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Apollo, quaeso te, ut des pacem propitius, salutem et sanitatem nostrae familiae, meoque ut parcas gnato pace propitius (Apollo, I beseech you, graciously grant peace, safety and sound health to our family, and spare my son by your gracious favour) (Mercator, 678-680)
Spes Bona, obsecro, subventa mihi, exime ex hoc miseram metu (Good Hope, please hear and aid me, and help me out of my misfortune) (Rudens, 231-2)
Di Penates meium parentum, familiai Lar pater, vobis mando, meum parentum rem bene ut tutemini (Divine Penates of my parents, Lar father of the family, I commend to you the good fortune of my parents, (and ) that you guard them well) (Mercator, 834-5)
Larem corona nostrum decor(o)... venerare ut nobis haec habitatio bona fausta felix fortunataque evenat (I... adorn our Lar with a garland, so that we and our house may have good fortune, happiness and prosperity) (Trinummus, 39-41)
Di, obsecro vostram fidem (Gods, keep faith, I beg you) (Cistellaria, 663)
Invoco vos, Lares viales, ut me bene tutetis (I call upon you, Lares of the roadside, that you protect me well) (Mercator, 865)
Quisquis est deus, veneror ut nos ex hac acrumna eximat (Whoever this god be, I entreat that we be rescued from this wretchedness) (Rudens, 257-8)
Deos deasque veneror, qui hanc urbem colunt, ut quod de mea re hunc veni rite venerim... di vostram fidem (You gods and goddesses who cherish this city, reverently I ask that, having come here, the object of my coming may be happily attained) (Poenulus, 950-3)
Vinipollens lepidus Liber (wine-bringing, lovely Liber) (Curculio, 117)
Venus, de paulo paululum hoc tibi dabo... libenter. (Venus, of the little I have I give you a very little... willingly) (Ibid., 125)
Veneri pol habeu gratiam, eandemque et oro et quaeso, ut eius mihi sit copia quem amo quemque expetesso benignusque erga me ut siet, quod cupiam ne gravitur (I offer thanks to Venus, and beg and entreat her that I may win the man I love and long for, and that he may be gracious to me, and not grudge me my desire) (Miles Gloriosus, 1228-30)
Tibi auscultamus et, Venus alma, ambae te obsecramus, aram amplexantes hanc tuam lacrumantes, gentibus nixae, in custodelam nos tuam ut recipias et tutere; illas scelestos, qui tuom fecerunt fanum parvi, fac ut ulciscare nosque ut hanc tua pace aram obsidere patiare... ne invisas habeas neve idcirco nobis vitio vortas, minus quod bene esse lautum tu arbitrare (Kindly Venus, we tearfully entreat, as we kneel and clasp this your altar, take us under your protection and defend us. Punish the evil ones who have belittled your sanctuary, and in your good grace let this altar be our refuge... be not offended with us, nor hold us at fault, if there be anything about us that to you is unclean) (Rodens, 694-701)
Neptuno has ago gratias meo patrono, qui salsis locis incolit piscolentis, quom me ex suis locis pulchre ornatum expedivit, reducem et tempulis, plurima praeda onustum salute horiae (Thanks be to Neptune my patron, who dwells in the fish-teeming salt sea, for speeding me homeward from his sacred abode, well laden and in a good hour) (Rodens, 906-910)
Iovis fratre et Nerei Neptuno, laetus lubens laudes ago et grates gratiasque habeo (O Neptunus, brother of Iove and Nereus, heartily and gladly I give you praise and grateful thanks)... Atque ego, Neptune, tibi ante alios deos gratias ago atque habeo summas (and to you, Neptunus, before all other gods I offer and accord you the highest thanks)... Abi laudo, scis ordine, ut aequom’st tractare homines; hoc dis dignum’st. (I give you praise, for you know how to treat men fairly; this befits the gods) (Trinummus, 819-30)
Quom bene re gesta salvos convortor domum Neptuno grates habeo et Tempestatibus; simul Mercurio, qui me in mercimoniis iuvit lucrisque quadruplicavit rem meam (Thanks be to Neptunus and the Tempestates, for returning me safe home again, my venture a success! And also to Mercurius, who helped me in my mercantile affairs and quadrupled my fortune with profit) (Stichus, 402-5)
Iuppiter, qui genus colis alisque hominem, per quem vivimus vitalem aevom, quem penes spes vitae sunt hominum omnium, da diem hunc sospitem quaeso meis rebus agundis (O Iuppiter, who dost cherish and nurture the human race, through whom we live and draw the breath of being, in whom rest the hopes and lives of all humankind, I beg you to grant that this day may prosper that which I have in hand) (Poenulus, 1187-89)
Iovi opulento, incluto, Ope gnato, supreme, valido, viripotenti, Opes, spes bonas, copias commodanti; lubens disque omnibus ago gratias vitulorque merito, quia meo amico amiciter hanc copiam danunt, argenti mutui ut ei egenti optem adferam (O Jove, opulent, glorious son of Ops, deity supreme, powerful and mighty, bestower of wealth, good hopes and bounty, gladly I give you thanks and duly offer praise also that all the gods kindly bestow this generous benefit by enabling me to help my friend in his need with an opulent loan) (Persa, 251-6)
Hostibus victis, civibus salvis, re placida, pacibus perfectis, bello exstincto, re bene gesta, integro exercitu et praesidis, cum bene nos, Iuppiter, iuvisti, dique alii omnes caelipotentes, eas vobis habeo grates atque ago, quia probe sum ultus meum inimicum (Now our foes are beaten and our citizens safe, our state at peace, peace assured, and the war brought to a triumphant conclusion, with our army and garrisons intact, I thank you, Iuppiter, for your kindly aid, and all the other divine powers of heaven, that I am avenged on my enemy) (Persa, 753-6)