Lex de Imperio 2765

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C. Petronius Dexter Pontifex Maximus et lictrices et lictores salutem omnibus Quiritibus plurimam dicunt:

The auspices taken are favorable.

Lex Curiata de imperio MMDCCLXV:

We, the lictors of the Comitia Curiata of Nova Roma, recognize and accept the results of the elections in the Comitia Centuriata for consules and praetores.

By this lex de imperio MMDCCLXV as defined in the Lex Arminia Equitia de imperio:

« 2. IMPERIUM In Nova Roma, we understand Imperium as: A. Having all the rights of potestas, as described below. POTESTAS A. Ius coercendi minor, the power to compel obedience in the name of the state, within the duties of the magistrate. B. Ius edicendi, the power to issue edicts and nominate scribes. C. Partial iurisdictio, the power to interpret the law within the duties of the magistrate holding the Potestas. D. Ius contionis habendae, the power to hold a contio, including a question in a Comitia already called by a magistrate. The question must be included by the magistrate who called the comitia under the official authority of the magistrate holding the ius contionis habendae. B. Ius agendi cum populo, calling the People to vote in any of their legislative Comitia. C. Ius agendi cum senatu, calling to Senate to vote or placing a proposed senatus consultum on the Senate agenda. D. Ius coercendi maior, the power to compel obedience using major force, on all Nova Roma subjects. In Nova Roma, this explicitly excludes physical force, and includes the force of law. E. Full iurisdictio, the power to interpret the law, on all levels on all Nova Roma subjects. »

we confer imperium upon these magistrates :

  • Cn. Iulius Caesar as consul maior,
  • C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus as consul minor,
  • C. Petronius Dexter as praetor maior,
  • S. Cornelia Valeriana Iuliana Aeternia as praetor minor of Nova Roma.

Attested by the following lictrices and lictors of Nova Roma:

  • A. Tullia Scholastica
  • Helena Galeria Aureliana
  • C. Marcius Crispus
  • L. Cornelius Felix
  • P. Vllerius Stephanus Venator
  • C. Tullius Valerius Germanicus
  • C. Vipsanius Agrippa
  • C. AEmilius Crassus
  • C. Popillius Laenas
  • C. Cocceius Spinula
  • Cn. Iulius Caesar
  • Decius Iunius Palladius Invictus


Datum, nonis Ianuariis, Cn. Caesare C. Tullio cos. MMDCCLXV a.u.c.. ( 5 janvier 2012)