Subject: |
[novaroma] Re: Worried About the Future |
From: |
"otto_von_sitter" <otto_von_sitter@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 23:05:39 -0000 |
I might not be well versed in everything that's going on, but it
seems to me we don't have to be too worried. NR has grown
much from even the time I first became a citizen, which wasn't
that long ago. Aside from certain things that could use a bit of
fixing, I'd say NR is still doing pretty well.
As to the plea that the Senate put aside its differences and think
about the good of NR before themselves, I agree and would also
ask that of all citizens. One of the core values I've had to learn as
an AFROTC cadet is "Service Before Self" which I find fitting to a
citizen's responsiblity to NR.
Marcus Cornelius Tiberius
Subject: |
[novaroma] New email address |
From: |
"quintuscassiuscalvus" <pokrock@aol.com> |
Date: |
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 03:11:03 -0000 |
Pardon my absence of the past couple of weeks. I finally have new
internet access that actually allows, gosh, access instead of a busy
signal. I see I missed, well, lets just call it interesting times.
Quintus Cassius Calvus
Subject: |
[novaroma] Canophori |
From: |
"Prometheus" <marcusprometheus@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Sun, 17 Mar 2002 14:06:03 +0100 |
> Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 16:37:43 -0000
> From: "Antonio Grilo" <antonio.grilo@inov.pt>
> Subject: ATTN (Religio Romana): Idibus Martiis (on March 15)
> This day belongs to Anna Perenna.
> This was also the day of the procession of the canophori (reed-bearers) of
> the cult of Magna Mater. They came from the border of the Almo and entered
> Rome to go to Her temple on the Palatine Hill. From today until the Dies
> Sanguinis (9 days later), the woshipers of Magna Mater abstained from some
> types of food
Marcus Prometheus:
Dear Gryllus,
Please some questions:
The procession of the canophori is it the same as the procession of the
And in this case is it the 15th March
the 16 th _and_ 17th as I find on other calendars, even the NR calendar
Best regards and thanks in advance
Marcus Prometheus
Subject: |
[novaroma] Bienvenido Tiberius Iulius Caesar . Welcome. Maximo gaudio te accipio |
From: |
"luciuspompeius" <danielovi@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 04:15:31 -0000 |
Español / Spanish
Salve novissime civis novaromane argentine Tiberi Iuli Caesar
Bienvenido a Nova Roma. Bienvenido a la provincia Argentina.
Maximo gaudio te accipio!!!!. Nunc undecim adsumus!!!!.
Para tu información :
Lista provincial oficial argentina :
Sitio provincial argentino oficial :
Te esperamos!.
Vale bene
Lucius Pompeius Octavianus
Propraetor provincialis Argentinae
English / inglés
Salve novissime civis novaromane argentine Tiberi Iuli Caesar.
Welcome to Nova Roma. Welcome to provincia Argentina.
Maximo gaudio te accipio!!!!.Nunc undecim adsumus!!!!.
For your information :
Official provincial mailing list :
Official provincial website :
We are waiting for you!
Vale bene
Lucius Pompeius Octavianus
Propraetor provincialis Argentinae
Subject: |
[novaroma] Quinquatrus |
From: |
"pjane64" <pcassia@janeraeburn.com> |
Date: |
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 12:29:50 -0000 |
Today and for the next four days, I will be offering devotions to
Minerva in honor of the Greater Quinquatrus. I particularly ask her
favor for the safety of Nova Romans serving in their macronational
armed forces, for wisdom to guide our micronation forward, and for the
greatest possible health and skill for all of us and our families.
May Minerva bless you today! If you'd like to make an offering to her
yourself, or to learn more about the festival, visit the Religio Romana
section of the NR Web site:
Patricia Cassia
Priestess of Minerva
Subject: |
[novaroma] Tax Report |
From: |
"g_popillius_laenas" <ksterne@bellsouth.net> |
Date: |
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 17:29:04 -0000 |
Salvete Quirites,
The Republic's first year of tax collections seems to be going
smoothly. Here is an update:
144 civies from 22 Provinciae all over the world have paid in a total
of $1,680.00 US. Payments have come in the form of Paypal, checks,
international money orders, US currency, and even some Euros ;-)
Eleven cives of Hispania got together is a demonstration of
Provincial organazation and all paid in a single Paypla transaction
(which also saves us Paypal fees) - Bravo!
Moneys are systematically transferred from the Paypal account to Nova
Roma's bank account in Maine, USA. For those who have paid via check
and are wondering why the check has not cleared, I am still working
to get bank deposit slips so I can mail the checks to the bank in
Maine and ensure proper crediting. All checks have been endorsed in
favor of Nova Roma "for deposit only" in the Maine bank, which
prohibits them being cashed or used any other way.
These moneys will go a long way toward furthering Nova Roma's goals.
For those interested the current year's budget as approved by the
Senate can be found at:
Remember, one-half of the taxes collected will be returned to the
Provinciae for use therein.
Recent events have caused some to post regarding how far they believe
our young Republic has come. These tax collections are further
evidence of that growth. Gratia to those who were able to, and have,
Further, the assistance provided by our Consuls and my colleague
Titus Octavius Pius has been invaluable and much appreciated.
Gaius Popillius Laenas
Consular Quaestor
2755 a.u.c.
Subject: |
Re: [novaroma] Tax Report |
From: |
MarcusAudens@webtv.net |
Date: |
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 14:49:42 -0500 (EST) |
Citizens of Nova Roma;
I am pleased to be able to follow up on Quaestor Laenus' Tax Report, and
congratulate the Citizens of Provincia Espania in thier ability and
willingness to get together and come to a common conclusion / and
My thanks for your loyalty and adherence to Nova Roma, and for your
example. I am very impressed!!!!
Marcus Minucius Audens
Senator / ProConsul
Subject: |
[novaroma] For Minerva, on Quinquatrus |
From: |
"gcassiusnerva" <gcassiusnerva@cs.com> |
Date: |
Tue, 19 Mar 2002 19:56:42 -0000 |
Lend voice, my Muse, to this my song
To the Goddess, let all of us sing
And keep this festival of March
With voice and with lyre string
Minerva's graces we praise this day
As we gather at the shine
Of Bright-Eyed Tritogenia
Upon the Aventine
But humble each of you your heart
To approach her sacred hall
Though she made Bellerophon to ride on Pegasus' wings
His pride so made made him fall
Her gifts of learning and wisdom
The haughty Paris spurned
Only to bring low old Priam's head
As sacred Illium burned
Arachne too, though mortal
Dared compare herself to her
Arachne once wove beautifully;
Arachnid weaves forever
Muses followers, and all manner scholars
Whatever be your art
Invite Brighteyes to share in these
And thou shalt win her heart
{G. Cassius Nerva}
{On two other lists I posted this
I admit, it was my plan
But bear with me, please, my first Poem
And pardon thou this Spam!}