Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] RE: WL: query |
From: |
"Christopher L. Wood" <xwood@usa.net> |
Date: |
Wed, 04 Dec 2002 01:35:06 -0500 |
What's most interesting about the whole episode is that someone was
obviously trying to draw parallels between the Sack of Rome and the attack
on New York... Personally, I think any parallels to be drawn between Rome
and the United States would fall well within the Republican period (hey they
won big this year!), still in the Punic Wars.
Ti. Ambrosius Silvus
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Subject: |
AW: [Nova-Roma] Help please |
From: |
<3s@hsk-net.de> |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 01:24:05 -0600 (CST) |
Salve Coriolane Amice.
Hmm, I asked me the same, since I´m also interested in late roman historiy and reenactment.
I know a group in the UK, the Milites Litores Saxoni.
Some other groups are listed under http://www.romanempire.net/romepage/Links/roman_reenactment_groups.htm and can be identified by their names as late roman:
legio IV Flavia Firma, Ontario, Canada
Red Shanks, UK
Cohors Equites Stablesiani, France
There was a group in Germany, but afaik they doesn´t exist anymore.
Just my 2 cents about this.
Bene Vale
-- Original Nachricht--
Von: coriolanvs <coriolanvs@yahoo.com>
An: Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com
Senden: 03.12.2002
Betreff: [Nova-Roma] Help please
I was asked by non NR citizen if there is any reenactment group that
is focused (maybe partly) in roman legion of 4th and 5th century.
Can anybody help me?
Gratias Multas
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Withdrawl |
From: |
MVariusPM@aol.com |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 03:01:14 EST |
Because of the current political atmosphere in the macro state of the
United States, with regret, My wife and I must withdraw our membership in the
Nova Roma organization. The goal of establishing a soverign state of "Nova
Roma" for the organization is not compatible with the current leader of
America. His statement that "if you are not with us you are against us" and
the establishment of the "Homeland Security" department exclude involvement
by individuals in groups that do not support governmental hemogeony.
Therefore, we cannot be a part of a group that wishes to break away from the
established macro government. An action of that nature could be viewed as
subversive and be deemed terroristic in nature. This is not what we intend
and we do not want to be affiliated with. Please, remove all membership
reference as required for "Marcus Varius Pullus" and "Flaminia Pullus".
In a better place, in a better world, it would be delightful to contiue the
discussion of Roman culture and organization. In the current time and
setting, it cannot be. Discussion is one thing, repercussions because of
one's affiliation's is another. Sometimes the world changes, sometimes it
does not. History does have a way of repeating itself and the terrible parts
are usually the ones that no one expects.
Marcus Varius Pullus
Flaminia Pullus
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] (unknown) |
From: |
"William Rogers" <wlr107@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 04 Dec 2002 12:45:20 -0000 |
Just a reminder for this Saturday! Please feel free to come along! I
will be posting directions on Friday, but please feel free to call!
Publius Tarquitius Rufus
Friend in the Providence,
I wish to formally announce a regional meeting! This is considered
an "unofficial" meeting. The purpose of the meeting is simple:
Gather together the people of our great providence in celebration and
ALL are welcome, from within and without the providence. It will be
an afternoon and evening of relaxing and meeting fellow Nova Romans!
The program is simple: We shall meet at my home (or my complexe's
clubhouse) 5pm on Saturday December 7th (Pearl Harbor Day). I shall
provide WW2 movies, Gladiator, and other DVD's, several games of
enjoyment (Featuring Republic of Rome especially), and some snacks.
Please feel free to contact me at the below address, phone, e-mail to
confirm your arrival (So we will know how much to buy). If you need a
place to sleep, we have LOTS of floor space, so bring a bag! All are
welcome to stay overnight, no problem at all (that's why we have the
spare bathroom!)
Please confirm as soon as possible, so I can plan for where we will
hold the activity.
Publius Tarquitius Rufus/Will Rogers
3309 Calibre Creek Parkway
Roswell, GA 30076
Home: 770-993-5314
Work: 404-442-8811
Cell: 770-862-8811
PGER: 770-247-1639
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Withdrawal |
From: |
"aerdensrw" <aerdensrw@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 04 Dec 2002 13:00:48 -0000 |
Salve, Marce Vari Pulle et Flaminia Pulle--
Hm. I really do not think it is necessity for you or anyone to take
this action, and I suspect that even the leader of the United States
would not deem it necessary for you to do this. Nova Roma strives to
abide by all laws of the macronations in which its citizens reside,
including secession laws. But if it is your wish, I'll remove you
from the mailing list, if you have not already unsubscribed. You
need not be a citizen of Nova Roma, however, to participate in the
mailing list. If you have not already unsubscribed, please email me
and let me know whether you do definitely want to leave the list.
