Subject: [Nova-Roma] Moedas
From: "Titus Arminius Genialis" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 22:26:51 -0200
Titus Arminius Genialis Omnibus S.P.D.

Estivemos discutindo, nosso ilustre propraetor e senador Marcus Arminius
Maior e eu, sobre a dificuldade que é adquirir as moedas de sestertius que
são vendidos por Nova Roma.
E esta dificuldade é devida a diversos fatores, desde o simples envio pelo
correio a problemas cambiais (que por sinal originaram aquela discussão
sobre os impostos), alfandegários e até mesmo com as leis macronacionais.
Por isso, pensamos e gostaríamos de propor a todos vocês a criação de moedas
locais, ou seja, que possam ser cunhadas pelas próprias províncias (como
alguém que não me lembro agora já sugeriu na Lista Principal há algumas
semanas). Isso facilitaria tudo. Ficaria muito mais simples e barata
adquiri-las, pois essa aquisição poderia ser feita através da própria
província (poderia ser nomeado um escriba para cuidar desse assunto) e não
precisaria ser paga uma taxa de envio tão alta (por não se tratar de correio
internacional), além de nosso dinheiro não precisar ser convertido para o

E como seriam estas moedas? Elas poderiam ser idênticas às produzidas por
Julianus, contendo apenas uma letra de cunhagem (para os leigos em
numismática, é uma letra bem pequena normalmente no canto da moeda, que
identifica o lugar onde foi feita, como as letras das moedas de dólares).
Ou, na minha opinião uma idéia melhor e mais interessante, elas poderiam ser
como as moedas de Euro, com o anverso (parte da frente da moeda) igual em
todas as províncias e o reverso (parte de trás) diferente, identificando a
província onde ela foi feita. Poderiam ser cunhadas diferentes para o mesmo
valor, com efígies (retratos) diferentes, ou até mesmo moedas de valores
diferentes. A única coisa que Maior e eu descordamos é o culto à
personalidade, ou seja, estaria fora de cogitação a cunhagem de efígies de
governadores e outras pessoas. Poderiam ser cunhados deuses, monumentos e
outras coisas que não levem à bajulação pessoal.

Para quê? Além das vantagens descritas no primeiro parágrafo deste texto,
tais moedas seriam importantes pelos sete motivos listados por Julianus em (construir uma microeconomia ativa
em Nova Roma, atuar como item promocional e de coleção para aumentar o
interesse público em NR, ser um item "físico" que represente a soberania de
NR e que seja disponível a todos os cidadãos, ajudar a manter uma atmosfera
mais "romana" nos eventos do mundo real, aumentar o status de NR como uma
micronação viável, construir uma herança histórica que dure por séculos e
produzir um item romano que possa ser dado como oferenda aos deuses). Outra
utilidade poderia ser o aumento da renda e do patrimônio oficial local das
províncias, já que as moedas seriam vendidas diretamente delas, e o lucro
poderia ficar guardado em um Tesouro oficial local, o que facilitaria e
muito outros projetos como a da criação de bolsas de estudo, organizações de
eventos reais, o Projeto de Terras, entre outros. Outra coisa que se
tornaria mais fácil seria o pagamento dos impostos. O cidadão poderia
comprar moedas do propraetor local e pagar impostos com ela. O propraetor
então enviaria à sede do governo os sestertii, e o dinheiro macronacional
ficaria retido do Tesouro da Província como patrimônio público. Com o início
da circulação das moedas e a remessa delas para a sede do governo, elas
passariam com o tempo a fluir de uma província para outra, carregando
consigo as características de sua "província-mãe", da mesma forma que
acontece com as moedas do Euro, o que de certa forma aumentaria e melhoraria
o contato entre províncias distantes.

Como? Simples. Julianus poderia produzir os moldes para que cada província
produzisse sua própria moeda baseada nas dele ou então as províncias
poderiam contratar alguém para fazer os desenhos. As moedas poderiam ser
cunhadas pelas fábricas oficiais de moedas das macronações (a maioria das
fábricas produzem moedas e medalhas para particulares por encomenda; no
Brasil, por exemplo, a Casa da Moeda do Brasil faz isso). Outra
possibilidade seria contratar profissionais especializados em produzir
réplicas de moedas raras, que fazem as moedas por si só. Caso uma província
tivesse dificuldades em produzir suas moedas, outra próxima poderia fazer
isso mediante algum tipo benefício em dinheiro, em espécie ou em favores
(por exemplo Brasilia e Argentina, Lusitania e Hispania etc.).

Em suma, a proposta é simples: criação de moedas locais, cunhadas pelas
províncias, para facilitar a sua aquisição e o comércio dentro da província
e aumentar as possessões em dinheiro dos Tesouros Públicos de cada
província, além de estimular interesse do público externo, por se tratar de
material de coleção.

Valete bene e que a tríade Concordia, Pax et Salus Publica proteja a todos.

Titus Arminius Genialis
Apparitor Salutis Publicae Templi Concordiae
ICQ#: 75873373

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Coins
From: "Titus Arminius Genialis" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 22:27:02 -0200
Titus Arminius Genialis Omnibus S.P.D.

Earlier today, honorable Propreator and Senator Marcus Arminius Maior and I
have been discussing about how difficult it is to buy sestertius coins which
are sold by Nova Roma. This is due to several reasons, which range from the
simple handling and shipping question up to cambial (which even created that
discussion about taxation), related to customs, and even related to
macronational laws problems.
Therefore, we have thought for a while and we would like to suggest you all
the creation of local coins, I mean, coins which are made by the provinces
(somebody suggested this in the Main List a few weeks ago). This would make
everything easier. It would be much simpler and cheaper to purchase them,
because this purchasing could be made directly through the province itself
(there could be a scriba named to carry out this issue), people would not
need to pay a high shipping tax (because it wouldn't be an international
mailing) and local money would not need to be converted into dollars.

How would these coins look like? They could be either identical to those
which are produced by Julianus, containing only a coinage letter (a small
letter which identifies the origin of the coins, just like US dollars coins)
or, I think this second option is much better, they could be just like Euro
coins, with its obserse identical in all provinces and its reverse
different, with characteristics of each province. There could be different
coins with the same face value, with different drawings or even coins with
different values. The only thing Maior and I disagree is the "worship" of
people, I mean, there should NOT be coins with governors or other people
portait. There could be gods and goddesses, monuments and places, and a
great deal of other things.

Why? Besides those advantages I listed on the first paragraph of this text,
such coins would be important by the seven reasons Julius listed at (to build an active microeconomy within
NR, to act as a promotional and collectable item to increase public interest
in NR, to be a "physical" item which represents NR sovereignty and which is
available to every citizen, to help to maintain an "Roman" atmosphere
whithin real-world events, to increase NR status as a viable
organization/micronation, to build a historical "inheritance" that may last
for centuries, and to produce a roman item that could be given as offering
to deities). Other utility could be the increasing of the provinces local
patrimony, since those coins would be sold thoughly from them, and the
profit could be saved in a local Official Treasury, what would help really
much in other projects, like the scholarships, real-world events
organizations, the Land Project, and many others. Another thing that would
be easier is the tax payment. The citizens could buy coins from his/her
province and them pay his/her taxes with these coins. Then, the propraetor
would send those sestertii coins to the central government and the money in
the local currency would be saved in the local Treasury. When this starts,
the coins will tend to flush from a province to another, taking with them
their "mother-province" characteristics, just like it happens with the Euro
coins, what would in a certain way increase and enhance the contact between
distant provinces.

How? Simple. Either Julianus could produce the molds for each province to
produce their own coins based on Julianus' ones or the provinces could hire
someone to do the drawings. The coins could be made on the macronations
official coins factories (most coin factories produce coins and tokens to
private people and organizations). Another possibility could be hiring
people specialized on producing rare coins copies, who do their own coins by
themselves. In the case of one province have some problems on producing its
coins, any other near province could help, asking some kind of benefit, like
money or favors (for example, provinces Brasilia and Argentina; Lusitania
and Hispania etc.)

