Subject: [novaroma] Pretoria--Information
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 08:50:30 -0400 (EDT)
Citizen Secundus Quirinus Vitus;

The idea of different cohors in each provincia is an appealing one.
Some of the legions in the U.S. are following that idea, and I believe
such an action is presently under consideration in northern Europe.

However, The "central command" in Rome or wherever it is decided that it
will be, must begin to provide some information relating to what is
expected of these various cohors.

At the present time there are active legions the world over that do not
have NR Senate approval. From time to time one of these legions will
seek to affiliate with NR, but NR does not control the unit or seek in
any way to influence the unit outside of advice or other support offered
personally by citizens of NR.

At this time, I would say that the idea has merit, and you should go
ahead with your project, using the suggestions that I and others have
provided you earlier. As ProConsul of Nova Britannia, I offer my
support to begin to create in this province a Cohors of Pretoria should
anyone here be interested in beginning one. I personnally am a little
too to old and gimpy to put together a Pretoria Rig, but as ProConsul,
Senator, and Praefect Castorum of the Militarium, I support the idea.
Now all that is required is some information, guidelines, references,
procedures, and a lot of advertisement.

In closing, let me say that organizing, recruiting and providing
guidance for an organization such as you suggest is a tremendous amount
of work. I know that from my own experience as a commander of a
military unit, and I should imagine that Mathew Amt, and Shawn Richards
two Legion Commanders here in the U.S. would certainly agree with me.

Marcus Minucius Audens

Fair Winds and Following Seas!!!

From: "Franciscus Apulus Caesar" <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 12:21:11 +0200
May 7, 2002

Ex Officio Propraetoris Provinciae Italiae

I. By this edictum the Provincia Italia confirms the engagement taken by the
Cohors Aedilis Caeso Fabius Quintilianus, signed by the current Propraetor
and published at

II. The Provincia Italia will create a fund, with methods as convenient as
possible, receiving the donations from the citizens of Nova Roma for the
restoring and maintenance of the ruins of the ancient Temple of Magna Mater
on the Palatine hill in Rome.

III. A special website will be created at to
advertise the project to a larger range of people.The website will have all
the historical information about the Temple, data to send the donations to
and updates about the status of works.

IV. Provincia Italia will appoint a provincial magistrate as projectchief.
He'll have to research historical and archeological information about the
Temple of Magna Mater, to take care of the contacts with the donators and
public institutions managing the ruins, to keep the given money and to
choose a local association or institution taking of care the Temple. He'll
brief the Nova Roman supervisor about the status of works. Other provincial
magistrates could be engaged in the project supporting the chief.

V. This edictum has an immediate effect. Promulgated Nonis Maiis MMDCCLVI
a.u.c. (May 7, 2002), in the year of the consuls Marcus Octavius Germanicus
and Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix.

VI. This Edictum is approved by Curia Italica (05/04/2002,

Curiae Post Scriptum: the Propraetor Provinciae Italiae, when convenient,
will issue an Edictum with information about how the Organization will be
engaged by the restoring organism and the ways of raising founds for the

Franciscus Apulus Caesar
Propraetor Provinciae Italiae

7 Maggio, 2002

Ex Officio Propraetoris Provinciae Italiae

I. Con Questo Edictum la Provincia Italia ribadisce ufficialmente l'impegno
promossa dalla Cohors Aedilis di Caeso Fabius Quintilianus, firmata dal
Propraetor in carica e visionabile all'indirizzo

II. La Provincia Italia istituirà un fondo, con le modalità ritenute più
convenienti, per la ricezione della donazioni provenienti dai cittadini di
Nova Roma a favore della ricostruzione e della manutenzione delle rovine del
Tempio di Magna Mater sul Palatino a Roma.

III. Per favorire la pubblicità del progetto al più ampio pubblico, sarà
predisposto un apposito sito Internet all'interno di contenente tutte le informazioni storiche sul
tempio, i dati per la ricezione delle donazioni e gli aggiornamenti
sull'andamento dei lavori.

IV. La Provincia Italia designerà un magistrato provinciale come
responsabile del progetto. Egli dovrà ricercare notizie storiche ed
archeologiche sul Tempio di Magna Mater, curare i contatti con i donatori e
con gli enti pubblici manutentori delle rovine, conservare i fondi raccolti
ed individuare un'associazione o ente locale per la manutenzione del Tempio.
Egli sarà anche il supervisore per Nova Roma dell'andamento dei lavori.
Altri magistrati provinciali potranno essere coinvolti nel progetto a
supporto del responsabile.

