Senate Voting Results

Tribunus Plebis Marcus Marcius Rex Quiritibus SPD

Senate Voting Results published on 3 March 2756.

The Senate has finished its latest session and the votes have been
tallied as below.

Formal debate ended at 09.00 Roman time, Sunday February 23 (diem quintum Kalendas Martias MMDCCLVI) and voting began immediately after. Voting ended at 19.00 Roman time Wednesday February 26 (ante diem secundum Kalendas Martias MMDCCLVI). Results were officially published by the presiding magistrate on the Senate list 28 February 2756.

I may quote Senator Lucius Sergius Australicus here: "It seems strange that there has been essentially no discussion of these matters until votes are cast."

The following 19 Senators cast votes in time. They are referred to below by their initials, and are listed in alphabetical order by nomen:

Marcus Arminius Maior (MAM)
Marcus Cassius Julianus (MCJ)
Patricia Cassia (PC)
Lucius Cornelius Sulla (LCS)
Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus (LEC)
Caius Flavius Diocletianus (CFD)
Caeso Fabius Quintilianus (CFQ)
Quintus Fabius Maximus (QFM)
Antonius Gryllus Graecus (AGG)
Alexander Iulius Caesar Probus Macedonicus (AICPM)
Decius Iunius Palladius Invictus (DIPI)
Titus Labienus Fortunatus (TLF)
Marcus Minucius Audens (MMA)
Marcus Octavius Germanicus (MOG)
Lucius Pompeius Octavianus (LPO)
Gnaeus Salix Astur (GSA)
Lucius Sergius Australicus Obstinatus (LSAO)
Lucius Sicinius Drusus (LSD)
Appius Tullius Marcellus Cato (ATMC)

The following Senator did not cast a vote [and his absence was not announced or justified in line with the Senatus Consultum defining a quorum ( and the LEX OCTAVIA DE SENATORIBUS ( which this Tribune reads in conjunction]:
Gaius Marius Merullus (CMM)

The necessary majority for a Senatus consultum therefore was 11 votes in favor.

"UTI ROGAS" indicates a vote in favor of an item, "ANTIQUO" or "NEGAT" is a vote against, and "ABSTINEO" is an open abstention.
Square Brackets [ ] indicate explanations by the reporting Tribune.

The items for consideration were as follows


Item I: [passed 19 in favor - 0 opposing]

Fl Vedius' now-defunct edictum allowing cives to use the Nova Roman flag on Nova Roman related material, including Web sites, shall be enacted as a Senatus Consultum.

[Introductory comments by TLF:] "The full text of agenda item I follows. I believe that it is necessary to enact this as a permanent policy, as there are now quite a few Web sites that are technically violating our copyright. As has been pointed out, we can lose our ownership of Nova Roma's intellectual property if we don't protect it. Therefore, it seems best to unequivocally establish the policy, rather than simply fail to enforce our right to the Nova Roman flag in order to allow our cives to advertise us on the Web and elsewhere."


I. Fl Vedius' now-defunct edictum allowing cives to use the Nova Roman flag on Nova Roman related material, including Web sites, shall be enacted as a Senatus Consultum. The text of the edictum is as follows:

"Permission is hereby granted for all Citizens, magistrates,
provincia, sodalitates, and other organizations of Nova Roma to use the image of
our flag on websites related to Nova Roma. The image may, at the time of the
propagation of this edict, be found at on the main web site.
When used, the image may not be altered in any way except to scale it up
or down in size, and must be accompanied by the following HTML code (unaltered) somewhere on the same page as the flag image:

"The Nova Roman 'Gold SPQR in a gold wreath on a crimson field' flag
is a use-protected trademark of Nova Roma and is used with permission.

"Permission to use the image of the Nova Roman flag in other contexts, in altered form, or without the accompanying attribution must still be obtained through the Consuls."

CFD: Uti Rogas
CFQ: Uti Rogas!
MOG: Uti Rogas.
LCS: Uti Rogas
LSD: Uti Rogas The Alternitive is ordering citizens to strip the Flag from thier sites to protect our trademark.
ATC: Uti Rogas
MMA: YES [Uti rogas]
DIP: Uti Rogas.
AICPM: Uti Rogas
LEC: Vti Rogas

Item II: [failed 9 in favor - 9 opposing - 1 abstention]

The Senate hereby establishes a minimum tax rate of $6 US.

