which section you have
in mind?
> Respectfully,
> Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix

Salve junior Consul,

There is one part of the constitution that should provide me with
some protection in this case and I would ask the Tribunes to
intervene on my behalf based on it:

"II.B.6. The right to remain sovereign and secure within one's own
home, person, and property"

The right to remain sovereign within one's own person implies to me
that (except for the provisions explicitly stating the paterfamilias
rights (acceptance or expulsion)) you are also your own master
regarding your gens affiliation and hence free to choose to leave
your gens without pater/mater approval. Not even a law stating it
otherwise should be able to change that right protected in the

Marcus Marcius Rex

Note: I do not know when this is going to appear on the list, so
please forgive me if it is untimely advice!.

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Translation Lex - Title Needed
From: Michel Loos <>
Date: 05 Feb 2002 10:34:00 -0200

The last part of this lex (VI), allowing only private and provincial
fora to be in a language other than english, is similar to the
proposition of the Cons. Vedius in December. It definitively turns NR in
an english-speaking nation which it should not be. At least all official
fora should be included here like they were in the SC.

V. is in total contradiction with II.
If latin is the official language, the latin version should prevail, not
the english version.

My opinion is that english should have no constitutionally guaranteed
position over the other vernacular languages.

It is a fact that it is most widely known language and therefor the
easiest to use language for communication between people with different
native languages. There is absolutely no need to give english a legal
protection and this is insulting to all other vernacular languages.


Manius Villius Limitanus

On Tue, 2002-02-05 at 04:39, Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix wrote:
> Ave,
> With the 3 laws getting sorted out and revised I would like to bring a
> new law before, citizens of Nova Roma for discussion. I would like to
> thank Propraetor Lucius Sicinius Drusus for his effort in combining a
> few efforts and authoring this proposed lex.
> Very Respectfully,
> Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
> Consul
> ____
> I. Due to the increasingly intermacronational nature of the Citizenship
> of Nova
> Roma, it has become necessary for the official language policy of the
> Republic to be
> defined, in such a way that acknowledges our historical antecedents,
> practical
> concerns, and the sensibilities of all of our Citizens. To that end,
> this (insert
> tittle) is adopted.
> II. Latin is hereby adopted as the official ceremonial language of Nova
> Roma. As
> such, it shall be used in rites conducted by the curule magistrates and
> appointed
> priests of Nova Roma on behalf of the entire nation, as well as other
> circumstances
> where it may be deemed appropriate.
> III. English is hereby adopted as the business language of Nova Roma's
> central
> government. As such, it shall be used in official communications from
> and day-to-day
> business conducted by the central government (defined for purposes of
> this proviso
> as the Senate and non provincial magistrates). Other languages may be
> used in such
> communications where deemed appropriate, but an English translation must
> accompany such communications.
> IV. In order to accommodate the Needs of Citizens who do not speak
> English, or who
> speak English as a Second Language, and in accordance with section IV 9
> of the
> Constitution the Decuriae Interpretes is established.
> 1. The Decuriae Interpretes shall consist of ten Interpretes who shall
> be
> responsible for making official translations of all proposed Leges and
> Plebiscita,
> and all Edicta and official announcements made by the magistrates of
> Nova Roma,
> along with all Senatus Consulta. The Interpretes shall also be
> responsible for for
> providing official translations of all Leges, Plebiscita, Senatus
> Consulta, Priestly
> Decreta, and Magisterial Edicta in force at the time this lex is passed.
> Each of the
> Interpretes shall have authority to appoint his own scribae. Should the
> position be
> vacant, and suitable and willing candidates are available, the Senate
> shall have the
> authority to appoint interpretes.
> 2. Each of the Interpretes shall be responsible for one language.
> 3. The Position of Interpretes Latinitas is established. The Interpretes
> Latinitas
> shall serve as the (Insert leader Tittle) of the Decuriae Interpretes
> and shall
> provide aid to magistrates in complying with section II of this lex in
> addition to
> the duties of all members of the Decuriae Interpretes.
> 4. Interpretes for the 5 Non English and Latin Languages most widely
> spoken in Nova
> Roma are hereby established. Until such time as the Senate determines
> which
> languages are most widely spoken, The Interpretes will provide
> translations of the
> French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish Languages.
> 5. The Language that the remaining 4 Interpretes shall provide shall be
> chosen by
> the Senate of Nova Roma.
> V. In the event of linguistic differences between texts. The language
> that will be
> considered official in terms of interpretation shall be English.
> VI. This lex does not effect in any way languages used in official or
> unofficial
> provincial fora, fora maintained by official Sodalitates, or private
> fora (including
> but not limited to email lists organized] by private Citizens).
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

