Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Saturnalia Greetings! |
From: |
"Julilla Sempronia Magna <curatrix@villaivlilla.com>" <curatrix@villaivlilla.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 01:59:42 -0000 |
Julilla Sempronia Magna omnibus SPD
Wishing all cives NovaRomani a wonderful Saturnalia! The link below
is my Saturnalia card to you:
Io Saturnalia!
@____@ Julilla Sempronia Magna
|||| www.villaivlilla.com/
@____@ Daily Life in Ancient Rome
|||| Rogatrix, MMDCCLV
Scriba, Nova Roma Curator Araneae
Curatrix Araneae,
America Boreoccidentalis
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] =?iso-8859-1?Q?attn._argentinos_English/Spanish_Ingl=E9s/Espa=F1ol?= |
From: |
"Daniel Villanueva" <danielovi@ciudad.com.ar> |
Date: |
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 23:20:30 -0300 |
Salvete omnes.
At the provincial mailing list of Argentina I just posted a famous poem by C. Valerius Catullus in Spanish. I hope you'll enjoy it.
En la lista provincial de Argentina acabo de subir un poema famoso de C. Valerio Catulo en español. Espero que lo disfruten.
Lucius Pompeius Octavianus
Propraetor provincialis Argentinae
Candidato a / Candidate for Tribunus Plebis
Candidato a / Candidate for Dominus Factionis Factio Veneta
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Saturnalia Greetings! |
From: |
"Daniel <danielovi@ciudad.com.ar>" <danielovi@ciudad.com.ar> |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 02:32:41 -0000 |
Salve Julilla Sempronia Magna
Haec pictura pulcherrima est. Mihi plurimum placet. Maximas gratias!!
Habeas fortunam optimam
Lucius Pompeius Octavianus
Propraetor Argentinae
Candidate for Tribunus Plebis
Candidate for Dominus Factionis Veneta
--- In Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com, "Julilla Sempronia Magna
<curatrix@v...>" <curatrix@v...> wrote:
> Julilla Sempronia Magna omnibus SPD
> Wishing all cives NovaRomani a wonderful Saturnalia! The link below
> is my Saturnalia card to you:
> http://www.villaivlilla.com/images/saturnaliacard.jpg
> ---
> Io Saturnalia!
> @____@ Julilla Sempronia Magna
> |||| www.villaivlilla.com/
> @____@ Daily Life in Ancient Rome
> |||| Rogatrix, MMDCCLV
> Scriba, Nova Roma Curator Araneae
> Curatrix Araneae,
> America Boreoccidentalis
> http://ambor.konoko.net
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Digest No 356 |
From: |
"quintuscassiuscalvus <richmal@attbi.com>" <richmal@attbi.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 02:34:28 -0000 |
--- In Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com, "Lucius Equitius" <vergil@s...> > L
Equitius: I view opinions that we hold on matters such as these as
> judgments, modern values.
> I wonder how Cato and other Romans would view our lifestyle and
> today, given the chance.
I imagine Cato the Elder would consider us vain, impius, over given
to luxury, cowardly for allowing women into combat. He would
probably hold a dim view of our agriculture given over to
monocropping, lazy, and wholly unworthy to even look at a real Roman
let alone make any cultural claim to Rome.
Q. Cassius Calvus
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] =?iso-8859-1?q?Re:_attn._argentinos_English/Spanish_Ingl=E9s/Espa=F1ol?= |
From: |
"Daniel <danielovi@ciudad.com.ar>" <danielovi@ciudad.com.ar> |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 02:43:44 -0000 |
Salvete iterum
By the way the URL of the provincial mailing list is located at :
http://ar.groups.yahoo.com/group/NR_Argentina/ and the proovincial
website : http://argentina.novaroma.org
Además el URL de la lista provincial es :
http://ar.groups.yahoo.com/group/NR_Argentina/ y la página argentina
es : http://argentina.novaroma.org
Lucius Pompeius Octavianus
--- In Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com, "Daniel Villanueva"
<danielovi@c...> wrote:
> Salvete omnes.
