Subject: [Nova-Roma] Old Website Update
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 20:19:16 EST

This is for anyone who knows their head from a hole in the ground when it
comes to HTML.

In order to attempt and keep the little knowledge that I have of html from
draining out of my head, I just completely redid the main page of my old
Roman website by hand in Notepad. Previously I had used a generator, which
created some fairly unnecessarily large pictures had even made some text into
pictures causing the website to be very slow. So I went over the entire
thing to optimize it. So far it looks nearly identical to the previous
website on my own computer in various resolutions and in 3 different
browsers, but I'm not sure how it will look on other computers with different
size displays.

If anyone has a very small display, such as that on a laptop, or anyone with
a very large display; please take a quick looksie at my original main page
<A HREF=""></A>
and the new main page
<A HREF=""></A>

if there are any huge discrepancies between the two, or if the new one looks
in any way horrible compared to the original. Please tell me! Thanks!


Iulius Titinius Antonius

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Old Website Update
From: Richard Winter <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 17:46:53 -0800
very good job..

looks fine....

way to go on doing it by hand too, you can tweek stuff much easier..

if you want a generator that demands your knowledge of HTML....get homesite...

GUI users cant use have to know your HTML

Marcus Ritulius Hiberus
"Seminate aurum in Terram albam Foliatam..."

At 08:19 PM 1/20/03 -0500, you wrote:

>This is for anyone who knows their head from a hole in the ground when it
>comes to HTML.
>In order to attempt and keep the little knowledge that I have of html from
>draining out of my head, I just completely redid the main page of my old
>Roman website by hand in Notepad. Previously I had used a generator, which
>created some fairly unnecessarily large pictures had even made some text into
>pictures causing the website to be very slow. So I went over the entire
>thing to optimize it. So far it looks nearly identical to the previous
>website on my own computer in various resolutions and in 3 different
>browsers, but I'm not sure how it will look on other computers with different
>size displays.
>If anyone has a very small display, such as that on a laptop, or anyone with
>a very large display; please take a quick looksie at my original main page
> and the new main page
>if there are any huge discrepancies between the two, or if the new one looks
>in any way horrible compared to the original. Please tell me! Thanks!
>Iulius Titinius Antonius
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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>Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
>Version: 6.0.435 / Virus Database: 244 - Release Date: 12/30/02

Marcus Ritulius Hiberus
"Seminate aurum in Terram albam Foliatam..."


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.435 / Virus Database: 244 - Release Date: 12/30/02

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Old Website Update
From: "L. Sicinius Drusus" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 18:54:47 -0800 (PST)
It looks good.
If you want a better HTML editing tool than Notepad, I
recomend Firstpage 2000. It isn't a Generator, It's a
GUI for Windows that contains tools to make it easier
to hand edit HTML files, and it's a free download.

--- wrote:
> Salvete,
> This is for anyone who knows their head from a hole
> in the ground when it
> comes to HTML.
> In order to attempt and keep the little knowledge
> that I have of html from
> draining out of my head, I just completely redid the
> main page of my old
> Roman website by hand in Notepad. Previously I had
> used a generator, which
> created some fairly unnecessarily large pictures had
> even made some text into
> pictures causing the website to be very slow. So I
> went over the entire
> thing to optimize it. So far it looks nearly
> identical to the previous
> website on my own computer in various resolutions
> and in 3 different
> browsers, but I'm not sure how it will look on other
> computers with different
> size displays.
> If anyone has a very small display, such as that on
> a laptop, or anyone with
> a very large display; please take a quick looksie at
> my original main page
> <A
> and the new main page
> <A
> if there are any huge discrepancies between the two,
> or if the new one looks
> in any way horrible compared to the original.
> Please tell me! Thanks!
> Vale,
> Iulius Titinius Antonius
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

L. Sicinius Drusus

Roman Citizen

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Justinian: On Pimps
From: "Gaius Basilicatus Agricola" <>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 21:42:05 -0600
Research on an article for the Eagle revealed this little jewel:

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Oath for Apparitoria
From: "Marcus Iulius " <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 11:49:57 +0000

I, Marcus Iulius Perusianus, do hereby solemnly swear to
uphold the honor of Nova Roma, and to act always in the best
interests of Franciscus Apulus Caesar while I hold this office, except when
such action would be illegal or unconstitutional.