Subject: [novaroma] Re: about my propraetorship
From: "g_popillius_laenas" <>
Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 14:41:37 -0000
Salve Luci Pompei

Most of us are aware of the serious problem in your macro-nation,
although I doubt many of us can appreciate the severity of the
conditions you are enduring.

My best wishes that you and all of yours, as well as the nation of
Argentina itself, come through these times as quickly as possible.

May the Gods watch over you.

Gaius Popillius Laenas

Subject: Re: [novaroma] Revision - LEX CORNELIA DE REBUS ORDINIS EQUESTRIS
From: Caeso Fabius Quintilianus <>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 21:07:25 +0100
Salvete Junior Consul Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix et Quirites!

This law has my full support and I am very pleased with this version.
This proposed change to the Constitution is a big step forward to
recreate the office of the Curule Aediles. Consul You have my full
support.! This law will be followed by a few Edictum Aedilium to make
it more concrete.

>I have revised this lex with the latest version, I would like to thank
>Tribune Gn. Salix about the oversight in the II.C.2 Section and I
>revised section under IV. A. 1. e. 5, based on input from Senator Q.
>Fabius Maximus. Thank you for your comments.
>Very Respectfully,
>Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
>Currently the Constitution reads:
>II. C. 2 - Ordo equester (equestrian order). The equestrian order shall
>consist of citizens who are engaged in the conduct of commerce
>(preferably with a Roman theme) who request and are granted entry into
>the equestrian order by the Censors. Such individuals are expected to
>contribute a portion of the revenue derived from Nova Roma back to the
>State, and receive reasonable encouragement in their enterprises in
>return. For purposes of participating in the comitia, holding office,
>etc. members of the equestrian order shall be considered to be of the
>patrician or plebeian order, depending on their status prior to
>inclusion in the equestrian order.
>This would be rewritten to state the following:
>II. C. 2 – Ordo Equester (equestrian order). The equestrian order shall
>consist of citizens who are engaged in the conduct of commerce
>(preferable with a Roman theme) who request and are granted entry into
>the equestrian order by the Censors. Such individuals are expected to
>contribute a portion of the revenue derived from Nova Roma back to the
>State, and receive reasonable encouragement in their enterprises in
>return. Day to day supervision of the members of the Macellum will be
>under the direct supervision of the Curule Aediles. For purposes of
>participating in the Comitia, holding office, etc. members of the
>Equestrian order shall be considered to be of the Patrician or Plebian
>Order, depending on their status prior to inclusion
>in the equestrian order.
>This section would be changed:
>IV.A.1.e - To maintain the album equestris (lists of members of the
>equestrian order), including the power to add and remove names on that
>This section would now read:
>IV. A. 1. e – To maintain the Album Equestris (list of members of the
>equestrian order), including the power to add and remove names on that
>A new section will be added under the job description of the Curule
>1. To hold Imperium;
>2. To issue those edicta (edicts) necessary to see to the conduct of
>public games and other festivals and gatherings and in regards to the
>Macellum and the Ordo Equaestor, to ensure order at public religious
>events, to see to the maintenance of any real public facilities that the
>State should acquire, and to administer the law (such edicts being
>binding upon themselves as well as others);
>3. To pronounce intercessio against another aedile (curule or plebeian)
>or magistrate of lesser authority;
>4. To appoint scribae (clerks) to assist with administrative and other
>tasks, as he shall see fit.
>5. To maintain the Macellum and the Ordo Equaestor. This will include
>supervising all aspects of the Macellum including compelling the Curator
>of the website to keep the Macellum updated. In addition to this, it is
>the responsibility of the Curule Aediles to report any changes of the
>Ordo Equaestor to the Censors.



Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
Senior Curule Aedile
Propraetor of Thule
AUCTOR LEGIONIS, Legio VII "Res Publica"

The Opinions expressed are my own,
and not an official opinion of Nova Roma
The homepage of the Nova Roma Provincia Thule:
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam
"I'll either find a way or make one"
"Do not give in to hate. That leads to the dark side."
Caeso, he who also is known as Christer Edling.
PRIVATE PHONE: +90 - 10 09 10

From: "Caius Cornelius Puteanus" <>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 21:15:19 +0100
Salvete Quirites!

This law is very wise in its attempt to recreate an historical situation in
which the aediles were responsable for the market places.

I hope we will all join our Consul and Aedilis Curulis in his effort to make
Nova Roma an historically accurate reconstruction of the glorious Republic!

Vale optime in pace deorum!

Caius Cornelius Puteanus
----- Original Message -----
From: "Caeso Fabius Quintilianus" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2002 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [novaroma] Revision - LEX CORNELIA DE REBUS ORDINIS EQUESTRIS

Salvete Junior Consul Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix et Quirites!

This law has my full support and I am very pleased with this version.
This proposed change to the Constitution is a big step forward to
recreate the office of the Curule Aediles. Consul You have my full
support.! This law will be followed by a few Edictum Aedilium to make
it more concrete.

>I have revised this lex with the latest version, I would like to thank
>Tribune Gn. Salix about the oversight in the II.C.2 Section and I
>revised section under IV. A. 1. e. 5, based on input from Senator Q.
>Fabius Maximus. Thank you for your comments.
>Very Respectfully,
>Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
>Currently the Constitution reads:
>II. C. 2 - Ordo equester (equestrian order). The equestrian order shall
>consist of citizens who are engaged in the conduct of commerce
>(preferably with a Roman theme) who request and are granted entry into
>the equestrian order by the Censors. Such individuals are expected to
>contribute a portion of the revenue derived from Nova Roma back to the
>State, and receive reasonable encouragement in their enterprises in
>return. For purposes of participating in the comitia, holding office,
>etc. members of the equestrian order shall be considered to be of the
>patrician or plebeian order, depending on their status prior to
>inclusion in the equestrian order.
>This would be rewritten to state the following:
>II. C. 2 - Ordo Equester (equestrian order). The equestrian order shall
>consist of citizens who are engaged in the conduct of commerce
>(preferable with a Roman theme) who request and are granted entry into
>the equestrian order by the Censors. Such individuals are expected to
>contribute a portion of the revenue derived from Nova Roma back to the
>State, and receive reasonable encouragement in their enterprises in
>return. Day to day supervision of the members of the Macellum will be
>under the direct supervision of the Curule Aediles. For purposes of
>participating in the Comitia, holding office, etc. members of the
>Equestrian order shall be considered to be of the Patrician or Plebian
>Order, depending on their status prior to inclusion
>in the equestrian order.
>This section would be changed:
>IV.A.1.e - To maintain the album equestris (lists of members of the
>equestrian order), including the power to add and remove names on that
>This section would now read:
>IV. A. 1. e - To maintain the Album Equestris (list of members of the
>equestrian order), including the power to add and remove names on that
>A new section will be added under the job description of the Curule
>1. To hold Imperium;
>2. To issue those edicta (edicts) necessary to see to the conduct of
>public games and other festivals and gatherings and in regards to the
>Macellum and the Ordo Equaestor, to ensure order at public religious
>events, to see to the maintenance of any real public facilities that the
>State should acquire, and to administer the law (such edicts being
>binding upon themselves as well as others);
>3. To pronounce intercessio against another aedile (curule or plebeian)
>or magistrate of lesser authority;
>4. To appoint scribae (clerks) to assist with administrative and other
>tasks, as he shall see fit.
>5. To maintain the Macellum and the Ordo Equaestor. This will include
>supervising all aspects of the Macellum including compelling the Curator
>of the website to keep the Macellum updated. In addition to this, it is
>the responsibility of the Curule Aediles to report any changes of the
>Ordo Equaestor to the Censors.



Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
Senior Curule Aedile
Propraetor of Thule
AUCTOR LEGIONIS, Legio VII "Res Publica"

The Opinions expressed are my own,
and not an official opinion of Nova Roma
The homepage of the Nova Roma Provincia Thule:
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam
"I'll either find a way or make one"
"Do not give in to hate. That leads to the dark side."
Caeso, he who also is known as Christer Edling.
PRIVATE PHONE: +90 - 10 09 10

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Subject: [novaroma] ATTN [Religio Romana]: Nonis Februaris (on February 5th)
From: "Antonio Grilo" <>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 20:26:26 -0000

Today is a "dies nefastus" (N), a day when legal action cannot take place.

This is the Nonae of Februarius. Today the Rex Sacrorum proclaims the static
festivals ('feriae stativae') of the month from the citadel ('arx') of the
Capitoline Hill [Macrobius, Saturnalia, 1.15.10].

The Nonae of Februarius was the official beginning of Spring [Varro, De Re
Rustica, 1.28].

It was on the Nonae of Februarius that the pontifices announced the
insertion of an intercalary month (every 2 years) before the reform of the
calendar by Iulius Caesar.

Today is the birthday of a temple of Concordia, probably located on the east
side of the Capitol, and which overlooked the great temple vowed by Camillus
(birthday on July 22) in the Forum below. The temple was vowed by Praetor L.
Manlius after he had crushed a mutiny of his troops in Cisalpine Gaul in 218

Di vos incolumes custodiant

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Subject: [novaroma] Call for Candidates for Tribuni Plebis and Aedilis Plebeius
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Gnaeus=20Salix=20Astur?= <>
Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2002 23:30:44 +0000 (GMT)
Tribuni Plebis Cn. Salix Astur et M. Arminius Maior Quiritibus S.P.D.

Ex Officio Tribunorum Plebis.

Call for Candidates for Tribunus Plebis and Aedilis Plebeius

We are hereby officially requesting interested cives to declare
themselves as candidates for one position of Aedilis Plebeius and one
of the three open position of Tribunus Plebis. We will accept
candidates until 0:00, official Nova Roma time (GMT+1), 11 Feb.

The planned Contio will extend from 11 to 16 Feb., and the votation is
planned to extend from 16 Feb. to 24 Feb.

So, in conclusion, the schedule is:
6 Feb. -> Candidatures can be presented
11 Feb. -> Contio begins
16 Feb. -> Voting starts
24 Feb. -> Voting ends

The obligations and powers of the Tribuni Plebis can be found in
section IV.A.7 of the Constitution, ammended by the Lex Vedia de
Tribuni (see the Tabularium of Nova Roma). And the obligations and
powers of the Aedilis Plebeius can be found in section IV.A.5 of the

Qualifications for Aedilis Plebeius are as follows:
1. You must be plebeian.
2. You must have been a civis for at least 6 months by February, 24.
3. You must be at least 21 years old. If you are not of age, then you
must receive a special dispensation from both censores and the Senate
*before* you declare your candidacy.
4. You must be willing to swear the Oath of Office, the text of which
can be found at the Tabularium.

Qualifications for Tribunus Plebis are as follows:
1. You must be plebeian.
2. You must have been a civis for at least 6 months by February, 24.
3. You must be at least 25 years old. If you are not of age, then you
must receive a special dispensation from both censores and the Senate
*before* you declare your candidacy.
4. You must be willing to swear the Oath of Office, the text of which
can be found at the Tabularium.

At the start of the Contio, the ballot of candidates and proposed laws
will be published.

Due to time pressures, we ask qualified applicants to declare their
candidacy both privately to us (to ensure that we get their names on
the ballot) and publicly (to alert the populace and begin campaigning).
We will not place unqualified candidates on the ballot.

Bene Valete in Pace Deorum!
Gnaeus Salix Astur.
Tribunus Plebis
Legatus Externis Rebus Provinciae Hispaniae
Triumvir Academiae Thules
Scriba ad Res Externas Academiae Thules
Lictor Curiatus.

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