Resuming, our purpose is simple: to creat local coins which would be made by
the provinces to easy their purchasing and the trading within the province
and to increase money possessions of provinces Public Treasuries. Besides,
they would estimulate external public interest because they are collectable

Valete bene and may Concordia, Pax and Salus Publica protect all of us.

Titus Arminius Genialis
Apparitor Salutis Publicae Templi Concordiae
ICQ#: 75873373

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Congratulations!
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Gnaeus=20Salix=20Astur?= <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 01:37:44 +0100 (CET)
Salvete Quirites; et salve, Caeso.

--- Caeso Fabius Quintilianus <> escribió:


> Thank You Illustris Gnaeus Salix Astur for changing the law for the
> Comitia Populi Tributa, I am sure it will be an improvement! ;-)

Do not thank me; thank the People of Nova Roma. It is *their*
(your, our) decision to have this law. I just wrote it :-).

We will see how it works in the next election round. After all, one can
never be sure of how things are going to go until one tests them. Test
and error, you know :-).

Bene Valete in Pace Deorum!
Gnaeus Salix Astur.
Tribunus Plebis
Triumvir Academiae Thules
Scriba ad Res Externas Academiae Thules
Lictor Curiatus.

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] CONGRATULATIONS
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Gnaeus=20Salix=20Astur?= <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 01:42:46 +0100 (CET)
Salvete Quirites; et salve, Francisce.

--- Franciscus Apulus Caesar <> escribió:


> I'm glad for Gnaeus Salix Astur ... Amice, I'm sure you'll win in the
> next elections, you have my support!

Thank you very much for your support, amice :-).

Bene Valete in Pace Deorum!
Gnaeus Salix Astur.
Tribunus Plebis
Triumvir Academiae Thules
Scriba ad Res Externas Academiae Thules
Lictor Curiatus.

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Coins
From: "M. Flavius Aurelius" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 11:44:37 +1100
Thankyou Titus for raising this issue once more.

Assuming that the mintig of local coinage is acceptable, I would be very
interested in coordinating their manufacture in my own province. I would
appreciate though if Julianus could share his experience and knowledge
relating to what he did to get the existing coinage produced - as well as
artwork should it be possible.

I also think it is a very good idea if citizens are encouraged to pay their
taxes in NR coinage as this provides incentive to obtain the currency - as
it is serves a purpose to the buyer as well as the organisation.

Question though - if I had the artwork, what kind of businesses would I
approach about getting the coins produced????

M. Flavius Aurelius

----- Original Message -----
From: "Titus Arminius Genialis" <>
To: "NR Main List" <>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 11:27 AM
Subject: [Nova-Roma] Coins

Titus Arminius Genialis Omnibus S.P.D.

Earlier today, honorable Propreator and Senator Marcus Arminius Maior and I
have been discussing about how difficult it is to buy sestertius coins which
are sold by Nova Roma. This is due to several reasons, which range from the
simple handling and shipping question up to cambial (which even created that
discussion about taxation), related to customs, and even related to
macronational laws problems.
Therefore, we have thought for a while and we would like to suggest you all
the creation of local coins, I mean, coins which are made by the provinces
(somebody suggested this in the Main List a few weeks ago). This would make
everything easier. It would be much simpler and cheaper to purchase them,
because this purchasing could be made directly through the province itself
(there could be a scriba named to carry out this issue), people would not
need to pay a high shipping tax (because it wouldn't be an international
mailing) and local money would not need to be converted into dollars.

How would these coins look like? They could be either identical to those
which are produced by Julianus, containing only a coinage letter (a small
letter which identifies the origin of the coins, just like US dollars coins)
or, I think this second option is much better, they could be just like Euro
coins, with its obserse identical in all provinces and its reverse
different, with characteristics of each province. There could be different
coins with the same face value, with different drawings or even coins with
different values. The only thing Maior and I disagree is the "worship" of
people, I mean, there should NOT be coins with governors or other people
portait. There could be gods and goddesses, monuments and places, and a
great deal of other things.

Why? Besides those advantages I listed on the first paragraph of this text,
such coins would be important by the seven reasons Julius listed at (to build an active microeconomy within
NR, to act as a promotional and collectable item to increase public interest
in NR, to be a "physical" item which represents NR sovereignty and which is
available to every citizen, to help to maintain an "Roman" atmosphere
whithin real-world events, to increase NR status as a viable
organization/micronation, to build a historical "inheritance" that may last
for centuries, and to produce a roman item that could be given as offering
to deities). Other utility could be the increasing of the provinces local
patrimony, since those coins would be sold thoughly from them, and the
profit could be saved in a local Official Treasury, what would help really
much in other projects, like the scholarships, real-world events
organizations, the Land Project, and many others. Another thing that would
be easier is the tax payment. The citizens could buy coins from his/her
province and them pay his/her taxes with these coins. Then, the propraetor
would send those sestertii coins to the central government and the money in
the local currency would be saved in the local Treasury. When this starts,
the coins will tend to flush from a province to another, taking with them
their "mother-province" characteristics, just like it happens with the Euro
coins, what would in a certain way increase and enhance the contact between
distant provinces.

How? Simple. Either Julianus could produce the molds for each province to
produce their own coins based on Julianus' ones or the provinces could hire
someone to do the drawings. The coins could be made on the macronations
official coins factories (most coin factories produce coins and tokens to
private people and organizations). Another possibility could be hiring
people specialized on producing rare coins copies, who do their own coins by
themselves. In the case of one province have some problems on producing its
coins, any other near province could help, asking some kind of benefit, like
money or favors (for example, provinces Brasilia and Argentina; Lusitania
and Hispania etc.)

Resuming, our purpose is simple: to creat local coins which would be made by
the provinces to easy their purchasing and the trading within the province
and to increase money possessions of provinces Public Treasuries. Besides,
they would estimulate external public interest because they are collectable

Valete bene and may Concordia, Pax and Salus Publica protect all of us.

Titus Arminius Genialis
Apparitor Salutis Publicae Templi Concordiae
ICQ#: 75873373

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Resignation -- NOT!!
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 19:46:20 -0500 (EST)
Quaestor Laenus;

Well I am very glad to hear that!!!!! You have done some excellent work
here in Nova Roma, and it would be a shame to see you go. Yes, I did
misunderstand your message, and for that you have my apology. Best of
luck in the election campaign.


Marcus Minucius Audens

Fair Winds and Following Seas!!!

Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] what's in the name.
From: "Gaius Galerius Peregrinator" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 00:56:33 +0000


>True, it can be confusing. I was taught that the polite usage in Latin was
>the two names.
>Ex, Address in the Senate: "Does the illustrious Quintus Fabius have
>anything to add?"

Salve Q. Fabii Maxime:

Right, if your praenomen is Quintus. What if it was Iulius? "Does the
illustrious Iulius Fabius have anything to add?" Now, is he a Iulius or is
he a Fabius? (I hope there isn't any Iulius in the Fabius family, because I
am not trying to single out anybody, and I apologize in advance). That
would be alright for a modern man. Modern man is an individual, the Roman
man was not. He was part of a large family. And aren't we trying to
recreate the real Rome.

And thank you. I clipped off most of the text so not to clog people's
boxes, but you are right. The question I was trying to bring up is the
issue of authenticity. Not long ago there were the debates, that were never
resolved, about the gens issue because of authenticity, and here we have a
simple issue that has been overlooked.


G. Galerius Peregrinator.


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Subject: [Nova-Roma] My Own Heartfelt Congratulations
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Gnaeus=20Salix=20Astur?= <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 01:56:42 +0100 (CET)
Salvete Quirites.

I just wanted to write a few lines to say "thank you" to all the
candidates. Thanks to your effort, these elections have been, in my
humble opinion, our best elections yet and a good proof of Nova Roma's
health and growing strength.

