Equus October 2767 AUC (Nova Roma)

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Today, Id. Oct. St. Cornelia C. Aemilio cos. MMDCCLXVII a.u.c. (15 October 2014), Nova Roma celebrates the festival of the October Horse. We, the citizens of Alasca et Havaia, offer a biga race at the Circus Maximus for your entertainment. The Caerimonia Equirriae ritual was performed by C. Decius Laterensis.


Chariot Race Results

The final results of the Biga Chariot Races for Equus October 2767:

Place Owner Driver Chariot Factio
1 Sexta Laelia Macra Damocles Helios Praesina
2 Gaius Decius Laterensis Maleos of Alexandria White Lightning Albata
3 Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus Amadan Aurum Russata
4 Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus Firefly Russata
5 Marcus Cornelius Rutilus Florius Ballista Russata
6 Sexta Laelia Macra Enitan Storm of Sand Praesina

Biga Race Report

Welcome to Nova Roma News Radio, broadcasting to you from the eternal city.

Today is the October Horse and we have a special event taking place at the Circus Maximus. Our reporter, Titus Nautius Sura, has a report on the biga race!

Salvete omnes! It is 7:00 pm with clear skies and a warm breeze. There was plenty of action at the Circus Maximus all day but now the final race to determine today's winner is about to begin. The six finalists are: Enitan, driving the chariot "Storm of Sand", owned by Sexta Laelia Macra for Factio Praesina; Amadan, driving the chariot "Aurum", owned by Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus for Factio Russata; Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus, driving his own chariot "Firefly", for Factio Russata; Damocles, driving the chariot "Helios", owned by Sexta Laelia Macra for Factio Praesina; Maleos of Alexandria, driving the chariot “White Lightning”, owned by Gaius Decius Laterensis for Factio Albata; and, Florius, driving the chariot "Ballista", owned by Marcus Cornelius Rutilus for Factio Russata.

The chariots have lined up and stand ready. The gates snap open and the chariot charge out. It’s a good clean start. The chariots are closing in on the first turn. White Lightning is beginning to pull away with Ballista well ahead of the rest of the pack. Coming through the first turn Firefly is in third place, Storm of Sand in fourth, Aurum is in fifth and Helios is in sixth.

The horses are moving almost effortlessly on the track as they pass through the third lap with White Lightning still in the lead. Firefly has moved up second pulling a bit ahead of Helios. Ballista seems to have faded to the back of pack with Aurum and Storm of Sand.

As they complete the fifth lap Ballista has surged ahead to take the lead. Helios has second place. The crowd is cheering as White Lightning roars by in third position with Aurum close behind. Storm of Sand and Firefly are pulling up the rear.

Dust clouds are filling the air. The chariots are completing the sixth lap now. Only one more to go! And White Lightning has a commanding lead. Helios is well behind in second position. Aurum is in third and Firefly appears to be making a move, now in fourth position ahead of Storm of Sand and Ballista. As they round the final turn White Lightning has just pushed Helios into the spina!

And here they come for the final stretch! Helios crosses first! White Lightning follows almost immediately in second place. Aurum is in third place, leaving Firefly a bit behind in fourth place. Ballista takes fifth place. And Storm of Sand is in sixth place. The Praesina fans are going wild! It's been a while since the Greens have had such a moment to celebrate and I'm sure the party will last well into the night.

That's it from the Circus Maximus. Sexta Laelia Macra has scored a win and the Greens have taken the trophy today. Congratulations to Lady Macra on her victory! Now back to the studio.

Valete omnes!

M. Pompeius Caninus
Praetore Alascae et Havaiae

Caerimonia Equirriae

Performed by Gaius Decius Laterensis, Sacerdos Martialis


Father Ianus, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers, so that you may be willingly propitious to me and the Senate and People of Nova Roma
I placed incense in the focus of the altar

Iuppiter Best and Greatest, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers, so that you may be willingly propitious to me and the Senate and People of Nova Roma
I placed incense in the focus of the altar

Goddess Iuno, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers, so that you may be willingly propitious to me and the Senate and People of Nova Roma
I placed incense in the focus of the altar

Goddess Minerva, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers, so that you may be willingly propitious to me and the Senate and People of Nova Roma
I placed incense in the focus of the altar

Father Quirinus, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers, so that you may be willingly propitious to me and the Senate and People of Nova Roma
I placed incense in the focus of the altar

Father Mars, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers, so that you may be willingly propitious to me and the Senate and People of Nova Roma
I placed incense in the focus of the altar

Father Ianus, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine
I poured a libation on the altar

Iuppiter Best and Greatest, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine
I poured a libation on the altar

Goddess Iuno, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine
I poured a libation on the altar

Goddess Minerva, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine
I poured a libation on the altar

Father Quirinus, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine
I poured a libation on the altar

Father Mars, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine
I poured a libation on the altar
I washed my hands in preparation for the praecatio


Father Mars, I pray to you that the Senate and People of the Nova Romans, the Quirites, may be inspired by the courage and skill of these horsemen of the October Horse and that you may be propitious to the Senate and People of the Nova Romans, the Quirites. Father Mars, who unhitches his swift horses from the chariot of time to bring on the end of the campaign season in the month of October, to you it is proper for a cup of wine to be given, for the sake of this thing therefore may you be honored by this feast offering
I poured a libation on the altar and added laurel for Mars
Again I washed my hands in preparation for the redditio


Father Mars, who always observes from afar the race of the October Horse on his own field, may you be honored by this feast offering, may you be honored by the humble wine
I offered Mars Pater laurel, cakes and wine on the altar

Father Quirinus, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine
I poured a libation on the altar

Goddess Minerva, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine
I poured a libation on the altar

Goddess Iuno, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine
I poured a libation on the altar

Iuppiter Best and Greatest, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine
I poured a libation on the altar

Father Ianus, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honoured by this humble wine
I poured a libation on the altar

Goddess Vesta, guardian of the sacred fire, be honoured by this humble wine
I poured a libation on the altar
I profaned wine and cakes, and I partook of the epulum with Mars Pater, praying as I ate and offering libations in my private devotions


Father Mars, if anything in this ceremony is displeasing to you, with this incense I ask forgiveness and expiate my fault
I offered incense on the altar

Father Mars, if anything in this ceremony is displeasing to you, with this humble wine I ask forgiveness and expiate my fault
I poured a libation on the altar

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