Reading list for lingua Latina

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[[Category:Reading list]]
[[Category:Lingua Latina]]
[[Category:Lingua Latina]]
{{Book reviews}}
{{Book reviews|topic=Latin}}
See also: [[online resources for learning Latin]].
See also: [[online resources for learning Latin]].

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See also: online resources for learning Latin.




Suggested starting points for beginners.

  • One of the smaller paperback dictionaries, such as the Collins Gem or the Bantam New College. Some Latin dictionaries have grammar review sections, but these are not useful to true beginners.


The Bantam New College Latin & English Dictionary (The Bantam New College Dictionary Series)

J. C. Traupman. (1995). Bantam Books. ISBN 0553573012
Paperback. A favorite of high school students for decades. Compact size, low price and surprising coverage make this a great value. Contributed by Agricola
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Cassell's Latin Dictionary: Latin-English, English-Latin

D.P. Simpson. (1977). ISBN 0025225804

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Cassell's Concise Latin and English Dictionary

D. P. Simpson (Compiler). (1987). ISBN 0020133405
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Collins Latin Concise Dictionary

(2003). Collins. ISBN 006053690X
Paperback. Has a grammar section.
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Collins Gem Latin Dictionary: Second Edition

(1996). Collins. ISBN 000470763X
Turtleback. Half as thick as it is wide, it is a tiny brick of bidirectional Latinity. A traveling companion of at least one leading Nova Roman I know of. Contributed by Agricola
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Oxford Latin Dictionary

Oxford. (1983). ISBN 0198642245
Hardcover. This dictionary is heavier than most housecats and as comprehensive as anyone could possibly need. Contributed by Agricola
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Oxford Latin Desk Dictionary

J. Morwood. (2005). Oxford. ISBN 019861070X
Hardcover. Up-to-date and very affordable.
Buy from Amazon: Canada UK USA


New Latin Grammar

C. E. Bennett. (1994). ISBN 0865162611
Paperback. Venerable Bennet first published over 100 years ago. Also available (for free) in several formats from Project Gutenberg. Contributed by Agricola
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Gildersleeve's Latin Grammar

B. L. Gildersleeve, G. Lodge. (1997). ISBN 0865163537
Paperback. Roughly as venerable as the Bennett grammar. Contributed by Agricola
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Other Reference

Latin for All Occasions

Henry Beard. (1990). ISBN 0394586603
Hardcover. Humorous phrase book.
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Latin for Even More Occasions

Henry Beard. (1991). ISBN 0679406743
Hardcover. Humorous phrase book.
Buy from Amazon: Canada UK USA


Latin for People

Alexander Humez and Nicholas D. Humez. (1978). ISBN 0316381497
Paperback. A non-pompous introduction to Latin which introduces the major concepts of the language while maintaining a sense of humor.
Buy from Amazon: Canada UK USA

Textbooks suitable for children

Although adult beginners may benefit as well.

Latin for Beginners

A. Wilkes, J. Shackell. (1992). Usborne Publishing Ltd. ISBN 0746016387
Paperback. A slim and colorful book that puts spoken Latin on an equal footing with modern languages. Suitable for children. Contributed by Agricola
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Minimus Pupil's Book: Starting out in Latin

B. Bell, H. Forte. (1999). Cambridge Latin Texts. ISBN 0521659604
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Minimus Teacher's Resource Book: Starting out in Latin

B. Bell, H. Forte. (1999). Cambridge Latin Texts. ISBN 0521659612
Buy from Amazon: Canada UK USA

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