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As announced by Consul Decius Iunius Palladius:
Salvete Senatores! The auspices have been taken and the omens are favorable. As announced, I hereby present to the senate items for it to discuss and deliberate. All but one of my items will be in the body of this message. The final one, the budget, I will present in a separate message due to its size.
Amici, this is my last time before you in the curule chair as consul. It has been an honor to work with this august body and I thank each of you for your effort and support during my tenure of office.
Before I present the items to discuss, I will continue an ancient senatorial tradition that I revived over the summer: to begin each session of the senate with prayers and offerings to the Altar of Victory. The prayer is my own. If any other senator knows of another prayer, or one of the historical ones, please offer it to the senate.
Salve Victoria, Magna Dea! Once again the Senate of Rome prays to you. We have not forgotten you. Give us your strength to guide Nova Roma into the future. We swear on your Altar to do as we think is best for our Republic and ask for you to help us triumph over adversity. We hope our offerings please you, whatever each of us is able to give. Ita est!
Salve Iuppiter! Si sciens fallo, tum me Dispiter salva urbe arceque bonis eiciat ut ego hunc lapidem.
And now Patres et Conscripti, to the business at hand.
I will briefly list the items, then go into more detail below. The items are:
1. Revised budget, 2nd attempt. This is discussed in a separate message.
NOTE: This item can be found in the Aerarium Saturni.
2. Lex Iunia Cornelia--Proposed Constitutional Amendment on Senatorial Review of Governors.
3. Addition of 10 century points to the record of Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus for recognition of his service to Nova Roma; Removal of the senatorial reprimand from the record of Lucius Cornelius Sulla in recognition of his service to Nova Roma.
Item 1.
As mentioned, this will be discussed in a separate message.
Item 2.
Lex Iunia Cornelia--Proposed Constitutional Amendment on
Senatorial Review of Governors.
The text of this proposed amendment is as follows:
Lex Iunia Cornelia: Proposed Change in Article of Constitution:
Senatorial Review of Governors
This lex changes Article V Section C. of the Constitution to state:
"The Senate may, by Senatus Consultum, create provincia for administrative purposes and to appoint provincial governors therefore. The Senate may review each governor on a yearly basis and it remains in the discretion of the Senate whether or not to prorogue such governors. These governors may have assistants to handle the disbursements of any funds that might come from the central government, as well as to manage any local funds."
This amendment I think is of vital importance as it brings some kind of yearly oversight over the provincial governors. There was such oversight in the original constitution but in the creation of the new system, this was lost. It does not *require* that the senate review each governor yearly but it does give the senate to right to do so if the need is evident.
Vote Results
Seven Senators for, one against. Item is passed.
Item 3.
Addition of 10 century points to the record of Lucius Equitius
Cincinnatus for recognition of his service to Nova Roma;
Removal of the senatorial reprimand from the record of Lucius
Cornelius Sulla in recognition of his service to Nova Roma.
This item may be the most controversial item this session but I think it quite important. That this year was foundation-shaking for Nova Roma is no surprise to anybody. Many people were hurt and much acrimony was formed between citizens, not to mention that Nova Roma nearly came to an end. The wounds have started to slowly heal as Nova Roma has continued forward, surprisingly on a stronger footing than ever. Part of what will keep us strong will be to continue to work together and to try and wash away the acrimonry of the year. I think this item will much to do that.
Why the addition of 10 century points to the record of Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus? To recognize his service in the office of consul for the 1st half of this year and as a productive senator since his return to the senate. Yes, I know, the position he held was declared essentially null and void during the dictatorship because it was gained through an illegally held election. However, there is no denying the fact that for the 1st 6 months of this year, he was consul and held the fasces, even if through unconstitutional means. While I obviously question some of his last actions as consul, there is little doubt that he served honorably before that and has done so in the senate since returning. The 10 century points would be a way for the senate to recognize that service, since that service cannot be recognized by law.
I have also included in the above item removing the senatorial reprimand from the record of Lucius Cornelius Sulla. While he received that reprimand for poor judgement in connection with the senate website, I think that he more than proved his worth since then as senator, consul and soon to be as censor. If he showed poor judgement, there is little doubt I think that he has served ably, honorably and with excellent judgement since then.
Vote Results:
One Senator for, five against, and two abstain. Item rejected.
Item 4.
The Creation of the Province of Samartia. This province would
consist of the Current State of Russia. Taken from this website photo:
The proposed Governor would be: A. Artorius Arius Sarmaticus. Term of Office would expire on December 31, 2000.
Vote Results:
Eight Senators in favor. Item is passed.
Item 5.
The Creation of the province of Australia. This province would
consist of the continent of Australia. Again, the website photo:
The proposed Governor would be: Paulus Olympius Gallus. Term of Office would expire on December 31, 2000.
Vote Results:
Eight Senators in favor. Item is passed.
Item 6.
The appointment of the Governor of California: Helena Equitia
Term of Office would expire on December 31, 2000.
Vote Results:
Eight Senators in favor. Item is passed.
Item 7.
The appointment of the Governor of Britannia. Here there are two
choices. We can only pick one. The two choices are: Publius Claudius
Severus and Nicholas Moravius Vado. Term of Office would expire on
December 31,
Vote Results:
Six Senators for Nicholas Moravius, one for Publius Claudius Lucentis, one thrown out. N. Moravius Vado
Item 8.
The appointment of Gnaeus Tarquinus Caesar as Webmaster (Curator
Aerareum of Nova Roma). This appointment would be pro tem until until
an election
can be held by the Comitia Populi.
Vote Results:
Eight Senators in favor. Item is passed.
Item 9.
A minor revision of the website. This revision would entail the
Following: The area currently called the Aerareum Saturni would be
renamed the
Tabularium. There we would post all legal posts as was done in the Late
Roman Republic
after Lucius Cornelius Sulla built that building. A new section called
the Aerareum
Saturni would include all fiscal matters that will be available for the
Again, this is where the Treasury was originally stored in Rome.
Vote Results:
Five Senators for, three against. Item is passed.
Item 10.
(vote each line separately)
We propose that the senate approve the 3 magistrates below for inclusion
in the senate. If the senate agrees, this vote will be put before the
censors as a recommendation, allowing them to add them to the Album
Senatorium at their discretion, in accordance with the Lex Vedia
The Proposed Senators are=20
10a. Patricia Cassia
10b. Gaius Marius Merullus
10c. Titus Labienus Fortunatus
Vote Results:
Eight Senators in favor of items 10a thru 10c. Items are passed.