Nota in Q. Fabium (Nova Roma)

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Ex Officio

Censores Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus Tiberius Galerius Paulinus salutem plurimam quiritibus dicunt.

According to Paragraph IV. A. 1. f. of the Constitution of Nova Roma the Censores have the power "to safeguard the public morality and honor through the collegial administering of Notae".

Therefore we the Censores of Nova Roma herby issue a nota against Senator Quintus Fabius Maximus for bringing dishonor to the Senate of Nova Roma.

Senator Quintus Fabius Maximus has done this by the spreading of false and misleading information on the life and death status of a member of the Nova Roman Senate.

That Senator Quintus Fabius Maximus has done this over an extended period of time and to a number of individuals leads us to conclude that this was no accident and was done with premeditation and malice.

Because more is expected of a Senator, Consular, and Pontifex of Nova Roma the Censores highly recommend that Senator Quintus Fabius Maximus take some time to compose a full and truthful explanation as to his past conduct and to issue a sincere apology to the Senate of Nova Roma.

The effect of this Nota shall be limited to the removal of Senator Quintus Fabius Maximus from the Senate of Nova Roma until such time as it, the Nota, is removed.

It shall have no other effect and takes effect immediately.

Given under our hands this eighth day of November 2761 A.U.C. (AD 2008) in the consulships of M. Moravius and T. Iulius.

Caeso Fabius Buteo Modianus
Tiberius Galerius Paulinus
Censores, Novae Romae