Lex Vedia de Cursu Honorum

In accordance with paragraph IV. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, this Lex Vedia de Cursu Honorum is hereby enacted to establish qualifications for holding magistracies. These qualifications are intended to bring Nova Roma closer in line with the ancient Cursus Honorum.

I. No individual may assume the office of Censor, Consul, or Praetor, who has not previously completed at least six months of a term as one of the ordinarii (not including the Apparitores) or as provincial governor. Such individuals may run for office prior to completion of this requirement, but must complete it prior to actually assuming the office itself. Individuals who resign their positions prior to the normal end of their term in office may not use that term to satisfy this requirement, regardless of how much time they spent in office.

II. No individual may assume the office of one of the ordinarii who has not been a registered citizen in good standing for at least six months. Such individuals may run for office prior to completion of this requirement, but must complete it prior to actually assuming the office itself.

Passed by Comitia Populi Tributa, Yes-18 tribes; No-9; Tied-5

26 February MMDCCLIV

