Nuntii Arrii

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[[File:CIV-Quintus_Arrius_Nauta.jpg|thumb|left| '''[[Quintus Arrius Nauta (Nova Roma)|Q. Arrius Nauta]]''', aedilis curulis of Nova Roma, publisher of teh NUNTII ARRII]]
[[File:CIV-Quintus_Arrius_Nauta.jpg|thumb|left| '''[[Quintus Arrius Nauta (Nova Roma)|Q. Arrius Nauta]]''', aedilis curulis of Nova Roma, publisher of teh NUNTII ARRII]]

Latest revision as of 12:58, 6 July 2024


Q. Arrius Nauta, aedilis curulis of Nova Roma, publisher of teh NUNTII ARRII

The 'Nuntii Arrii (Arrian Newsletter) is an Aedilician Newsletter launched by aedilis curulis by Q. Arrius Nauta in honor of the Ludi Romani of the current year, and it will continue until the end of the year, or how knows, FOREVER! :)



NUNTII ARRII V - Fifth Edition a.d. IV Kal. Nov. M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio cos. MMDCCLXVIII a.u.c.

Q. Arrius Nauta aedilis curulis Omnibus S. P. D.

Welcome to the 5th Edition of NUNTII ARRII (Arrian Newsletter) series within the LUDI ROMANI, which I will continue until the end of the year.

The NUNTII ARRII Aedilician Newsletter will inform you about the latest news of Romanitas, discoveries or current debates wordwide about Roman topics, archeology, history, literature, movie and everything.

The current newsflash are:

1. AUGUSTAN ARCHEOLOGY NEWS: Restoration of Rome’s Mausoleum of Augustus

[Cn. Cornelius Lentulus reports:] The long-awaited restoration of Rome’s Mausoleum of Augustus has been put out to tender, announced the city’s outgoing mayor Ignazio Marino and culture councillor Giovanni Marinelli on 16 October. The first phase of the restoration of the abandoned mausoleum is possible thanks to a €6 million donation from Fondazione Telecom, which will be added to the more than €4 million of public funds already available.Welcoming the “historic agreement” with Telecom, Marino described the mausoleum as among Rome’s “most beautiful [but] too long invisible” archaeological monuments. Read more here:

2. PALATINE ARCHEOLOGY NEWS: Roman Forum opens Imperial Roman ramp

Emperor Domitian’s ramp from the first-century that leads from the Roman Forum up to the hilltop imperial palace on the Palatine hill opened to the public on 20 October, following a six-year restoration process. The monumental arched passage-way, equivalent of more than 10 storeys building, linked the city’s political, business and administrative base in the Roman Forum to the emperor’s private palace on the Palatine Hill. The incline, which has seven different levels and six hairpin turns, was first discovered by archaeologists in 1900 but restoration only began in 2009. Read more here:

3. ROMAN POLITICS IN TODAY'S WORLD: Caesar's murder and the fatal addiction of power - a lesson for today's world about the dangers of hubris

Robert Harris, Britain's top Roman history thrill writer discusses the dangers of addition to power and the chilling lesson from the Caesar-murder for our current political realities. Our modern politics is obviously less violent than that of ancient Rome but the basic principles of power and ambition are universal and unvarying, hence the importance of studying the past as an aid to understanding the present. He says this is the reason he has devoted 12 years to fictionalising the collapse of the Roman republic. Just as in Cicero’s Rome, so in modern Britain: the very strengths that can drive an individual to reach the pinnacle of office — determination, overflowing energy, self-belief, a desire to dominate, a relish in wielding power — are exactly the qualities that make such individuals blind to their own accumulating misjudgments in power, unable to judge the right time to quit, and doom them, if not to assassination, then to a miserable retirement. It is one of the great mysteries of history: why did Caesar, sensing mortal danger as he obviously did, nevertheless change his mind and decide at the last minute to attend the senate? If only Margaret Thatcher had stood down soon after her third election victory in 1987, instead of vowing to ‘go on and on’, she would have avoided the overreaching disaster of the Poll Tax and spared herself the bitterness of an old age she spent brooding on the ‘treachery with a smiling face’ of her colleagues who forced her out. If only Tony Blair had stuck to his much-disputed, pre-election agreement to hand over to Gordon Brown, allegedly made at the Granita restaurant in Islington, in May 1994, and resigned towards the end of his second term, he would be remembered today as the leader who had rescued the Labour Party and won two electoral landslides. Why are the Caesars the way they are? Read more here:

That was the Fifth Edition of the NUNTII ARRII!
Good Night Nova Roma!

You have read Quintus Arrius Nauta, your Aedilis.


Q. Arrius Nauta
Aedilis Curulis


NUNTII ARRII IV - Fourth Edition a.d. VII Kal. Oct. M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio cos. MMDCCLXVIII a.u.c.

Q. Arrius Nauta aedilis curulis Omnibus S. P. D.

Welcome to the 4th Edition of NUNTII ARRII (Arrian Newsletter) series within the LUDI ROMANI, which I will continue until the end of the year.

