Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Hey guys. :-) |
From: |
Lucius Porticus Brutus <steeldriver@juno.com> |
Date: |
Sun, 11 May 2003 19:09:48 -0500 |
Sorry for the belated message but as far as the flag goes I got it in the
mail last week and thanks for clarifying the status of my tax payment.
L Porticus Brutus
Yelbrim Skrain Bodak
DCS Ravek / Marnak, 7th Order
The best thing to hit the internet in years - Juno SpeedBand!
Surf the web up to FIVE TIMES FASTER!
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Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Legion XXIV Vicesima Quarta Newsletter May - 2003 |
From: |
Legion XXIV <legionxxiv@comcast.net> |
Date: |
Sun, 11 May 2003 21:14:27 -0400 |
MAY 2003
Defending the Frontiers of Ancient Rome
in the Mid-Atlantic Province of North America
Gallio Velius Marsallas
George W. Metz Praefectus / Commander
13 Post Run - Newtown Square PA 19073
legionxxiv@comcast.net 610-353-4982
John Ebel, Summa Palus, Lead Gladiator
Box 2146 - East Hampton, NY 11937
631-329-2430 home 800-926-2306 office
Avete et Salutatio Commilitones
ADVENAE - (Newcomers)
Bruno Bado "Brunus Velius Badus" has joined our NovaRoma
Gens Velius. He is a Farmacologist and a true Roman from the
"Mother Country", in Milan Italy. His interests cover most all the
aspects of ancient Rome - religio, politics, culture, latin, reenactment
and history.
We extend to Brunus a welcome into Legion XXIV and NovaRoma.
John Hill from Woodbridge NJ has expressed interest in joining
with us. Being from Central New Jersey, and having previous
reenactment experience, he would be a valuable and welcome addition.
The following is taken from the Legion XX Website and tells all.
Roman Days, is sponsored by our allied Legion XX, and is a display of
ancient military and domestic living history. It is the Twentieth Legion's
own attempt to get as many Romans together in one place as possible.
We will be joining Legion XX and several other groups to mass a total
of fifteen or more soldiers and at least a dozen civilians.
There are merchant booths and an ongoing cooking display.
Activities include tactical drill demonstrations, educational displays
(writing, architecture, etc.), and a fashion show.
Children's activities included making mosaics, writing in Greek, "Bean
the Barbarian", and learning how to march like a soldier. Celts, Greeks,
and other ancient types are also welcome. Civilians, teachers, wargamers.
If you have any interest in ancient history, please come! Be a participant
or just come and talk to everyone about our mutual passion.
Maximus and the Ludus will be on putting several gladiatorial lectures and exhibition fights during the day.
Remember that you do NOT need to be a reenactor or have period clothing to participate! Come and have fun!
The event is open to the public 10 AM to 4 PM, and admission is $5 per person. and free to reenactors in period attire. It is held at Marietta Mansion in Glenn Dale, MD (directions below). If you have any questions, needs, or problems before or during the event, contact Matthew Amt (Quintus) (301-362-3574, mamt@lrcm.usuhs.mil) or Susan Wolfe, the Site Manager (301-464-5291).
FRIDAY, June 6 Arrival and set-up, general hobnobbing
10 AM, Open to the Public
11 AM, Full muster and Opening Remarks
11:30, Kids' Cohort
12 Noon, Lunch--Gladiatorial Show
1 PM Massed Tactical and Drill Demo
1:30, Kids' Cohort
2 PM, Fashion Show
3 PM Evolution of the Roman Soldier
4 PM Close to the Public
SUNDAY, June 8
10 AM, Open to the Public
11 AM Olympic Competition--Armor Race, Pilum Throw, Hamata Toss, Wrestling, various ball games, etc.
11:30 Drill and Kids' Cohort
12 Noon, Gladiatorial Show
1 PM Massed Tactical and Drill Demonstration
1:30 Kids' Cohort
2 PM, Fashion Show
3 PM, Closing parade
4 PM, Close to the public
Arrive and set up on Friday, or Saturday morning. You may camp at the site Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night.
Parking space for the public is available on the grass near the gravel lot and access road. Participants are encouraged to park in the lower field (follow the access road to the bottom).
Participants may camp in period or modern tents--the latter should either be set up out of sight on the lower field or simply taken down during public our hours. There are a number of hotels within a few miles, mainly on Rt. 450 near the Beltway. There will be a large pavilion canopy and a number of smaller pop-up flies for sun and/or rain protection. Participating Legio XX Members will be issued the usual eats, but other participants should supply their own food, or contact Merlinia about her meal plan. Commander Gallio will have some rations for Legion XXIV participants. There will also be a hot dog and snow cone vendor present. There are stores, restaurants, and fast food places within a couple miles, farther west/north along Rt. 193, or near the Beltway.
This is one of the principal outings for Legion XXIV and Legion XX. Make every effort to attend and PLEASE let the Commander know if you are coming, so he can advise Optio Quintus of Legion XX on how many to expect from our unit.
QUEST at Settmour Swamp --- May 24 & 25
The SCA Barony of Settmour Swamp has again invited Legion XXIV to participate in their annual Memorial Day Weekend Gathering and Quest. This has always been a fun time, SCA fighting and trials, an evening campfire gathering, story telling, singing and good fellowship. The "Quest" on Sunday is a contest of groups trying to solve a puzzle by finding and gathering clues, much like an Easter Egg Hunt. The Barony has always made the Legion welcome.
As this a non-public event, there is fee of $9 dollars per adult per day.
$5 dollars per day per child. Children under 3 attend free.
A Society wide non-member surcharge is now in effect for adults. This charge is tacked on to your total site fee. Feast Fee is $6. Include Feast reservations with site reservations, sent to the address below.
Send Reservations to:
John Pyrich
180 West Hanover Ave.
Morristown, NJ 07960-2801 (Please use entire zip code+4 digits)
Directions are posted below.
"First Call" for the Penn Museum's Classical Week Summer Camp. Meera Patanker is coordinating the UPM's "Anthropologists in the Making" Summer Camp Program for 8 to 13 year old campers during the "Ancient Empires of Greece and Rome" session, which is from 7/14 - 7/18. She says that this session is generally the first one to fill-up.
We have been requested to set-up a legionary and gladiatorial
encampment for one of the days. Jeff Crean and Owen Hutchins attended
last year and were a real highlight... the kids were wide-eyed for days after
meeting them! The Museum is flexible on the specific day of the week.
Please! - Let me know, ASAP, which "week" day any of you can spare
during the week of July 14 thru 18 to take part in this worthwhile endeavor
for the kids, who are always among our most ardent admirers and possible
future classical reenactor prospects. The UPM was very good and
supportive of us in March and now it is our turn to support them.
Check out the event at http://www.museum.upenn.edu/new/edu/kids/summercamp.shtml
With my six scuta and the ones you would bring, we could make a nice size testudo and a gladiatorial bout would really get the kids wound-up!
Our Summa Palus Maximus has given his ascent to be there.
Please get back to me on this - yes or no - and dates you are available?
Let's do this for the kids!