Valete, and I do hope you will decide to return to Nova Roma at a
later date. :)
Renata Corva
Scriba Praetoris
--- In Nova-Roma@y..., MVariusPM@a... wrote:
> Salve,
> Because of the current political atmosphere in the macro state of
> United States, with regret, My wife and I must withdraw our
membership in the
> Nova Roma organization. The goal of establishing a soverign state
of "Nova
> Roma" for the organization is not compatible with the current
leader of
> America. His statement that "if you are not with us you are against
us" and
> the establishment of the "Homeland Security" department exclude
> by individuals in groups that do not support governmental
> Therefore, we cannot be a part of a group that wishes to break away
from the
> established macro government. An action of that nature could be
viewed as
> subversive and be deemed terroristic in nature. This is not what we
> and we do not want to be affiliated with. Please, remove all
> reference as required for "Marcus Varius Pullus" and "Flaminia
> In a better place, in a better world, it would be delightful to
contiue the
> discussion of Roman culture and organization. In the current time
> setting, it cannot be. Discussion is one thing, repercussions
because of
> one's affiliation's is another. Sometimes the world changes,
sometimes it
> does not. History does have a way of repeating itself and the
terrible parts
> are usually the ones that no one expects.
> Valate,
> Marcus Varius Pullus
> and
> Flaminia Pullus
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Withdrawl |
From: |
"Gaius Basilicatus Agricola" <jlasalle@kc.rr.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 07:32:44 -0600 |
Your decision to leave Nova Roma because of President Bush is ludicrous. Its a pathetic attempt to draw attention to a decidely non-Nova Roma cause, namely hackeneyed liberal vomit.
In memory of those that died on 9/11, who are fighting now, and those that will die fighting terrorism, I bid you good riddance.
Gaius Basilicatus Agricola
The Law Office of James L. LaSalle
417 East 13th Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64106
The information contained in this e-mail message is attorney privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by using the contact information in the "reply to" field above and return the original message to the sender. Thank you.
----- Original Message -----
From: MVariusPM@aol.com
To: Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 2:01 AM
Subject: [Nova-Roma] Withdrawl
Because of the current political atmosphere in the macro state of the
United States, with regret, My wife and I must withdraw our membership in the
Nova Roma organization. The goal of establishing a soverign state of "Nova
Roma" for the organization is not compatible with the current leader of
America. His statement that "if you are not with us you are against us" and
the establishment of the "Homeland Security" department exclude involvement
by individuals in groups that do not support governmental hemogeony.
Therefore, we cannot be a part of a group that wishes to break away from the
established macro government. An action of that nature could be viewed as
subversive and be deemed terroristic in nature. This is not what we intend
and we do not want to be affiliated with. Please, remove all membership
reference as required for "Marcus Varius Pullus" and "Flaminia Pullus".
In a better place, in a better world, it would be delightful to contiue the
discussion of Roman culture and organization. In the current time and
setting, it cannot be. Discussion is one thing, repercussions because of
one's affiliation's is another. Sometimes the world changes, sometimes it
does not. History does have a way of repeating itself and the terrible parts
are usually the ones that no one expects.
Marcus Varius Pullus
Flaminia Pullus
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Withdrawl |
From: |
Marcus Octavius Germanicus <haase@konoko.net> |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 08:19:56 -0600 (CST) |
Salve Gai Basilicate,
> Your decision to leave Nova Roma because of President Bush is ludicrous.
> Its a pathetic attempt to draw attention to a decidely non-Nova Roma
> cause, namely hackeneyed liberal vomit.
How is your reply any less pathetic? You have attacked a departing
citizen for irrelevant macronational politics.
> In memory of those that died on 9/11,
What do they have to do with any of this? Nothing.
Vale, Octavius.