To those candidates that have not been elected: please do not give up,
and better luck next time.

To those candidates that have been elected: my congratulations. I am
really impressed by the quality of our magistrates for next year. I am
absolutely sure that MMDCCLVI will be an excellent year for Nova Roma
under your guidance.

To those candidates (like myself) that still have to suffer this
torture called "elections" once again: courage! :-)

And, finally, to the voters: thank you very much. *You* are the true
reason behind all this; *you* are the ones who actually make Nova Roma,
by taking these elections seriously (among many other things, of course
:-) ).

Please, remember to vote again in the forthcoming run-off elections.
They will be held within few days, and it won't take you too much time.
Only through your vote can the magistracies of Nova Roma gain
legitimacy; only through your vote can Nova Roma be improved. Vote in
good conscience, vote for your favourite candidates, but please: VOTE! :-).

Bene Valete in Pace Deorum!
Gnaeus Salix Astur.
Tribunus Plebis
Triumvir Academiae Thules
Scriba ad Res Externas Academiae Thules
Lictor Curiatus.

Yahoo! Messenger
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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Re: what's in the name.
From: "Gaius Galerius Peregrinator" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 00:57:22 +0000

>From: "L. Sicinius Drusus" <>
>No we aren't consistant in which name to refer to
>somebody as, but niether were the Romans. The early
>Emperors are a good example. The Romans of thier time
>and the Historians that wrote about them didn't follow
>any set pattern other than using the name that caused
>the least confusion.
>Augustus, a agnomen of distinction...

Right, and we can see that sort of thing in our own time when a person
is well known and is constantly in the news. When you say Bush, everybody
knows who, but that is not the way everybody is identified.

Galerius Peregrinator

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Re: what's in the name.
From: "Gaius Galerius Peregrinator" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 00:59:23 +0000

>From: "Gnaeus Equitius Marinus" <>

>Nova Roma is the only place on the net where I'm not known as
>Bill Gawne in everyday exchanges. But I've tried to make it easy
>for people here to know who I am by routinely identifying myself
>by my cognomen "Marinus". It's a nice simple one word name which
>is thus far unique in Nova Roma. (And yes, I'm borrowing the
>practice from a guy who used to sign himself "Caesar.")

Salve Marine:

Marinus is not a problem because you are active on the list, and not
easy to forget. But if you showed up only once a month, that would be a

Thank you for the reply, and congratulations on the election's win.
True, it wasn't a landslide but you ran against Caesar, so it is ok.

Bene Vale

Galerius Peregrinator.

The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*

Subject: RES: [Nova-Roma] Coins
From: "Titus Arminius Genialis" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 22:58:47 -0200
Salve Aurelius,

I think I didn't understand your question very well...
but anyway I don't have much experience in producing coins, so i really
don't know what kind of things one should to to make one's own coins... we
should ask Julianus for more details.
I'll try to ask a group i take part in about Numismatics and then I'll tell
what I receive as a reply.

Vale bene,

Titus Arminius Genialis
Apparitor Salutis Publicae Templi Concordiae
ICQ#: 75873373

-----Mensagem original-----
De: M. Flavius Aurelius []
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 25 de novembro de 2002 21:45
Assunto: Re: [Nova-Roma] Coins

Thankyou Titus for raising this issue once more.

Assuming that the mintig of local coinage is acceptable, I would be very
interested in coordinating their manufacture in my own province. I would
appreciate though if Julianus could share his experience and knowledge
relating to what he did to get the existing coinage produced - as well as
artwork should it be possible.

I also think it is a very good idea if citizens are encouraged to pay
taxes in NR coinage as this provides incentive to obtain the currency - as
it is serves a purpose to the buyer as well as the organisation.

Question though - if I had the artwork, what kind of businesses would I
approach about getting the coins produced????

M. Flavius Aurelius

----- Original Message -----
From: "Titus Arminius Genialis" <>
To: "NR Main List" <>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 11:27 AM
Subject: [Nova-Roma] Coins

Titus Arminius Genialis Omnibus S.P.D.

Earlier today, honorable Propreator and Senator Marcus Arminius Maior and
have been discussing about how difficult it is to buy sestertius coins
are sold by Nova Roma. This is due to several reasons, which range from
simple handling and shipping question up to cambial (which even created
discussion about taxation), related to customs, and even related to
macronational laws problems.
Therefore, we have thought for a while and we would like to suggest you
the creation of local coins, I mean, coins which are made by the provinces
(somebody suggested this in the Main List a few weeks ago). This would
everything easier. It would be much simpler and cheaper to purchase them,
because this purchasing could be made directly through the province itself
(there could be a scriba named to carry out this issue), people would not
need to pay a high shipping tax (because it wouldn't be an international
mailing) and local money would not need to be converted into dollars.

How would these coins look like? They could be either identical to those
which are produced by Julianus, containing only a coinage letter (a small
letter which identifies the origin of the coins, just like US dollars
or, I think this second option is much better, they could be just like
coins, with its obserse identical in all provinces and its reverse
different, with characteristics of each province. There could be different
coins with the same face value, with different drawings or even coins with
different values. The only thing Maior and I disagree is the "worship" of
people, I mean, there should NOT be coins with governors or other people
portait. There could be gods and goddesses, monuments and places, and a
great deal of other things.

Why? Besides those advantages I listed on the first paragraph of this
such coins would be important by the seven reasons Julius listed at (to build an active microeconomy
NR, to act as a promotional and collectable item to increase public
in NR, to be a "physical" item which represents NR sovereignty and which
available to every citizen, to help to maintain an "Roman" atmosphere
whithin real-world events, to increase NR status as a viable
organization/micronation, to build a historical "inheritance" that may
for centuries, and to produce a roman item that could be given as offering
to deities). Other utility could be the increasing of the provinces local
patrimony, since those coins would be sold thoughly from them, and the
profit could be saved in a local Official Treasury, what would help really
much in other projects, like the scholarships, real-world events
organizations, the Land Project, and many others. Another thing that would
be easier is the tax payment. The citizens could buy coins from his/her
province and them pay his/her taxes with these coins. Then, the propraetor
would send those sestertii coins to the central government and the money
the local currency would be saved in the local Treasury. When this starts,
the coins will tend to flush from a province to another, taking with them
their "mother-province" characteristics, just like it happens with the
coins, what would in a certain way increase and enhance the contact
distant provinces.

How? Simple. Either Julianus could produce the molds for each province to
produce their own coins based on Julianus' ones or the provinces could
someone to do the drawings. The coins could be made on the macronations
official coins factories (most coin factories produce coins and tokens to
private people and organizations). Another possibility could be hiring
people specialized on producing rare coins copies, who do their own coins
themselves. In the case of one province have some problems on producing
coins, any other near province could help, asking some kind of benefit,
money or favors (for example, provinces Brasilia and Argentina; Lusitania
and Hispania etc.)

Resuming, our purpose is simple: to creat local coins which would be made
the provinces to easy their purchasing and the trading within the province
and to increase money possessions of provinces Public Treasuries. Besides,
they would estimulate external public interest because they are

Valete bene and may Concordia, Pax and Salus Publica protect all of us.

Titus Arminius Genialis
Apparitor Salutis Publicae Templi Concordiae
ICQ#: 75873373

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Coins
From: "Gaius Galerius Peregrinator" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 01:09:14 +0000
Salvete omnes:

I'd buy the coins were they available, and since we're on the subject
why don't we have postage stamps. Every nation does,( and please stop
referring to the USPS as snail mail). There are literally millions of stamp
collectors. I used to be one myself.


Galerius Peregrinator.

>From: "Titus Arminius Genialis" <>
>Earlier today, honorable Propreator and Senator Marcus Arminius Maior and I
>have been discussing about how difficult it is to buy sestertius coins
>are sold by Nova Roma...

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] what's in the name.
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 20:39:26 EST
In a message dated 11/24/02 4:56:54 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> Iulius Fabius have anything to add?" Now, is he a Iulius or is
> he a Fabius?