FROM THE POST of our Summa Palus John "Maximus" Ebel ---
Ave to all Military and Infamia members of the Ludus Magnus Gladiatores!
I have ordered a Greek hoplite ash shaft, spear head, and butt cap, which
will be assembled and ready for our Hoplomachus fighter, Gaius of Macedonia.
Now we'll get to see the real Greek style!
Aulous of Antioch (Al Barbato) has a nifty surprise for everyone, which shall
remain undisclosed until "Roman Days."
Contact with the Collegium Gladiatorium in Hungary is going great guns.
Thanks to our esteemed Brother Aulous of Antioch, we are in contact with
them and their Opifex, a gentleman named Gustav Garas.
I will provide an update on my communications with this European group
at "Roman Days." I am certain that you will all be very pleased at their
reaction to us, and the width and breadth of our Unit's presence and
exposure WORLDWIDE (Yes, Gallio, I did shout that one out with pride)
due to the efforts of our Esteemed Praefectus Commander with the
development and maintenance of our Legio XXIV/Ludus Magnus website.
By the way, in the Roman Reenactor's links section of cyber-space,
guess which Unit is getting the most hits and been rated the best website?
US!, that's who!!!! BIG URAHHHHH!!!!
Get in shape, Gladiatores . . . our public awaits us in the fair provincia
Media Atlantia. This year, Roman Days sponsor, Cmdr. Quintus (Matt Amt) of
Legio XX has us slated for a 12:00 noon show lasting one full hour.
I want to have a preliminary presentation, followed by at least 4 different-style
engagements, with commentary by Senator Audens, our esteemed Procuratore.
A "high noon" performance means vigorous engagement at the peak of the
sun's rays and mid-day heat . . in June, in Maryland, that could be very intense.
Bring lots of water and drinks like "Gator Ade" and "Yoo Hoo" for energy and
electrolyte replacement. Heatstroke is no joking matter, gfladiatores.
I have been leveled by it twice, and it is no picnic. If you are stricken with it,
you will spend the rest of the weekend in a motel bed recovering with the chills
and shakes. Hydrate!!! Get Some Fat Off and Practice your Moves and do some Cardiovascular Work. Many a skilled combatant has been laid low on
a field of engagement, arena-oriented or otherwise, by such a debilitating
condition. Succumb to it, and your carcass will be processed in the
spoliarium and cut up for lion food. Cave!! Cave!!
As the event in June approaches, please contact me to note your intention to
attend "Roman Days." I remain,
Your Most Humble? and Obedient Servant,
Maximus Mercurius Gladius, Summa Palus
Ludus Magnus Gladiatores Reenactor's Group,
attached to Legio XXIV, Media Atlantia
DIRECTIONS to Marietta Mansion: 5626 Bell Station Rd., Glenn Dale, MD 20769. 301-464-5291. The Site Manager is Susan Wolfe. From I-95/495, the Capital Beltway, take Exit 20 onto Rt. 450 East, go 4 miles, turn left on Rt. 193, then left onto Bell Station Rd. and left again into Marietta. OR Exit Baltimore Parkway Rt 295 south, two left turns onto Rt 193 and go east about 4 miles to the Bell Station Road and right into the Mansion Site.
Red Roof Inn
9050 Lanham Severn Road (Rt. 564)
Lanham, MD 20706
Inn Phone: (301) 731-8830
Inn Fax: (301) 731-4610
For reservations call
Days Inn Legion XXIV and NovaRoma Headquarters.
9023 Annapolis Road (Rt. 450)
Lanham, MD, 20706
Fax: 301-459-6002
Toll Free Reservations: 1-800-DAYS INN (1-800-329-7466)
Holiday Inn--Greenbelt NASA/Goddard
7200 Hanover Dr.
Greenbelt, MD 20770
Directions to Settmour Swamp:
The site is located on the Neshanic Station Fire Dept. picnic
grove, corner of River Rd and Elm St, Neshanic Station NJ.
Consult www.mapquest.com using "River Rd and Elm St, Neshanic Station NJ" as the search argument.
Take Rt. 206 to county Rd 514 [Amwell Rd] in Hillsborough.
If you are coming from the north turn right onto Rt 514, if you are
coming from the south turn left.
Stay on Rt 514 for about 8 miles until you come to a 3-way intersection at a
large white Church.
Turn right onto Rt 567 [River Rd]. A mile or so down the road turn left and
go across a white metal girder bridge (Elm St).
The site is just across the bridge on the right.
Rt 206 can be reached from routes I-287 and US-22 from the
north and from routes I-95/295, and I-195 from the south.
FROM ROUTE 202 NORTHBOUND (from Flemington area):
About 5+ miles from Flemington Circle. Turn right on Pleasant Run Road. In about 2 1/2 miles, the road becomes River Road. Make the next right on Elm Street, cross the white metal girder bridge, the site is just across the bridge, on the right.
FROM ROUTE 202 SOUTHBOUND (from Somerville Circle):
Turn left at the traffic light onto Old York Road, then right onto South Branch Road (County Route 567). At the T-intersection, turn left to continue on South Branch Road. After about 4 miles, turn left onto Route 629/Pleasant Run Road. (In about 1/2 mile, the road number will change back to Route 567.) Make the next right on Elm Street, cross the white metal girder bridge, the site is just across the bridge, on the right.
Travel Inn provides budget rates and is on the right side of Rt 202, one mile north of the Flemington Mall. 908-782-2883. It is about 5 miles from Neshanic Station.
Thanking you for your interest in Legion XXIV,
I manere in Viresium et Honorare
I remain in Strength and Honor
(take your pick)
Tuus in Sodalicio Romanae Republica
Yours in the Comradeship of the Roman Republic
Tuus in Sodalicio Romanae Imperi
Yours in the Comradeship of the Roman Empire
Gallio / George
DIRECTIONS to Marietta Mansion: 5626 Bell Station Rd., Glenn Dale, MD 20769. 301-464-5291. The Site Manager is Susan Wolfe. From I-95/495, the Capital Beltway, take Exit 20 onto Rt. 450 East, go 4 miles, turn left on Rt. 193, then left onto Bell Station Rd. and left again into Marietta
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: test / two upcoming movies to look forward to! |
From: |
"Quintus Lanius Paulinus (Michael Kelly)" <mjk@datanet.ab.ca> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 02:37:38 -0000 |
--- In Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com, me-in-@d... wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From : Gregory Rose <gfr@i...>
> Date : 10 May 2003 02:55:12
> "People who go around getting their panties in a knot when they
> others to threaten their beliefs usually gain nothing but a sore
> --Gwenius Maximus, 01/26/02
Not me Caesariensis. I wear the silky cling-free thong type which are
in vogue these days. Can't get them into a knot no matter what people
say to annoy me. I don't mean to sound strange but sometimes I like
to get in touch with my femimine side.
LOL - Quintus Lanius Paulinus
> --
> Personalised email by http://another.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: test / two upcoming movies to look forward to! |
From: |
"Gregory Rose" <gfr@intcon.net> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 02:50:30 -0000 |
G. Iulius Scaurus Caesariensi salutem dicit.
Salve, Caesariensis.