GSA: ANTIQVO. I understand that there are good reasons to propose this measure. However, I firmly believe that those citizens living in poorer
regions should not pay relatively *more* to make for Nova Roma's shortcomings.
CFD: Uti Rogas
CFQ: Uti Rogas!
MOG: Antiquo.
LCS: Antiquo - This will hinder our development in terms of financial stability considering that half of the funds go to the provinces. With some citizens actually trying to draw up plans for growth in Nova Roma this actually takes us backwards. Have there been any studies done in regards to our inactive citizens to see if a lower tax will produce more tax payers? Without any supporting evidence I will vote against this measure.
MCJ: ANTIQUO To date I have seen no evidence that reducing the tax rate will raise the number paying Citizens by any amount. I believe such a rate would if anything discourage our Citizens, as it would show non-commitment to building a financial base adequate for any of our desired projects.
LSD: Uti Rogas There is a point where the effort of collecting the tax exceeds the value collected, so a Minimum rate is needed.
ATC: Uti Rogas I believe that this is certainly a fair amount. Most organizations have much higher fees.
MMA: YES [Uti rogas] It is in my mind that this reduction of the tax rate will in fact enable those who could not before be rated as taxpaying citizens to come into the fold as such. It may well be that the concerns of my colleagues who oppose this measure are in fact correct, as no-one has the ability to predict the decisions of others, particularly those of a forign nation. language and culture.
But I am sure that everyone deserves the chance to be so, and as a personal interpreter of some of the less fortunate areas of the world, I know that while thier average salaries may not equal those of the more developed West, thier pride is certainly equal to ours. I say give them a chance to show it.)
QFM: ANTIQVO While I understand the convoluted reasoning of this, a flat tax is not an answer, nor does it accomplish much. What the Quaestors need, is determine the average tax that can be afforded by each province, and set those accordingly. That was the original idea behind all of taxation here in Nova Roma. Just like it is the reasoning behind the tribute tax in the old republic. With this new
flat tax, we diminish revenue, not increase it.
DIP: Antiquo. Too often in Nova Roma there are proposals to change the system before the existing machinery in place is allowed to work for the first time. We voted to have a variable tax rate based on national income. Let's try it as previously voted upon. This proposal will partially raise the taxes of those in poorer countries while leaving the wealthier countries untouched. What was the sense of instituting the sliding scale if we are now going to partially bypass it?
AICPM: Uti Rogas
LEC: Vti Rogas
LSA: ANTIQUO I agree that we should let the last enacted tax law prove its worth or folly before modifying it. In addition, I am still opposed in principle to the idea that tax rates for individuals should be based upon any average economic measure for the nation or region in which they happen to live.

Item III. [passed 18 in favor - 0 opposing - 1 undisclosed abstention]

In all cases in which a Senatus Consultum specifies a deadline for calling a meeting of the Senate, the presiding magistrate is given leave to postpone the required meeting until the nearest dies comitialis, even if this places the meeting after the specified deadline.

CFD: Uti Rogas
CFQ: Uti Rogas!
MOG: Uti Rogas.
LCS: [did not cast vote on this item - counted as undisclosed abstention]
LSD: Uti Rogas We have to maintain respect for the Gods.
ATC: Uti Rogas
MMA: YES [Uti rogas]
DIP: Uti Rogas.
AICPM: Uti Rogas
LEC: Vti Rogas

Proroguing Existing Governors [individual votes are given only where comments were made or where the candidate was not supported]

CFD: Gentlemen, I thank you all for your work in behalf of our res publica. The provinces are the bricks for the Nova Roma building, and we need dedicated citizens leading them. Continue your fine work

LSD: I Commend all the Provincial Praetors for thier work on behalf of the Res Publica.
ATC: I have voted in favor of all, except for one which I abstained. I hope this year sometime to find someone to replace me as Propraetor. I simply don't have enough time do devote to the position in a proper manner. I will do what I am able until then.

IV. Marcus Bianchius Antonius [passed 19 in favor - 0 opposing]

V. Appius Tullius Marcellus Cato [passed 18 in favor - 0 opposing - 1
ATC: Abstineo

VI. Caius Minucius Hadrianus [passed 19 in favor - 0 opposing]
DIP: Uti Rogas. He has done a most admirable job as the successor to Marcus Audens and I am glad to have him as governor of my province.

