I. According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. d. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the censores have the powers of maintaining the Album Senatorium.
II. In accordance with Paragraph III. A. of the Lex Octavia de Senatoribus, the censores may remove from the Senate and Album Senatorium a Senator who has not voted in at least a third of the senate meetings in the course of a calendar year.
III. Therefore we have decided to remove Gnaeus Octavius Noricus from the Senate and the Album Senatorium.
Given under our hands this 25th day of January 2005 CE
In the consulship of Franciscus Apulus Caesar and Gaius Popillius Laenas.
I. E Paragrapho IV. A. 1. d. Constitutionis Novae Romae, censores potestates Albi Senatori servandi habent.
II. E Paragrapho III. A. Legis Octaviae de Senatoribus, liceat censoribus Senatu et Albo Senatorio movere Senatorem qui pedibus in alicuius sententiam saltem tertiam partem senatus convocati anno fastorum vertente non iit.
III. Ergo statuimus ut Gnaeum Octavium Noricum Senatu Alboque Senatorio moveamus.
Francisco Apulo Caesare Gaio Popillio Laenate consulibus.
Datum sub manibus nostris ante diem VIII Kal. FEBRVARIAS MMDCCLVIII