Carsariensis scriptsit:
> Usually but not necessarily invariably. The Picti appear to have
been matrilineal. What Is usually suggested is that Prasutagas came
of a patriarchal tribe, but Boudicca's Iceni were matriarchal one
since she is the one in direct succession and he the stranger. So he
had no authority within tribal law to will anything anywhere. That is
the start of the clash.
I am curious about the evidence on which you assert that the Iceni
were matrilinear. The numismatic evidence suggests that rulership
among the Iceni was patrilinear. The first inscribed Iceni coin,
dated to the beginning of first century CE, bears the name CAN DVRO.
Circa 25 CE Iceni coins appear beaing the name ANTED[IOS], the Roman
client king with whom are also associated coins inscribed with the
tribal name (ICEN). By 45 CE rivals to Antedios began to issue coins,
AESV[NOS] and SAENV[VAX]. This numismatic evidence may point to the
origins of the Icenian war of 47 CE (Tacitus, Annales, xii.13).
Coinage of Prasutagus appears shortly thereafter bearing the
inscription SUB RI PRASTO ESICO FECIT (under king Prasutagus Esico
made it) and imitating Roman iconography. A nice photograph of the
coin with this inscription can be found at:
Jonathan Williams' contention that the die was flawed, i.e., the RI
should be read as ESU, and identification of the king's name as
IISVPRASV of the Corieltauvi has not been generally accepted by
numismatists and historians.
There is no inscriptional evidence of coins issued by Boudicca, and
the normal-face/horse types sometimes assigned to the Boudiccan revolt
(R.D. Van Arsdell, ÒThe Coinage of Queen Boudicca,Ó Numismatic
Circular 95 (1987)) are found in hoards some of which are as likely to
have occurred during the Claudian invasion and its aftermath. Even if
the Field Baulk deposit occurred in connection with the Boudiccan
revolt, there is no good reason to assume that all the coins found
there were minted in connection with the revolt. They are likely to
be of earlier provenance (and rather finer than one would expect with
rapid production of coinage to sustain a rebellion) and are associated
with the boar/horse type, of which type the coin with the inscription
CAN DVRO is an example. The normal-face/horse type of Iceni coins
features a moustached male profile on the obverse, which seems to ill
accord with the independent coinage of a queen of the Iceni.
BODVOC is a name inscribed on Dobunnic coins toward the end of the
first century BCE, and he is thought to have been the leader of the
northern Dobunni. There is reason to believe that the expanded form
of his name was Bodvoccus. It is speculative, but not unreasonable,
to suppose a relationship between a name found among the Dubonni and
the name of Prasutagus' wife. A connection to an element of the
Dubonnic nobility may explain the participation of some of the Dubonni
in the revolt of 60CE (the appearance of the name ANTED[...] in coins
of the Dobunni from early first century CE may also suggest an
alternative hypothesis that Bodvoc was a name shared with the Iceni).
I also do not dismiss out of hand the suggestion that Boudicca was
from the ruling family of the Trinovantes, which would help to explain
that tribe's ready participation in the revolt. While royal marriages
across tribes is little attested in the sparse evidence from Iron Age
Britain, there is good evidence of it occurring among the Gauls.
There doesn't seem to me to be much literary or numismatic evidence
that Prasutagus was just the consort of a sovereign Boudicca, but I'd
be glad to read evidence to the contrary.
G. Iulius Scaurus
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: test / two upcoming movies to look forward to! |
From: |
"Quintus Lanius Paulinus (Michael Kelly)" <mjk@datanet.ab.ca> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 03:02:15 -0000 |
--- In Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com, "Gregory Rose" <gfr@i...> wrote:
> G. Iulius Scaurus Caesariensi salutem dicit.
> >
> I am curious about the evidence on which you assert that the Iceni
> were matrilinear. The numismatic evidence suggests that rulership
> among the Iceni was patrilinear. The first inscribed Iceni coin,
> dated to the beginning of first century CE, bears the name CAN DVRO.
> Circa 25 CE Iceni coins appear beaing the name ANTED[IOS], the Roman
> client king with whom are also associated coins inscribed with the
> tribal name (ICEN). By 45 CE rivals to Antedios began to issue
coins...snip for space,
> G. Iulius Scaurus
Salve G. Iulius Scaurus,
Wow, do you know your stuff or what! I think my time might be better
spent listening than talking when you have the floor. Great work!
Quintus Lanius Paulinus
Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Re: test / two upcoming movies to look forward to! |
From: |
"L. Cornelius Sulla" <alexious@earthlink.net> |
Date: |
Sun, 11 May 2003 20:04:31 -0700 |
Wow..this is something I would have expected to see on the Back alley. :)
----- Original Message -----
From: Quintus Lanius Paulinus (Michael Kelly)
To: Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, May 11, 2003 7:37 PM
Subject: [Nova-Roma] Re: test / two upcoming movies to look forward to!
--- In Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com, me-in-@d... wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From : Gregory Rose <gfr@i...>
> Date : 10 May 2003 02:55:12
> "People who go around getting their panties in a knot when they
> others to threaten their beliefs usually gain nothing but a sore
> --Gwenius Maximus, 01/26/02
Not me Caesariensis. I wear the silky cling-free thong type which are
in vogue these days. Can't get them into a knot no matter what people
say to annoy me. I don't mean to sound strange but sometimes I like
to get in touch with my femimine side.
LOL - Quintus Lanius Paulinus
> --
> Personalised email by http://another.com
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: test / two upcoming movies to look forward to! |
From: |
"Gregory Rose" <gfr@intcon.net> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 03:20:20 -0000 |
G. Iulius Scaurus Q. Lanio Paulino salutem dicit.
Salve, Q. Lani.
> Wow, do you know your stuff or what! I think my time might be better
> spent listening than talking when you have the floor. Great work!
Thank you for the kind words, but I would much rather expand the
conversation about these things than incline others to silence. Many
years ago I studied with Eric Birley who instilled a love for things
Romano-British in me, and the bulk of what we know about the history
of early Roman Britain comes from numismatics, epigraphy, and
archaeology, since the literary sources are sparse and often coloured
by the authors' views on internal Roman politics.
G. Iulius Scaurus
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: test / two upcoming movies to look forward to! |
From: |
"Gregory Rose" <gfr@intcon.net> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 03:27:36 -0000 |
G. Iulius Scaurus L. Cornelio Sullae Felici salutem dicit.
Salve, L. Corneli.
> LOL!!!!
> Wow..this is something I would have expected to see on the Back
alley. :)
We tend to forget that, at least according to the Forma Urbis, most
Romans did live on back alleys :-).
G. Iulius Scaurus
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: test / two upcoming movies to look forward to! |
From: |
"Quintus Lanius Paulinus (Michael Kelly)" <mjk@datanet.ab.ca> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 03:38:53 -0000 |
--- In Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com, "Gregory Rose" <gfr@i...> wrote:
> G. Iulius Scaurus L. Cornelio Sullae Felici salutem dicit.
Salvete gentlemen,
That proverb has lingered on our postings for a while so I couldn't
resist. Alas I have been on this remote location in our North West
Territories for a month now; moccasins begin to look like high heels!
