Election Results

Comitia Plebis Tributa 18 December MMDCCLV

Salvete, Quirites

The results in the Comitia Plebis Tributa have been certified by the Rogatores.

Each candidate needed to win 18 or more tribes, in order to be elected.

Due to the small size of the plebeian Tribes, the citizens that voted in each tribe could be easily identified; so the voting of each Tribe will not be published.

-Results of the election for the one remaining position of Aedilis Plebis: Of 35 tribes, 28 voted; 18 are needed.

Marcus Scribonius Curio Britannicus won 18 tribes; three of them are tied, and given to him by the rule of majority of the Lex Salicia De Suffragiis. Publius Tarquitius Rufus won 7 tribes.

Congratulations for Marcus Scribonius Curio Britannicus, Aedilis Plebis re-elected for the year 2756 AUC. Many thanks for Publius Tarquitius Rufus, by your participation.

-Results of the election for the four remaining positions of Tribunus Plebis: Of 35 tribes, 29 voted; 18 are needed.

Marcus Marcius Rex won 24 tribes, three of them tied and given to him according to the Lex Salicia De Suffragiis; Lucius Pompeius Octavianus won 19 tribes, three of them tied and given to him according to the Lex Salicia De Suffragiis; Lucius Didius Geminius Sceptius won 15 tribes, two of them tied and given to him according to the Lex Salicia De Suffragiis; Gaius Modius Athanasius won 14 tribes, two of them tied and given to him according to the Lex Salicia De Suffragiis; Gaius Popillius Laenas won 12 tribes; Gaius Geminius Germanus won 9 tribes.

Congratulations, Marcus Marcius Rex and Lucius Pompeius Octavianus, Tribuni Plebis for the year 2756 AUC. Many thanks for Lucius Didius Geminius Sceptius, Gaius Modius Athanasius, Gaius Popillius Laenas and Gaius Geminius Germanus for your participation. However, another run-off election will be needed, to fill two positions fo Tribunus Plebis, since the fourth and fifth placed candidates didnt had at least 18 tribal votes.

Now, we are in the Saturnalia and near the Christmas; if i call a new run-off election now, we will need to vote, and the Rogatores will need to work, in the Christmas and New-Year comemorations. I believe that I leave this problem at the hands of the newly elected Tribunes, Diana Moravia, Marcus Marcius and Lucius Pompeius, who will call a run-off election in january.


Marcus Arminius Maior

Tribunus Plebis

