Lex Vedia de ratione comitiorum plebis tributorum (Nova Roma)

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(Lex Vedia de ratione com. plebis trib. (II))
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Revision as of 22:36, 17 November 2007

Enacted by dictatorial edict, a.d. III Kal. Aug. MMDCCLII
(30 July 1999). approved by senatus consulta, Idus Aug. MMDCCLII
(13 August 1999).

This lex is no longer valid : it was superseded by Lex Labiena de ratione comitiorum plebis Tributorum, MMDCCLIV.

In accordance with paragraph III.C. of the Constitution of Nova Roma, the Lex Vedia de Ratione Comitiorum Plebis Tributorum is hereby enacted to set forth the rules and procedures for debate and the taking of votes within the comitia plebis tributa.

V. A tribune of the plebs may call the comitia plebis tributa to vote on a law, hear a legal case, or elect magistrates as described in paragraph III.C. of the Constitution of Nova Roma. The following procedure shall be used:
A. The presiding magistrate (defined as the tribune of the plebs who called the comitia plebis tributa to a vote) shall, in a public forum (such as the official email list, the official web site, or other venues which shall be provided for the purpose) convene the comitia and publish one or more of the following, along with the deadline by which voting must be completed:
  • 1. In the case of a law, the content of the rogationes (proposals to be voted upon). While each proposal must deal with only a single topic, multiple proposals may be considered and voted on by the comitia at the same time.
  • 2. In the case of a magisterial election, the names of the candidates and the offices for which they stand.
  • 3. In the case of a legal case, the charges, names of the litigants, and consequences facing the defendant.
B. The people shall thenceforth engage in contio (discussion) of the various proposals, candidates, or merits of the case. This trinundium (period of discussion) shall last at least long enough for two nundinae (market days) to have passed during the interval. Within the first twenty-four hours after the convening of the comitia, the right of intercessio or nuntiatio may be exercised by those Constitutionally empowered to do so.
C. Voting on the proposal shall begin the day following the publication of the proposal. The rogatores (election officials) shall, with the assistance of the censors, tally the vote and present the result to the presiding magistrate. Voting shall be done by tribes; a plurality of the members of each tribe shall determine the vote of the tribe as a whole. A plurality of the tribes shall then decide the issue. The presiding magistrate shall then publish the result of the vote in at least the same forum as the original vote was called.
VI. Leges satura, which are laws which deal with more than one topic, may not be enacted by the comitia plebis tributa. Laws dealing with different aspects of the same topic shall not fall into this category.
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