Ah, perhaps I'm getting bushed but my relief is schedualed to arrive
on the 14 th. Mead and cold beer awaits my arrival and will surely
help to clear my head.
Quintus Lanius Paulinus
> Salve, L. Corneli.
> > LOL!!!!
> >
> > Wow..this is something I would have expected to see on the Back
> alley. :)
> We tend to forget that, at least according to the Forma Urbis, most
> Romans did live on back alleys :-).
> Vale.
> G. Iulius Scaurus
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Oxford Celtic Coin Index |
From: |
"Gregory Rose" <gfr@intcon.net> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 03:43:07 -0000 |
G. Iulius Scaurus S.P.D.
Avete, Quirites.
The discussion today about coins of the Iceni and Boudicca's revolt
suggested to me that some might be interested in a link to the Oxford
Celtic Coin Index:
This site, maintained by Dr. Philip de Jersey, provides an excellent
introduction to Iron Age British coins and also includes a link to the
Celtic Coin Index Online, a searchable database with images of coins
in the index.
Valete, Quirites.
G. Iulius Scaurus
Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Away for two trips |
From: |
Caeso Fabius Quintilianus <christer.edling@telia.com> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 07:16:20 +0200 |
Salve Honorable G. Lanius Falco!
Yes, I recieved it and I will answer You soon.
>Salve, Consul
>Just a quick note before you leave - did you receive my email dated May 6
>about participating in the outreach program?
>G. Lanius Falco
Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
Senior Consul et Senator
Propraetor Thules
Sodalitas Egressus Beneficarius et Praefectus Provincia Thules
Civis Romanus sum
Cohors Consulis CFQ
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam
"I'll either find a way or make one"
Dignitas, Iustitia, Fidelitas et Pietas
Dignity, Justice, Loyalty and Dutifulness
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Current canonizations, was Re: Something Silly |
From: |
Pipar - Steven <catamount_grange@inwave.com> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 00:59:47 -0500 |
Salus et Fortuna,
A recent "saint" of the Roman Catholic church is a relative: Padre Pio.
He is (was) a cousin of my maternal grandfather (a descendant of the Horati), who sincerely believes
that his left leg was healed by the Padre's "laying of hands."
In Amicus sub Fidelis
- Piperbarbus Ullerius Venator
I am Asatrú. I practiced Roman Catholicism.
Thereby hangs the difference I think.
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Away for two trips |
From: |
"Franciscus Apulus Caesar" <sacro_barese_impero@libero.it> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 08:12:13 -0000 |
Salve Illustrus Consul et Amice,
have a nice trip in Germany. Berlin is wonderful and I think you'll
like it (when I went in Berlin, I was reading the phanta-political
romances by Harris ...).
Please, can you confirm your partecipation to the Rally 2756 and of
your friends? Thank you again and I wait for you in Bologna! :-)
Vale bene
Fr. Apulus Caesar
--- In Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com, Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
<christer.edling@t...> wrote:
> Salvete Quirites!
> I am going to Berlin for a few days (14th of May to 18th of May)
> less then 14 days later (31th of May to 8th of May) I am going to
> Rhodes and then there are a month of exams to work with. This will
> mean that I will be ockupied or busy for parts of this month. I
> that it will not be too inconvenient to all Quirites. ;-)
> By the way, a late Congratulation to Illustrus Senator Lucius
> Cornelius Sulla Felix!
> --
> Vale
> Caeso Fabius Quintilianus
> Senior Consul et Senator
> Propraetor Thules
> Sodalitas Egressus Beneficarius et Praefectus Provincia Thules
> Civis Romanus sum
> ************************************************
> Cohors Consulis CFQ
> http://www.insulaumbra.com/cohors_consulis_cfq/
> ************************************************
> Aut inveniam viam aut faciam
> "I'll either find a way or make one"
> ************************************************
> Dignitas, Iustitia, Fidelitas et Pietas
> Dignity, Justice, Loyalty and Dutifulness
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Roma: Palatinus Mons in danger ! |
From: |
"Marcus Iulius Perusianus" <m_iulius@virgilio.it> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 10:11:04 -0000 |
Avete omnes,
having read this message, I've begun a research on major Italian
newspapers to see if this news was true or not. I believe that at the
moment there's no mobilization at all in Italian architectural and
archaeological world, probably because this danger does not exist.
As some of you may know, I met less than a month ago (together with
other Italic citizens) D.ssa Irene Iacopi, chief of the Archeological
area of Palatine hill (and Roman Forum) about the Magna Mater
project. During this meeting nothing was said about something wrong
in the hill. D.ssa Iacopi also added that the works of restoration of
the south western side of the hill are almost completed and the site
was to be reopened later (before summer).
I have contacted also Professor Patrizio Pensabene of Rome
University "La Sapienza", he being the archeologist who's been
following the restoration in that area for the past 25 years, and he
didn't mention the fact. Instead he proposed us some important ways
of collaboration with Soprintendenza Archeologica, which will be
communicated to you by our Senior Aedile later as more information
and agreements are gained!
Valete bene
Marcus Iulius Perusianus
Legatus Internis Rebus et Scriba ad historiam Provinciae Italiae
Scriba Aedilis Historicus Primus
Scriba Curatoris Differum
> --------------------------------------
> GLGL FRS0808 4 HAS Italy Architecture Mobilisation to save the
> Palatine, the hill that saw the birth of Rome.
> ROME, May 8 (AFP) - Italian archaeologists and ecologists mobilise
> halt the collapse of the Palatine, the hill that saw the birth of
> and requires an annual budget of 25 million Euros to maintain it.
> The hill, located between the Tiber and the Forum, dominates the
> capital and the remnants of the Circus Maximus. It is reknown for
> ruins of many imperial residences, temples to Venus and Magna Mater,
> and columns consecrated to the victories of Roman arms.
> However, it has weakened with the passing of the centuries and the
> threat of collapse is such that all archaeologists' excavations have
> been deferred.
> "The Region Lazio [Latium] must intervene," Angelo Bonnelli, head of
> the group of Greens [head of the parliamentary Green fraction?],
> asserted Thursday in a communique.
> "We are in the process of elaborating a regional legal project to
> immediately protect the Palatine and the central archaeological
> for which an annual funding of 25 million Euros is earmarked," he
> detailed.
> Mr. Bonnelli has also announced his intention to lay a bill before
> European Parliament in order to allocate funds for the most
> restoration projects and excavations on the hill.
> --------------------------------------
> Valete.
> G. Iulius Scaurus
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: test / two upcoming movies to look forward to! |
From: |
"Diana Moravia Aventina" <diana_aventina@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 10:24:40 -0000 |
Hey Paulinus!!
> I wear the silky cling-free thong type which are
> in vogue these days. Can't get them into a knot no matter what
<people say to annoy me. I don't mean to sound strange but sometimes
I <like to get in touch with my femimine side.
ROFL!! Jeez, I can't help but trying to picture that!!
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Roman Days info |
From: |
"Diana Moravia Aventina" <diana_aventina@yahoo.com> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 10:29:52 -0000 |
Salve Patricia,
Thanks for the info! I'll contact Merlinia Ambrosia off list to see
when she is leaving and if not, I may take you up on the offer to
pick me up at the metro stop.