I, Marcus Iulius Perusianus, further swear to fulfill the obligations and
Responsibilities of the office of Scriba Aedilis Historicus Primus to the
best of my Abilities while following the Roman virtues and ideals.

I, Marcus Iulius Perusianus, swear to give faithful service to my
magistrate, and not to divulge any information discussed in
confidence. I understand that I serve solely at the discretion of my

On my honor as a Citizen of Nova Roma, and in the presence of the
Gods and Goddesses of the Roman people and by their will and favor,
do I accept the position of Scriba Aedilis Historicus Primus with all the
privileges, obligations, and responsibilities attendant thereto


Marcus Iulius Perusianus
Scriba ad historia Provinciae Italiae
Scriba Aedilis Historicus Primus

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Oath for Apparitoria
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Rachel=20Dugdale?= <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 12:31:00 +0000 (GMT)
I, Gaia Fabia Livia, do hereby solemnly swear to
uphold the honor of Nova Roma, and to act always in
the best interests of Franciscus Apulus Caesar while I
hold this office, except when such action would be
illegal or unconstitutional.

I, Gaia Faiba Livia, further swear to fulfill the
obligations and Responsibilities of the office of
Scriba Aedilis Historica Secunda to the best of my
Abilities while following the Roman virtues and

I, Gaia Fabia Livia, swear to give faithful service to
my magistrate, and not to divulge any information
discussed in confidence. I understand that I serve
solely at the discretion of my magistrate.

On my honor as a Citizen of Nova Roma, and in the
presence of the Gods and Goddesses of the Roman people
and by their will and favor, do I accept the position
of Scriba Aedilis Historica Secunda with all the
privileges, obligations, and responsibilities
attendant thereto.

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] question from a potential citizen
From: "gabal505 <>" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 12:34:27 -0000

I recently found your website and got quite interested in your idea
about restoration of Roman culture.

However, I don't understand what ancient roman ideals are you trying
to restore? In my opinion roman society was one of the most
hedonistic in human history and I don't think ''restoration'' is
what you want. I read the list of your roman virtues and they are
all very nice but I think that Romans didn't exactly follow that set
of principles. Maybe those ideals where existing in the culture but
weren't followed. If you could explain me better your goals I would
be really grateful.

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] question from a potential citizen
From: "Gaius Basilicatus Agricola" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 07:52:44 -0600
I enjoyed reading your letter. In a nutshell, you are just plain wrong. Here's why: Virtueless, hedonistic party animals wouldn't have conquered and maintained control over their known world at the time, to the tune of 400 years. Virtueless? Ever read the works of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, or Julian Apostata?

"If you could explain me better your goals I would
be really grateful."

We want to recreate what was best about Rome. It is a learning experience for all of us. Roma wants you! There won't be any orgies (none that I've been invited to, yet) vomitoriums, or citizens thrown from the Tarpeian Rock.
Come on!

Gaius Basilicatus Agricola


I recently found your website and got quite interested in your idea
about restoration of Roman culture.

However, I don't understand what ancient roman ideals are you trying
to restore? In my opinion roman society was one of the most
hedonistic in human history and I don't think ''restoration'' is
what you want. I read the list of your roman virtues and they are
all very nice but I think that Romans didn't exactly follow that set
of principles. Maybe those ideals where existing in the culture but
weren't followed. If you could explain me better your goals I would
be really grateful.

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Attention Voters! Invalid Voter Code
From: "aerdensrw <>" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 13:50:17 -0000
The citizen with the following voter tracking
number has a malformed or inaccurate voter code:


Please remember to enter your code exactly as
it is given, and if you are unsure of your new
code, follow the instructions posted previously
to obtain your current voter code by e-mail:

Or you may write the censors: censors @

Renata Corva
Sr. Rogatrix

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Oath for Apparitoria
From: "Alejandro Carneiro <>" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 14:05:24 -0000
I, Gn. Salix Galaicus, do hereby solemnly swear to uphold the honor
of Nova Roma, and to act always in the best interests of Franciscus
Apulus Caesar while I hold this office, except when such action would
be illegal or unconstitutional.

I, Gn. Salix Galaicus, further swear to fulfill the obligations and
Responsibilities of the office of Scriba Aedilis Ludorum Primus to
the best of my Abilities while following the Roman virtues and ideals.

