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Official Chartering of the Sodalitas IudeicaI. The Sodalitas Iudeica is hereby chartered and granted the status of an official Sodalitas of Nova Roma, with all the rights, priveleges, and responsibilities attendent thereto. II. Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix is hereby appointed as acting Praefectis Iudeaica. II. The charter of the Sodalitas Iudeica shall read as follows, and shall not be altered without the permission of the Senate: ] CHARTER FOR THE SODALITAS IUDEAICA ] ] This is the working charter for the Sodalitas Iudeaica. This Sodalitas ] was created because many of us, citizens of Nova Roma feel that this ] aspect of Roman life needs to be further explored ] and developed. Many citizens, approximately 20-30% are not Pagan, most ] of them are either Jewish or Christian. This sodalitas will function as ] a gathering place where we can have a ] reasoned discourse on the development of these societies. The focal areas ] run concurrent to Nova Roma's timeframe ] because many of the issues that affected the Jews ] were beginning to occur after the Divided Kingdom and during the Exile ] period (the development of Synogagues, the distruction of the 1st ] Temple, etc). The cultural transition that occurred ] resonated throughout the remainder of this timeline, the effects are ] still felt even today. ] ] Focal areas: ] 1. Study of the Hebrew Religion as it was practiced during the ] period 500bce-300ce. ] 2. Study of the Jewish Culture as it was lived during the period ] 500bce-300ce. ] 3. Study of Politics in the Lands of the Israelites during the ] period 500bce-300ce. ] ] Officers: ] 1. Praefectis Iudeaica (head of the Sodalitas) ] 2. Elder, Tribe of Judah (responsible for secular areas) ] 3. Elder of the Levites (responsible for areas of religion and ] health) ] 4. Two Rogatores (responsible for counting ballots) ] 5. Webmaster (responsible for setting up and running a website) ] (Retarius/Retaria) ] 6. Scribae, as required (assistants to the officers) - Scribes are ] appointed by the elected officers of the Sodalitas. (Libraria/Librarius) ] ] Objectives: ] 1. Purpose is to report on and discuss the focal areas, with the ] goal of improving knowledge. ] 2. Discussions of other faiths are allowed to a point where there ] is a relation or tangent with ancient Judaism. ] 3. Establishing and documenting religious observances and a ] calendar. ] 4. Compiling a reading list. ] 5. Study of temple worship and architecture. ] 6. The developement and codification of various ietary ] requirements, health beliefs and practices. ] 7. Lineages of the major branches of Israelites. ] 8. Delineation of the major sects. ] 9. Build a timeline of major historical events. ] ] Administrative Aspects of Sodalitas: ] ] 1. Terms of office for all Sodalitas officers are for 1 year. ] Elections will take place by March 1st. ] 2. In ever election, each member of the Sodalitas gets only one ] vote. ] 3. Rogatores are not able to run for office. ] 4. This Sodalitas is open to anyone, regardless of citizenship to ] Nova Roma or not. (Just as a note, ever Sodalitas is open to ] non-citizens.) ] 5. Elected officers of the Sodalitas must be citizens of Nova ] Roma. And, at least be 18 years of age. Members of elected officers ] need not be Jewish to hold the position. ] 6. Elected offices are: Praefectis Iudeaica; Elder, Tribe of ] Judah; Elder of the Levites; Two Rogatores; Webmaster. ] 7. Elections are based on Plurality. In other ] words, whoever gets the most votes wins. ] 8. Modification of Charter can be done with a simple majority vote. ] However, the Praefectis Iudeaica, must summon the Sodalitas for a vote ] and must give 10 days notice that an election/vote is going to happen. In ] addition to this the proposed changes must be posted at least 10 days ] before the election begins. Notification means that there must be a ] post on the officially sanctioned list of this Sodalitas. ] 9. The Official email list of the Jewish Sodalitas is currently, ] NR_Jewish_Sod@y... The official list can be changed by ] popular vote as illustrated by items 11 and 12. ] 10. Consecutive terms are allowed for all positions execpt Rogator. ] (Note: This is because Rogatores cannot be Rogatores and run for ] elected office.) ] 11. Only members of the Sodalitas may vote. Those members of the ] Sodalitas will get a voter code. When the vote, a copy of the voter ] code must be accompanied with the vote so the ] Rogatores can verify the vote is valid. The voting will be done via a ] secret ballot, and it will be organized by the Praefectis Iudeaica to ] organize. Rogatores will count the votes and check the ] voter codes to make sure the vote is authentic. ] 12. Votes will be announced by the Praefectis Iudeaica. The ] Praefectis Iudeaica will announce all votes on the Official Sodalitas ] list. However, the Praefectis Iudeaica, must summon ] the Sodalitas for a vote ] and must give 10 days notice that an election is going to happen. In ] addition to this the proposed changes must be posted at least 10 days ] before the election begins. Once an announcement is given 10 days will ] pass and then the voting will be open. All voting will last 48 hours ] (This is the same time frame the Senate of ] Nova Roma has). Rogatores will have 48 hours to count the votes. The ] Results will be given to the Prafectis Iudeaica. The Prafectis Iudeaica ] will have 24 hours to submit the results to ] the Official list of the Sodalitas. ] 12. The above voting procedures as illustrated in item 11&12 also ] comply for the election of officials in the Sodalitas. ] 13. New members of the Sodalitas must send in their Roman name and ] their intent to be apart of the Sodalitas on the officially sanctioned ] list. However, members do not have to be ] subscribed to the list to remain a member of the Sodalitas. ] ] Job Descriptions of Sodalitas Officers: ] ] All three senior officials shall work together for the good of the ] Sodalitas. Consider the three officials as an informal board of ] directors guiding the sodalitas. When issues are presented, the ] officials will have the discretion to either place items for a vote by ] the Sodalitas or not. However, beyond working together each official ] will have various responsibilities. ] ] Praefectis Iudeaica - the Head of the Sodalitas. ] 1. To act as Liason to the Senate of Nova Roma and College of Pontiffs ] and other magistrates of Nova Roma. ] 2. To summon the Sodalitas for voting (for officials or changes in the ] Charter). ] 3. To answer various questions regarding Sodalitas administration and ] membership. ] 4. To maintain the roll of members of the Sodalitas. ] 5. To help the other two heads of the Sodalitas to accomplish their ] tasks and projects. ] 6. Other duties and responsbilities not listed in this charter. ] ] Elder, Tribe of Judah ] 1. This official's main responsibility is to develop the Sodalitas in ] all aspects that are Secular in nature. ] 2. To assist the Prafectis Iudeaica in official matters of the ] Sodalitas. ] 3. To help accomplish the objectives of the Sodalitas. ] 4. Can establish edicts (guidelines) to help accomplish the objectives ] of the Sodalitas. An, example would be appointing a scribe. ] ] Elder of the Levites ] 1. This official's main responsibility is to develop the Sodalitas in ] all aspects that are religious related. This also includes the dietary ] requirements. ] 2. To assist the Prafectis Iudeaica in official matters of the ] Sodalitas. ] 3. To help accomplish the objectives of the Sodalitas. ] 4. Can establish edicts (guidelines) to help accomplish the objectives ] of the Sodalitas. An, example would be appointing a scribe. ] ] * - Edicts can be overturned by the Prefectis and by a vote of the ] members of the Sodalitas. Failed, Yes-1; No-10; Abstain-3 a d XV Sex MMDCCLIV tlf |