Marcus Octavius Germanicus, Consul of Nova Roma
Censor-Elect 2756
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Concerning the resignation of gens Varia |
From: |
"=?iso-8859-1?q?A.=20Hirtius=20Helveticus?=" <hirtius75ch@yahoo.de> |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 15:51:59 +0100 (CET) |
Salvete Quirites
I will not comment on M. Varius' decision to leave NR
together with his wife.
But I have a question to the censores/rogatores: How
comes, that on the gens Varia page
both M. Varius and Flaminia Varia are listed three
times each? This equals an entry of 6 citizens for
that gens.
As Rogator designatus, may I ask whether this lead to
6 individual votes by the two members of the gens or
is this simply an error on the net?
Valete bene,
A. Hirtius Helveticus
"Res Romana Dei est, terrenis non eget armis."
(Corippus, In laudem Iustini 3, 328)
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Digest No 330 Subject: Withdrawl |
From: |
"Lucius Equitius" <vergil@starpower.net> |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 10:20:29 -0500 |
Salve, Marcus Varius
I've taken care of your file Marcus but,
Just to be clear, have your wife send her resignation from her email
We can't have people resigning for others, even spouses.
Also, we have no 'Flaminia Pullus' listed in our files. Do you mean,
Flaminia Varia?
Thank you for your understanding and remember you have 9 days in which to
reconsider your decision.
Bonam Fortunam
Vale, Censor Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus
Message: 10
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 03:01:14 EST
From: MVariusPM@aol.com
Subject: Withdrawl
Because of the current political atmosphere in the macro state of the
United States, with regret, My wife and I must withdraw our membership in
Nova Roma organization. The goal of establishing a soverign state of "Nova
Roma" for the organization is not compatible with the current leader of
America. His statement that "if you are not with us you are against us" and
the establishment of the "Homeland Security" department exclude involvement
by individuals in groups that do not support governmental hemogeony.
Therefore, we cannot be a part of a group that wishes to break away from the
established macro government. An action of that nature could be viewed as
subversive and be deemed terroristic in nature. This is not what we intend
and we do not want to be affiliated with. Please, remove all membership
reference as required for "Marcus Varius Pullus" and "Flaminia Pullus".
In a better place, in a better world, it would be delightful to contiue
discussion of Roman culture and organization. In the current time and
setting, it cannot be. Discussion is one thing, repercussions because of
one's affiliation's is another. Sometimes the world changes, sometimes it
does not. History does have a way of repeating itself and the terrible parts
are usually the ones that no one expects.
Marcus Varius Pullus
Flaminia Pullus
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Withdrawl |
From: |
"Lucius Arminius Faustus" <lafaustus@yahoo.com.br> |
Date: |
Wed, 04 Dec 2002 15:43:28 -0000 |
My worst fear was always that NR would be called ´sect´ or
´separatist party´ by some paranoic government. Maybe this may become
true, Iove spares us!
L. Arminius Faustus
--- In Nova-Roma@y..., "A. Hirtius Helveticus" <hirtius75ch@y...>
> --- Lucius Arminius Faustus <lafaustus@y...>
> wrote:
> > Sic transit gloria Novae Romae...
> Welcome to the bave new world...
> =====
> A. Hirtius Helveticus
> -------------------------
> "Res Romana Dei est, terrenis non eget armis."
> (Corippus, In laudem Iustini 3, 328)
> -------------------------
> http://www.hirtius.ch.tt/
> -------------------------
> __________________________________________________________________
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Re: Withdrawl |
From: |
"=?iso-8859-1?q?A.=20Hirtius=20Helveticus?=" <hirtius75ch@yahoo.de> |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 16:36:19 +0100 (CET) |
--- Lucius Arminius Faustus <lafaustus@yahoo.com.br>
> Sic transit gloria Novae Romae...
Welcome to the bave new world...
A. Hirtius Helveticus
"Res Romana Dei est, terrenis non eget armis."
(Corippus, In laudem Iustini 3, 328)
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Departure of the Varii |
From: |
"Chantal G. Whittington" <aerdensrw@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 07:49:46 -0800 (PST) |
Salvete omnes--
As the Varii appear to have already unsubscribed, I
think venting vitriol at them on the main list is not
appropriate. Please confine any further such
commentary to the Back Alley or private mail.
Many thanks!
Renata Corva
Scriba Praetoris
"Yesterday, it worked.
Today, it is not working.
Windows is like that."
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Withdrawl |
From: |
"Lucius Arminius Faustus" <lafaustus@yahoo.com.br> |
Date: |
Wed, 04 Dec 2002 15:34:38 -0000 |
Sic transit gloria Novae Romae...