I, Gn. Salix Galaicus, swear to give faithful service to my
magistrate, and not to divulge any information discussed in
confidence. I understand that I serve solely at the discretion of my

On my honor as a Citizen of Nova Roma, and in the presence of the
Gods and Goddesses of the Roman people and by their will and favor,
do I accept the position of Scriba Aedilis Ludorum Primus with all
the privileges, obligations, and responsibilities attendant thereto.

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Comitia Centuriata Election Results
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?M=20Arminius=20Maior?= <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 12:06:39 -0300 (ART)

--- Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
<> escreveu:
> Ex Officio Consulis Senioris Caesonis Fabii
> Quintiliani
> Caeso Fabius Quintilianus Omnibus Civibus Novae
> Romae SPD,
> Comitia Centuriata final results in the election of
> Praetors
> Gnaeus Salix Astur and Decius Iunius Palladius
> Invictus are elected
> Praetores for MMDCCLVI. Gnaeus Salix Astur will be
> Senior.

M.ARMINIUS: Congratulations to the new Praetores of
Nova Roma! At last, we have Praetores! And
congratulations to Gn.Salix, our newest Senator.

> Vale
> Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
> Senior Consul et Senator
> Propraetor Thules

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Re: Congratulations and Thank you (correction)
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?M=20Arminius=20Maior?= <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 12:10:04 -0300 (ART)

--- "quintuscassiuscalvus <>"
<> escreveu: > Salve,
> It has come to my attention that I meant to write
> Marcus Arminius
> Maior, not Gnaeus Equitus Marinus. My humble
> apologies to Marcus
> Arminius Maior, who does indeed have my sympathies
> on his election
> loss.

Marcus Arminius: No apologies needed! Anyway, Nova
Roma gained two excellent Praetores, and there will be
elections next year. :-)

> Vale,
> Q. Cassius Calvus

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] question from a potential citizen
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 10:16:19 US/Central

> However, I don't understand what ancient roman ideals are you trying
> to restore? In my opinion roman society was one of the most
> hedonistic in human history...

I could see how you'd think that if your knowledge of Roman history were
limited to Gibbon, popular entertainment, and such things as "I, Claudius".
However, there's a lot more to Roman history than the exploits of Rome's most
notorious emperors and generals.

Certainly, there is a definite exhortation of the virtues of a frugal and
simple life that runs throughout much of Roman literature. And, the sumptuary
laws of the Republic's latter days were a reaction to the perceived excesses
that Rome's increasing wealth brought with it. Note that the behavior of
Messalina, Claudius' first wife, was scandalous precisely because orgies and
the like were not commonly acceptable. I actually think you might get a better
picture of Republican Rome compared to its contemporaries from the Burton-
Taylor version of "Cleopatra", especially in the comparison between Marcus
Antonius' awfully proper wife and the sensual Cleopatra. Polybius certainly
saw the Romans as an industrious and hard-nosed people; quite the opposite of
soft aesthetes given to luxurious excess.

> ...and I don't think ''restoration'' is what you want.

Well, that depends upon whom you talk to and what you mean by restoration. Our
documents state pretty clearly that we're interested in recreating the best of
ancient Rome. That's fairly subjective, but I do think it's clear that we
don't want to recreate the excesses of Nero.

> I read the list of your roman virtues and they are all very nice but
> I think that Romans didn't exactly follow that set of principles.
> Maybe those ideals where existing in the culture but weren't followed.

Show me a culture that does live up to the highest ideals espoused by its
people. I doubt you'll find it outside of relatively small groups. We want to
emulate the best of ancient Rome, to the best of our abilities. Did all Romans
follow the virtues we've identified at all times? Of course not. However, the
ideal is certainly useful to keep in mind, and definitely worth attempting to

> If you could explain me better your goals I would be really grateful.

I hope this helps.

T Labienus Fortunatus

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] question from a potential citizen
From: Centurion M Bianchius Antonius <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 08:29:33 -0800 (PST)

hey, settle down there.....
I joined for orgies, the Vomitoriums (I have 3 in my house) and the such. Must be in the wrong place again.
Gaius Basilicatus Agricola <> wrote:I enjoyed reading your letter. In a nutshell, you are just plain wrong. Here's why: Virtueless, hedonistic party animals wouldn't have conquered and maintained control over their known world at the time, to the tune of 400 years. Virtueless? Ever read the works of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, or Julian Apostata?