By your example, Gaius Galerius, Fabius is the nomen, so he'd be a Fabii

If the order was reversed he'd be a Iuli.


Q. Fabius Maximus

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Heartfelt Congratulations from the Fabii
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 20:49:54 EST

Congratulations to Caeso Fabius on his win from his Paterfamilias and his

Interesting to note that Both Q. Fabius and C. Fabius were Curule Aedile one
year and elected Senior Consul the next. Indeed giving games does help, like
in old Rome. I'm pleased at this. Proves that chroniclers were correct.

Q. Fabius Maximus
and Gensmates

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] what's in the name.
From: "Gaius Galerius Peregrinator" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 02:46:58 +0000

> > Iulius Fabius have anything to add?" Now, is he a Iulius or is
> > he a Fabius?...

>By your example, Gaius Galerius, Fabius is the nomen, so he'd be a Fabii
>If the order was reversed he'd be a Iuli.


I just picked up a cognomen from Novaroma list of cognomina, Quintilius.
If I were Gaius Galerius Quintilius, and was addressed as Galerius
Quintilius, it would be correct but my nomen would not be Quintilius.


G. Galerius Peregrinator.

The new MSN 8: advanced junk mail protection and 2 months FREE*

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Welcome Cordus
From: Patricia Cassia <>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 21:55:09 -0500
Welcome Aulus Apollonius Cordus! I look forward to your further
involvement in Nova Roma.
Patricia Cassia
Senatrix et Sacerdos Minervalis
Nova Roma .

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] RE: Coins
From: "Christopher L. Wood" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 21:56:37 -0500
Coins can be produced by most metal stamping outfits, you just need to
provide a design and material specs. Of course, it could be done the ancient
way, with a hand-carved die and a lump of metal (anyone with strong arms and
lots of time?).

Why not let the governors who issue the coins have their portraits on them?
It is a very
Roman tradition, and would provide an incentive (as it did in ancient times)
for those who wish to increase their prestige by minting coins for the

Ti. Ambrosius Silvus

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Titus Arminius Genialis []
> Sent: Sunday, 24 November, 2002 19:27
> To: NR Main List
> Subject: [Nova-Roma] Coins
> different values. The only thing Maior and I disagree is the "worship" of
> people, I mean, there should NOT be coins with governors or other people
> portait. There could be gods and goddesses, monuments and places, and a
> great deal of other things.

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Re: Coins
From: "Marcus Cassius Julianus" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 03:00:11 -0000

We don't have stamps because so far no one has been able to find an
affordable supplier. Stamps require a four-color web press and
specialized perforating equipment. I'm in the printing business and
in three years I haven't been able to find anyone who can do the
perfs! There is a place in Canada that bought up some old postal
perfing equipment, but they produce stuff at a high retail rate.

If anyone can find a resource, feel free to post it!


Marcus Cassius Julianus

--- In Nova-Roma@y..., "Gaius Galerius Peregrinator"
<gaiusgalerius@h...> wrote:
> Salvete omnes:
> I'd buy the coins were they available, and since we're on the
> why don't we have postage stamps. Every nation does,( and please
> referring to the USPS as snail mail). There are literally millions
of stamp
> collectors. I used to be one myself.
> Valete
> Galerius Peregrinator.
> >From: "Titus Arminius Genialis" <tagenialis@y...>
> >>
> >Earlier today, honorable Propreator and Senator Marcus Arminius
Maior and I
> >have been discussing about how difficult it is to buy sestertius
> >which
> >are sold by Nova Roma...
> _________________________________________________________________
> The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Debunking Myths about the Ancients
From: "Gaius Basilicatus Agricola" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 20:59:31 -0600
yes, thats right!

The Law Office of James L. LaSalle
417 East 13th Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64106
The information contained in this e-mail message is attorney privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by using the contact information in the "reply to" field above and return the original message to the sender. Thank you.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Debunking Myths about the Ancients

-----Original Message-----
From : Gaius Basilicatus Agricola <>

>For example, its widely believed that Greek Olympians never received payment for winning. In fact, if you won at the Olympics, you received

Better than that, Athens entitled you to free dinner on the State for life. I don't know how often or if it was maybe one big banquet a year or something though.

V. Ambrosius Caesariensis

Personalised email by

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Chariot Races on TLC---More Info
From: "Gaius Basilicatus Agricola" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 21:04:25 -0600
Was there any substance behind the colors of the teams? What I mean is, did greens represent the underclasses, did red represent the aristocracy, etc.? Or were they just rooting for the color in and of itself?

The Law Office of James L. LaSalle
417 East 13th Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64106
The information contained in this e-mail message is attorney privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by using the contact information in the "reply to" field above and return the original message to the sender. Thank you.
----- Original Message -----
From: Charlie Collins
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 4:27 PM
Subject: [Nova-Roma] Chariot Races on TLC---More Info

Here is the link for the Chariot Races on
12/1/02. There is a lot of info on the program.


Sextus Cornelius Cotta

"God Exists and there it lies"--Thomas Paine
Mac OSX iChat/AIM: WyrdCharlie
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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Re: Coins
From: "Marcus Cassius Julianus" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 03:15:15 -0000

I certainly have no particular problem with provinciae minting their
own coins, but I must confess that I don't have the time to volunteer
to go about producing extra molds, etc. If folks want to find local
resources and make proposals to the Senate, great.

There might be a few difficulties to overcome with that solution.
Coins are expensive - our first run of 5,000 coins cost $650 US for
the dies, and then $1,250 for the coins themselves. And that was
cheap - smaller runs have the same sort of die cost, but the coins
are double or triple the price per piece. That would mean coins might
be able to be produced as 'commemoratives', but they'd probably be
too expensive per coin to be used for any kind of trade.

Another possibility would be to simply use the coinage already
produced, and have the various provinciae do one large buy, rather
than having Citizens place their own orders from Europe, Australia,
etc. That would mean only one overseas shipping fee, rather than many
small ones. The downside of that would be that a provincia would have
to agree who would hold the coins, do in-province distribution, etc.


