LEX LABIENA DE INTERCESSIONEI. Pursuant to fulfill what is ruled in Paragraph IV.A.7.a.3 of the Constitution, this lex is enacted to define the process by which tribuni plebis may use their power of intercessio. II. A tribunus plebis may use intercessio by making an official announcement to at least one of Nova Roma’s main communications fora (as defined by the Constitution) within 72 hours of the announcement of the item or action to be vetoed. The items and actions which tribuni plebis may use intercessio against are defined in paragraph IV.A.7.a.1 of the Constitution. III. The issuance of intercessio shall place the item or action on hold, preventing it from being in any way effective, for 72 hours from the time at which the intercessio is announced. IV. During this 72 hour period, other tribuni plebis may officially
announce their agreement or disagreement with the particular use of intercessio.
V. Should more tribuni plebis agree than disagree with the use of intercessio
in question, it shall stand, and the action which was vetoed shall be void.
Passed by Comitia Populi Tributa in 27 February 2755,
Yes: 28; No: 6