AUGUST 27, 2000

Resignation of citizenship from Nova Roma, as stated in the constitution of Nova Roma (IIA4), is effected by notification to the censores, or by declaration before three or more witnesses. Messages posted on the main Nova Roman e-mail list, and on the Nova Roman message board, meet the requirement for three witnesses to a resignation; messages posted to minority lists, regional, belonging to sodalitates or other such lists or boards, do not meet the requirement for three witnesses to a resignation.
When a citizen resigns citizenship in Nova Roma, the resignation will not take effect for nine days from the date of submitting the message, counting inclusively of the date of submitting the message. If, during this nundina, the citizen desires to withdraw his or her resignation and remain a citizen, that citizen may freely do so without penalty, except as defined in the next
paragraph. The citizen can withdraw the resignation by notifying the censores of his/her desire to withdraw the resignation, by at least the same channel that he/she used to submit the resignation. For example, if a citizen submits a message to the e-mail address of the censores, currently censors@novaroma.info, stating that he/she resigns, then the citizen must e-mail the censores by the same address to withdraw the resignation.

If a currently serving magistrate submits and withdraws multiple resignations of citizenship within the same calendar year, the censores will have grounds, after a closed hearing at which the magistrate will have opportunity to present reasoning for his/her actions, to issue an edictum against the magistrate rendering him/her ineligible to run for elected office for one year. Should the magistrate believe that he/she has a case for appeal of such an edictum, he/she can appeal to a Tribunus Plebis, Praetor or Consul within 30 days of issuance of the edictum as follows---

If Plebeian, either to a Tribunus Plebis to bring the appeal to the Comitia Plebis Tributa or to a Praetor or Consul to bring the appeal to the Comitia Populi Tributa

If Patrician, to a Praetor or Consul to bring the appeal to the Comitia Populi Tributa

Note that the decision to convene these comitia, along with the schedule for doing so, is the purview of the tribuni, consules and praetores, and is therefore beyond the scope of this edict

When a citizen resigns citizenship in Nova Roma, and the resignation becomes official after nine days, the ex-citizen is barred from reapplication and reinstatement for a period of six months, effective from the date his or her resignation became official.

(For example, if a citizen resigned on May 1 2000, and his resignation became official on May 9, 2000, he could not be reinstated until November 9, 2000)

The ex-citizen, in the event that he desires to reacquire citizenship, must apply in the same fashion as any other person desirous of citizenship would, with the exception that he/she is directed to state in his/her application the reasons behind his/her resignation and decision to reverse the resignation and come back. His/her Roman name may be resumed if no other citizen of Nova Roma has taken it up in his/her absence. No public offices, titles or century points carry over to the returning citizen, with the exception of any religious title and corresponding century points that may be specified by the Collegium Pontificum. Senatorial status may be resumed at the discretion of both the Senate and of the censores collegially. Gens affiliation in all instances remains at the discretion of the pater or materfamilias.

If a citizen resigns, is subsequently reinstated, and resigns a second time, that ex-citizen is barred for two years from reinstatement. Such a citizen is furthermore barred from running for any elected public office for two years following re-admission, with no recourse.

If a citizen resigns, is subsequently reinstated, and resigns a second time, is subsequently reinstated, and resigns a third time, that ex-citizen is barred forever from reinstatement. The ex-citizen has despised his citizenship and shown contempt for the state: he may never be reinstated thereafter.

The Censors will note the dates of submitted and withdrawn resignations in the censorial album civium.


Eiuratio novoromanae civitatis ut ius publicum dicit II A iv denuntiatione censoribus fit aut declaratione coram tribus pluribusve Epistulae in publica fora electronica satis postulationi trium testarum faciunt at epistulae in alia fora quae ad provincias vel sodalitates pertinent vel in alia talia illi postulationi non satis faciunt

Cum civis civitatem novoromanam eiuret eiuratio nundinam nec vim nec effectum non habet Si hac nundina civis recipere eiurationem et civis manere desideret hic ita facere potest innocenter nisi caput secundum ad rem pertineat Civis recipere eiurationem scribens censoribus de sua voluntate eam recipere attamen eodem medio quo civis mittens eiurationem usus est
Exempli gratia si civis epistulam electronicae inscriptioni cursualis censorum quae hodie est censors@novaroma.info dicentem se civitatem eiurare miserit tum civis eadem inscriptione censoribus mittere epistulam electronicam ad recipiendam eiurationem debebit

Si magistratus in officio uno anno eiurationes multas mittet et recipiet censores causam habebunt post occlusam interrogationem qua magistratus argumenta dare pro suis actis poterit edictum constituere contra hunc magistratum facientem eum non eligendum unum annum Si magistratus se habere causam ad provocationem credet hic provocare ad Tribunum Plebis aut
Praetorem Consulemve triginta diebus vel moxius ab edicto facto potest ut secundum dicit

Si plebeianus aut ad Tribunum Plebis ut ille magistratus pro plebe ad suffragium rem imponat Comitiis Plebis Tributis aut ad Praetorem Consulemve ut ille magistratus pro populo ad suffragium rem imponat Comitiis Populis Tributis

Si patricius ad Praetorem Consulemve ut ille magistratus pro populo ad suffragium rem imponat Comitiis Populis Tributis

Notandum est conficere Comitia quandoque ita facere proprium tribunis et consulibus et praetoribus et ergo extra huius edicti potestatem

Cum civis civitatem novoromanam eiuret et eiruatio post nundinam vim effectumque capiat civis prior accipere civitatem sex menses ab eiuratione effecta non potest

Exempli gratia si cvis civitatem kal mai MMDCCLIII auc eiuravisset et eiuratio vim effectumque cepisset vii id mai MMDCCLIII is accipere civitatem ante iv id nov MMDCCLIII non posset

Civis prior volens de novo civitatem accipere petitionem dare ad civitatem accipendam eodem modo ullius alii civitati volentis debet cum exceptione ut illi dicere in illius petitione rationes ad illius eiurationem et sententiam eiurationis invertendae et illius recipiendi mandetur Civis nomen romanum recipere potest nisi alius civis novoromanus in illius absentia eum ceperit
Nulla officia publica nec titula nec puncta centuriata revenienti civi non recipientur praeter ea Collegio Pontificum designata Ordo senatorius potest recipi Senatu et ambobus censoribus consensis De gentilitate semper iudicant patres et matresfamiliae

Si civis civitatem eiuraverit et postea acceperit et iterum eiuraverit talis civis prior accipere civitatem duos annos non poterit Talis civis et non erit eligendus in officium duos annos post civitatem acceptam tertio sine provocatione

Si civis post civitatem acceptam tertio civitatem eiuraverit is civis prior numquam non poterit civitatem accipere Civis prior civitatem suam despexerit et contemptum rei publicae monstraverit ac revenire postea non poterit

Censores dies missarum et receptarum eiurationes civitatis in censoriali albo civium notabunt


This Edicta is up for discussion for 7 days, before it takes effect. If there are any changes, it will be revised and put up for another 7 days.

Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix et Gaius Marius Merullus