> At the provincial mailing list of Argentina I just posted a famous
poem by C. Valerius Catullus in Spanish. I hope you'll enjoy it.
> En la lista provincial de Argentina acabo de subir un poema famoso
de C. Valerio Catulo en español. Espero que lo disfruten.
> Lucius Pompeius Octavianus
> Senator
> Propraetor provincialis Argentinae
> Candidato a / Candidate for Tribunus Plebis
> Candidato a / Candidate for Dominus Factionis Factio Veneta
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Buona Saturnalia |
From: |
"Daniel <danielovi@ciudad.com.ar>" <danielovi@ciudad.com.ar> |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 02:37:35 -0000 |
Salve mi optima amica Po
The same to you :-) . Hope next year will be a much better one for
everybody around the world!!. And peace be with all!!.
Bene vale
Lucius Pompeius Octavianus
--- In Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com, "metamorphosis2003
<metamorphosis2003@y...>" <metamorphosis2003@y...> wrote:
> Salvete Populesque Nova Roma:
> I wish each of you a blessed Saturnalia, and all my fond hopes for
> the New Year.
> Bene valete,
> Po
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Cuirass and Foghorn |
From: |
"Gaius Basilicatus Agricola" <jlasalle@kc.rr.com> |
Date: |
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 21:25:44 -0600 |
declension is a four lettered word, brother.
The Law Office of James L. LaSalle
417 East 13th Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64106
The information contained in this e-mail message is attorney privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by using the contact information in the "reply to" field above and return the original message to the sender. Thank you.
----- Original Message -----
From: Chantal G. Whittington
To: Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, December 16, 2002 11:48 PM
Subject: [Nova-Roma] Cuirass and Foghorn
<silly interlude>
Agricola--Ah! Thank you for providing the rooster's
name. You saved me from wracking my brain to remember
it. It's almost midnight; that was the sort of absurd
thing that would have kept me awake half the night,
And about this cuirass. Hm...Okay, ladies, let's go
find his Album Civium page and see if there's a
photograph. (g)
</silly interlude>
You are fluent in Latin _and_ Greek? I'm impressed.
And I stick just to singing in them, not learning
them, for the most part. Noun declensions make my
head ache.
Renata Corva
(who really should go to bed, now)
"Yesterday, it worked.
Today, it is not working.
Windows is like that."
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Eagle European address |
From: |
"Stephen Gallagher" <spqr753@msn.com> |
Date: |
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 22:51:15 -0500 |
Thank you very much I will get the to take the address off the web site . Yes there will be a web Eagle and Santa is Bringing me software to make both the print and web newsletter so the are the same/similar I will get back to you later about the web site if the software does not work like I think it will.
----- Original Message -----
From: Diana Moravia Aventina
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 8:00 AM
To: Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com
Subject: RE: [Nova-Roma] Eagle European address
Hi Tiberius,
I've just received a very helpful email from someone in England (thanks
Claudius!) who has confirmed that the English address is just like I
thought: years old and belonging to an ex-NR citizen, who has moved to
France. So you should ask our webmasters to urgently get it off the English
and translated German websites. I would ask them for you, but I don't want
to step on your toes so to speak :-)
And by the way, will there be an online version of the Eagle? If you want
one, just ask me. I can make a simple website online like the one I sent you
in a matter of an hour or so. And it would be my pleasure to give you a
hand :-)
Diana Moravia
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Saturnalia Greetings! |
From: |
"Julilla Sempronia Magna <curatrix@villaivlilla.com>" <curatrix@villaivlilla.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 04:11:58 -0000 |
--- In Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com, "Daniel <danielovi@c...>"
<danielovi@c...> scripsit :
> Salve Julilla Sempronia Magna
> Haec pictura pulcherrima est. Mihi plurimum placet. Maximas
> Habeas fortunam optimam
> Lucius Pompeius Octavianus
> Senator
> Propraetor Argentinae
> Candidate for Tribunus Plebis
> Candidate for Dominus Factionis Veneta
Bonam Fortunam et plurimas gratias illustrus Luci Pompei Octaviani :-)
Io Saturnalia!