Marcus Cassius Julianus

--- In Nova-Roma@y..., "Titus Arminius Genialis" <tagenialis@y...>
> Titus Arminius Genialis Omnibus S.P.D.
> Earlier today, honorable Propreator and Senator Marcus Arminius
Maior and I
> have been discussing about how difficult it is to buy sestertius
coins which
> are sold by Nova Roma. This is due to several reasons, which range
from the
> simple handling and shipping question up to cambial (which even
created that
> discussion about taxation), related to customs, and even related to
> macronational laws problems.
> Therefore, we have thought for a while and we would like to suggest
you all
> the creation of local coins, I mean, coins which are made by the
> (somebody suggested this in the Main List a few weeks ago). This
would make
> everything easier. It would be much simpler and cheaper to purchase
> because this purchasing could be made directly through the province
> (there could be a scriba named to carry out this issue), people
would not
> need to pay a high shipping tax (because it wouldn't be an
> mailing) and local money would not need to be converted into
> How would these coins look like? They could be either identical to
> which are produced by Julianus, containing only a coinage letter (a
> letter which identifies the origin of the coins, just like US
dollars coins)
> or, I think this second option is much better, they could be just
like Euro
> coins, with its obserse identical in all provinces and its reverse
> different, with characteristics of each province. There could be
> coins with the same face value, with different drawings or even
coins with
> different values. The only thing Maior and I disagree is
the "worship" of
> people, I mean, there should NOT be coins with governors or other
> portait. There could be gods and goddesses, monuments and places,
and a
> great deal of other things.
> Why? Besides those advantages I listed on the first paragraph of
this text,
> such coins would be important by the seven reasons Julius listed at
> (to build an active
microeconomy within
> NR, to act as a promotional and collectable item to increase public
> in NR, to be a "physical" item which represents NR sovereignty and
which is
> available to every citizen, to help to maintain an "Roman"
> whithin real-world events, to increase NR status as a viable
> organization/micronation, to build a historical "inheritance" that
may last
> for centuries, and to produce a roman item that could be given as
> to deities). Other utility could be the increasing of the provinces
> patrimony, since those coins would be sold thoughly from them, and
> profit could be saved in a local Official Treasury, what would help
> much in other projects, like the scholarships, real-world events
> organizations, the Land Project, and many others. Another thing
that would
> be easier is the tax payment. The citizens could buy coins from
> province and them pay his/her taxes with these coins. Then, the
> would send those sestertii coins to the central government and the
money in
> the local currency would be saved in the local Treasury. When this
> the coins will tend to flush from a province to another, taking
with them
> their "mother-province" characteristics, just like it happens with
the Euro
> coins, what would in a certain way increase and enhance the contact
> distant provinces.
> How? Simple. Either Julianus could produce the molds for each
province to
> produce their own coins based on Julianus' ones or the provinces
could hire
> someone to do the drawings. The coins could be made on the
> official coins factories (most coin factories produce coins and
tokens to
> private people and organizations). Another possibility could be
> people specialized on producing rare coins copies, who do their own
coins by
> themselves. In the case of one province have some problems on
producing its
> coins, any other near province could help, asking some kind of
benefit, like
> money or favors (for example, provinces Brasilia and Argentina;
> and Hispania etc.)
> Resuming, our purpose is simple: to creat local coins which would
be made by
> the provinces to easy their purchasing and the trading within the
> and to increase money possessions of provinces Public Treasuries.
> they would estimulate external public interest because they are
> itens.
> Valete bene and may Concordia, Pax and Salus Publica protect all of
> ______________________________________________
> Titus Arminius Genialis
> Apparitor Salutis Publicae Templi Concordiae
> tagenialis@y...
> ICQ#: 75873373
> ______________________________________________
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Mensagem enviada está livre de vírus.
> Enviada por GNBS através do MSO2K.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.422 / Virus Database: 237 - Release Date: 20/11/2002
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Re: Coins
From: "Marcus Cassius Julianus" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 03:19:16 -0000

Yes, coins can be produced by most metal-stamping outfits, but as
I've said, it's not cheap. The possibility of hand stamping by
interested individuals might actually be a better project! Any
Citizen out there have the necessary skills?

Again, the downside of Provincial coinage is there would be no
further reason to produce 'central' coinage... no point in investing
over a thousand dollars for a greatly reduced market. That would
probably leave some provinces with coinage, and some without.
Possibly the Provinces deciding to produce coins might be willing to
export to those Provinces with only a few people?


Marcus Cassius Julianus

--- In Nova-Roma@y..., "Christopher L. Wood" <xwood@u...> wrote:
> Coins can be produced by most metal stamping outfits, you just need
> provide a design and material specs. Of course, it could be done
the ancient
> way, with a hand-carved die and a lump of metal (anyone with strong
arms and
> lots of time?).
> Why not let the governors who issue the coins have their portraits
on them?
> It is a very
> Roman tradition, and would provide an incentive (as it did in
ancient times)
> for those who wish to increase their prestige by minting coins for
> Republic.
> Ti. Ambrosius Silvus

Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Familial problem and absentia
From: "Kassandra Velez" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 22:27:42 -0500
Sextus Apollonius Scipio wrote:

>one of our three little boys had today a violent allergy and has been sent
>to the
>hospital. He is safe but he will need further examinations. This of course
>will take most
>of my time for the coming days. My family just had a very traumatic day.
>Everybody is
>asleep now, I guess I will stay awake for a long while.

Er. OUCH. My most fervent wishes that all turns out OK.

--Lucia Galeria Drusilla

MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Re: Coins
From: "deciusiunius" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 03:33:08 -0000

Salve T. Armini,

--- In Nova-Roma@y..., "Titus Arminius Genialis" <tagenialis@y...>
> Titus Arminius Genialis Omnibus S.P.D.
> Earlier today, honorable Propreator and Senator Marcus Arminius
>Maior and I have been discussing about how difficult it is to buy
>sestertius coins which are sold by Nova Roma. This is due to several
>reasons, which range from the simple handling and shipping question
>up to cambial (which even created that discussion about taxation),
>related to customs, and even related to macronational laws problems.
> Therefore, we have thought for a while and we would like to suggest
>you all the creation of local coins, I mean, coins which are made by
>the provinces (somebody suggested this in the Main List a few weeks
>ago). This would make everything easier. It would be much simpler
>and cheaper to purchase them, because this purchasing could be made
>directly through the province itself (there could be a scriba named
>to carry out this issue), people would not need to pay a high
>shipping tax (because it wouldn't be an international mailing) and
>local money would not need to be converted into dollars.

There is something to be said for this idea in theory. In practice
though you will find molds for coins to be extremely expensive,
something that it is only really practical for the central treasury
to pay for at the moment and even then it is a drain. Perhaps it
would be better for the provinces to buy part of the central stock of
coins and then sell them on the provincial level. To save costs,
especially in Europe, several provinces could combine an order and
then distribute them among the provinces there


Decius Iunius Palladius,
Senator Consularis,
Candidate for Praetor

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Congratulations!
From: "deciusiunius" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 03:48:06 -0000


Congratulations to all winners of the elections so far! A well fought
race by all!

For those of us still waiting to hear results, or waiting for a run-
off election, I say Good Luck to all. Voting is not over, do not
ignore the run-off elections, they are just as important as the ones
just ended. In the case of the praetors' race, all positions have yet
to be elected. VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! :)


Decius Iunius Palladius Invictus,
Senator Consularis,
Candidate for Praetor

Subject: [Nova-Roma] =?iso-8859-1?Q?FW:_=5BImperial_Rome=5D_Roman_Villa_planned_for_=A312m_tou?=
From: "Christopher L. Wood" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 22:58:24 -0500
I know some of you are on this list and have seen this, but for those who
are not, you should find this very interesting:


-----Original Message-----
From: Aereaus []
Sent: Friday, 22 November, 2002 05:01
Subject: [Imperial Rome] Roman Villa planned for £12m tourist project

>From the Shropshire Star....

Roman Villa planned for £12m tourist project

A £12 million pound attraction set to be built in Mid Wales will
include the first complete building of a Roman villa in Britain, it
was claimed today.
The Terra Nova scheme will include the full reconstruction of a Roman
villa, said the man behind the idea, Kevin Blockley.

Mr Blockley, co-director of Cambrian Archaeological Projects,
said: "One phase will be the complete building of a Roman villa - a
first for Britain.

"We have been in archaeology for years and have followed the
rebuilding of such things. Someone has built a Roman heating system
in the south of England and on Hadrian's Wall someone has
reconstructed part of a Roman gateway.

"But this sort of thing is little done outside of museums and this is
quite an exciting thing to do."

He also revealed today that a site outside Powys had been offered to
the project, but added: "We would prefer to keep the scheme locally
in Mid Wales and are still hoping Powys will have something for us."

In the meantime Mr Blockley is still on the hunt for sponsorship and
is even looking to America in a bid to secure funding.

"We are looking further afield for grants and are even looking for
sponsorship in America via appeals in a Welsh Americans newspaper."

The scheme is hoped to bring 200,000 extra visitors to a 100-acre
site in Mid Wales each year.

The Eden Project-style attraction will feature nine or 10 settlements
chronicling various farming methods from Neolithic, through the Iron
Age and Middle Ages to the present day.

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Familial problem and absentia
From: "G.Porticus Brutis" <>
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 20:53:31 -0800 (PST)

Our prayers are for you and your son,My son hand the same but is better now.My friend we will keep your son in our prayers.
G.Porticus Brutis
Sextus Apollonius Scipio <> wrote:Salvete,

one of our three little boys had today a violent allergy and has been sent to the
hospital. He is safe but he will need further examinations. This of course will take most
of my time for the coming days. My family just had a very traumatic day. Everybody is
asleep now, I guess I will stay awake for a long while.
For the elections, I send my congratulations to all candidates and I would like to thank
all the Citizens and the Senate for making Nova Roma such a wonderful place.


