Election Results

Comitia Plebis Tributa
16 Iunius MMDCCLVI

Ex officio Tribuni Plebis Diana Moravia Aventina, Marcus Marcius Rex, Lucius
Pompeius Octavianus et Lucius Didius Sceptius Geminus:

Following the Senatus consultum passed on June 14 2756, the elected Tribunes
of Nova Roma hereby co-opt Gaius Popillius Laenas, winner of the relative
majority in the final run-off election of 2756, to fill the vacant fifth
Tribune position with all its rights and obligations.

The Curator Araneum is hereby directed to publish this decision under the
election results section of the Tabularium.

The Tribunes congratulate & welcome Gaius Popillius Laenas as a Tribune of
Nova Roma and thank the Consules and Senators of Nova Roma for their
cooperation in this matter!

Diana Moravia Aventina
Marcus Marcius Rex
Lucius Pompeius Octavianus
Lucius Didius Sceptius Geminus
Tribuni Plebis

