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Senate Voting ResultsSenatores present C. Aelius Ericius M. Cassius Julianus P. Cassia L. Cornelius Sulla L. Equitius Cincinnatus Q. Fabius Maximus A. Gryllus Graecus M. Iunius Iulianus T. Labienus Fortunatus G. Marius Merullus M. Mucius Scaevola Magister Proxy M. Minucius Audens Regrets M. Iuncundia Flavia F. Vedius Germanicus G. Tullius Triumphius Cicero D. Iunius Palladius Invictus Item the First. Should Alexander Iulius Caesars name be added to the Senate Rolls? Vti rogas 8 Negat 3 Abstaino 1 Item Passes Item the Second That the Rogator be chosen from this list of candidates. Lucius Aetius Dalmaticus 11 Caeso Fabius Quintilianus 0 Marcus Scribonius Curio Britannicus 1 L. Aetius Dalmaticus is chosen. Item the Third. To form the province of Gallia, and appoint a Praetor to administer it. Shall we form the Gallia province? Vti rogas 12 Negat 0 Abstanio 0 Item Passes As its Provincial Praetor Marcus Maximius Gaius 3 Ianus Querius Armoricus Lutecio 9 I. Querius Armoricus Lutecio is chosen Item the Forth. Combining the governorships of Provincae America Austroccidentalis and Medioccidentalis Superior into one province with L. Cornelia Aurelia as Praetor. Shall we combine the two provinces into one? Vti rogas 1 Negat. 9 Abstanio 2 Item Fails If not, shall we move modern Colorado to America Austroccidentalis Vti rogas 9 Negat. 1 Abstanio 2 Item Passes And make Livia Cornelia Aurelia America Austroccidentalis' Praetor? Vti rogas 7 Negat. 3 Abstanio 2 L. Cornelia Aurelia is chosen. [Item the Fifth was for discussion only, no vote. (MOG)] Item the Sixth Shall we give authority to Aedile Marcus Octavius Germanicus to handle election computer problems as he sees fit, then report the solution to the Senate? Vti rogas 12 Negat. 0 Abstanio 0 Item Passes Item the Seventh Q. Fabius' Tax proposal for the citizens of Nova Roma. Shall this proposal be accepted to be voted upon by the Comitia? Vti rogas 9 Negat. 3 Abstanio 0 Item Passes Item the Eighth The proposed Edicta Commentary Period of Marcus Iunius Iulianus. Is the edicta approved by the Senate? Vti rogas 12 Negat. 0 Abstanio 0 Item Passes Item the Ninth The Senate is asked to order the removal of Porto Claro from Rome's list of recognized micronations. Shall this be carried out? Vti rogas 12 Negat. 0 Abstanio 0 Item Passes Item the Tenth. That the current provincial map be changed by the Senate to the one at http: //www.angelfire.com/scifi/nrbras/nr4.htm. Shall this be done? Vti rogas 12 Negat. 0 Abstanio 0 Item Passes. Thank you Conscript Fathers. We declare this meeting of the Senate to be over. The Consules Senatus Consulta | Tabularivm | Main Page | Master Index mog |