@____@ Julilla Sempronia Magna
|||| www.villaivlilla.com/
@____@ Daily Life in Ancient Rome
|||| Rogatrix, MMDCCLV
Scriba, Nova Roma Curator Araneae
Curatrix Araneae,
America Boreoccidentalis
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Eagle Address |
From: |
"Stephen Gallagher" <spqr753@msn.com> |
Date: |
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 23:23:23 -0500 |
Salve Senator I have informed the web master and I am sure the address will be deleted soon. Thank you very much for mailng the Eagles as I have never seen it.
----- Original Message -----
From: jmath669642reng@webtv.net
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 11:46 AM
To: Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Nova-Roma] Eagle Address
Master Tiberius / Tribune Diana;
During my short stint as an Editor for Eagle in 1999, the address to
which you refer was the address of a very nice young lady who had
offered to repost the hard-copy Eagles destined for European subscribers
in Europe. This she did during my Editorship.
However, it was my understanding that she had moved either permanantly
or temporarily to somewhere in Eastern Europe to pursue her Doctoral
Studies. I am not sure if she resigned from NR, or smply withdrew from
active involvement until her studies were completed. However, unless
some one knows differently, I believe that address is no longer a valid
one for the purpose previously used.
Tiberius -- I have mailed the four monthly copies of the Eagle produced
under my Editorship.
Marcus Minucius Audens
Fair Winds and Following Seas!!!
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] I O SATURNALIA |
From: |
"pompeia_cornelia <scriba_forum@hotmail.com>" <scriba_forum@hotmail.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 04:30:01 -0000 |
P. Cornelia Senatus Populesque Nova Roma:
On this hallowed occasion, Saturnalia, the populus of Roma Antiquita
would gather for public rituals in honour of Saturn.
Gathered around the Temple of Saturn, the populace would witness the
statue of the deity being filled, adorned with olive oil, as a symbol
of agricultural blessings received.
The rituals according to the Roman Rite were conducted, and offerings
given. Immediately after, the Senators would cry "I O Saturnalia",
as Pontiff Equitius did in a sig line earlier today.
A celebration corresponding with Winter Solstice, Christmas, Hanuuka,
it is a celebration of fond things to come, festivity, joy,
thankfulness, and spiritual renewal.
Saturnalia is also a NEFASTUS PUBLICUS, where public religious
rituals are held, according to the Nova Roma rite of the Religio
Romana (www.novaroma.org)
I have been sitting here for a bit thinking that, in the absence of
any such offering today, I, as a citizen, would like to undertake
sharing some spiritual and religious elements, in celebration of this
festival of Nova Roma and Roma Antiquita, and in keeping with the
overall mission of our republic of the celebration and promotion of
the positive aspects of Roma Antiquita......her respect for the
spiritual aspects.
I have nothing in poetry to offer of Saturn, but I do have an exerpt
of a hymn to Apollo (My favourite hymn from Antiquita) He is known
as the god of the sun, the far-seeing one, and his twin sister Diana
longed that she would have as many names as Apollo. Patron of the
Arts, Prophesy, healing, he is been immortally significant in
presence to this day.
How Apollo's laurel sapling shakes
How the whole tree shakes...Away, away with the wicked!
It must be Phoebus kicking the door with his fair foot
Do you not see? The Delian palm nods gently.
All of a sudden, the swan swings beautifully in the air.
Bolts of the doors, thrust yourselves back
Keys-open the doors! For the God is not longer far away.
Be silent and hear the song of Apollo's glory!
Even the sea is silent for bards celebrate.
The clithar or the bow, weapons of Lycorian Pheobus
Neither does mother Thetis mournfully lament for her Achilles
If she hears 'Hie Paian, Hie Paia"
Even the weeping rock forgets its griefs.
The sobbing stone forever fixed in Phrygia
Marble where once a woman gaped sorrowfully.
Cry "Hie , Hie", it is a poor thing to contest the blessed.
May he who fights with the blessed fight my king (consuls?)
And may he who fights my king also fight with Apollo.
