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Gnaeus Salix Astur Quiritibus S.P.D. Ex Officio Tribunorum Plebis. According to the laws of Nova Roma, it is my duty and privilege to inform you about the results of the latest senatorial votings. The following senatores cast a vote: Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix (LCSF)
Senator Quintus Fabius Maximus did cast a vote, but it arrived after the consules had declared the voting closed, so it is not accounted here. The following senatores did NOT cast a vote:
The votes on each item of the current senatorial agenda were: _______________________________________________ I. Tax Deadline Extension Senatus Consultum: ONE MONTH EXTENSION OF TAXATION DEADLINE * LCSF: Yes. * FVG: No. * PCS: Uti Rogas. It takes usually longer than anticipated to iron kinks out of any new project. I commend the Consuls and Consular Quaestors for their outstanding effort in making this system work as smoothly as possible. One extra month is not too much to ask. I also commend all citizens who care enough about Nova Roma to render their tax monies. * MOG: UTI ROGAS. This is sorely needed, due to the unforseen difficulties with accepting international payments from citizens who do not yet have "PayPal" accounts. I can think of no possible reason why we would not want to do this. * PC: Uti rogas (yes). * MMA: YES; * LEC: UTI ROGAS. * TLF: UTI ROGAS * GMM: Vti rogas I vote to extend the general deadline. * LSA: Uti Rogas (Yes) * CFD: Uti Rogas * AGG: VTI ROGAS * AICP: Uti Rogas * DIP: Uti rogas. * MCI: Uti rogas. RESULTS: In favour:14; Against:1. The proposal passed. ___________________________________________________ II. Tax Extension for Argentina Senatus Consultum: TAX EXTENSION FOR ARGENTINA * LCSF: Yes * FVG: Yes. This is precisely the sort of situation the extension provision was originally included in the Senatus Consultum on taxation. * PCS: Uti Rogas. Given the irratic economic climate of Argentina, coupled with the obvious dedication of her Propraetor and citizens, we would be unvirtuous not to extend this consideration. * MOG: UTI ROGAS. * PC: Uti rogas (yes). * MMA: YES; * LEC: UTI ROGAS. * TLF: UTI ROGAS * GMM: Vti rogas I vote to extend the deadline additionally for Argentina in particular. * LSA: Uti Rogas (Yes) * CFD: Uti Rogas * AGG: VTI ROGAS * AICP: Uti Rogas * DIP: Uti rogas. * MCI: Uti rogas. RESULTS: In favour:15; Against:0. The proposal passed. __________________________________________________________ III. Procedural Clarification to the Lex Vedia Senatoria * LCSF: Yes * FVG: No. * PCS: Uti Rogas. I think this will serve to respect the power of the Censors to their historic authority over the Senate members (which according to my reading they did have in the mid to latter republica antiquita), and their current status in this regard in Nova Roma; by the same token it will check a certain propensity to 'heel drag' with respect to Censoral decisions as to whether or not to admit prospective Senators, making them file a statement at the 'onset' of Senate votes for these individuals. This legislation will reduce the amount of time wasted by the Senate, and will force the Censors to use the authority over the Senate roles in an appropriate, productive and more virtuous manner. * MOG: NEGAT. It's a complicated procedure, and I think that our present method would serve well enough if only it was understood clearly by all. Currently, the Consuls and Senate propose, the Censors make the final decision from among the candidates approved by the Senate and from those who qualified automatically. That is simple, fair, and balanced. * PC: Uti rogas (yes). This is a sensible clarification of a procedural issue that has held us up for too long. * MMA: NO; I consider this item to be complicated, confining and unnecessary. The Censors are Senior Magistrates and do not require "Leading Strings" in order to accomplish thier tasks. * LEC: UTI ROGAS. * TLF: ANTIQUO - The current system is not only adequate, but also an example of the checks and balances inherent in our constitution and leges. It rightly establishes a division between those magistratus who enroll Senatores and the processes that determine