V. Questo Edictum ha effetto immediato. Promulgato alle Nonis Maiis MMDCCLVI
a.u.c. (May 7, 2002), nell'anno del Consolato di Marcus Octavius Germanicus
e Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix.

VI. Questo Edictum ha l'approvazione della Curia Italica (04/05/2002,

Curiae Post Scriptum: Il Propraetor Provinciae Italiae, quando lo riterrà
opportuno, emanerà un Edictum contenente le indicazioni precise relative
all'Ente che si occuperà dell'opera di restauro e alle modalità di raccolta
delle offerte di denaro a favore del progetto.

Franciscus Apulus Caesar
Propraetor Provinciae Italiae

Subject: [novaroma] WARNING!
From: "J. Meuleman" <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 02:33:31 +0200
Hello all,

I'm sorry to send this to everyone in my address book, but I'm afraid it's a necessity.

Today, my email account has been hacked, as has my MSN identity "Vasudeva". Should you receive e-mail from that hacker, whoever he or she is, instantly delete that e-mail and do not respond, and please remove my old self from your MSN contact list. My new hotmail address will be , as will be my MSN identity. Please warn everyone I know who you don't see on this list of addressees.

Peace and greetings,
Jeroen Meuleman
Marcus Octavius Solaris (NR)
Gnaeus Dionysius Scorpio (SVR)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Subject: [novaroma] Condolences for the Low Countries
From: "Gaius Cornelius Ahenobarbus" <>
Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 09:35:52 -0700
I share my sympathy for our cives in the Neteherlands. That republic is as
much a model macronation for our times as the Res Publica was a model for
antiqua. It is a shame that they have suffered their first political
assassination. Whatever the message of Mr. Fortuyn, the Netherlands is the
epitome of tolerance and liberty and it is a sad day when his opponents had
to counter with murder instead of reason.

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

Subject: [novaroma] Fwd: Increase in Charge for Email (Please Read!)
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 11:21:41 EDT

I thought that I would forward this to the list incase no one has heard about

Lucia Ambrosia Valeria

May 7,2002

Article from Westside Gazette



Postage will go up the end of June 2002 from 34 cents to 37 cents. It will
be from 9% to 12% rate increase.

But this isn't all. No more free E-mail! We knew this was coming - Bill
602P will permit the Federal Government to charge a 5-cent charge on every
delivered E-mail.

Please read the following carefully if you intend to stay online and
continue using E-mail. The last few months have revealed an alarming trend
in the Government of the United States attempting to quietly push through
legislation that will affect our use of the Internet.

Under proposed legislation, the US Postal Service will be attempting to bill
E-mail users out of "alternative postage fees." Bill 602P will permit the
Federal Government to charge a 5-cent surcharge on every e-mail delivered,
by billing Internet Service Providers at source. The consumer would then be
billed in turn by the ISP.

Washington DC lawyer Richard Stepp is working without pay to prevent this
legislation from becoming law. The US Postal Service is claiming lost
revenue, due to the proliferation of E-mail, is costing nearly $230,000,000
in revenue per year. You may have noticed their recent ad campaign: "There
is nothing like a letter."

Since the average person received about 10 pieces of E-mail per day in 1998,
the cost of the typical individual would be an additional 50 cents a day or
over $180 per year -- above and beyond their regular Internet costs. Note
that this would be money paid directly to the US Postal Service for a
service they do not even provide. The whole point of the Internet is
democracy and noninterference. You are already paying an exorbitant price
for snail mail because of bureaucratic inefficiency.

It currently takes up to 6 days for a letter to be delivered from coast to
coast. If the US Postal Service is allowed to tinker with E-mail it will
mark the end of the "free" Internet in the United States. Congressional
representative, Tony Schnell (R) has even suggested a "$20-$40 per month
surcharge on all Internet service" above and beyond the governments proposed
E-mail charges. Note that most of the major newspapers have ignored the
story the only exception being the Washingtonian which called the idea of
E-mail surcharge "a useful concept who's time has come" (March 6th, 1999
Do not sit by and watch your freedom erode away!

Send this E-mail to EVERYONE on your list, and tell all your friends and
relatives to write their congressional representative and say "NO" to Bill
602P. It will only take a few moments of your time and could very well be
instrumental in killing a bill we do not want. PLEASE FORWARD!

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Subject: [novaroma] Re: Fwd: Increase in Charge for Email (Please Read!)
From: Kristoffer From <>
Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 23:25:13 +0200 wrote:
> Postage will go up the end of June 2002
> from 34 cents to 37 cents. It will
> be from 9% to 12% rate increase.
> But this isn't all. No more free
> E-mail! We knew this was coming - Bill
> 602P will permit the Federal Government
> to charge a 5-cent charge on every
> delivered E-mail.

