Lex Vedia senatoria (Nova Roma)
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This lex has been REPEALED.
In accordance with paragraph IV.A.2.c. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the Lex Vedia Senatoria is hereby enacted to establish the guidelines by which the censors may add names to the list of Senators which they maintain.
- Any individual elected to the office of consul, censor, or praetor shall automatically be included in the album Senatorum (assuming that the individual was not already a member of the Senate).
- Any individual elected to the office of curule aedile or appointed to the office of provincial governor may, at the discretion of the censors, be included in the album Senatorum six months after assuming office (assuming that the individual was not already a member of the Senate).
- Upon issuance of a Senatus consultum nominating an individual to membership in the Senate, the censors may, at their discretion, include that individual in the album Senatorum.
Enacted by Dictator Flavius Vedius Germanicus's edictum, a.d. III Kal. Sext. MMDCCLII (30 July 1999), and duly validated by senatus consultum, pridie Idus MMDCCLII, by 7x1 (12 Aug. 1999).
This Lex was repealed by lex Popillia senatoria, Kal. Ian. MMDCCLIX (01 Jan. 2006)