whom they may chose to enroll. This proposal tampers with that balance. And, it would be utterly unnecessary if our censores and Senatores would chose to simply abide by the law, voting upon possible candidates on their merits rather than on either their misconceptions about the law or their desired version of the system. * GMM: Nego I vote against this procedural clarification. * LSA: Uti Rogas (Yes). * CFD: Uti Rogas * AGG: VTI ROGAS * AICP: Uti Rogas * DIP: Uti Rogas. I understand the objectoins to this but it does add needed clarity. * MCI: Negat. RESULTS: In favour:9; Against:6. The proposal passed. _____________________________________________________ IV. Proroguing existing governors: Germania - Caius Flavius Diocletianus
* LCSF: Yes to all. * FVG: Yes to all. * PCS: Uti Rogas. My honoured and productive colleagues in the propraetorship. All have done well, and shall, I believe, continue to do so. * MOG: UTI ROGAS to all. * PC: Uti rogas (yes). * MMA: YES to ALL; * LEC: UTI ROGAS. (all candidates) * TLF: UTI ROGAS on all counts. It is quite pleasant to be able to cast that vote with no misgivings whatsoever. Would that my own provincia had a governer such as these. * GMM: Vti rogas I vote to prorogue all. * LSA: Uti Rogas (Yes) to all of the above * CFD: Abstineo
Uti Rogas to all governors. Continue your fine work! * AGG: VTI ROGAS OMNIBVS. * AICP: Uti Rogas to all governors. I see among them many distinguished Romans who done an excellent job and do continue to serve to our Republic as provincial governors, which is a hard but necessary duty. * DIP: Uti rogas. (all candidates). * MCI: Uti rogas to all. RESULTS: All propraetores are prorogued _____________________________________________________ V. Appointment of new Governors: Britannia - Decimus Iunius Silanus * LCSF: Yes to all. Most of these individuals have
sent their request either to the main list...and/or senate@novaroma.org I have
gone back to my own emails and reviewed most of their
* FVG: No to all. Perhaps if the Consul had included
the text of your petitions to assume the governorship in the call to
vote, I would have something upon which to base my decision. But as far
as this vote is concerned, I know nothing about any of you.
PCS: Uti Rogas. I have reviewed your correspondence to myself privately
and via the Senate and mainlist, and I am satisfied that you are
dedicated and able to assume the duties as governors of your respective
provinces. I especially look forward to having another governor in
* MOG: UTI ROGAS to all.
* PC: Uti rogas
* MMA:
----Hispania, Lucius Minicius
Laietanus ----Italia, Franciscus Apulus
Caesar ----Pannonia, Gaius Marcus
Coriolanus ----Venedia, Petrus Domitianus Artorius
Longinus ----Canada Occidentalis, Ramiesa
Debrasca My vote pertaining to the proposed Italia
Governor stems from my view of his unwillngnes to deal with other
efforts in Nova Roma to promote her success. I do not care to use an
abstention except where necessary, but in the above cases I simply
do not know anything of these candidates, and considering our past
problems in appointing Governors, I cannot in good conscience vote for
someone who is an unknown quantity to me.
* LEC: UTI ROGAS. (all candidates).
* TLF: UTI ROGAS on all counts.
* GMM: Vti
rogas I vote to appoint all.
* LSA: Uti Rogas (Yes) to all of the
* CFD: Uti Rogas to all candidates. Decmius Iunius Silanus
made a fine start as Scriba Censoris so far, and he will be a fine and
able governor. Also, I'm happy to see able new governors for
Italia, our ancient home country, Pannonia and Venedia, all neighbour
provinces to Germania. I hope that Gaius Marcius Coriolanus continues
the good work of Alexander I.C. Probus Senator.
* AICP: Uti Rogas to all candidates.
* DIP:
Uti rogas.
MCI: Uti rogas to all.
RESULTS: All candidates are
VI. Senatorial recommendations of new
I have been asked not to disclose personal votes on this
RESULTS: The following three candidates have received the
support from the Senate:
3.- Appius Tullius Marcellus Cato
===== Bene Valete in Pace Deorum!
Tribunus Plebis Legatus Externis Rebus Provinciae
Hispaniae Triumvir Academiae Thules Scriba ad Res Externas
Academiae Thules Lictor Curiatus. 27 Feb. 2755jsm |