It will be nice to finally meet you !
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Roma: Palatinus Mons in danger ! |
From: |
"Gregory Rose" <gfr@intcon.net> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 10:37:18 -0000 |
G. Iulius Scaurus M. Iulio Perusiano salutem dicit.
Salve, M. Iuli.
> having read this message, I've begun a research on major Italian
> newspapers to see if this news was true or not. I believe that at the
> moment there's no mobilization at all in Italian architectural and
> archaeological world, probably because this danger does not exist.
> As some of you may know, I met less than a month ago (together with
> other Italic citizens) D.ssa Irene Iacopi, chief of the Archeological
> area of Palatine hill (and Roman Forum) about the Magna Mater
> project. During this meeting nothing was said about something wrong
> in the hill. D.ssa Iacopi also added that the works of restoration of
> the south western side of the hill are almost completed and the site
> was to be reopened later (before summer).
> I have contacted also Professor Patrizio Pensabene of Rome
> University "La Sapienza", he being the archeologist who's been
> following the restoration in that area for the past 25 years, and he
> didn't mention the fact. Instead he proposed us some important ways
> of collaboration with Soprintendenza Archeologica, which will be
> communicated to you by our Senior Aedile later as more information
> and agreements are gained!
When I read the original French news article in Lucius Rutilius
Minervalis' main list post, I tried to meet his request for a quick
translation into English as a favour for a fellow civis. I deeply
apologise if inaccurate information has been circulated thereby. It
read like most any French newspaper article and I had no reason to
doubt it on its face. I'm not particularly following current
archaeological reports on the Palatine at this point, but I shall try
to do some fact-checking of my own before translating any future
"news" story for the main list again. I'd very much appreciate being
current on the arrangements our Italian citizens are making with the
archaeological authorities.
G. Iulius Scaurus
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] To Fabius Maximus (Re: Vandals sack Rome) |
From: |
=?iso-8859-1?q?Craig=20Stevenson?= <gaiussentius@yahoo.com.au> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 23:43:27 +1000 (EST) |
Salve Quintus Fabius,
I remember a while ago now when you responded to a
certain King Gaiseric on the Main List that when the
Vandals reached Rome they were stuck outside the walls
for a period laying seige to the city and were
beginning to starve, as were their horses. I was
wondering if you could tell me the source for that bit
of information?
Vale bene,
Gaius Sentius Bruttius Sura
http://mobile.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Mobile
- Check & compose your email via SMS on your Telstra or Vodafone mobile.
Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Away for two trips |
From: |
lanius117@aol.com |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 10:18:22 -0400 |
Salve, Consul Quintilianus
Great - hope you enjoy your trips!
G. Lanius Falco
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] New Member looking for story fact/Latin checking |
From: |
Mike Elkins <Mike@Elkins.com> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 09:50:14 -0400 |
I am excited to have found Nova Roma, as I have been wondering where to
find knowledgeable people who could help me with some short stories I have
been writing, which are set in the reign of Agustus. Although I'm focused
most on making the stories enjoyable to the average reader, I always hate
reading things that have obvious flaws that would have taken just a minute
to fix if only the author had taken the time to ask...
While I'd welcome any (constructive) criticism, I'm particularly eager to
hear about bad choices for names, awkward or just plain wrong Latin, and
historical anachronisms.
If this request is better suited for one of the sodalitates, let me know
which one and I'll gladly post it there.
Most replies should probably be sent to me directly at Mike@Elkins.com.
Sincere Thanks,
Mike Elkins (I haven't chosen a period name yet)
Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] New Member looking for story fact/Latin checking |
From: |
"Decimus Iunius Silanus" <danedwardsuk@yahoo.co.uk> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 16:57:54 -0000 |
Salve Mike,
> If this request is better suited for one of the sodalitates, let me know
> which one and I'll gladly post it there.
Any Roman related topic is most welcome here....post away :-)
Decimus Iunius Silanus.
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Roma: Palatinus Mons in danger ! |
From: |
"Lucius Rutilius Minervalis" <pjtuloup@yahoo.fr> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 18:06:22 -0000 |
Salevete omnes !
It seems that information that I followed on this list is
Please, excuse me to have sent this message of the AFP, which seemed
significant to me.
I am happy that the Palatine Mons is not in danger, and sad that the
AFP is not a serious office!!!
I propose to send to the AFP an official mail of protest in the name
of Nova-Roma, asking which were the sources of a so whimsical
information. Who agrees?
Valete !
Lucius Rutilius Minervalis
--- In Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com, "Gregory Rose" <gfr@i...> wrote:
> G. Iulius Scaurus M. Iulio Perusiano salutem dicit.
> Salve, M. Iuli.
> > having read this message, I've begun a research on major Italian
> > newspapers to see if this news was true or not. I believe that at
> > moment there's no mobilization at all in Italian architectural
> > archaeological world, probably because this danger does not exist.
> > As some of you may know, I met less than a month ago (together
> > other Italic citizens) D.ssa Irene Iacopi, chief of the
> > area of Palatine hill (and Roman Forum) about the Magna Mater
> > project. During this meeting nothing was said about something
> > in the hill. D.ssa Iacopi also added that the works of
restoration of
> > the south western side of the hill are almost completed and the
> > was to be reopened later (before summer).
> > I have contacted also Professor Patrizio Pensabene of Rome
> > University "La Sapienza", he being the archeologist who's been
> > following the restoration in that area for the past 25 years, and
> > didn't mention the fact. Instead he proposed us some important
> > of collaboration with Soprintendenza Archeologica, which will be
> > communicated to you by our Senior Aedile later as more
> > and agreements are gained!
> When I read the original French news article in Lucius Rutilius
> Minervalis' main list post, I tried to meet his request for a quick
> translation into English as a favour for a fellow civis. I deeply
> apologise if inaccurate information has been circulated thereby. It
> read like most any French newspaper article and I had no reason to
> doubt it on its face. I'm not particularly following current
> archaeological reports on the Palatine at this point, but I shall
> to do some fact-checking of my own before translating any future
> "news" story for the main list again. I'd very much appreciate
> current on the arrangements our Italian citizens are making with the
> archaeological authorities.
> Vale.
> G. Iulius Scaurus
Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] New Member looking for story fact/Latin checking |
From: |
"Stephen Gallagher" <spqr753@msn.com> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 14:35:56 -0400 |
Salve Mike Elkins
Just post your question to the Main list it is the largest , NR list by far,
you will reach more people. The people on this list are first rate, military
historians, ancient historians, history teachers, people who know Roman
Law, food, etc, Simply a large number of people with a great of knowledge on
Rome and related subjects.
BTW I am the Editor of the NR newsletter and we would love to have some of
you short stories for the Eagle.
