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YSEE (Supreme Council of Ethnikoi Hellenes) is a Hellenic reconstructionist organization.

Message from YSEE

On a.d. XII Kal. Mar. M. Moravio T. Iulio cos. MMDCCLXI a.u.c., this message was posted by Titus Flavius Aquila, Tribunus Plebis:

Dear members, supporters, friends and people that have showed in the past interest in our organisation,

we would like to inform you that taking into account the rising need to be able to communicate with YSEE and amongst yourselves we have created an English speaking section in our forum where you are all invited to participate.

We hope that in creating this special area for our non Greek speaking friends will be able to get more information and also contribute to our common goal to restore the Hellenic tradition and way of thinking in our contemporary world.

In order to maintain the forum standards to the high level that we know you would all like, registration is needed before any account is activated in the forum. To register access the forum from http://forum.ysee.gr and press the English flag located at the top left corner so that you see the menus in English (due to spam problems, in case where your account is not activated after 3-4 days please send a message to ysee@... notifying us about your account activation).

Looking forward in seeing you there.

- Supreme Council of Ethnikoi Hellenes

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