Sextus Apollonius Scipio

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Heartfelt Congratulations from the Fabii
From: Caeso Fabius Quintilianus <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 07:42:28 +0100
Salve Illustris Q. Fabius Maximus!

I thank You from the bottom of my heart! Please send my best regards
to our family!

Yes it is interesting to note that the Curule Aedilship may have
something to do with the following climb up the Cursus Honorum. It is
not the only detail were we may notice some resemblance between the
old and the new Republic. Which is just as it should have be. ;-)

>Congratulations to Caeso Fabius on his win from his Paterfamilias and his
>Interesting to note that Both Q. Fabius and C. Fabius were Curule Aedile one
>year and elected Senior Consul the next. Indeed giving games does help, like
>in old Rome. I'm pleased at this. Proves that chroniclers were correct.
>Q. Fabius Maximus
>and Gensmates



Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
Senator et Senior Curule Aedile
Propraetor Thules
AUCTOR LEGIONIS, Legio VII "Res Publica"
Sodalitas Egressus Beneficarius et Praefectus Provincia Thules
"Fautor Societatis Iuventutis Romanae"
Senior Consul Designatus MMDCCLVI A.U.C.
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam
"I'll either find a way or make one"
"Integrity, Accountability, Reform"
Dignitas, Iustitia, Fidelitas et Pietas
Dignity, Justice, Loyalty and Dutifulness

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Re: Trip
From: "Marcus Iulius Perusianus" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 10:57:56 -0000
Ave Caecilia,

I dare to say that there're hundreds of ruins here in Italy, almost
every single village has got some sort of "opus" (many of them just
fenced and unknown to 99% of people :-). Also the number of the main
sites (anphitheatres, arches, theatres, circuses, etc.,) is still
impressive. So I suggest to tell me what town, villages you think to
visit and I could give you the names of some sites to see.
See also our if you please.


Scriba ad Historia Provinciae Italiae

--- In Nova-Roma@y..., Krysialtemus@a... wrote:
> I would like to plan a trip to Italy and Spain to see as many of
the ancient
> ruins that I can. I am looking for a tour/tour guide that has
> knowledge in Roman history and the tour would be focused on this.
Do any of
> you have any suggestions on where I should look. I would appreciate
any help!
> Thanks, Caecilia Drusa Dalmatica

Subject: [Nova-Roma] congratulation and thanks
From: "Manius Constantinus Serapio" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 12:16:12 -0000

I strongly wish to congratulate the elected magistrates!!! I am sure
next year will be a very good one for our Res Publica!

By the way, I also thank all those who congratulate with me, also
with private messages. I will not disappoint you! (I am already

I also have a nice news to give you... read next message!!!

Legatvs Externis Rebvs Provinciae Italiae
Dominvs Praefectvs Sodalitatis Egressvs
Scriba Aedilis Plebis (Ti.Apo.Cicatrix)
Scriba Translationvm Primvs Academiae Thvles

Subject: [Nova-Roma] BUILD NOVA ROMA...... CONCLUDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: "Manius Constantinus Serapio" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 12:21:42 -0000

Our virtual temple facade has been completed!
You can find it at


I find it a very good facade! Every word is very important to us.
Should you agree, I would ask the temple facade to be put somewhere
on the Nova Roma website.
Do you agree? :)


Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] MidiaAtlantica
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 06:49:48 EST
Ok can anone please tell me what the heck is going on?As the web site is
down and there is noone else in my area I am a bit lost in what is going in
my province

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Re: Coins
From: Centurion M Bianchius Antonius <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 05:44:38 -0800 (PST)

I do not like the idea of provoncial coins. I would rather keep that for the central command....besides, we seem to blow through propraetors. By the time you got the coins you could be 3 propraetors away and left with a mess.
On the idea of having the provincial administrators buy a large amount of coinage for their provincia, I have done this and am finding it works well. As I meet with citizens, I bring coins and see if they are interested in a few. No shipping costs are a big plus for them. Also, no waiting!
I would suggest coinage be sent to the propraetors and distributed amoungst the citizenry. I find it quite well received.
Propraetor, The Great Provincia of Lacus Magni

Marcus Cassius Julianus <> wrote:Salve,

I certainly have no particular problem with provinciae minting their
own coins, but I must confess that I don't have the time to volunteer
to go about producing extra molds, etc. If folks want to find local
resources and make proposals to the Senate, great.

There might be a few difficulties to overcome with that solution.
Coins are expensive - our first run of 5,000 coins cost $650 US for
the dies, and then $1,250 for the coins themselves. And that was
cheap - smaller runs have the same sort of die cost, but the coins
are double or triple the price per piece. That would mean coins might
be able to be produced as 'commemoratives', but they'd probably be
too expensive per coin to be used for any kind of trade.

Another possibility would be to simply use the coinage already
produced, and have the various provinciae do one large buy, rather
than having Citizens place their own orders from Europe, Australia,
etc. That would mean only one overseas shipping fee, rather than many
small ones. The downside of that would be that a provincia would have
to agree who would hold the coins, do in-province distribution, etc.


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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Re: Coins
From: "M. Flavius Aurelius" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2002 02:44:01 +1100
Then what is the total price for shipping two hundred secterces to Australia
I'm prepared to put my money where my mouth is to get coins for Australian
cives, be they centrally-produced or locally produced. I just want them

M. Flavius Aurelius

----- Original Message -----
From: "Marcus Cassius Julianus" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 2:19 PM
Subject: [Nova-Roma] Re: Coins


Yes, coins can be produced by most metal-stamping outfits, but as
I've said, it's not cheap. The possibility of hand stamping by
interested individuals might actually be a better project! Any
Citizen out there have the necessary skills?

Again, the downside of Provincial coinage is there would be no
further reason to produce 'central' coinage... no point in investing
over a thousand dollars for a greatly reduced market. That would
probably leave some provinces with coinage, and some without.
Possibly the Provinces deciding to produce coins might be willing to
export to those Provinces with only a few people?


Marcus Cassius Julianus

--- In Nova-Roma@y..., "Christopher L. Wood" <xwood@u...> wrote:
> Coins can be produced by most metal stamping outfits, you just need
> provide a design and material specs. Of course, it could be done
the ancient
> way, with a hand-carved die and a lump of metal (anyone with strong
arms and
> lots of time?).
> Why not let the governors who issue the coins have their portraits
on them?
> It is a very
> Roman tradition, and would provide an incentive (as it did in
ancient times)
> for those who wish to increase their prestige by minting coins for
> Republic.
> Ti. Ambrosius Silvus

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Congratulations!!!!!
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 10:38:52 -0500 (EST)
Citizens of Nova Roma;

I congratulate you on the selection of a superior slate of Magistrates
for the coming year. It is my belief that with fresh ideas and fresh
perspectives these Magistrates will serve Nova Roma well and with pride.

My sincerest cogratulations to those who have been selected to serve our
micronation. These citizens have, each one, worked with and for Nova
oma previously, and it is my belief that they will do so again.

To all those citizes who also ran for office, you have my personal
thanks. When the citizens of Nova Roma are given a choice th system
works at it's best.


Marcus Minucius Audens

Fair Winds and Following Seas!!!

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Tonge Twister in Latin
From: "Cl. Salix Davianus" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 17:30:31 +0100
Salvete cives,

An interesting link containing Latin Tongue Twisters (translations are at the bottom of the page):

Claudius Salix Davianus
Quaesturae Candidatus
PD: Clicking on Tongue Twisters you can also see others in Finnish, German, Portuguese, Italian and French.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Welcome!!!!
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 11:06:37 -0500 (EST)
Welcome to Cordus and all the new Citizens of Nova Roma!! I am often
behind the wave since I must regulate the Main List to Digest to relieve
the pressure on my rather small mail box. However, better late than

New citizens are the strength of Nova Roma, they bring fresh ideas and
fresh perspectives to old problems / situations, and they always bring
new ideas to the Republic.