Salve, Lucia Ambrosia Valeria

I would *LOVE* to see this really, just LOVE
neither the IPv4 nor the IPv6 protocol is designed to allow this kind of
watch being kept. I mean, how is some random middleman supposed to know
the data I'm transferring to my US friend is an e-mail or just him
downloading a pic from my server? Services like yahoo and so COULD
conceivably be forced to keep a tab on incoming mail to their users, but
there WOULD be free alternatives. In short, if this isn't a spam-hoax,
I'd be very surprised. If it isn't, just start using alternate mail
accounts, for instance foreign ones. Why pay for something you can have
for free? :)

Vale, Titus Octavius Pius.

Subject: [novaroma] CANDIDACY AS QUAESTOR
From: Manius Constantinus Serapio <>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 15:09:58 -0700 (PDT)

I come in front of the Gods, the Senate and the
people of Nova Roma today to officially present my
candidacy as Quaestor for the current year.

I did not take this decision lightly, but rather I
carefully considered it.
I know this is a particular circumstance: I am
running for an office left by an ex-citizen. So some
of you could ask why I didn't stand as a candidate
when it was the right period, that is to say last
december. I will answer later to this question.
First of all, let me tell you something about Manius

My name is Simone Lattes, I am italian and live in
Turin, a roman castra whose name was Augusta
I am a musician and I am still studying music (since
we have always something new to learn!). In particular
I am a composer and conductor.
Could an artist (if we want to call me in this way)
have the required pragmatism to carry out the task of
a magistrate? Oh! You will certainly understand that a
conductor must have a lot of pragmatism, capacity of
coordinating, capacity of having control of the
situation, orderliness, and above all a very great
scrupolosity, an essential element in my job to obtain
always the best result!

My grandfather, a very learned man, an intellectual,
a painter and writer with philosophical inclinations,
taught me the love for what we call "Roman Virtues",
like simplicity, probity, unselfishness, generosity,
sense of duty, respect, gratefulness. But he was also
the owner of a publishing house, through wich he
taught me not to waste money.

However, maybe the most important thing my
grandfather gave me is the love of my Fatherland, my
Flag, my Anthem.
So, now you can understand why I didn't run for this
office last december: I was with my Fatherland's army,
working in Afghanistan and other countries with
american and british soldiers for our freedom.
And do you want to know why I am so proud? Because I
feel that Nova Roma is my Fatherland as much as Italy,
and I do my best as in Nova Roma as in my family, my
job, my army!
I am sure you can understand this feeling, because we
all see in our Res Publica the heir of that ineffable
world that was Rome!

Quirites, perhaps you don't see me a lot on this
mailing list. I can assure you that it doesn't mean I
am "not so active"! I think you can ask around to see
my dedication to Nova Roma.
With Franciscus Apulus Caesar and Gaius Quirinus
Italicus I took part to the regeneration of Provincia
Italia (and you can see our results today!).
Now I am Legatus Externis Rebus of my Provincia and
I have to deal with a lot of important matters. To
give you an idea, I tell you that I am conducting a
programm on a provincial scale to contact all italic
inactive citizens through a 3-step plan (e-mail,
letter, telephone call; please, don't think we break
people's privacy! If you want more informations,
please contact me).
I also have to deal with the promotion of Provincia
Italia in Italy, with the "search" for new potential
citizens, their welcome and their introduction in the
active life of Provincia Italia and Nova Roma.

I also work in the Sodalitas Egressus as Dominus
Praefectus. In particular I am Dominus Praefectus for
Italy and Eastern Europe and acting Praefectus for
North Africa.
As Dominus Praefectus I promote and "advertize" Nova
Roma in my areas of action (you can already read some
reviews of Nova Roma on several italian sites). I
write reports on archaeological subjects. I am now
completing a long detailed report about the roman
influence and power in North Africa, and in particular
in Libya.

I think you understood what my activity consists of,
and I don't want to bore you more adding other
informations to this long message.

However, if anybody wants to know more I am
available privately or here too.

The problem of writing a lot is that some of you
could have forgotten the reason of this harangue, that
is the presentation of my candidacy as Quaestor!
Joking apart, if you think I could be fit for
holding this office, please, support me in this
If you don't think I could be a good Quaestor,
please, read again this message at least: I took some
hours trying to write it in an accettable good


Legatus Externis Rebus Provinciae Italiae
Dominus Praefectus Italiae Europaeque Orientalis et
Praefecti Africae Septentrionalis munere fungens Sodalitatis Egressus
Provincia Italia Website:

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