Tiberius Galerius Paulinus
Curator Differum
Fortuna Favet Fortibus
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Elkins" <Mike@Elkins.com>
To: <Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 9:50 AM
Subject: [Nova-Roma] New Member looking for story fact/Latin checking
> Salve,
> I am excited to have found Nova Roma, as I have been wondering where to
> find knowledgeable people who could help me with some short stories I have
> been writing, which are set in the reign of Agustus. Although I'm focused
> most on making the stories enjoyable to the average reader, I always hate
> reading things that have obvious flaws that would have taken just a minute
> to fix if only the author had taken the time to ask...
> While I'd welcome any (constructive) criticism, I'm particularly eager to
> hear about bad choices for names, awkward or just plain wrong Latin, and
> historical anachronisms.
> If this request is better suited for one of the sodalitates, let me know
> which one and I'll gladly post it there.
> Most replies should probably be sent to me directly at Mike@Elkins.com.
> Sincere Thanks,
> Mike Elkins (I haven't chosen a period name yet)
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> Nova-Roma-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: New Member looking for story fact/Latin checking |
From: |
"gaiuspopilliuslaenas" <ksterne@bellsouth.net> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 18:13:28 -0000 |
>>While I'd welcome any (constructive) criticism<<
Salve Mike,
There is usually no shortage of such from this group ;-)
Gaius Popillius Laenas
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] |
From: |
ckieffe <ckieffe@comp.uark.edu> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 16:15:05 -0500 |
Salvete amici!
I have a really old (late 19th century) copy of an interlinear version of
Vergil's _Aeneid _. Ever since I bought the book, I always felt it was a
shame that it was not widely available -- Christians have access to
interlinear Greek New Testaments, English-speaking Jews have access to the
Kohlenberger interlinear Hebrew Tanach, but we followers of the religio have
few interlinear resources widely available for our important texts. So, I've
been scanning the pages and putting them into Adobe Acrobat format. Book 1 is
located in the Latinatis group's files at:
You'll need to zoom out to 100% inside of Adobe Acrobat in order to see
the scans at the best resolution. I'll be uploading more books of the
_Aeneid_ as I complete them. I apologize that some of the pages are difficult
to read, but some of the pages are old, yellow, marked-up, and brittle. I
tried my scanner's built-in hardware OCR to render the pages into text, as
well as Scanbridge, but neither produced satisfactory results, so I just
converted the pages to jpgs.
The problem is that the pdf file for each book is going to be about 5
megs, and there are 12 books, of course. So does Nova-Roma (or someone) have
an FTP site where I could upload these pdf files? There are only 20 megs of
space on the Yahoo groups file areas.
Some other tools for the Aeneid can be found on-line at:
Perseus Project's _Aeneid_
_Aeneid_ at The Vergil Project
The Loeb edition (2 volumes) of the _Aeneid_ may also be handy.
C Cordius Symmachus
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Re: Roma: Palatinus Mons in danger ! |
From: |
"Franciscus Apulus Caesar" <sacro_barese_impero@libero.it> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 21:35:29 -0000 |
Salve Illustrus Rutilius Minervalis,
don't ask apologies, your action was appreciable. The conservation of
out Cultural and Archeological Tresury is one of our most important
goals and we have to check all the news coming up.
I know AFP is a good office and remember that the words were spoken
by a politician. An italic citizen explained me the "political games"
playing in this period because there will the votation in the
Province of Rome soon.
Don't worry, IMHO you have done a wonderful job and it need to
protest against the french office. You have done your duties as Roman
and the we answered because we have seen with our eyes during the
project of Magna Mater. Don't worry, we are here in Italy to check
and vigile ;-)) (I hope LOL)
Fr. Apulus Caesar
--- In Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com, "Lucius Rutilius Minervalis"
<pjtuloup@y...> wrote:
> Salevete omnes !
> It seems that information that I followed on this list is
> inaccurate...
> Please, excuse me to have sent this message of the AFP, which
> significant to me.
> I am happy that the Palatine Mons is not in danger, and sad that
> AFP is not a serious office!!!
> I propose to send to the AFP an official mail of protest in the
> of Nova-Roma, asking which were the sources of a so whimsical
> information. Who agrees?
> Valete !
> Lucius Rutilius Minervalis
> --- In Nova-Roma@yahoogroups.com, "Gregory Rose" <gfr@i...> wrote:
> > G. Iulius Scaurus M. Iulio Perusiano salutem dicit.
> >
> > Salve, M. Iuli.
> >
> > > having read this message, I've begun a research on major
> > > newspapers to see if this news was true or not. I believe that
> the
> > > moment there's no mobilization at all in Italian architectural
> and
> > > archaeological world, probably because this danger does not
> > > As some of you may know, I met less than a month ago (together
> with
> > > other Italic citizens) D.ssa Irene Iacopi, chief of the
> Archeological
> > > area of Palatine hill (and Roman Forum) about the Magna Mater
> > > project. During this meeting nothing was said about something
> wrong
> > > in the hill. D.ssa Iacopi also added that the works of
> restoration of
> > > the south western side of the hill are almost completed and the
> site
> > > was to be reopened later (before summer).
> > > I have contacted also Professor Patrizio Pensabene of Rome
> > > University "La Sapienza", he being the archeologist who's been
> > > following the restoration in that area for the past 25 years,
> he
> > > didn't mention the fact. Instead he proposed us some important
> ways
> > > of collaboration with Soprintendenza Archeologica, which will
> > > communicated to you by our Senior Aedile later as more
> information
> > > and agreements are gained!
> >
> > When I read the original French news article in Lucius Rutilius
> > Minervalis' main list post, I tried to meet his request for a
> > translation into English as a favour for a fellow civis. I deeply
> > apologise if inaccurate information has been circulated thereby.
> > read like most any French newspaper article and I had no reason to
> > doubt it on its face. I'm not particularly following current
> > archaeological reports on the Palatine at this point, but I shall
> try
> > to do some fact-checking of my own before translating any future
> > "news" story for the main list again. I'd very much appreciate
> being
> > current on the arrangements our Italian citizens are making with
> > archaeological authorities.
> >
> > Vale.
> >
> > G. Iulius Scaurus
Subject: |
Re: [Nova-Roma] Re: test / two upcoming movies to look forward to! |
From: |
me-in-@disguise.co.uk |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 22:41:41 +0100 (BST) |
-----Original Message-----
>From : “Quintus Lanius Paulinus (Michael Kelly)“ <mjk@datanet.ab.ca>
Date : 12 May 2003 03:37:38
>Not me Caesariensis. I wear the silky cling-free thong type which are
>in vogue these days. Can't get them into a knot no matter what people
>say to annoy me. I don't mean to sound strange but sometimes I like
>to get in touch with my femimine side.
I don't believe that is not very authentic Roman (though possibly Caligula or Messalina? - no, she surely didn't wear anything). Somebody I know borrowed it from somebody else I know and it is /so/ approriate to a circular argument that's been going on elsewhere that I had it.