The chorus who sings to Apollo with his heart
He will honour.
He has the power. He sits at the right hand of Zeus.
Neither will the chorus sing of Apollo for one day.
He is worthy of many hymns. Who would not sing of Apollo?
I have paraphrased a prayer from a group I belonged to in the past,
many years ago, which always touched me. I have attempted to make
it 'fit' here, with respect to the rite of Roma Antiquita.
Immortal and Eternal almighty Father, Iupiter Optimus Maximus or by
any other name you wish to be called. As these words are transcribed
in the 21 Century, it is clear that you are indeed known by many
names.Theancients were willing to concede that they didn't know all
the answers. Perhaps it is this element of humility which made them
great. Let us learn from this.
Is it your name that is important, O immortal, all powerful one, or
the knowledge that "you are"? Help us in our struggles.
Hold aloft to us the eternal flame the vestals of antiquita kept
alight; help us to push, undaunted, toward its light of wisdom and
Alight our souls with divine goodness, that we in turn may light the
way for those we encounter.
If the road we take seems obscured with dust, give us the strength to
pave the way with stars, to transmute the dust into stardust.
Grant us such clearness of vision, such sweetness of spirit, such
earnest of purpose, that we may follow the etermal flame toward our
collective and individual goals.
So Mote it Be
May it be done according to your will, at the request of those who
seek the path of the good, true and the beautiful.
My best wishes to all of you.....
And I do believe its........
PARTY TIME......YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pompeia :)
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Latin HELP? Please |
From: |
"Stephen Gallagher" <spqr753@msn.com> |
Date: |
Tue, 17 Dec 2002 23:41:32 -0500 |
Can someone give be a good Latin translation for the following terms for the Eagle newsletter
1. Book Review
2. FYI ( For Your Information)
3. The Poets Corner
4. From Where I Sit
Tiberius Galerius Paulinus
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Greetings for Saturnalia! |
From: |
Caeso Fabius Quintilianus <christer.edling@telia.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 07:35:42 +0100 |
Salve Quirites and Perigrini!
I have now arrived back to the surface of life after a visit to the
depth of work in to late nights. I now hope to return to full
activity in Roma. To begin with I wish all citizens and "foreign"
guests of Nova Roma a wonderful Saturnalia!
Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
Senator et Senior Curule Aedile
Propraetor Thules
AUCTOR LEGIONIS, Legio VII "Res Publica"
Sodalitas Egressus Beneficarius et Praefectus Provincia Thules
"Fautor Societatis Iuventutis Romanae"
Senior Consul Designatus MMDCCLVI A.U.C.
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam
"I'll either find a way or make one"
"Integrity, Accountability, Reform"
Dignitas, Iustitia, Fidelitas et Pietas
Dignity, Justice, Loyalty and Dutifulness
Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Buona Saturnalia |
From: |
Sextus Apollonius Scipio <scipio_apollonius@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 01:52:05 -0800 (PST) |
all our best to all of you from Gallia!!
Enjoy Saturnalia...
--- "metamorphosis2003 <metamorphosis2003@yahoo.ca>" <metamorphosis2003@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> Salvete Populesque Nova Roma:
> I wish each of you a blessed Saturnalia, and all my fond hopes for
> the New Year.
> Bene valete,
> Po
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Saturnalia Greetings! |
From: |
Sextus Apollonius Scipio <scipio_apollonius@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 01:53:08 -0800 (PST) |
Salve Julilla,
thank you for your nice card!! It is very nicely done.
Have a wonderful time.
--- "Julilla Sempronia Magna <curatrix@villaivlilla.com>" <curatrix@villaivlilla.com>
> Julilla Sempronia Magna omnibus SPD
> Wishing all cives NovaRomani a wonderful Saturnalia! The link below
> is my Saturnalia card to you:
> http://www.villaivlilla.com/images/saturnaliacard.jpg
> ---
> Io Saturnalia!