PC: VTI ROGAS, with thanks for all he has done for Nova Britannia Provincia.

VII. Caeso Fabius Quintilianus [passed 17 in favor - 1 opposing - 1 abstaining]
CFQ: Abstineo!
LCS: Antiquo. I must vote against this because I do not think he has done an adequate job maintaining the Consulship and his provincia. I would rather have a Consul who can devote the time and energy with fewer mistakes then to have a Consul who is inadequate in leading the State.
MMA - YES [Uti rogas] A resounding YES to this particular vote. This gentleman has always done a magnificent job in his various appointments and tasks in Nova Roma. He is now engaged with his Honored Consular Colleague in the challenging task of setting aright, within this micronation, those concerns which lesser men who went before them have disrupted and aggrevated. It is my belief that we need to support this active and able gentleman in any area for which he believes himself to be qualified).
DIP: Uti Rogas. While I may not always see eye to eye politically with Consul Quintilianus, he is a gentleman and well liked in his province and fully deserving of being prorogued

VIII. Decimus Inius Silanus [passed 18 in favor - 0 opposing - 1 abstaining]

DIP: Uti Rogas. A credit to Nova Roma, his province and his gens. It is an honor to vote to continue him in this office.

IX. Quintus Fabius Maximus [passed 18 in favor - 0 opposing - 1

DIP: Uti Rogas. Another worthy gentleman who does great service to his name and Nova Roma.

X. Caius Flavius Diocletianus [passed 18 in favor - 0 opposing - 1 abstaining]

CFD: Abstineo
DIP: Uti Rogas. A praiseworthy censor, senator, governor and Nova Roman.

XI. Lucius Pompeius Octavianus [passed 18 in favor - 0 opposing - 1 abstaining]


XII. Marcus Arminius Maior [passed 18 in favor - 0 opposing - 1


XIII. Gaius Sentius Bruttius Sura [passed 19 in favor - 0 opposing]

XIV. Franciscus Apulus Caesar [passed 19 in favor - 0 opposing]

XV. Sextus Cornelius Cotta [passed 19 in favor - 0 opposing]

XVI. Petrus Domitianus Artorinus Longinus [passed 19 in favor - 0 opposing]

XVII. Antonius Gryllus Graecus [passed 18 in favor - 0 opposing - 1 abstaining]


Appointing New Governors [individual votes are given only where comments were made or where the candidate was not supported]

ATC: I believe that they should be given the opportunity to "spread their wings" so to speak.

XVIII. Gaius Popillius Laenas [passed 19 in favor - 0 opposing]

LSD: Uti Rogas Gaius Popillius did an outstanding job as Questor last year. I'm certain that he will do the same in America Austrorientalis.
DIP: Uti Rogas. He will make a fine governor and is a worthy successor to L. Sicinius Drusus.
LEC: Vti Rogas, I'm pleased, in addition to the fine candidate we have here, that there are enough active cives to facilitate this healthy turnover in the Provincia

XIX. Caius Iulius Barcinus Ciconius [passed 19 in favor - 0 opposing]

[Note of the reporting Tribune: Senator LSA voted to "prorogue" Gaius Iulius Barcinus Ciconius , which was counted as support for his "appointment", Senator LPO changed his original vote "proroguing" Gaius Iulius Barcinus Ciconius to support for "appointment"]

LEC: Vti Rogas, Idem, would that other governores turn over the reigns to new citizens, that more may become involved

The following items were being presented to the Senate again on behalf of Consul CFQ.

Item XX. [passed 18 in favor - 1 opposing]

Approval of the Revised Budget (called "6 ISSUES PER YEAR") for MMDCCLVI as posted by Caeso Fabius Quintilianus with the following additions:

