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EDICTUMDEUTSCH | ENGLISH | FRANÇAIS | ITALIANO | PORTUGUÊS T Labienus Fortunatus Consul Quiritibus SPD Pursuant to the senatusconsultum passed in November of last year, I hereby establish the tax rates for MMDCCLVI according to the table at the end of this edictum. I also request each provincial governor to copy this announcement to their provincial lists, and each of Nova Roma's official Interpretes to translate this message into the language(s) for which they are responsible. Cives remitting their taxes in US dollars may send a check, money order, or equivalent form of payment made out to Nova Roma directly to:
Other cives will need to purchase an international money order in US dollars for the full amount of their taxes and send it to the address above. Note that individual checks in local currencies sent directly to the Nova Roma address will likely cost more to cash than they are worth. Hopefully, some provincial governors will choose to arrange a central point in their provinciae to which cives may remit their taxes so that the provincia will only need to make a single payment to the central treasury. Cives are encouraged to contact their provincial governor, if any, to find out whether their province will be doing this. Cives in Europe whose provincial governor has chosen not to act as a collection point may contact my quaestor, Cn Octavius Noricus (cn.octavius.noricus@gmx.at ) in order to arrange payment if they wish. All cives capable of doing so may pay their taxes through the PayPal service. There is a link on the Nova Roma Web site's main page for this. It is the purple image alternately displaying "DONO DARE" and "give to Nova Roma via PayPal" located beneath the main menu. All cives should be sure to include the full Roman name of all cives they are paying for with their remittance! PayPal provides a comments field when you use it, and you can provide the name(s) there. This will ensure that each civis who pays taxes will be properly enrolled in the Assidui. Questions may be adressed to myself (labienus@texas.net ) or my quaestor, Cn Octavius (cn.octavius.noricus@gmx.at ). If you post your question to the main list, please Cc my address to ensure that I see the message. The tax deadline is the last day of Aprilis. Taxes may be remitted after that date, with a penalty of an extra 50%. Exempli gratia, a civis who owes $12 would need to pay $18 after the deadline. In the following table, countries within existing provinciae are listed first in order of provincia, followed by countries without provinciae in alphabetical order. Tax Amount
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