SENATUS CONSULTUM de Approbanda Sodalitate
NovaRoma Outreach Association
June 14, 2000
This Senatus Consultum establishes the Sodalitas Egressus (Outreach Sodalitas),
a summary of the mission and activities of which is presented below.
The Sodalitas (Association) shall:
.......dedicate itself to the promotion of NovaRoma worldwide in friendship to classical
historical societies and other associations dedicated to the culture and history of
Ancient Rome.
.......dedicate itself to the promotion, publicizing of events at which Nova Romani may
personally associate with members of other organizations with a love of "All Things
.......dedicate itself to the promotion of opportunities for growth and appreciation of
the culture, history and spiritualities of Ancient Rome.
The Sodalitas shall achieve its mission objectives by the following means:
.......letters of introduction to other organizations of like-mind on-line "current events" calendar, publicizing events sponsored by
other organizations to which Nova Romani are welcome to attend, and further,
publicizing any events sponsored by Nova Roma
.......providing periodic postings to The Eagle and to the Nova Roma Onelist
.......the establishment and maintenance of a Sodalitas Webpage
Membership to the Sodalitas is open to all members in good standing of Nova Roma.
There is no cost to join the Sodalitas.
Initially, the Sodalitas shall have two committees established:
I. The Outreach Committee: dedicated to activities related to promotion of friendship and
association with like-minded organizations outside Nova Roma.
II. The Membership Committee: dedicated to the building of membership within the
..........the PREFECTUS FABRUM shall be the optimus administrator of the Sodalitas.
Further, he shall be the chairperson of the Outreach Committee.
..........the LEGATUS PRIMPILUS shall serve as advisor to the Prefectus Fabrum. Further,
he shall serve as the Returning Officer during Sodalitas elections.
..........the LEGATUS FABRUM shall serve as advisor to all sodalitas members. Further, he
shall serve as chairperson of the Membership Committee.
..........the PREFECTUS AERARII shall be the treasurer of the Sodalitas.
..........the SCRIPTOR shall serve as the corresponding secretary of the Sodalitas.
All officers will be elected. Their election and conduct will be as outlined in the
articles of the Sodalitas Charter, available to senators upon their request.