> @____@ Julilla Sempronia Magna
> |||| www.villaivlilla.com/
> @____@ Daily Life in Ancient Rome
> |||| Rogatrix, MMDCCLV
> Scriba, Nova Roma Curator Araneae
> Curatrix Araneae,
> America Boreoccidentalis
> http://ambor.konoko.net
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> Nova-Roma-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Greetings for Saturnalia! |
From: |
"Gaius Basilicatus Agricola" <jlasalle@kc.rr.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 07:30:05 -0600 |
Io Saturnalia!
The Law Office of James L. LaSalle
417 East 13th Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64106
The information contained in this e-mail message is attorney privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender by using the contact information in the "reply to" field above and return the original message to the sender. Thank you.
----- Original Message -----
From: Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
To: Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 12:35 AM
Subject: [Nova-Roma] Greetings for Saturnalia!
Salve Quirites and Perigrini!
I have now arrived back to the surface of life after a visit to the
depth of work in to late nights. I now hope to return to full
activity in Roma. To begin with I wish all citizens and "foreign"
guests of Nova Roma a wonderful Saturnalia!
Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
Senator et Senior Curule Aedile
Propraetor Thules
AUCTOR LEGIONIS, Legio VII "Res Publica"
Sodalitas Egressus Beneficarius et Praefectus Provincia Thules
"Fautor Societatis Iuventutis Romanae"
Senior Consul Designatus MMDCCLVI A.U.C.
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam
"I'll either find a way or make one"
"Integrity, Accountability, Reform"
Dignitas, Iustitia, Fidelitas et Pietas
Dignity, Justice, Loyalty and Dutifulness
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Greetings of the Season!!!! |
From: |
jmath669642reng@webtv.net |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 10:51:00 -0500 (EST) |
Citizens of Nova Roma;
I am pleased to be able to bring to so many people around the world, my
hopes for your particular happiness and enjoyment of this lustrous
I wish to thank each of you who have shown such a great support for me
in the past year. Your attention and kind words are worth moe to me
than any formal award.
It is a season in which happiness and goodwill seem to expand and fill
the hearts of peoples around the world. I realize that not everyone
will have presents under the tree, and a traditional meal, but those
things are less important I think, than the good feelings that seem to
radiate during this time, even in the poorest regions of this old world.
So to all of you, regardless of any disagreements in the past year,
regardless of any comments made, or misunderstandings endured, I wish
each and every one of you on this list My Christmas (Saturnalia to many)
greetings and besr wishes for the season. It is also my desire and
purpose to wish all here, A happy and joyous New Year filled to the brim
with good will and prosperiy beyond the extent of your dreams.
Respectfully, and Most Sincerely;
Marcus Minucius Audens
Fair Winds and Following Seas!!!
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Greetings of the Season!!!! |
From: |
"Arnamentia Moravia Aurelia <arnamentia_aurelia@yahoo.com>" <arnamentia_aurelia@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 17:38:18 -0000 |
Thank you for the beautiful words, I couldn't have said them better.
Solstice greetings to you all!
Arnamentia Moravia Aurelia
--- In Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com, jmath669642reng@w... wrote:
> Citizens of Nova Roma;
> I am pleased to be able to bring to so many people around the
world, my
> hopes for your particular happiness and enjoyment of this lustrous
> season.
> I wish to thank each of you who have shown such a great support
for me
> in the past year. Your attention and kind words are worth moe to
> than any formal award.
> It is a season in which happiness and goodwill seem to expand and
> the hearts of peoples around the world. I realize that not
> will have presents under the tree, and a traditional meal, but
> things are less important I think, than the good feelings that
seem to
> radiate during this time, even in the poorest regions of this old
> So to all of you, regardless of any disagreements in the past year,
> regardless of any comments made, or misunderstandings endured, I
> each and every one of you on this list My Christmas (Saturnalia to
> greetings and besr wishes for the season. It is also my desire and
> purpose to wish all here, A happy and joyous New Year filled to
the brim
> with good will and prosperiy beyond the extent of your dreams.
> Respectfully, and Most Sincerely;
> Marcus Minucius Audens
> Fair Winds and Following Seas!!!