Personalised email by http://another.com
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Subject: |
[Nova-Roma] Fw: [Explorator] Explorator 6.2 |
From: |
"L. Cornelius Sulla" <alexious@earthlink.net> |
Date: |
Mon, 12 May 2003 16:19:41 -0700 |
Forward. :)
----- Original Message -----
From: <dmeadows@idirect.com>
To: "Louis Okin" <lao2@humboldt.edu>
Cc: <explorator@yahoogroups.com>; <Explorator-owner@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: [Explorator] Explorator 6.2
> Salve,
> On Sunday, May 11, 2003, 8:49:03 AM, David Meadows scripsit:
> > ================================================================
> > explorator 6.2 May 11, 2003
> > ================================================================
> > Editor's note: Depending on your mail software, some urls may
> > wrap (especially those from the Telegraph) which will require
> > you to rebuild the url at your end; if you get a 'file not
> > found', check to see if the url wrapped on you. Most urls should
> > be active for at least eight hours from the time of publication.
> > For your computer's protection, Explorator is sent in plain text
> > and NEVER has attachments. Be suspicious of any Explorator which
> > arrives otherwise!!!
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > Thanks to Arthur Shippee, Michael Oberndorf, Keith Armstrong,
> > Joseph Lauer, Trevor Watkins, Luke Kirkwood, Louis A. Okin, Susan
Jaslow, Shiela Winchester, Helena Jaeschke,Hernan Astudillo, Mike Ruggeri,
Yonatan Nadelman, John McMahon,Mark Elliott, Leanne
> > Archer, W. Richard Frahm, Dave Sowdon, and Paul Cowie for headses
> > upses this week (as always hoping I have left no one out)
> > n.b. 1: This week I had to use a number of email programs as I
> > was trying to figure out an email problem I was having (turned out
> > to be my anti-spam program); as a result, I may unintentionally
> > have left out a 'heads up' acknowledgement.
> > n.b. 2: Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there, redneck
> > and otherwise!
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > Fungus is threatening the petroglyphs at Lascaux (is this really
> > news?):
> > http://www.opinionjournal.com/la/?id=110003457
> > The Sorbonne will continue its dig in the Sinai:
> > http://www.uk.sis.gov.eg/online/html9/o080523n.htm
> > A Thracian gold wreath is on display in Sofia:
> > http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=22244
> > ... and excitement is building about a pending dig in the
> > Halka Bunar area:
> > http://www.novinite.com/view_news.php?id=22202
> > Athens new subway turned up piles of artifacts:
> >
> > A rather ornate Roman bridge once spanned the Tyne, it appears:
> > http://tinyurl.com/bhho
> > The vikings were apparently responsible for introducing ironing to
Scotland (evil!):
> > http://tinyurl.com/b2j4
> > The latest on the Ayodhya dig:
> >
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > Archaeologists believe they have found the site of Werewocomoco,
> > which, of course, is getting much press attention as the village
> > whence came Pocahontas and/or her father:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/07/national/07INDI.html
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3009217.stm
> > http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2003-05/cowa-so1050603.php
> > http://start.earthlink.net/newsarticle?cat=6&aid=D7QSBQP80_story
> >
> >
> > Drought in Arizona has helped to reveal a Salado site:
> > http://www.msnbc.com/news/907855.asp
> >
> > The Peoria Journal Star has a feature on the Tampica Mounds:
> > http://www.pjstar.com/news/topnews/g172585a.html
> > The reburial of a child who was a slave has some interesting reading:
> > http://www.hometownannapolis.com/cgi-bin/read/2003/05_09-07/TOP
> > A rural slave jail from Kentucky will be part of the National
> > Underground Railroad Freedom Center:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/06/national/06SLAV.html
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > An item of interest (perhaps) to those who research the Etruscans:
> >
> > It's National Archaeology Week down under (or up over, depending
> > on your point of view -- nice poster for art teachers who want
> > an example of rhythm):
> > http://www.archaeologyweek.com/
> > John Kluge has just given the humanities a huge shot in the arm
> > (and/or pocketbook):
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/08/national/08KLUG.html
> > Some news on the efforts to repair the bulge in Temple Mount:
> >
> >
> > Ha'aretz has an interview with Israel Finkelstein:
> >
> > ... and the Washington Post has an interview with underwater
> > archaeologist Susan Langley:
> > http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A27364-2003May7.html
> > The Lindisfarne Gospels are returning to Holy Island, sort of:
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/england/tyne/3017903.stm
> > A pair of Romanian astronomers claim to have pinpointed the exact
> > time of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection:
> > http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_778195.html
> > Oetzi is now claimed to be a "Stone Age Rambo":
> > http://www.observer.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,949144,00.html
> > Another 'let's look for Viking DNA in the UK' research project
> > is underway:
> > http://tinyurl.com/bhfo
> > Mystery stone faces in Massachusetts:
> >
> > A large number of Aborigine remains were repatriated this week:
> > http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,1280,-2637861,00.html
> > First UK Education Secretary Charles Clarke was denigrating Classics;
> > now he's turned to medievalists (nice list of the degrees held by
> > cabinet members in this one):
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/3014423.stm
> >
> > cf: http://politics.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,9115,953113,00.html
> > The UK's Channel 4 caused a bit of controversy this week when it
> > used the Uffington Horse as a sort of publicity stunt to
> > advertise 'Big Brother':
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/tv_and_radio/3000243.stm
> > http://www.observer.co.uk/uk_news/story/0,6903,949147,00.html
(interesting neologism in this one)
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > Ancient Egypt Magazine:
> > http://www.ancientegyptmagazine.com/issue17.htm
> > Antiquity 77 (March 2003):
> > http://antiquity.ac.uk/CurrentIssue/currentindex.html (TOC only)
> > Arethusa 36.1 (Winter 2003):
> > http://www.press.jhu.edu/journals/arethusa/toc/are36.1.html
> > Bulletin of the History of Medicine 77.1 (Spring 2003)
> >
.html (abstracts/MUSE)
> > Cambridge Archaeological Journal 12.2 (October 2002):
> > http://tinyurl.com/bhez (abstracts)
> > Classical Quarterly 52.2 (December 2002):
> > http://www3.oup.co.uk/clquaj/current/ (TOCS and claimed abstracts)
> > Greece and Rome 50.1 (April 2003):
> > http://www3.oup.co.uk/gromej/current/ (TOCS and claimed abstracts)
> > Kadmos 41 (2002):
> > http://www.degruyter.de/journals/kadmos/kadmos41.pdf (TOC)
> > Minerva (May/June 2003):
> > http://www.minervamagazine.com/ (scroll down for the new content)
> > Mnemosyne 56.2 (March 2003):
> >
74/v56n2/contp1-1.htm (TOC/abstracts)
> > Papers from the Institute of Archaeology 13 (2002):
> > http://www.ucl.ac.uk/archaeology/pia/cvol.html (TOC/abstracts)
> > TAPA 131.1-2 (Autumn, 2002):
> >
iation/toc/apa132.1.html (abstracts/MUSE)
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > Richard Benkin, "The Modern Destruction of Temple Mount":
> > http://www.bibleinterp.com/articles/Modern_Destruction.htm
> > Charles Isbell, "More Comments on the Davies-Dever Exchange":
> > http://www.bibleinterp.com/articles/More_comments.htm
> > The James Ossuary is the subject of a Skeptical Inquirer article:
> > http://www.csicop.org/si/2003-03/bonebox.html
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > The Characters of Theophrastus (trans. Jebb.):
> > http://www.eudaemonist.com/biblion/characters/
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > One of the steles at the centre of the Shultz case was returned
