Election Results

Comitia Centuriata
27 February MMDCCLV

Avete Citizens of Nova Roma,

I have been given the results of Comitia Centuriata. Before I post them, I would like to thank all of you who took time out of your day to do your civic duty and cast your vote.

A total of 135 valid votes were cast in total.

-- Lex Cornelia de Rebus Ordinis Equestris Agendis - 95 Centuries voting: (need 48)

YES 86: 1 3 4 5 11 13 14 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 30 32 34 38 39 41 42 45 54 56 57 61 62 63 64 65 68 70 71 72 74 80 102 105 108 109 114 116 120 121 124 126 127 128 130 132 141 142 143 144 145 148 149 150 153 155 159 160 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 172 173 174 175 177 178 179 181 182 183 184 186 187 189 191 192

NO 9: 2 6 9 20 43 75 157* 180 188*

Lex Cornelia de Rebus Ordinis Equestris Agendis passes * Tie. Counts as NO

Respectfully submitted,
Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
Consul of Nova Roma

27 February MMDCCLV

