LEX CORNELIA IVNIA DE DEFINITIONE INTERVALLORVM MAGISTRATVVMThis law shall regulate the amount of times a person may hold certain elected magistracies during a specified time period. 1. No person shall hold the office of censor consecutively or more than twice in a five-year period. This exception to this provision shall be any censor suffectus who has served 6 months or less of his predecessor's term of office. 2. No person shall hold the office of consul for two years consecutively, or hold the office of consul more than twice in any five-year period. 3. No person shall hold the office of praetor or aedile consecutively, or hold any of the aforementioned offices more than twice in any five-year period. The exception to this shall be any praetor suffectus or aedile suffectus who has served 3 months or less of his predecessor's term of office. Passed by Comitia Populi Tributa yes: 30; No: 4 mam |