Election MMDCCLX (Nova Roma)/Rogationes

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M. Lucretius Agricola (Talk | contribs)
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Revision as of 08:13, 11 November 2007

For voting in Comitia Populi Tributa.

Lex Galeria de Census

The time allotted to complete the Census 2760 A.U.C is hereby extended to pr. Kal. Ian.2760 (December 31, 2007).


I. The editor commentariorum shall be appointed by a vote of the senate on the nomination of a consul.

II. The editor commentariorum shall serve for three years.

III A deputy editor commentariorum shall also be appointed by a vote of the senate on the nomination of a consul. The deputy will serve as the chief assistant to the editor commentariorum. If during the three year term a vacancy occurs the deputy editor commentariorum shall assume the duties for remainder of that term as editor commentariorum.


I. The Lex Cornelia de privatis rebus is repealed.

II. The Lex Octavia de privatis rebus is repealed.

III. Confidential information consists of the following:

A. information given directly by a person for the purpose of applying for citizenship; and B. information given directly by a person for the purpose of updating or correcting information referred to in III.A above; and C. information obtained from the subscription list of the e-mail list that currently constitutes the Forum or main list of Nova Roma, other than information which is available to every member of that e-mail list; and D. information obtained from the subscription lists from the publications of Nova Roma.

IV. Information is given directly when it is provided voluntarily by the person to whom it pertains.

V. Where confidential information is held in official records or by any magistrate, it shall be made available to any censor, consul, praetor, magister aranearius, or magistrate legally responsible for the handling of applications for citizenship, upon request by that person. It shall be made available to any provincial governor, upon request by that governor, if and only if it pertains to a person living in the province which he or she governs. It shall not be made available to any other person except as provided below.

VI. A censor may at his or her discretion give confidential information to a magistrate other than one entitled to received it under V above upon request by that magistrate.

VII. A magistrate who receives confidential information under V or VI above may at his or her discretion give that information to his or her lawfully appointed assistant.

VIII. A censor may at his or her discretion give confidential information on request to a municipal agent of law enforcement or other person entitled by municipal law to demand and be given the information. Where a censor receives such a request, he or she shall inform the person to whom the information pertains of the request, of all circumstances relevant to the request, and of the censor's actions in response to the request.

IX. Other than as set out above, no person shall give to any other person any confidential information about any third person without the permission of that third person.

X. Nothing in this lex shall be taken to prohibit any person from asking any other person for information about himself or herself. Nothing in this lex shall be taken to prohibit any person from giving information about himself to any other person.


In accordance with Article IV of the Constitution of Nova Roma, this Lex Galeria de Cursu Honorum is enacted. It repeals but builds on the Lex Vedia de Cursu Honorum, which serves as the foundations of the Cursus Honorum within Nova Roma. The Lex Galeria de Cursu Honorum is intended to bring Nova Roma even closer in line with the ancient Cursus Honorum.

I. No individual may assume the office of Censor who has not completed at least one of the following:

a. a full term as Consul.

b. at least six months as Consul suffectus.

II. No individual may assume the office of Consul who has not completed at least one of the following:

a. a full term as Praetor.

b. at least six months as Praetor suffectus.

III. No individual may assume the office of Praetor who has not completed a full term as either Aedilis Curulis , Tribunus Plebis or Aedilis Plebis.

IV. No individual may assume the office of Aedilis Curulis, Tribunus Plebis or Aedilis Plebis who has not completed a full term as Quaestor.

V. No individual may assume the office Quaestor who is not at least 21 years of age and been an assiduus (taxpaying) citizen of Nova Roma for at least one year.

VI. Citizens who resign their positions prior to the normal end of their term in office may not use that term to satisfy these requirements, regardless of how much time they spent in office.

VII. Qualified citizens may run for office prior to the completion of these requirements but must complete them prior to assuming office.

VIII Any magistrate who resigns from office with three months or less left in their term will loose all century points for that office, an addition twenty-five century points and be bared from standing for office for two years.

IX. This law shall regulate only those individuals who assume any of the aforementioned offices after 2 January, 2761 a.u.c. Any person holding one of the aforementioned positions at the time of the passage of this law or currently running for one of the regulated positions shall be exempt from its provisions for the remainder of his or her current term. The Lex Galeria de Cursu Honorum will apply to all candidates standing for office after the elections of 2760 a.u.c.

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