MMDCCLXIII/Aedilitas curulis

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(under construction, more will come)
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Titus Flavius Aquila Curule Aedile Maior  
* [ Aediles Curules]
* [ Aedilis T. Flavius Aquila]
We are just organizing our ''Ludi'' schedule. Thank you for your patience!
*Ludi Novi Romani: March 1st –11th
*Ludi Megalenses:    April 4th – 10th
*Ludi Romani: September 9th – 17th  
==The other curule aedilician fields of intervention==
1/  General aediles competencies
*'''[[State properties maintenance(Nova Roma)|State properties maintenance]]'''
*'''[[Public religious events order(Nova Roma)|Public religious events order]]'''
2/  Specific curule competencies
*'''[[Aedilician Fund (Nova Roma)|Aedician Fund]] specially [[Magna Mater Project]]'''
*'''[[Macellum (Nova Roma)|Macellum]]'''
*'''[[Equites (Nova Roma)|Equites]]'''
==Cohors aedilicia==
Aed. T. Flavius and P. Annaeus (''abbreviation below PMA'') have agreed to join in a united aedilician team, in one cohors. The composition of the Cohors aedilicia (aediles's team) is the following:
*Quaestor to TFA [[Not yet assigned ]]
*Quaestor to PACP [[Not yet assigned ]]
*Prima Scriba  [[Aula Tullia Scholastica (Nova Roma)|A. Tullia Scholastica]]
*Primus Scriba  [[Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus (Nova Roma)|Cn. Cornelius Lentulus]]
*Scriba  [[Lucia Iulia Aquila (Nova Roma)|L. Iulia Aquila ]]
*Scriba  [[Gaius Marius Basilius (Nova Roma)|C. Marius Basilius]]
*Scriba  [[Titus Annaeus Regulus (Nova Roma)|T. Annaeus Regulus]]
<div class="scriptum">
T. Flavius Aquila Quiritibus salutem plurimam dicit !
T. Flavius Aquila Quiritibus salutem plurimam dicit !
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Titus Flavius Aquila Curule Aedile Maior Nova Roma
Titus Flavius Aquila Curule Aedile Maior Nova Roma
==Staff ==
== Edicta ==
The edicta are general or individual rules of law that, inside Nova Roma republic as in the ancient one, that the aediles, as nearly every magistrate, are allowed issue. These rules provide enforcement, apply, and complete the general rules issued by the Constitution of Nova Roma, by laws, made by the People or the Plebs in their comitia (assemblies), or by senatus consulta, decrees issued by the Senate of Nova Roma.
Quaestor to Aedile Curule Maior TFA  : Not yet assigned
Quaestor to Aedile Curule Minor PACP : Not yet assigned 
A.Tullia Scholastica : prima scriba
Cn.Cornelius Lentulus: primus scriba
L.Iulia Aquila : scriba
C.Marius Basilius : scriba
T.Annaeus Regulus: scriba
== Edicta ==
The edicta are general or individual rules of law that, inside Nova Roma republic as in the ancient one, that the aediles, as nearly every magistrate, are allowed issue. These rules provide enforcement, apply, and complete the general rules issued by the Constitution of Nova Roma, by laws, made by the People or the Plebs in their comitia (assemblies), or by senatus consulta, decrees issued by the Senate of Nova Roma.
These edicta cannot be issued outside the fields of competency defined by the Constitution, in its [ paragraph IV, A, 4], and reminded above.
=== AED. CUR. 2763 AUC responsibilities and organisation '''EDICTUM 2063-01''' ===
<div class="scriptum">
T. Flavius Aquila et Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus omn. s.p.d.
T. Flavius Aquila et Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus omn. s.p.d.
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- e pluribus unum -
- e pluribus unum -
AED. CUR. 2763 AUC responsibilities and organisation '''EDICTUM 2063-01'''
AED. CUR. 2763 AUC responsibilities and organisation '''EDICTUM 2063-01'''
concerning the organization and the responsibilities setup of the aedilician team for 2763 a.u.c. (de ordine cohortis aedilicianae pro MMDCCLXIII auc)
Concerning the organization and the responsibilities setup of the aedilician team for 2763 a.u.c. (de ordine cohortis aedilicianae pro MMDCCLXIII auc)
We, Titus Flavius Aquila and Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus,aediles curules, by the authority vested in us by the constitution, the laws and the Senate of Nova Roma, and in view of the existing rules ;
We, Titus Flavius Aquila and Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus,aediles curules, by the authority vested in us by the constitution, the laws and the Senate of Nova Roma, and in view of the existing rules ;
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XVIII Kalendas Februarias. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c. (15th of January 2010)
XVIII Kalendas Februarias. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c. (15th of January 2010)
during the consulate of P. Memmius Albucius and K. Fabius Buteo II
during the consulate of P. Memmius Albucius and K. Fabius Buteo II
===Curule Aediles '''EDICTUM 2063-02''' Appointment of Scribae===
<div class="scriptum">
Curule Aediles '''EDICTUM 2063-02''' Appointment of Scribae
Curule Aediles '''EDICTUM 2063-02''' Appointment of Scribae
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during the consulate of P. Memmius Albucius and K. Fabius Buteo II  
during the consulate of P. Memmius Albucius and K. Fabius Buteo II  
Ludi Novi Romani March 1st –11th
Ludi Megalenses    April 4th – 10th
Ludi Romani September 9th – 17th
== Order Equester ==
== Order Equester ==