The NUNTII ARRII Aedilician Newsletter will inform you about the latest news of Romanitas, discoveries or current debates wordwide about Roman topics, archeology, history, literature, movie and everything.

The current newsflash are:

1. ARCHEOLOGY NEWS: An intact pre-Roman tomb in Pompeii

[Q. Lutatius Catulus reports:] A team of French archaeologists working in Pompeii has made a remarkable find: a perfectly preserved pre-Roman tomb dating to the 4th century B.C., when Pompeii was home to the Samnite people. Historians believe the Oscan people, descendants of Campania’s Neolithic inhabitants, built the city of Pompeii in the 6th or 7th century B.C. The Samnites, an Italic tribe, conquered the Osci in the 5th century B.C., though the city likely came under Greek and Etruscan influence before that time. The newly discovered tomb is especially exciting because it dates to a period about which archaeologists know relatively little. Read more here:

2. ROMAN CRIME NEWS: Roman gladiators rob foreign filmmakers

[Cn. Cornelius Lentulus reports:] A group of Romanian journalists filming outside the Colosseum have exposed the racket being run by 'gladiators' in a shocking video. Christian Sabbagh from Romania's Kanal D was filming outside the Colosseum when his team decided to pose for a photo with the gladiators in order to document the tacky tourist tradition. Once they had posed for the photo, an elderly man dressed as Julius Caesar told the team that the photo would cost them €100. When the group tried to explain that the price was too high - one of the gladiators stole Sabbagh's wallet and removed €50 from it. "We'll just take half then," the gladiators explained. A heated argument ensued, during which the gladiators became aggressive and threatened to beat up the team's cameraman. Another gladiator even exposed his genitals in front of the camera. Read more here:

3. LATIN FOR ALL: Our favourite children's books translated to Latin

[Cn. Cornelius Lentulus reports:] According to The Latin Language Blog everything is better in Latin. They argue that languages are easier to learn the younger you are, and this is why they encourage anyone to teach their young relatives a second language early! How awesome would it be to have your child reading Latin at 7! The great thing about the Latin versions of children's books is that there are English texts which you can own or borrow from your local library to compare your translations. You can learn Latin by reading these simple texts. Read more here:

That was the Fourth Edition of the NUNTII ARRII!
Good Night Nova Roma!

You could read Quintus Arrius Nauta, your Aedilis.


Q. Arrius Nauta
Aedilis Curulis


NUNTII ARRII III - Third Edition a.d. XI Kal. Oct. M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio cos. MMDCCLXVIII a.u.c.

Q. Arrius Nauta aedilis curulis Omnibus S. P. D.

Welcome to the 3rd Edition of NUNTII ARRII (Arrian Newsletter) series within the LUDI ROMANI, which I will continue until the end of the year.

The NUNTII ARRII Aedilician Newsletter will inform you about the latest news of Romanitas, discoveries or current debates wordwide about Roman topics, archeology, history, literature, movie and everything.

The current newsflash are:

1. ARCHEOLOGY NEWS: Early ancient Rome was bigger than many believed

[Q. Lutatius Catulus reports:] Archaeologists excavating a palazzo in central Rome uncovered a residence dating back to the 6th-century B.C. much farther away from what they had thought had been the city’s residential district then.Excavation chief Mirella Serlorenzi told the Italian news agency ANSA that the discovery “means that Rome at the start of the 6th century was much bigger than what we thought and wasn’t just centered around the Forum.” Discovered in the Quirinale Hill area — that was previously thought to have been a necropolis or ancient cemetery, the home was found in its preserved rectangular form with wooden beams, clay walls, and a roof, evidence that it was used as a place of residence. Read more here:

2. ROMAN SPORT NEWS: Totti scores 300 !!!

[A. Liburnius Hadrianus reports:] Roma legend Francesco Totti scored his 300th goal for the club on Sunday. The landmark goal came in the 36th minute of Roma's Serie A clash with Sassuolo at the Stadio Olimpico, as Totti capitalised on a suicidal pass from the opposition 'keeper, Andrea Consigli, by scuffing an untidy finish into the net. Read more here:

3. ROMAN TRAINS: The pope's special Vatican train sensation

[A. Liburnius Hadrianus reports:] There is a private railroad connecting the Vatican to the Pope's summer residence in Castel Gandolfo, on the Alban Lake (The lake fills the crater of a extinct Vulcan). There are talks of replacing the steam engine with a diesel engine. The tourists traveling between the two locations seem to prefer the steam for the 20 Km voyage. The palace and the trains are considered to be extraterritorial by Italy, as they are extension of the Vatican State. Watch video here:

4. MARCHING TO ROME?: The Bersaglieri Corps and their special "march"

[A. Liburnius Hadrianus reports:] The Bersaglieri corps has a very special relation with the City of Roma and vice versa. The Bersaglieri were the first Italian solders to enter the city on the 20th September 1870, liberating Rome from the papal domination. This film was shot during the military parade of the 2nd of June 2015, the 69th anniversary of the proclamation of the Italian Republic. Their helmets are covered with black feathers, and if you ask: yes they never march. Watch video here

That was the Third Edition of the NUNTII ARRII!
Good Day Nova Roma!

