I, Publius Minius Albucius, Tribune of the Plebs, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of Nova Roma, In view of the Constitution of Nova Roma, specially its articles II A3, II B2, II C and V A7, specially its paragraph « a », In view of the edictvm Aedilis Plebis II de certamine Petroniano, made by the message n° 34325 in Nova Roma main list, called « Edictvm Aedilis Plebis II de certamine Petroniano», March 24 2758 auc, 16:15 pm GMT by Aedilis Plebis Ma. Constantinus Serapio, Considering that this edict intend to organize « an international literary competition organized in Nova Roma's name " (cf this edict, article 1) ; Considering that this edict, whose principle has been accepted by the Senate of Nova Roma, may thus be considered as an official Nova Roma event ; Considering that this official character is underlined by the fact that its organization is assumed by the Aedilis Plebis currently in office, Hon. Ma. Constantinus Serapio ; Considering that the second article of this edict sets the « Competition Rules », acting that : « a- The Certamen Petronianum is open to all writers, bot cives and non-cives, without any age or nationality restrictions. b- Entries for the Certamen Petronianum 2005 must be tales set in ancient Rome, during the Republic. c- Entries must be written in English, and have a maximum length of 3000 words. » Considering that, by asking every competitor interested, including specially the citizens of Nova Roma, to create a writing contribution which, by its length and the skills needed, do give a real advantage to the people whose writing language is their native one ; Considering that, even if Nova Roma has been created by English writing people, its Res publica is not limited to English writing citizens ; Considering that the edictum aedili II de certamine Petroniano, in its current frame, creates an inequality between English writing citizens and non-English writing citizens, at the advantage of the first ones ; Considering that this discrimination has not been provided by the Constitution and the laws of Nova Roma which limits the equality between citizens in a few sole fields like the existence of ordines or inside the family Law ; Considering that the discrimination thus created by the aedilician edict is thus contrary to the spirit of the Constitution of Nova Roma, which tends also to an universal application of Nova Roma and to the promotion of Latin ; Considering that the fact that neither the limited number of interprets inside Nova Roma nor the length of the preparation of the Certamen, nor the quality of the judges chosen for the contest must not be legally taken in account ; Considering that, at this time, no other similar contest, giving the opportunity to non-English writing citizens to compete, has been officially scheduled ; Considering that such an interesting event could be organized with no legal difficulty by a Provincia or a group of Provinciae whose writing language is English, with the *support* of the aedility ; Edicts : Article 1 An intercessio is pronounced against the edictvm Aedilis Plebis II de certamine Petroniano, made by the message n° 34325 in Nova Roma main list, called « Edictvm Aedilis Plebis II de certamine Petroniano», March 24 2758 auc, 16:15 pm GMT by Aedilis Plebis Ma. Constantinus Serapio ; Article 2 The present intercessio takes effect from its publication within the limits of the Constitution and laws of Nova Roma. Article 3 The appropriate magistrates of Nova Roma and their departments are responsible, as far as each one is concerned by the present edict, for executing it. This edict which will be published in the Tabularium of Nova Roma. Issued in Caen, city of the Viducasses, France, this twenty seventh day (27) of March, 2005 C.E. (a.d. VI Kal. April. 2758), during the consulate of Fr. Apulus Caesar and Ga. Popillius Laenas