L. Arminius Faustus
--- In Nova-Roma@y..., MVariusPM@a... wrote:
> Salve,
> Because of the current political atmosphere in the macro state of
> United States, with regret, My wife and I must withdraw our
membership in the
> Nova Roma organization. The goal of establishing a soverign state
of "Nova
> Roma" for the organization is not compatible with the current
leader of
> America. His statement that "if you are not with us you are against
us" and
> the establishment of the "Homeland Security" department exclude
> by individuals in groups that do not support governmental
> Therefore, we cannot be a part of a group that wishes to break away
from the
> established macro government. An action of that nature could be
viewed as
> subversive and be deemed terroristic in nature. This is not what we
> and we do not want to be affiliated with. Please, remove all
> reference as required for "Marcus Varius Pullus" and "Flaminia
> In a better place, in a better world, it would be delightful to
contiue the
> discussion of Roman culture and organization. In the current time
> setting, it cannot be. Discussion is one thing, repercussions
because of
> one's affiliation's is another. Sometimes the world changes,
sometimes it
> does not. History does have a way of repeating itself and the
terrible parts
> are usually the ones that no one expects.
> Valate,
> Marcus Varius Pullus
> and
> Flaminia Pullus
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Concerning the resignation of gens Varia |
From: |
"=?iso-8859-1?q?A.=20Hirtius=20Helveticus?=" <hirtius75ch@yahoo.de> |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 16:34:45 +0100 (CET) |
Salve Marce Octavie,
> I'm not sure why it's doing that... but looking at
> the database
> behind it, there is exactly one record for citizen
> #4153 and one
> record for citizen #4154, with one voter code for
> each. The bug
> is in the display, not the data.
Thank you for your fast answer. I had something like
that in mind, too. But one never knows!
Vale bene,
A. Hirtius Helveticus
"Res Romana Dei est, terrenis non eget armis."
(Corippus, In laudem Iustini 3, 328)
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Concerning the resignation of gens Varia |
From: |
Marcus Octavius Germanicus <haase@konoko.net> |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 09:15:38 -0600 (CST) |
Salve Aule Hirti,
> But I have a question to the censores/rogatores: How
> comes, that on the gens Varia page
> (http://www.novaroma.org/bin/view/gens?gensid=4153)
> both M. Varius and Flaminia Varia are listed three
> times each? This equals an entry of 6 citizens for
> that gens.
I'm not sure why it's doing that... but looking at the database
behind it, there is exactly one record for citizen #4153 and one
record for citizen #4154, with one voter code for each. The bug
is in the display, not the data.
Vale, Octavius.
Marcus Octavius Germanicus, Consul of Nova Roma
Censor-Elect 2756
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Withdrawl |
From: |
labienus@novaroma.org |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 10:49:09 US/Central |
T Labienus Fortunatus Praetor Quiritibus SPD
While it is always possible that some government might misconstrue Nova Roma to
be a secessionist movement or other undesirable element, our primary documents
do prove any such worries to be unfounded.
First and foremost, the constitution gives every civis "The right and
OBLIGATION to remain subject to the civil rights and laws of the countries in
which they reside and/or hold citizenship, regardless of their status as dual
citizens of Nova Roma" (emphasis mine).
Second, the Declaration of Nova Roma says, "Further, in order that our world
presence may be established, Nova Roma claims our physical territory to be
extant and manifest through those places that our State, Citizens, and
religious organizations may physically own, occupy, and maintain throughout the
world. These territories shall exist in a status of Dual Sovereignity, being
under the cultural and spiritual administration of Nova Roma, even as they
remain under the civil dominion and laws of other hosting nations. Our pledge
is to embody a benign and beneficial cultural and spiritual influence
throughout all societies, while remaining politically neutral and lawful in
The declaration goes further, stating unequivocally, "We, the Citizens and
Senate of New Rome hereby formally renounce, eternally and without exception,
the use of force, rebellion, coercion, or intimidation in the pursuit of our
international status and claims. We strive to exist as a lawful, peaceful and
benign nation, in accord with the principles acknowledged and shared by the
world community."
Therefore, though groups like Nova Roma are often misperceived and viewed with
skeptical suspicion, it seems to me that we can reasonably prove through our
main documents and our general activities to date that Nova Roma is a benign
organization that has no intent to interfere with any government.
