Canada Ulterior provincial report MMDCCLXI

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[[Category: Provincia Canada Ulterior (Nova Roma)]]
[[Category: Provincia Canada Ulterior (Nova Roma)|Provinical reports 2761]]

Revision as of 22:45, 16 May 2009



There have been no changes to the governor's staff since the last provincial report.


The planned Oppidum for the greater Edmonton area remains on hold. We are tantalizingly close to achieving the minimum number of full citizens required for its formation, namely one short. We have the prospect of achieving that in approximately four months as there is a member of the Provincial mailing list, within the proposed area of the oppidum, who may move to apply for citizenship. He will have to complete the probationary period if he does join, hence the four month projection (allowing for delays in taking his test etc). He has expressed an interest in attending the forthcoming provincial meeting. The Foedus is prepared, borders identified and all other administrative matters resolved.

Provincial Flag:

We are still attempting to locate a local manufacturer with competitive prices. This work is ongoing.

Provincial Legio:

This project has yet to mature. This in part due to trying to locate a source of interested non-citizens and also to the static nature of the citizen roll. Contact has been recently reinitiated with the local universities through the medium of college radio staff. I am negotiating for some free promotional on-air appeals for interested persons to contact the provincial staff.

Provincial medal:

This project is on hold until the establishment of the oppidum as we will use this to commemorate the event in the design. A local supplier has been identified.


The province has fourteen citizens including myself, with one extra citizen whose assignment to our province is likely a mistake, as he appears resident in eastern Canada. This matter is being investigated. Of these fourteen citizens, eleven are assidui (79% of the population).


A provincial meeting in Edmonton is being planned for mid-November.

Anticipated revenue from the province:

Based on 12 citizens = $152.76 USD (allowing for a minimum increase of 1 tax paying citizens)

Description of fundraising activities planned:

This is contingent on the advancement of the provincial medal project and the provincial legio.

Anticipated expenses within the province:

Nil. Any monies required for expenditure will be privately funded donatives and will not detract from the provincial revenue.

Description of provincial activities necessitating expenditure:

Nil. Any monies required for expenditure will be privately funded donatives and will not detract from the provincial revenue

  • I request that the Senate prorogue me as legatus pro praetore.

Note: The province will not exercise its right to claim back income gained from the central treasury.

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