You could read Quintus Arrius Nauta, your Aedilis.


Q. Arrius Nauta
Aedilis Curulis


NUNTII ARRII II - Second Edition a.d. XIII Kal. Oct. M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio cos. MMDCCLXVIII a.u.c.

Q. Arrius Nauta aedilis curulis Omnibus S. P. D.

Welcome to the 2nd Edition of NUNTII ARRII (Arrian Newsletter) series within the LUDI ROMANI, which I will continue until the end of the year.

The NUNTII ARRII Aedilician Newsletter will inform you about the latest news of Romanitas, discoveries or current debates wordwide about Roman topics, archeology, history, literature, movie and everything.

The current newsflash are:

1. POLITICAL ANALYSIS: Pope Francis and the New Roman Empire

Interesting article in the Time magazine about the political concepts and perspectives of Pope Francis. Time magazine is indicating that Pope Francis is taking steps that resemble a push for a new Roman Empire. Pope Francis’ ‘New Roman Empire’ is an attempt to unify the world in his image. He, and other pontiffs, have worked to establish some version of the old ‘Holy Roman Empire’ in Europe. The Holy Roman Empire had Roman Catholic support and the Vatican wants it again. Read more here:
And here:

2. ECONOMY ANALYSIS: Death and transfiguration - Roman economy repeating today

According to The Economist, the golden age of the Western corporation may be coming to an end. Edward GIBBON, the great English historian, begins his “Decline and Fall” with a glowing portrait of the Roman Empire in the age of Augustus. The Empire “comprehended the fairest part of the earth”. Citizens “enjoyed and abused the advantages of wealth and luxury”. Alas, this happy state of affairs was not to last: the Empire already contained the seeds of its own destruction. Gibbon soon changed gear from celebrating triumphs to chronicling disasters. Perhaps the history of the Western corporation will one day be written in much the same vein. Read more here:

3. ROMAN ARCHEOLOGY NEWS: Bulgarian archaeologists discover three Roman pagan temples, nymphaeum at ancient and medieval rock city Perperikon

A total of three Roman pagan temples, 49 public and residential buildings, over 1,000 artifacts, and what might turn out to be a nympheaum, a monument dedicated to the nymphs, have been discovered by Bulgarian archaeologists during the four-month 2015 summer excavations of the ancient and medieval rock city of Perperikon (also known as Perperik or Perperek) located in the southern District of Kardzhali. Read more:

That was the Second Edition of the NUNTII ARRII!
Good Day Nova Roma!

You could read Quintus Arrius Nauta, your Aedilis.


Q. Arrius Nauta
Aedilis Curulis


NUNTII ARRII I - First Edition a.d. XV Kal. Oct. M. Pompeio Sex. Lucilio cos. MMDCCLXVIII a.u.c.

Q. Arrius Nauta aedilis curulis Omnibus S. P. D.

It is my pleasure to launch the NUNTII ARRII (Arrian Newsletter) series within the LUDI ROMANI, which I will continue until the end of the year.

The NUNTII ARRII Aedilician Newsletter will inform you about the latest news of Romanitas, discoveries or current debates wordwide about Roman topics, archeology, history, literature, movie and everything.

This is the First Edition, and the current newsflash are:

1. CULTURAL EXCURSION: The Mystery of the Ancient Roman Tunnel to Hell

There is a place on the northern shore of the Bay of Naples that has long been steeped in history, mystery, myth, and magic. Known as the Phlegræan Fields, it is a desolate place; a barren wasteland strewn with rubble and intersected by deep underground vents that belch out choking fumes and fire. Legends and strange phenomena cling to this hellish, smoke-wreathed landscape, so it is perhaps no wonder that these fields are a location believed since ancient times to hold a tunnel that leads to Hell itself. Read more:


A hoard of 419 ancient Roman coins were discovered by Matthew Perry, Paul Perry and George Hughes on land in Martock. Two pieces of coin have been legally declared as "treasure". Read more:

3. ROMAN CULINARY PLEASURES: Italian food before tomatoes (Ancient Roman "Lentils with Chestnuts" reecipe)

We often think of spices as related to flavor and as a nice addition to food, but spices in the ancient world were more essential. Spices were traded between distant places and enabled cooks to preserve (and often mask the spoiled tasted of) food without refrigeration. Way before “globalization” as we know it, the Apicius cookbook from the Roman Empire indicates a wide-reaching spice trade in the ancient world. Because fresh produce and meats spoiled quickly, the cookbook includes instructions for how to preserve fruits in honey, how to pickle fish, and, disturbingly, how to mask the smell of chicken that has gone bad (we respectfully decided to pass on that recipe). Read more:

That was the First Edition of the NUNTII ARRII! Good Night Nova Roma!

You could read Quintus Arrius Nauta, your Aedilis.


Q. Arrius Nauta
Aedilis Curulis

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