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Withdrawl |
From: |
"L. Sicinius Drusus" <lsicinius@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 09:16:15 -0800 (PST) |
Resigning Citizenship to protest Macronational
politics? It seems the Varia were following John
Beleshui's advice in Animal House when he said "This
calls for a Stupid and Futile Gesture"
Citizen's if you wish to discus the political content
in this resignation, there are many discussion boards
related to Macronational Politics, like this one
They offer a better forum for this subject than Nova
Roma's Main List.
L. Sicinius Drusus
"Quemadmodum gladius neminem occidit, occidentis telum est."
(A sword never kills anybody; it is a tool in the killer's hand.)
Seneca, Letters to Lucilius
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Withdrawl |
From: |
"Christopher L. Wood" |
Date: |
Wed, 04 Dec 2002 12:41:16 -0500 |
Friends, Romans, countrymen, remember that the United States was founded
modeled on the Republic of Rome! Nova Roma could do nothing less than support
our Princeps Imperatore in a time of war, domestic politics aside! I certainly
don't agree with many of his policies, and I'm sure there are many citizens
here who live in other "macro-nations" who have their gripes with U.S.
policies, but I think that most of you would agree with me that Nova Roma can
be a brotherhood binding together many different people from different nations
with a common interest, and that any subversive or seditious activity on our
part would be foolish and self-destructive.
Despite my country's faults, the United States is still the world's best hope
to preserve liberty and freedom in the world. Our protections of freedom of
religion and of association allow a group like NR to exist, where in many
other countries, even suggesting something like Nova Roma could get you killed
or worse! The best opportunities for peace are made when citizens of different
lands and different beliefs can come together in dialog, while still
maintaining a bond of a common interest. Let us not repeat our ancestors'
mistakes of exclusion and bigotry and instead try to emulate their ideals.
I am sorry if I seem to be rambling, but I just had to have a say before I run
off to class! Valete!
Ti. Ambrosius Silvus
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Withdrawl |
From: |
qfabiusmaxmi@aol.com |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 14:37:48 EST |
In a message dated 12/4/02 4:49:31 AM Pacific Standard Time,
MVariusPM@aol.com writes:
> The goal of establishing a soverign state of "Nova
> Roma" for the organization is not compatible with the current leader of
> America
Nova Roma is not nor ever has been a militia organization attempting the
overthrow of the Federal Gov. Right now, nearly a 1/3 members of my province
is away in Asia, serving because of the "war against terrorism." You are in
no danger of being suspected a terrorist because of your NR involvement, if
that is a fear.
If your withdrawal is because you protest the current administration's
policies, I have to shrug my shoulders and say that everything moves in
circles. This also will pass, and we will still be here.
Q. Fabius Maximus
Proconsul CAL
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: The eagle |
From: |
"Stephen Gallagher" <spqr753@msn.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 13:40:34 -0500 |
Salve Marcus Iulius Perusianus,
Yes anything you submit can be use in a later edition of the Eagle Italian is great ( I don't no why I asked about Latin, who is around to read it?)
Tiberius Galerius Paulinus
----- Original Message -----
From: Marcus Iulius Perusianus
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 6:47 AM
To: spqr753@msn.com
Subject: The eagle
Salve Tiberi,
>Welcome to the staff of the Eagle. We are currently putting the
>January News letter together. Any Idea's?
I think I'll provide you a complete list of what I've wrote (some in
Italian, some both in English and Italian). Anyway I can easily
translate in English even if not perfectly. I guess, by the way, that
some of my articles could be published after this first edition, no?
>Can you translate the Newsletter in to Italian? Latin?
In Italian of course I'll do. Not able about Latin, sorry :-)
Marcus Iulius Perusianus
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Issues of National Loyalty |
From: |
"quintuscassiuscalvus" <richmal@attbi.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 04 Dec 2002 21:48:44 -0000 |
--- In Nova-Roma@y..., "Gnaeus Equitius Marinus"
<equitius_marinus@y...> wrote:
> Today's unfortunate resignations raise questions which I imagine
> citizens have considered. Does membership in Nova Roma represent
> involvement with an organization which might reasonably be
> inimical to the US or some other macronational government?
