Religio Romana

Basic Principles of Roman Religion

Calendar of Holidays and Festivals

Declaration of Roman Paganism

Legends of Rome

Priests and Priesthoods

Foreign Priesthoods

Rites and Rituals

Religion of the Home: a brief history

Roman Gods and Goddesses

Roman Philosophy

Roman Beliefs about the Afterlife

What We Mean by Pagan Reconstructionism

Why the Religio Romana is Important to Nova Roma

Links on Roman religion and related topics

As Roman civilization expanded from Italy, the Religio Romana began to be practiced alongside other religions within the various Provinces. This meant that major world religions had to coexist within the same overall society on a major scale for the first time in history. In various lands the Religio Romana was practiced alongside various Greek, Celtic, Spanish, Phoenician, German, Egyptian and Persian religions and cults. The official religion of the Roman state remained virtually unchanged by this (with the exception of cults added to Rome by instruction of the Sibylline Books). However, the overall coexistence of religions in the Roman world created a cosmopolitan society for the Roman Citizenry that is only now starting to be equaled in the modern world. 

There were a number of priesthoods of well-established "foreign" cults (such as the cult of Isis and Serapis) that came to be practiced in nearly all of the Provinciae, and within Rome itself.  Some of these cults were initiatory, and were called "Mysteries" (such as the Mysteries of Mithras). Other religions were indigenous to one area. These gave birth to Provincial mixes which exemplified both the original faith of local peoples, and also their Romanitas as Citizens of Rome. 

While the goal of Nova Roma is to rebuild the traditional Religio Romana of Rome, we understand that the ancient 'foreign' religions were an important part of the cosmopolitan Roman experience for centuries. Therefore, as part of our effort to reconstruct Roman religion and culture, Nova Roma makes foreign cults and priesthoods available within our  public community.  

Foreign cults may only become a part of public Nova Roman community through formal application to the Senate and Collegium Pontificum of Nova Roma. These cults are separate and autonomous from the Religio Romana. However they are subject to Nova Roman law, decisions by  'Senatus Consultum' issued by the Nova Roman Senate, and to 'Decreta' issued by the Collegium Pontificum. Once accepted, foreign cults must submit a report to the Nova Roma Senate and to the Collegium Pontificum once yearly to satisfy modern incorporation requirements. 


Nova Roma is accepting applications for various 'foreign' and Provincial Priesthoods. As Priesthoods available to the Citizens of Nova Roma are important, we do ask that applicants for foreign and provincial priesthoods meet the following guidelines.  Any questions about Priesthood should be directed to the Collegium Pontificum at: PONTIFICES

If you would like to become a Priest or Priestess of Nova Roma, please submit an Application


The "foreign" cults include religions that came to Rome from other countries and were never completely adopted as part of the official Religio Romana, as well as the cults of deities that were specific to the various Provinciae. Generally such priesthoods are a Sacerdos position, unless there is another specific historical title. 

Greco-Roman Cults


Apollinis Templi Sacerdotes (priests who tend the temple of Apollo)

          Andrea Gladia Kyrinia

Bacchic Mysteries

Mystagogos (Priest who leads others in initiation)

Eleusinian Mysteries

Mystagogos (Priest who leads others in initiation)

Roman -Persian Cults

Mithraic Mysteries

Mystagogos (Priest who leads others in initiation)

Orphic Mysteries

Mystagogos (Priest who leads others in initiation)

Mysteries of Magna Mater

Archigalli (senior priests who are responsible for performing the Taurobolium sacrifice)

Galii (eunuch-priests-- cannot be Citizens of Rome)

Sacerdotes Magnae Matris (ordinary priests and priestesses)

Vopisca Iulia Cocceia

Roman-Egyptian Cults

Mysteries of Isis and Serapis

Sacerdotes (ordinary priests and priestesses)

Gaius Cordius Symmachus
Marcus Salix Vigilius


Foreign Provincial Sacerdotes
(minor priesthoods)

 As with the Roman deities there are a vast number of Provincial deities that were part of the Religio Romana on a local level only. These priesthoods would include the worship of deities from Provinces including Britannia, Gallia, Germania, Spain, Numidia, etc. The Foreign Sacerdotes  are the lesser "everyday" priesthoods that tended Provincial  temples and shrines, maintain the worship of a deity, and who assist the populace with their worship of that deity.

Click HERE to apply to be a Sacerdos of Nova Roma. 

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