> http://community.webtv.net/jmath669642reng/NovaRomaMilitary
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] RESULTS: Comitia Plebis Tributa |
From: |
=?iso-8859-1?q?M=20Arminius=20Maior?= <marminius@yahoo.com.br> |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 19:56:04 -0300 (ART) |
Salvete, Quirites
The results in the Comitia Plebis Tributa have been
certified by the Rogatores.
Each candidate needed to win 18 or more tribes, in
order to be elected.
Due to the small size of the plebeian Tribes, the
citizens that voted in each tribe could be easily
identified; so the voting of each Tribe will not be
-Results of the election for the one remaining
position of Aedilis Plebis:
Of 35 tribes, 28 voted; 18 are needed.
Marcus Scribonius Curio Britannicus won 18 tribes;
three of them are tied, and given to him by the rule
of majority of the Lex Salicia De Suffragiis.
Publius Tarquitius Rufus won 7 tribes.
Congratulations for Marcus Scribonius Curio
Britannicus, Aedilis Plebis re-elected for the year
2756 AUC.
Many thanks for Publius Tarquitius Rufus, by your
-Results of the election for the four remaining
positions of Tribunus Plebis:
Of 35 tribes, 29 voted; 18 are needed.
Marcus Marcius Rex won 24 tribes, three of them tied
and given to him according to the Lex Salicia De
Lucius Pompeius Octavianus won 19 tribes, three of
them tied and given to him according to the Lex
Salicia De Suffragiis;
Lucius Didius Geminius Sceptius won 15 tribes, two of
them tied and given to him according to the Lex
Salicia De Suffragiis;
Gaius Modius Athanasius won 14 tribes, two of them
tied and given to him according to the Lex Salicia De
Gaius Popillius Laenas won 12 tribes;
Gaius Geminius Germanus won 9 tribes.
Congratulations, Marcus Marcius Rex and Lucius
Pompeius Octavianus, Tribuni Plebis for the year 2756
Many thanks for Lucius Didius Geminius Sceptius, Gaius
Modius Athanasius, Gaius Popillius Laenas and Gaius
Geminius Germanus for your participation.
However, another run-off election will be needed, to
fill two positions fo Tribunus Plebis, since the
fourth and fifth placed candidates didnt had at least
18 tribal votes.
Now, we are in the Saturnalia and near the Christmas;
if i call a new run-off election now, we will need to
vote, and the Rogatores will need to work, in the
Christmas and New-Year comemorations.
I believe that i leave this problem at the hands of
the newly elected Tribunes, Diana Moravia, Marcus
Marcius and Lucius Pompeius, who will call a run-off
election in january.
Marcus Arminius Maior
Tribunus Plebis
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Latin HELP? Please |
From: |
"Manius Constantinus Serapio <mcserapio@yahoo.it>" <mcserapio@yahoo.it> |
Date: |
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 22:57:29 -0000 |
> Can someone give be a good Latin translation for the following
terms for the Eagle newsletter
> 1. Book Review
Iudicium (singular) de Libro (singular)
Iudicia (plural) de Libris (plural)
> 2. FYI ( For Your Information)
Pro Percontatione Vestra
(you can also say just Pro Percontatione)
> 3. The Poets Corner
Area PoEtarum (put a diaeresis on the capital E)
> 4. From Where I Sit
Sorry, I don't understand it in english! :-( What does it mean? Is
it an American expression?
Legatvs Externis Rebvs Provinciae Italiae
Dominvs Praefectvs Sodalitatis Egressvs
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Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Re: Latin HELP? Please |
From: |
"Gnaeus Octavius Noricus" <cn.octavius.noricus@gmx.at> |
Date: |
Thu, 19 Dec 2002 00:44:18 +0100 |
> > 4. From Where I Sit
> Sorry, I don't understand it in english! :-( What does it mean? Is
> it an American expression?
Credo che si possa latinizzare come segue/I think one could translate it to latin as follows:
(stile vergognoso)/(style to be ashamed of):
De (hoc loco,) quo ego consessus sum
(Di dove sono seduto)
Probabilmente arriverai a una tradizione più piacevole/Probably, you will come up with a more pleasant translation :-)
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