I imagine membership in Nova Roma would be considered treason in
Islamic nations like Iran, Communist nations like Cuba, North Korea,
or an ultranationalistic state such as China (China has long ceased
to be "Communist" other than the name of its one legal political
party), but I sincerely doubt that the US or any other Western
government would consider Nova Roma to be a threat to its security.
This past year Nova Roma couldn't afford a census, we certainly can't
afford a weapons of mass destruction program. Another real good
reason is that even if the US government went after Nova Romans in
the name of the "war on terrorism" the media would have a field day
and the Dept. of Homeland Security would become an international
laughing stock. At the risk of being forced to resign as Rogator
designatus, to quote Canada's Francoise Ducros, "Bush is a moron."
However, he's not that big of a moron.
Q. Cassius Calvus
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Withdrawl |
From: |
me-in-@disguise.co.uk |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 21:54:21 +0000 (GMT) |
-----Original Message-----
>From : MVariusPM@aol.com
> Because of the current political atmosphere in the macro state of the
>United States, with regret, My wife and I must withdraw our membership in the
>Nova Roma organization. The goal of establishing a soverign state of “Nova
>Roma“ for the organization is not compatible with the current leader of
>America. His statement that “if you are not with us you are against us“ and
>the establishment of the “Homeland Security“ department exclude involvement
>by individuals in groups that do not support governmental hemogeony.
and for how long will this nonentity be facing for whoever really runs the show? He is only an elected President, not Emperor for Life and there must be ten thousand organisations dedicated to some variation on personal freedom. Call it an incipient Militia, you'll probably get aid from the local sheriff!
I have recently taken an interest in the Damanhur community that I came across a couple of years ago. I was most interested to learn that after they had been tunnelling in their valley which had been deserted after the two local factories closed down for a few years, the government got to hear of it and turned up to close them down. They appealed to the Ministry of Art & Culture and got themselves declared a National Treasure. They are still in their valley and growing. Perhaps there are other valleys and not necessarily in Italy?
V. Ambrosius Caesariensis.
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Issues of National Loyalty |
From: |
"Gnaeus Equitius Marinus" <equitius_marinus@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 04 Dec 2002 20:15:11 -0000 |
Today's unfortunate resignations raise questions which I imagine many
citizens have considered. Does membership in Nova Roma represent
involvement with an organization which might reasonably be considered
inimical to the US or some other macronational government?
Titus Labienus Fortunatus has already addressed the question in the
context of our own laws, which make it clear that Nova Roma is not
any kind of revolutionary or seditious organization. Others,
including propraetor Fabius Maximus, have pointed out the practical
realities of the Nova Romani who are even now deployed members of
the US armed forces as evidence that NR is not hostile to the US.
To all of that I'll add my own voice. I'm a commissioned officer of
the State of Maryland, and I take my oaths to the state and to the
United States very seriously. I have asked military lawyers to
review the conditions of membership in Nova Roma for me, to insure
that no conflict exists, and I've been assured that there is nothing
here in Nova Roma to cause concern. The overly cautious might as
easily be concerned about Freemasons, or Knights of Columbus, as they
would be about us. Just as with those organizations, Nova Roma is
able to coexist without dividing the loyalties of its members.
I do understand that recent changes in US law have a number of
people feeling nervous about the possible erosion of civil liberties,
and concerned that government 'witchhunts' might target innocent and
law-abiding people in a misguided effort to appear aggressive in the
execution of new duties. While I personally think such concerns are
being overblown in many cases, I can understand why people might feel
them. But I honestly do not think that membership in Nova Roma will
be viewed by any US government officials as indicitave of criminal
In the final analysis, each of us must decide for ourself. But for
myself and my family, I see no danger in holding Nova Roman
citizenship. We'll stay.
Gnaeus Equitius Marinus, who is also
William C. Gawne
Major, Maryland State Military Department
and Master Sergeant, US Marine Corps (Retired)
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Welcome to a new citizen |
From: |
"gaius117" <lanius117@aol.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 04 Dec 2002 23:43:25 -0000 |
Salvete omnes,
It gives me great pleasure to announce the recent admission of Helena
Lania Valida into Gens Lania, and her acceptance as a citizen in Nova
Roma. As paterfamilias of Gens Lania, and before all the deities of
Nova Roma, I publicly embrace this newest "cousin" into our gens.
Make her feel welcome, and may our populace continue to grow.