> > to Egypt this week:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/08/international/middleeast/08ARTI.html
> > ... along with other items:
> > http://www.uk.sis.gov.eg/online/html9/o100523o.htm
> > Egyptian police seized close to two hundred 'Islamic dynasty'
> > coins this week:
> > http://web.latercera.cl/lt/Articulo/0,4293,3255_5726_31065213,00.html
> > (article in Spanish)
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > Ancient History Guide N.S. Gill has a feature on the Circus Maximus:
> > http://ancienthistory.about.com/library/weekly/aa030903a.htm
> > Archaeology Guide Kris Hirst has a review of Robert F. Boszhardt's *Deep
Cave Art in the Upper Mississippi Valley*:
> > http://archaeology.about.com/cs/rockart/a/deepcaveart.htm
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > Adam Nicolson, *God's Secretaries: The Making of the King James
> > Bible*:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/08/books/08MASL.html
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium From the
> > Mediterranean to the Indus:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/09/arts/09KIMM.html
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > Another Bogdanos-has-a-classics-degree piece:
> >
> > An interesting double major:
> >
> > Political comments from an LSU classics prof:
> > http://www.nola.com/news/t-p/index.ssf?/base/news-0/105263430749480.xml
> > I'm not sure whether this opinion piece is endorsing Classics or not:
> > http://www.tallahassee.com/mld/democrat/news/opinion/5817958.htm
> > Cambridge appears to know how to do fundraising for Classics:
> > http://w3.cambridge-news.co.uk/news/cambridge/story.asp?StoryID=18962
> > Anyone else find this choice of commencement speaker strange? (not
> > Panetta ... scroll down to the person talking to the ancient
> > history types):
> > http://www.oaklandtribune.com/Stories/0,1413,82~1726~1380260,00.html
> > Hmmm ... didn't we see this as the future of Classics a decade ago?:
> > http://www.hno.harvard.edu/gazette/2003/05.08/19-nagy.html
> > There's a shortage of Latin teachers in Texas:
> > http://web.dailytimes.com/story.lasso?wcd=5705
> > Peter Jones:
> >
> > Akropolis News in Classical Greek:
> > http://www.akwn.net/
> > Radio Finland's Nuntii Latini
> > http://www.yle.fi/fbc/latini/trans.html
> > Radio Bremen's Der Monatsrückblick - auf Latein
> > U.S. Weather in Latin:
> > http://latin.wunderground.com/
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > Edward A. Dowey (Theologian):
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/08/obituaries/08DOWE.html
> > Geoffrey S. Kirk (Classicist):
> > http://www.guardian.co.uk/obituaries/story/0,3604,949461,00.html
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > Earliest Writing:
> > http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_5-5-2003_pg6_18
> > Language Follows the Plough:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/06/science/06LANG.html
> > http://www.iht.com/articles/95527.html
> > Mummy of Ramses I Returned:
> > http://web.latercera.cl/lt/Articulo/0,4293,3255_5726_30716564,00.html
> > ================================================================
> > IRAQ
> > ================================================================
> > The interesting story this week (and not purely of archaeological
> > interest) was what was found during the search for a seventh century
copy of the Talmud:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/07/international/worldspecial/07FIND.html
> > More reports that artifacts were actually safely stored away
> > prior to the conflict:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/06/international/worldspecial/06MUSE.html
> > http://news.scotsman.com/international.cfm?id=528232003
> > ... but also more reports that we might not ever know how much
> > was actually stolen:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/arts/entertainment-iraq-usa-exhibit.html
> > ... and also more reports about organized gangs doing the
> > looting:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/international/AP-Iraq-Looted-Art.html
> > More reports on things being recovered (although we aren't getting news
of 'specifics', other than 'only 38 articles are
> > missing'):
> > http://wcbs880.com/siteSearch/terror_story_118164331.html
> > (somewhat out of date)
> > http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews&storyID=2700378
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/08/international/worldspecial/08CUST.html
> > http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/05/07/sprj.nilaw.iraqi.artifacts/
> > The St. Louis Post-Dispatch seems skeptical of lots of things (I think
> > they mean 'eludes' in the headline, though):
> > http://tinyurl.com/bhhe
> > ... and more reports that Marines and the officials of the
> > Baghdad museum just can't seem to get along:
> > http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0,2763,950071,00.html
> > The New York Times had a nice piece on the illicit antiquities
> > trade in the region:
> > http://www.nytimes.com/2003/05/05/international/worldspecial/05LOOT.html
> > The opinion pieces continue:
> > http://www.edinburghnews.com/opinion.cfm?id=526652003
> > http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2003/637/op11.htm
> > Francis Deblauwe's 'Iraq War and Archaeology' site:
> > http://cctr.umkc.edu/user/fdeblauwe/iraq.html
> > ================================================================
> > ================================================================
> > Archaeologica:
> > http://www.archaeologica.org/NewsPage.htm
> > Archaeology Magazine's Newsbriefs:
> > http://www.archaeology.org/magazine.php?page=0305/newsbriefs/index
> > Bible and Interpretation Breaking News:
> > http://www.bibleinterp.com/news.htm
> > CBA Newsfeed:
> > http://www.britarch.ac.uk/newsfeed/index.html
> > CBA Archaeolblog:
> > http://www.britarch.ac.uk/archaeoblog/
> > Michael Ruggeri's Ancient America and Mesoamerica News:
> >
> > Mirabilis.ca (blog):
> > http://www.mirabilis.ca/archives/cat_history_archeology.html
> > Texas A&M Anthropology News Site:
> > http://www.tamu.edu/anthropology/news.html
> > ================================================================
> > EXPLORATOR is a weekly newsletter representing the fruits of
> > the labours of 'media research division' of The Atrium. Various
> > on-line news and magazine sources are scoured for news of the
> > ancient world (broadly construed: practically anything relating
> > to archaeology or history prior to about 1700 or so is fair
> > game) and every Sunday they are delivered to your mailbox free of
> > charge!
> > ================================================================
> > Useful Addresses
> > ================================================================
> > Past issues of Explorator are available on the web at:
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Explorator/messages
> > To subscribe to Explorator, send a blank email message to:
> > mailto:Explorator-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
> > To unsubscribe, send a blank email message to:
> > mailto:Explorator-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> > To send a 'heads up' to the editor or contact him for other
> > reasons:
> > mailto:dmeadows@idirect.com
> > ================================================================
> > Explorator is Copyright (c) 2003 David Meadows. Feel free to
> > distribute these listings via email to your pals, students,
> > teachers, etc., but please include this copyright notice. These links
are not to be posted to any website by any means (whether
> > by direct posting or snagging from a usenet group or some other
> > email source) without my express written permission. I think it
> > is only right that I be made aware of public fora which are
> > making use of content gathered in Explorator. Thanks!
> > ================================================================
> dm
> ================================================================
> David Meadows Libertas inaestimabilis res est.
> ================================================================
> mailto:dmeadows@idirect.com http://www.atrium-media.com
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