To those non-citizens who are considering joining Nova Roma, a special
greeting!! Nova Roma is a special place where the Roman Culture is
celebrated, and delved into extensively. We have many clubs (Sodalitas)
which cater to areas of endeavor, such as Law, Military, Outreach,
Latin, etc. Further there are many related discussion lists, exloring
in greater detail the culture of ancient Rome. A complete notation of
those Approved Sodalitas, Sodalitas awaiting approval, and Sodalitas
being organized can be obtained from the Censors or by viewing the Nova
Roma Website. The Lists are often made available to the Main List by
those who are interested in the topics. I extend to you the invitation
to ask of me those questions relating to NR that you may have, and I
shall do my best to answer them.

It has been said that the efforts of the last five years are
"traditional" for Nova Roma, but in my view Nova Roma is a micro-nation
dedicated to bringing the best of Rome and her culture to this century,
for the enjoyment of all those who wish to take an active and
responsible part in this effort. So while there is certainly room here
for a beginning in "traditionalism" there is also the opportunity for
those with new ideas and new visions to make your mark here in Nova

So I welcome each and every one of you, and as I have been most pleased
to offer in the past, may I again offer that if there is any question
that I can help you with, or if you are simply looking for a beginning
in NR, perhaps I can help i that as well. I have some small experience
here in NR, and I should be pleased to consider your questions and your


Marcus Minucius Audens;

Senator, ProConsul, and Quaestor

Fair Winds and Following Seas!!!

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Re: MidiaAtlantica
From: "Gnaeus Equitius Marinus" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 17:16:03 -0000
--- In Nova-Roma@y..., CSSWarspite@a... wrote:
> Greetings
> Ok can anone please tell me what the heck is going on?

Are you asking what's going on in the Province of MediAtlantica?

I know that propraetor Nerva is away from the net until after
this upcoming weekend. Otherwise it's been pretty quiet around

-- Marinus (resident of mediatlantica)

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Congratulations, and Thank You!
From: "aerdensrw" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 17:17:38 -0000
Salvete omnes--

Silly me! I forgot that Monday happens earlier in Rome than it does
in Texas, so I didn't look for official election results to be posted
until today. :)

Congratulations to all of the candidates who won their elections, and
especially to the three gentlemen who will be serving as my fellow
rogatores in the coming year!

And heartfelt thanks to all who cast their votes for me. I pledge to
serve you well, and I am most grateful to be given the chance to
serve you, this way.

Marinus--One round for everyone in the Taverna tonight is on me. (g)

Renata Corva

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Re: BUILD NOVA ROMA...... CONCLUDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: "Gnaeus Equitius Marinus" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 17:11:55 -0000
Manius Constantinus Serapio writes:

> Our virtual temple facade has been completed!
> You can find it at
> I find it a very good facade! Every word is very important to us.
> Should you agree, I would ask the temple facade to be put somewhere
> on the Nova Roma website.
> Do you agree? :)

I do agree! If there's some problem adding it to the official Nova
Roma website, I would be willing to host it on my own webspace for
a while too.

-- Marinus

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Re: Congratulations, and Thank You!
From: "Gnaeus Equitius Marinus" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 17:21:52 -0000
Renata Corva writes:

> Congratulations to all of the candidates who won their elections,

Thank you.

> Marinus--One round for everyone in the Taverna tonight is on me.

Only after I've bought you one. Congratulations yourself.

-- Marinus

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Congratulations ! (was:RESULTS: Comitia Populi Tributa)
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?M=20Arminius=20Maior?= <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 14:50:09 -0300 (ART)
Salvete Quirites

--- Marcus Octavius Germanicus <>
escreveu: >
> M. Octavius Germanicus Consul Civibus Novae Romae
> SPD,
> The results in the Comitia Populi Tributa have been
> certified by the Rogatores.
> Franciscus Apulus Caesar - 32 Tribes:
> Gnaeus Equitius Marinus - 31 Tribes:

M.ARMINIUS: Congratulations, Franciscus Apulus et
Gnaeus Equitius. An excellent pair of Aediles!

> Manius Constantinus Serapio - 25 Tribes:
> Sextus Apollonius Scipio - 20 Tribes:
> Lucius Arminius Faustus - 20 Tribes:
> Gnaeus Octavius Noricus - 18 Tribes:

M.ARMINIUS: Congratulations to all the elected
Quaestores, and to the candidates (who will only need
to wait a bit more, i hope). Specially to my gensmate,
Lucius Arminius! Good luck for all.

> Decimus Iunius Silanus - 16 Tribes:
> Claudius Salix Davianus - 16 Tribes:
> Tiberius Galerius Paulinus - 13 Tribes:
> Piperbarbus Ullerius Venator - 2 Tribes:

> Titus Octavius Pius - 35 Tribes:
> Tiberius Galerius Paulinus - 34 Tribes:

M.ARMINIUS: Congratulations, Curatores! We all expect
great realizations from you.

> Renata Corva Cantrix - 28 Tribes:
> Quintus Cassius Calvus - 26 Tribes:
> Aulus Hirtius Helveticus - 24 Tribes:
> Gallio Velius Marsallas - 19 Tribes:

M.ARMINIUS: Congratulations, Rogatores. As you may
know, we expect from you a lot of hard work and
dedication... :)

> All proposed leges in this Comitia achieved a
> majority of tribes and have become law.
> Lex Salicia de Prorogatione et Cumulatione
> Lex Salicia de Suffragiis in Comitia Populi Tributa
> Lex Salicia Iudiciaria
> Lex Salicia de Tribunicia Comitiorum Convocatione
> Lex Arminia De Rationem Edictibus

M.ARMINIUS: Many thanks to te People of Nova Roma, for
the approvation of our set of laws.

> I thank the Rogatores for their work, and all
> candidates for their
> willingness to serve in office.

M.ARMINIUS: Thank you, Rogatores, for you hard work.

> Valete, Octavius.
> --
> Marcus Octavius Germanicus, Consul of Nova Roma

Marcus Arminius Maior
Tribunus Plebis

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Congratulations ! (was: RESULTS: Comitia Centuriata)
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?M=20Arminius=20Maior?= <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 15:01:46 -0300 (ART)
Salvete Quirites

--- Marcus Octavius Germanicus <>
escreveu: >
> M. Octavius Germanicus Consul Civibus Novae Romae
> SPD,
> The results in the Comitia Centuriata have been
> certified by the Rogatores.
> Marcus Octavius Germanicus - 69 Centuries
> Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix - 1 Century

M.ARMINIUS: Congratulations, Marcus Octavius, you will
be an excellent Censor.

> Caeso Fabius Quintilianus - 46 Centuries
> Titus Labienus Fortunatus - 38 Centuries
> Quintus Fabius Maximus - 32 Centuries

M.ARMINIUS: A difficult choice between excellent
candidates. Congratulations, Caeso Fabius et Titus

> Gnaeus Salix Astur - 37 Centuries
> Decius Iunius Palladius Invictus - 31 Centuries
> Lucius Sicinius Drusus - 27 Centuries
> Marcus Arminius Maior - 26 Centuries

M.ARMINIUS: Im sorry, but the People of Nova Roma will
be tortured again by the electoral propaganda ! With
luck, we will have both Praetores elected this year.

> I thank the Rogatores for their work, and all
> candidates for their
> willingness to serve in office. The schedule for
> the runoff election
> for Praetor will be announced within the next two
> days.
> Valete, Octavius.
> --
> Marcus Octavius Germanicus, Consul of Nova Roma

Marcus Arminius Maior
Tribunus Plebis

Yahoo! GeoCities
Tudo para criar o seu site: ferramentas fáceis de usar, espaço de sobra e acessórios.

