In Roma Antiqua, the Ordo Equester was originally made up of those citizens who could afford their own horses and equipment, who would then make up the cavalry of the army. In Nova Roma, we have adopted the Ordo Equester as a place where those people who want to become entrepreneurs and start up Roman-themed businesses. A portion of the profits (usually 10%) are then donated back to Nova Roma.

Members of the Ordo Equester are allowed to advertise their wares on the main Nova Roma website and our email lists, because not only are they Citizens, but they have also committed to contributing at least 10% of the profits from such ventures back to the State treasury.

Membership in the Ordo Equestor can be obtained by sending a petition to the Censors ( You should include a description of what it is you're going to be selling. Usually only businesses with some theme directly relating to ancient Rome or Nova Roma will be allowed. Once you are approved, you should then get in touch with the Curator Araneum ( to see about getting either space on the main website, or at least a link to your own website. Feel free to make use of automatic payment services such as PayPal, too!

Here are some ideas for businesses that would be appropriate for members of the Ordo Equester:

This is only a quick sample; there are doubtless hundreds of others out there that you could do. If it has something to do with ancient Rome, and you can make some money on it, chances are you'll be brought in to the Ordo Equester. Help Nova Roma while having fun and making a little money for yourself, too!

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