There are a number of clubs (called sodalitates-- sing. sodalitas) which serve as "special interest groups" for people who are interested in a particular aspect of ancient Roman life. Some sodalitae are more interested in study, some are formed specifically for live reconstruction, and some are a combination of the two. They're perfect for people who have specialized knowledge or interests. Some sodalitates have their own newsletters, some aspire to their own specialized real-world meetings, and some exist purely in cyberspace; there's no single format for such groups.

There are several sodalitates already up and running:

Sodalitas Egressus: Specifically dealing with "outreach" activities. How do we get the word out about Nova Roma? This is the place to share ideas and practical results.

Sodalitas Latinas: For people that want to learn Latin, or immerse themselves in the Latin language. Eventually we'd like to see Latin restored to a living language!

Sodalitas Militarium:. For people interested in the military aspects of ancient Rome. Military history, reenactor legions, and much more! The e-mail list can be found here:

Sodalitas Munera: Gladiators! Not just studying the gladiatorial arts, but with the goal of putting on actual, live, gladiator combats.

Sodalitas Musarum: with an email list at Dedicated to the study and creation of all the liberal arts embodied by the Nine Muses; epic poetry, history, lyric poetry, music, tragedy, hymns, verse and dance, comedy, and astronomy.

Sodalitas pro Coqueror et Coquus: Cooking and brewing. The recipies of Apicius, Roman brewing, practical tips and tricks...

Don't see something there that strikes your fancy? No problem! Start your own! All you have to do is find some other people who share your interest, write up a charter (look at some of the already-existing sodalitates for ideas there), and get something up and running. Once your group is settled, you can send a petition to the Senate for official recognition. Why? Well, once your officially recognized you can get more exposure, get links from the main website, and have the material of the sodalitas incorporated into the "official" way that Nova Roma does things. There is one Sodalitas currently being formed, which hasn't yet gotten official Senate sanction:

Jewish Sodalitas: Studying how Judaism and the Jewish people existed and evolved during the Roman era.

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