First Quarter Treasury Report, 2753 AUC
- Donations: $365, including a $350 donation from the Cives of
Germania, led by Marcus Marcius Rex, Propraetor.
- Macellum revenue: $379.95, all from the sale of vexillae
- $11.55 to Cassius Julianus for postage for the
- $212.50 to Cassius Julianus as reimbursement for production and
shipping of flags
- $59.85 to Flavius Vedius Germanicus for hosting of the Nova
Web site
- $15.00 to the State of New Hampshire for filing revised
incorporation papers
Total Treasury balance: $1,267.11
- So far, Nova Roma has made $167.45 profit from Cassius Julianus'
flag project. Some flags still remain to be sold. Still, I count this as a
successful project.
- We got no revenue from the affiliation this quarter, suggesting
that we need to do a better job of promoting this service and adding new books
to keep it relevant.
- In the next quarter we may begin to receive some revenue from sales of
tunics and togas.
- Someone on the list (I can't remember who) offered Web hosting, possibly
for free. We may wish to investigate this, though our current provider is
reasonably reliable.
- In the next quarter, Ovidia Luna has offered her expertise (she works in a
law office) to help us apply for a federal tax ID number. The next step would
be to incorporate as a federal nonprofit, which will allow Citizens who are
U.S. residents to deduct donations on their taxes.
We have a fairly significant sum of money in hand. Perhaps it's time to start
soliciting ideas from Citizens on how to best use it to promote knowledge of
ancient Rome. Some ideas to get us started:
- "Scholarship" to Roman Days: A committee of Senators could award one
Citizen the cost of traveling to and from Roman Days, based on factors
including financial need and dedication to Nova Roma.
- Book donation: We choose one good recent book on Roman history and donate
a copy to a college library in each of our Provinciae (including non-U.S.
ones), the gift to be administered by the Praetors.
Writing and printing good information on ancient Rome in
interesting, educational and accessible formats, to be used by teachers in classrooms.
This would require the help of someone with expertise in writing for various grade levels
and crafting curriculum plans.
Scholar support:
We make a small grant (perhaps $300) to assist a graduate student or
university professor who specializes in ancient Rome. This would have the
additional benefit of making Nova Roma better known in the academic
Patricia Cassia
Quaestor, Nova Roma
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