Valete, respectfully
Gaius Lanius Falco
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Candidate for AEDILIS PLEBIS needed |
From: |
=?iso-8859-1?q?M=20Arminius=20Maior?= <marminius@yahoo.com.br> |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 19:51:35 -0300 (ART) |
Salvete quirites
Soon, the Comitia Plebis Tributi will be called to
fill the four remaining positions of Tribunus Plebis,
and the one of Aedilis Plebis.
Since we dont have enough candidates for Aedilis
Plebis, i declare that we are accepting candidates for
this magistrature.
The magistrate called Aedilis Plebis is of historical
importance, and was created with the Tribunus Plebis,
in 494 BC. In Roma Antiqua, their functions evolved
with time. The first Plebeian Aediles was responsible
for helping the Tribunes, and keeping copies of the
roman laws in the Aedes Cereris (Shrine of Ceres) in
the Aventine.
In Nova Roma, the duties of The Plebeian Aedile are
stated in our Constitution (IV.A.5):
"Aediles plebis (Plebeian Aedile). Two plebeian
aediles shall be elected by the comitia plebis tributa
to serve a term lasting one year. They must both be of
the plebeian order and shall have the following
honors, powers, and obligations:
a. To issue those edicta (edicts) necessary to see to
the conduct of public games and other festivals and
gatherings, to ensure order at public religious
events, to see to the maintenance of any real public
facilities that the State should acquire, and to
administer the law (such edicts being binding upon
themselves as well as others);
b. To pronounce intercessio against another plebeian
aedile or magistrate of lesser authority;
c. To appoint scribae (clerks) to assist with
administrative and other tasks, as he shall see fit. "
Hoping that some plebeian will accept the task,
Marcus Arminius Maior
Tribunus Plebis
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Issues of National Loyalty |
From: |
Larry Freeman <larrythebear@askmamafreeman.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 04 Dec 2002 18:37:37 -0500 |
Ave Gnaeus Equitius Marinus !!
I commend you for speaking your mind. I read the constitution myself before
I joined. And found nothing in it to even suggest that Nova Roma
constitutes a threat to any Government. I will also stay with Nova Roma.
I'm here for the long haul. Sir I also a former Marine Take my hat off to
you, and salute you for your candor. For there is nothing to even suggest
anything that could even be mistaken as ill intent by NR to any one or any
Laurenicus Flavius Magus. (aka Lawrence D. Freeman.)
At 08:15 PM 12/4/02 +0000, you wrote:
>Today's unfortunate resignations raise questions which I imagine many
>citizens have considered. Does membership in Nova Roma represent
>involvement with an organization which might reasonably be considered
>inimical to the US or some other macronational government?
>Titus Labienus Fortunatus has already addressed the question in the
>context of our own laws, which make it clear that Nova Roma is not
>any kind of revolutionary or seditious organization. Others,
>including propraetor Fabius Maximus, have pointed out the practical
>realities of the Nova Romani who are even now deployed members of
>the US armed forces as evidence that NR is not hostile to the US.
>To all of that I'll add my own voice. I'm a commissioned officer of
>the State of Maryland, and I take my oaths to the state and to the
>United States very seriously. I have asked military lawyers to
>review the conditions of membership in Nova Roma for me, to insure
>that no conflict exists, and I've been assured that there is nothing
>here in Nova Roma to cause concern. The overly cautious might as
>easily be concerned about Freemasons, or Knights of Columbus, as they
>would be about us. Just as with those organizations, Nova Roma is
>able to coexist without dividing the loyalties of its members.
>I do understand that recent changes in US law have a number of
>people feeling nervous about the possible erosion of civil liberties,
>and concerned that government 'witchhunts' might target innocent and
>law-abiding people in a misguided effort to appear aggressive in the
>execution of new duties. While I personally think such concerns are
>being overblown in many cases, I can understand why people might feel
>them. But I honestly do not think that membership in Nova Roma will
>be viewed by any US government officials as indicitave of criminal
>In the final analysis, each of us must decide for ourself. But for
>myself and my family, I see no danger in holding Nova Roman
>citizenship. We'll stay.
>Gnaeus Equitius Marinus, who is also
>William C. Gawne
>Major, Maryland State Military Department
>and Master Sergeant, US Marine Corps (Retired)
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Nationality and Nova Roma (Was: Re: Withdrawl) |
From: |
"sceptia" <sceptia@yahoo.es> |
Date: |
Wed, 04 Dec 2002 23:39:29 -0000 |
Salvete omnes
I have followed the present discussion about the withdrawal of a
quirite who decided to resign because of his fear about the USA laws.
