Appointment of British Legates

(Issued by Quinta Claudia Lucentia Aprica 8/17/99)

     As Praetor Britanniae, I am pleased to announce that I have organised the province of Britannia into five subordinate Regiones, and have appointed the following citizens to serve as Legati for two of those Regiones:

Legatus Britanniae Meridianae:
     N. Moravius Vado (

Legatus (or Legata) Britanniae Septentrionalis:
     A. Iulia Caesaria Nocturnia (

The details of the administrative system which I have established are available for viewing online, linked from the Britanniae web-page at:

I have every confidence in both of my new Legati, and believe that their assistance will be invaluable to me in promoting the cause of Nova Roma in the provincia of Britannia.