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Reminder: Market Day Chat, Saturday 30 Nov
From: "Gnaeus Equitius Marinus" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 19:59:45 -0000
If you're going to be near your computer this upcoming Saturday
please join your fellow Nova Romans in the official Nova Roma
chat room at

The chatroom is open all the time, but we're trying to encourage
citizens and potential citizens to visit on market days (every
8th day) for a little bit of realtime conversation. If you can't
join in this time, there will also be market days on Sunday the
8th of December, Monday the 16th, and Tuesday the 24th.

ex officio
Gnaeus Equitius Marinus
Curule Aedile

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Subject: RES: [Nova-Roma] Re: Coins
From: "Titus Arminius Genialis" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 18:18:56 -0200

Yes, that's another possibility.
Provinciae could buy a great deal of coins at the same time and then sell
them to local citizens, what would certainly take shipping taxes cheaper.


T. Genialis

-----Mensagem original-----
De: Marcus Cassius Julianus []
Enviada em: segunda-feira, 25 de novembro de 2002 00:15
Assunto: [Nova-Roma] Re: Coins


I certainly have no particular problem with provinciae minting their
own coins, but I must confess that I don't have the time to volunteer
to go about producing extra molds, etc. If folks want to find local
resources and make proposals to the Senate, great.

There might be a few difficulties to overcome with that solution.
Coins are expensive - our first run of 5,000 coins cost $650 US for
the dies, and then $1,250 for the coins themselves. And that was
cheap - smaller runs have the same sort of die cost, but the coins
are double or triple the price per piece. That would mean coins might
be able to be produced as 'commemoratives', but they'd probably be
too expensive per coin to be used for any kind of trade.

Another possibility would be to simply use the coinage already
produced, and have the various provinciae do one large buy, rather
than having Citizens place their own orders from Europe, Australia,
etc. That would mean only one overseas shipping fee, rather than many
small ones. The downside of that would be that a provincia would have
to agree who would hold the coins, do in-province distribution, etc.


Marcus Cassius Julianus

--- In Nova-Roma@y..., "Titus Arminius Genialis" <tagenialis@y...>
> Titus Arminius Genialis Omnibus S.P.D.
> Earlier today, honorable Propreator and Senator Marcus Arminius
Maior and I
> have been discussing about how difficult it is to buy sestertius
coins which
> are sold by Nova Roma. This is due to several reasons, which range
from the
> simple handling and shipping question up to cambial (which even
created that
> discussion about taxation), related to customs, and even related to
> macronational laws problems.
> Therefore, we have thought for a while and we would like to suggest
you all
> the creation of local coins, I mean, coins which are made by the
> (somebody suggested this in the Main List a few weeks ago). This
would make
> everything easier. It would be much simpler and cheaper to purchase
> because this purchasing could be made directly through the province
> (there could be a scriba named to carry out this issue), people
would not
> need to pay a high shipping tax (because it wouldn't be an
> mailing) and local money would not need to be converted into
> How would these coins look like? They could be either identical to
> which are produced by Julianus, containing only a coinage letter (a
> letter which identifies the origin of the coins, just like US
dollars coins)
> or, I think this second option is much better, they could be just
like Euro
> coins, with its obserse identical in all provinces and its reverse
> different, with characteristics of each province. There could be
> coins with the same face value, with different drawings or even
coins with
> different values. The only thing Maior and I disagree is
the "worship" of
> people, I mean, there should NOT be coins with governors or other
> portait. There could be gods and goddesses, monuments and places,
and a
> great deal of other things.
> Why? Besides those advantages I listed on the first paragraph of
this text,
> such coins would be important by the seven reasons Julius listed at
> (to build an active
microeconomy within
> NR, to act as a promotional and collectable item to increase public
> in NR, to be a "physical" item which represents NR sovereignty and
which is
> available to every citizen, to help to maintain an "Roman"
> whithin real-world events, to increase NR status as a viable
> organization/micronation, to build a historical "inheritance" that
may last
> for centuries, and to produce a roman item that could be given as
> to deities). Other utility could be the increasing of the provinces
> patrimony, since those coins would be sold thoughly from them, and
> profit could be saved in a local Official Treasury, what would help
> much in other projects, like the scholarships, real-world events
> organizations, the Land Project, and many others. Another thing
that would
> be easier is the tax payment. The citizens could buy coins from
> province and them pay his/her taxes with these coins. Then, the
> would send those sestertii coins to the central government and the
money in
> the local currency would be saved in the local Treasury. When this
> the coins will tend to flush from a province to another, taking
with them
> their "mother-province" characteristics, just like it happens with
the Euro
> coins, what would in a certain way increase and enhance the contact
> distant provinces.
> How? Simple. Either Julianus could produce the molds for each
province to
> produce their own coins based on Julianus' ones or the provinces
could hire
> someone to do the drawings. The coins could be made on the
> official coins factories (most coin factories produce coins and
tokens to
> private people and organizations). Another possibility could be
> people specialized on producing rare coins copies, who do their own
coins by
> themselves. In the case of one province have some problems on
producing its
> coins, any other near province could help, asking some kind of
benefit, like
> money or favors (for example, provinces Brasilia and Argentina;
> and Hispania etc.)
> Resuming, our purpose is simple: to creat local coins which would
be made by
> the provinces to easy their purchasing and the trading within the
> and to increase money possessions of provinces Public Treasuries.
> they would estimulate external public interest because they are
> itens.
> Valete bene and may Concordia, Pax and Salus Publica protect all of
> ______________________________________________
> Titus Arminius Genialis
> Apparitor Salutis Publicae Templi Concordiae
> tagenialis@y...
> ICQ#: 75873373
> ______________________________________________
> ---
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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Praetor Election
From: "L. Sicinius Drusus" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 14:01:08 -0800 (PST)
Salvete Quirites,

I have offered to serve Nova Roma as your Praetor next
year, however after reviewing the results of the
Election, I find that the majority of you do not
desire my services to Nova Roma. After much thought I
have decided that continuing to persue the office will
do little more than increase the chances of having
multiple runoffs.

Therefore I withdraw my canidacy for the office of
Praetor and ask that my name not appear on the ballot
in the upcomming runoff election.

I Offer my humble thanks to the People who supported
me and who chose to vote for me.

This leaves three Canidates vieing for the two
postions. One of the remaing three canidates stands
out as the best choice. Decius Iunius Palladius has
years of experance serving our Res Publica. He has
served as your Censor, Consul, and Praetor in addition
to years of service in Nova Roma's Senate. Having a
citizen with this much experance in Nova Roma's
government will prove to be of enormous value in the
comming year. He has my unqualified endorsement, and I
urge those who supported my canidacy to vote for
Decius Iunius Palladius in the Runoff Election.


L. Sicinius Drusus

"Quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
(A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand.)
Seneca, Letters to Lucilius

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Re: MidiaAtlantica
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 16:47:33 EST
Yes, I am asking what is going on? I Have posted several times to locate
those who reside between Albany, NY and NYC to get a get together going on
and have only got one great response.

Marcus((Also a citzen))

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Congratulations!!!
From: "Daniel Villanueva" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Nov 2002 20:21:08 -0300
Salvete omnes!.

Congratulations to all the winners!!!!
Habeatis fortunam optimam!!!

Lucius Pompeius Octavianus
Propraetor provincialis Argentinae
Candidate for tribunus plebis

P.D. Now I´m waiting anxiously for the results in the comitia plebis tributa :-). I guess the others candidates are feeling the same, isn't it ?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Subject: RE: [Nova-Roma] Congratulations!!!
From: "Diana Moravia Aventina" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 00:49:22 +0100
Salve Lucius Pompeius Octavianus,

> P.D. Now I´m waiting anxiously for the results in the comitia plebis
tributa :-). I > guess the others candidates are feeling the same, isn't it

I'm not anxious at all, just very curious to see how well/bad I did :-) I
found all of the candidates to be strong ones and so no matter who wins, NR
will be in good hands!

Vale and I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Diana Moravia Aventina

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