And many opinions about what country or nationality is the best, the
worst, etc. I think, as citizen that I am, that a couple of things
must be clarified.
First of all, we all citizens of our countrys, being those Germany,
Italy, Argentina or any other one. That means that we have been bred
in a macronational state, that is clear. But...
But secondly we found a place named Nova Roma, created by some
enthusiasthic people who believed (I guess) in the great history,
values, works and many things Rome did, inheritated by us.
Well, what's the problem then? Are we trying to kill some government
officer of any country? No. Are we trying to split a nation? No. What
we are trying, despite the project of buying a land for Nova Roma
(Something I will speak of later) is to live as roman did, to deal
with the heritage of the roman who lived before, to enjoy their books
and thoughts and produce new ones, to admire and encourage others to
feel and discover the roman heritage. We mainly try to awake a world
that never dissappeared.
Maybe it sounds to you all childish, but it isn't. Think about it.
Our countries, our governments are the real ones. O.K. But we try to
make a society that belongs far beyond the barriers to the
cosmopolitan Cosmos of the romans. We joined Nova Roma because we'd
like to see one day Roman World best achievements set in our real
life. And that is not a crime or a plot against someone. Is the wish
of sharing our love for the roman world.
A citizen of Syria would say that he was roman, from the city of
Rome, because the imperium of his city were spread along the world
and any citizen, being black or white, jewish or gentil, epicurean or
stoic, was mainly ROMAN. Do we try to be roman ourselves?
I do not mind about a land for Nova Roma. I do worry about being
roman, and share that romanitas with other citizens. I do want to
share notes on history, philosophy, language, society, to improve my
life knowing from the others and sharing the little I know. And we
have a way for doing it, e-net and meetings. Please, put aside the
futile discussions that empty the core purpouse we shoud have. :-)
Vale bene,
L. Didius Geminus Sceptius
- Candidate to Tribunus Plebis -
--- In Nova-Roma@y..., me-in-@d... wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From : "Christopher L. Wood" <xwood@u...>
> >
> >Despite my country's faults, the United States is still the
world's best hope
> >to preserve liberty and freedom in the world. Our protections of
freedom of
> >religion and of association allow a group like NR to exist, where
in many
> >other countries, even suggesting something like Nova Roma could
get you killed
> >
> I rather fear this bespeaks a dangerous mixture of patriotism and
ignorance of other places. 'The best' feels no need to try harder and
can easily forgive and forget too many lapses. It is only while
citizens underrate the benefits of their nation that they continue to
ensure that those benefits survive. It is when citizens have felt
most certain of their security that it has been most eroded - by the
Fascist regimes claiming to enact the Popular Will and in the USA by
McCarthy's extra-judicial, therefore extra-legal-protection crusade
against humane conscience.
> The USA is neither best nor worst, it is one among many, each
with different priorities. I would personally rather be Japanese of
Scandinavian because I prefer their sense of community - but of
course French above all macro-nations!
> V. Ambrosius Caesariensis.
> --
> Personalised email by http://another.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Re: Withdrawl |
From: |
me-in-@disguise.co.uk |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 22:07:28 +0000 (GMT) |
-----Original Message-----
>From : “Christopher L. Wood“ <xwood@usa.net>
>Despite my country's faults, the United States is still the world's best hope
>to preserve liberty and freedom in the world. Our protections of freedom of
>religion and of association allow a group like NR to exist, where in many
>other countries, even suggesting something like Nova Roma could get you killed
I rather fear this bespeaks a dangerous mixture of patriotism and ignorance of other places. 'The best' feels no need to try harder and can easily forgive and forget too many lapses. It is only while citizens underrate the benefits of their nation that they continue to ensure that those benefits survive. It is when citizens have felt most certain of their security that it has been most eroded - by the Fascist regimes claiming to enact the Popular Will and in the USA by McCarthy's extra-judicial, therefore extra-legal-protection crusade against humane conscience.
The USA is neither best nor worst, it is one among many, each with different priorities. I would personally rather be Japanese of Scandinavian because I prefer their sense of community - but of course French above all macro-nations!
V. Ambrosius Caesariensis.
Personalised email by http://another.com
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