a/ The Eagle shall be printed in ten issues this year, the first already being printed.
b/ The total sum in the Budget of $877 (printing = 499.00 + mailing = 378.00) for the Eagle should be set as the _maximum_ sum for the 10 issues for this year, the sum also includs the first issue for this year. All money that may be left over from this sum stays in the Treasury. The Curator Differum is free to use the above sum as he finds best and he may move money between the printing and mailing
account as needed.
c/ The Curator Differum is free to find other ways to finace the Eagle, among others he has the permission to sell mugs with the Nova Roma Flag on them, with one hundred percent of the funds going to the Eagle. This will have to be done without any start up funds and the Curator will not be free to place any orders for mugs until he has orders for them in hands.
d/ The Curator Differum is allowed to keep sums, given without any binding promises, that are donated directly to the Eagle in a fund only supporting the Eagle and its production. *Any long time projects of any kind over the present year binding Nova Roma for any more years of production of the Eagle as anything else than a web based newsletter must be approved of by the Consuls and ultimately the Senate.*
e/ Within these limits the Curator Differum is free to produce nine more issues of the Eagle in the best way he can do it financially and qualitywise.
f/ Further the Curator Differum is invited to consult those Senators (Illustrus Decius Iunius Palladius, Illustrus Q. Fabius Maximus, Illustrus Minucius Audens, Illustrus Marcus Cassius Julianus and Illustus L. Sicinius Drusus) that may have good advises about different production alternatives for the Eagle.

CFD: Uti Rogas
CFQ: Uti Rogas!
MOG: Uti Rogas.
LCS: Uti Rogas
LSD: Uti Rogas
ATC: Uti Rogas,
MMA: YES [Uti rogas]
QFM: ANTIQVO I believe that this is inadequate for the task.
DIP: Uti Rogas. I here reiterate the comments I made during the previous Senate session on this very item: I vote for this item though I wish it did more for the long term preservation of the Eagle. There is no clause in here setting a subscription rate or allowing new subscribers. Essentially, it will allow the Eagle to die when the current subscribers run out. This cannot be allowed to happen; we must have some kind of tangible, real world publication, not just another internet magazine as has been suggested (though that would be fine for reference and old issues). Save the Eagle!
AICPM: Uti Rogas
LEC: Vti Rogas

Item XXI. [passed 19 in favor - 0 opposing]

The state of Maine, in which Nova Roma is incorporated, requires every nonprofit organization that is organized for the public benefit to restate this purpose in their yearly report. Therefore, the Senate hereby reaffirms that Nova Roma is formed for the public benefit and directs the consuls to see to it that the proper authorities are apprised of this fact.

CFD: Uti Rogas. An important issue.
CFQ: Uti Rogas!
MOG: Uti Rogas.
LCS: Uti Rogas
LSD: Uti Rogas
ATC: Uti Rogas, This should of course be done. It seems like common sense to me.
MMA: YES [Uti rogas]
QFM: VTI ROGAS Let it be carried out
DIP: Uti Rogas.
AICPM: Uti Rogas. An important issue.
LEC: Vti Rogas
PC: VTI ROGAS This is a formality to meet a new requirement in Maine law, and does not change anything in Nova Roma's constitution or purpose.

Item XXII. [passed 18 in favor - 0 opposing - 1 abstaining]
Roman Alburnus Maior is in big trouble, it is a Roman site and many international institutions are trying to stop the exploitation of Rosia Montana. This will damage this village.

I propose that the Senate support the community of Rosia Montana with a statement of support. For information about this case see the text about Roman Alburnus Maior written by Manius Constantinus Serapio. The Consuls are given the task to see to that this decision is executed.

GSA: VTI ROGAS. I thank quaestor Serapio's additional comments on this issue. I am now happy to support it beyond any doubt.
CFD: A sole statement of support is appropriate to show the community of Rosia Montana that the res publica is by it´s side. No expenses are connected with this statement. Alburnus Maior is a heritage from our history, so I vote Uti Rogas.
CFQ: Uti Rogas!
MOG: Uti Rogas.
LCS: Uti Rogas
LSD: Uti Rogas Since this has been clarified I pleased to be able to vote for this.
ATC: Uti Rogas, As one who has signed the petition, I fully support this move.
MMA: YES [Uti rogas]
QFM: VTI ROGAS Verbal Support only...
DIP: Uti Rogas. I am satisfied with the explanation of the form our support will take.
AICPM: [Uti Rogas] No current profit could value the destruction of our heritage.I fully agree with a statement of support for the Rosia Montana community. Alburnus Maior should to be saved.
LEC: Absto, once again this item is presented in vague terms. I'd like to see the "statement of support" on which I would be signing. If the Consules want to send something in their name, that's their affair. However, something sent in the name of the Senate and People of Nova Roma I want to see first. I'm sure that whatever is sent will be fine, but I'd like to see it before approving it.

a.d. V Non. Mar. Quintilliano et Fortunato cos.

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