"If you could explain me better your goals I would
be really grateful."

We want to recreate what was best about Rome. It is a learning experience for all of us. Roma wants you! There won't be any orgies (none that I've been invited to, yet) vomitoriums, or citizens thrown from the Tarpeian Rock.
Come on!

Gaius Basilicatus Agricola


I recently found your website and got quite interested in your idea
about restoration of Roman culture.

However, I don't understand what ancient roman ideals are you trying
to restore? In my opinion roman society was one of the most
hedonistic in human history and I don't think ''restoration'' is
what you want. I read the list of your roman virtues and they are
all very nice but I think that Romans didn't exactly follow that set
of principles. Maybe those ideals where existing in the culture but
weren't followed. If you could explain me better your goals I would
be really grateful.

Subject: [Nova-Roma] Tribune
From: "gaiuspopilliuslaenas <>" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 17:03:27 -0000
Ave Quirites!

I thought the run off voting for our remaining Tribune positions
began today.???

By the way - VOTE LAENAS!

Gaius Popillius Laenas

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] Tribune
From: Kristoffer From <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 18:19:39 +0100
"gaiuspopilliuslaenas " wrote:
> I thought the run off voting for our
> remaining Tribune positions began today?

Salve, Gai Popilli Laenas.

Yes, they do. Is the procedure not working properly? Let me know ASAP so
I can fix things.

Vale, Titus Octavius Pius.

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Subject: RE: [Nova-Roma] Tribune
From: "Diana Moravia Aventina" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 18:26:05 +0100

Just a friendly reminder to all Plebeian citizens that the voting began for
the 2 vacant Tribune positions about 25 minutes ago. So don't forget to

>I thought the run off voting for our remaining Tribune positions
<began today.???
Thank you of reminding me of the time, Gaius Popillius Laenas!!

Diana Moravia Aventina

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Re: Tribune
From: "gaiuspopilliuslaenas <>" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 19:43:51 -0000
Salvete Tite Octavi et Diana Moravia!

>>Is the procedure not working properly? Let me know ASAP so
I can fix things.<<

>>Thank you of reminding me of the time, Gaius Popillius Laenas!!<<

I'm pretty sure I made the mistake of not noting the proper Roman
time. I was just overanxious to get in there and vote for my own

Just finsihed and the system works beautifully Tite.

Gaius Popillius Laenas

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] question from a potential citizen
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 15:02:31 EST
In a message dated 1/21/03 5:21:09 AM Pacific Standard Time,

> However, I don't understand what ancient Roman ideals are you trying
> to restore? In my opinion Roman society was one of the most
> hedonistic in human history and I don't think ''restoration'' is
> what you want.

Actually the French in the 15-18 century was the most hedonistic, but that's
the debaters to argue.
The Romans for the most part were a sober hard-working simple people.
They would mock (in writing) their Hellenic neighbors (don't forget the
Magna Grechians referred to Rome as the wolf of the North) and were
confident on how to do things. They were a godsloving ritualistic
people, who, because of their devotion to duty and their love of law,
made them rather formidable. The Hellenic writer Posidonius who
arrived in Rome as an ambassador in circa 80s BCE saw Romans as
a people "who lived a simple life devoid of luxury, they worshipped
their gods piously, respected the rights of all"
The basis of our reconstruction is this Republic, not the Empire.
The Empire is more suited for your view of events. That is not to say
that Romans later adopted Hellenic practices. They did, but did so out
of reverence to an older culture that they conquered.

I read the list of your Roman virtues and they are > all very nice but I think
> that Romans didn't exactly follow that set of principles.

No one person follows every thing set before him. He is a human being,
and subject to flaws. On top of this, we were not raised as Roman
since birth, so many of our citizens bring their macronational baggage
in with them.
No, we are not perfect, and we are not creating a utopia. What we
are trying to do, is reconstruct the Roman Republic, using mos maiorum
and the virtues as examples as the best a Roman can be.
This is an experiment. But one that seems to slowly succeeding.

