Appointment of Four Domini Factionum

Ex Officio Curile Aedile Caeso Fabius Q.

Edictum Aedilicium XI about the appointment of four Domini Factionum

During my two first Ludi my Cohors Aedilis have developed the four historical organizations (teams) in the Ludi Circenses that are called Factiones: Russata, Praesina, Veneta and Albata. We have now found that it would be good to have a Dominus Factionis (Team leader) for each of these.

  1. Each Factio shall have a Dominus Factionis. The Dominus Factionis will have the following tasks:
    1. To manage the advertising of his/her Factio on the Nova Roma main list (novaroma@yahoogroups.com) and use the web page of the Factio (a page on the Cohors Aedilis (Caeso Fabius Q.) web-site or a web-site of their own organized by the Factio itself as agreed with Quaestor Aedilis C. Fabius Quintilianus Illustrus Franciscus Apulus Caesar)
    2. To enlist new Chariot-owners (members) for his/her Factio
    3. To organize chats, meetings and everything needed to improve the activities in his/her Factio.
    4. To keep keeping the spirit of the Ludi Circenses alive until the end of 2755.
    5. To be the chief and foremost representative of his Factio behaving with proper Romanitas, supervised by the Senior Curule Aedile
  2. The Dominus Factionis for each Factio will be appointed among those citizens who have competed in the Ludi Circenses in Ludi Megalesia and Ludi Florales. He/She will have to announce their candidacy for the position of Dominus Factionis for their Factio on the Nova Roma main list (novaroma@yahoogroups.com) to become the Dominus Factionis for the Factio that they have competed for during these Ludi.
  3. The following citizens will automatically be appointed Dominus Factionis based on their standing (points) within their Factio if no other candidates announce themselves. Otherwise these four candidates will be treated as candidates that have announced themselves publicly on the Nova Roma main list, each for his Factio.
    • Russata: Honorable Marcus Minicius Rufus
    • Praesina: Honorable Caius Curius Saturninus
    • Veneta: Honorable Gaius Cornelius Ahenobarbus
    • Albata: Honorable Marcus Octavius Solaris
  4. When there are more than one candidate for the position as Dominus Factionis, I, the Senior Curule Aedile will ask Juppiter Optimus Maximus for guidance and toss the dice. This way divine fortune will decide who will become Dominus Factionis for each Factio.
  5. If no candidate will announce themselves on the Nova Roma main list and the candidate published in III. in this Edictum will not accept the position as Dominus Factionis, the Senior Curule Aedile will appoint one citizen Dominus Factionis for each such Factio based on the Team standings (points).
  6. To build a more stabile organization of the Domini Factionum in the future, the Cohors Aedilis (Caeso Fabius Q.) will organize an election for a new "Dominus Factionis" for each Factio to serve for the whole of the next year (2756) in November 2755, well before the main elections.
  7. This edictum becomes effective immediately.

Given May the 18th, in the year of the consulship of Marcus Octavius Germanicus and Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix, 2755 AUC.

18 Maius 2755



Ex Officio Curile Aedile Caeso Fabius Q.

Addendum to Edictum Aedilicium XI about the appointment of four Domini Factionum

In Edictum Aedilicium XII I published the possibility for Chariot owners to become Dominus Factionis for their Factio (Russata, Praesina, Veneta or Albata).

VIII. Those who want to become Dominus Factionis for their Factio must publicly announce their candidacy for the position of Dominus Factionis for their Factio on the Nova Roma main list (novaroma@yahoogroups.com) to become the Dominus Factionis for the Factio.

IX. The following Candidates are already put up for candidacy: Russata: Honorable Marcus Minicius Rufus Praesina: Honorable Caius Curius Saturninus Veneta: Honorable Gaius Cornelius Ahenobarbus Albata: Honorable Marcus Octavius Solaris

X. The election period for the Domini Factionum will end the 31th of May and the Senior Curule Aedile will publish the citizens that the Juppiter Optimus Maximus has selected soon after.

XI. This addendum becomes effective immediately.

20 Maius 2755