Q. Fabius Maximus

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] question from a potential citizen
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 15:21:24 -0500
Well, you are entitled to your opinion but you should remember that many popular images of ancient Rome come from movies and bad literature. Most of the decadent images of ancient Rome are incorrect but some are not. The great Crassus was so wealthy and ostentatious that the word "crass" is still in use in the English language. Caligula was certainly perverse but that may have been due to a hereditary mental illness; Nero was an egomaniac. However, Julius Caesar, Marius, the Gracchi, Claudius, Vespasian, Titus, Nerva, Trajan, Marcus Aurelianus, Antoininus Pius, Cato the Censor and a host of others were faithful to the virtues.
We Nova Romans strive towards the ideas of the Virtues and the Religio Romana but we sometimes fall short as humans are likely to do. After 2756 years, Rome is still the yardstick by which many cultures and governments strive to measure themselves.

F. Galerius Aurelianus Secundus

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] question from a potential citizen
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 15:21:27 -0500
Well, you are entitled to your opinion but you should remember that many popular images of ancient Rome come from movies and bad literature. Most of the decadent images of ancient Rome are incorrect but some are not. The great Crassus was so wealthy and ostentatious that the word "crass" is still in use in the English language. Caligula was certainly perverse but that may have been due to a hereditary mental illness; Nero was an egomaniac. However, Julius Caesar, Marius, the Gracchi, Claudius, Vespasian, Titus, Nerva, Trajan, Marcus Aurelianus, Antoininus Pius, Cato the Censor and a host of others were faithful to the virtues.
We Nova Romans strive towards the ideas of the Virtues and the Religio Romana but we sometimes fall short as humans are likely to do. After 2756 years, Rome is still the yardstick by which many cultures and governments strive to measure themselves.

F. Galerius Aurelianus Secundus

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Re: Congratulations and Thank you (correction)
From: "quintuscassiuscalvus <>" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 22:23:42 -0000
--- In, M Arminius Maior <marminius@y...>
> Salve

> Marcus Arminius: No apologies needed! Anyway, Nova
> Roma gained two excellent Praetores, and there will be
> elections next year. :-)
> [..]


Well, one would think I might remember your name after seeing it a
few dozen times over the course of a week. I do have a problem
keeping Roman names straight in my head. Why just yesterday I mixed
up Diana Morovia for Sulla. <wink & grin>


Q. Cassius Calvus

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Subject: Re: [Nova-Roma] question from a potential citizen
From: "L. Sicinius Drusus" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 14:40:57 -0800 (PST)

If you watch the news reports of modern times you are
confronted with stories about murders, Terrorist
attacks, armed robbers, sports related riots, clerics
molesting children, and many other unpleasant things,
yet you would be wrong to conclude that this is the
normal day to day life in the early 21st century. I
was able to drive home from work without encountering
a single one of these events today, something you
wouldn't expect to happen if you considered the news
as reports of normal life in the modern era.

Like modern news writers, the ancient writers largely
ignored the commonplace and reported on the unusual
events of thier times. They related disapproving tales
of people who failed to live up to the moral norms of
thier times, rather than trying to report on the far
larger number who lived within the ethics of thier

--- "gabal505 <>" <> wrote:
> Salve
> I recently found your website and got quite
> interested in your idea
> about restoration of Roman culture.
> However, I don't understand what ancient roman
> ideals are you trying
> to restore? In my opinion roman society was one of
> the most
> hedonistic in human history and I don't think
> ''restoration'' is
> what you want. I read the list of your roman virtues
> and they are
> all very nice but I think that Romans didn't exactly
> follow that set
> of principles. Maybe those ideals where existing in
> the culture but
> weren't followed. If you could explain me better
> your goals I would
> be really grateful.

L. Sicinius Drusus

Roman Citizen

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Subject: [Nova-Roma] Nova Britannia Chat Room Tonight - All Welcome!
From: "Adrian Gunn" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2003 18:42:30 -0500

The weekly Nova Britannia chat will be held tonight from 8:00 pm to 9:30
pm EST (as opposed to the usual time of 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm EST in
deference to people watching 24) at:

All are welcome!


C. Minucius Hadrianus
Propraetor Nova Britannia
Minerva Templi Sacerdotes

Patria est communis omnium parens.
"Our native land is the common parent of us all." - Cicero

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