Revision as of 04:52, 25 January 2010

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This is the joint page of the Aedilium curulium Titus Flavius Aquila and Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus for MMDCCLXIII auc (2763 a.u.c.) / 2010. E pluribus unum
AC-2logo.png This page is maintained under authority of the Aediles Curules



We are just organizing our Ludi schedule. Thank you for your patience!

  • Ludi Novi Romani: March 1st –11th
  • Ludi Megalenses: April 4th – 10th
  • Ludi Romani: September 9th – 17th

The other curule aedilician fields of intervention

1/ General aediles competencies

2/ Specific curule competencies

Cohors aedilicia

Aed. T. Flavius and P. Annaeus (abbreviation below PMA) have agreed to join in a united aedilician team, in one cohors. The composition of the Cohors aedilicia (aediles's team) is the following:





T. Flavius Aquila Quiritibus salutem plurimam dicit !

I bow to the Gods and Goddesses of Roma, especially to Iuppiter, Fortuna et Mercurius.

I hope that 2763 auc will bring our Republic Nova Roma a prosperous year and further positive development

to reach our main goals.I will do everything possible to support this.

Thus I take my oath :

Ego, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), hac re ipsa decus Novae Romae me defensurum, et semper pro populo senatuque Novae Romae acturum esse sollemniter iuro.

Ego, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), officio aedilis curulis Novae Romae accepto, deos deasque Romae in omnibus meae vitae publicae temporibus culturum, et virtutes Romanas publica privataque vita me persecuturum esse iuro.

Ego, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), religioni romanae me fauturum et eam defensurum, et numquam contra eius statum publicum me acturum esse, ne quid detrimenti capiat iuro.

Ego, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), officiis muneris aedilis curulis me quam optime functurum esse praeterea iuro.

Meo civis Novae Romae honore, coram deis deabusque populi Romani, et voluntate favoreque eorum, ego munus aedilis curulis una cum iuribus, privilegiis, muneribus et officiis comitantibus accipio.

Kal. Ian. MMDCCLXIII P.Albucio K.Buteo II coss.

I, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), do solemnly swear to uphold the honour of Nova Roma and to act always in the best interests of the People and Senate of Nova Roma.

As Curule Aedile of Nova Roma, I, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), swear to honour the Gods and Goddesses of Rome in my public dealings and to pursue the Roman Virtues in my public and private life.

I, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), swear to uphold and defend the Religio Romana as the State religion of Nova Roma and swear never to act in a way that would threaten its status as the State religion.

I, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), swear to protect and defend the Constitution of Nova Roma.

I, Titus Flavius Aquila (Thomas Vogel), further swear to fulfill the obligations and responsibilities of the office of Curule Aedile to the best of my abilities.

On my honour as a citizen of Nova Roma and in the presence of the gods and goddesses of the Roman people and by their will and favor, do I accept the office of Curule Aedile and all the rights, privileges, obligations and responsibilities attendant thereto.

Given under my hand IV Nonas Ianuarias, MMDCCLXIII P.Albucius K.Fabius twice, consuls

Titus Flavius Aquila Curule Aedile Maior Nova Roma


The edicta are general or individual rules of law that, inside Nova Roma republic as in the ancient one, that the aediles, as nearly every magistrate, are allowed issue. These rules provide enforcement, apply, and complete the general rules issued by the Constitution of Nova Roma, by laws, made by the People or the Plebs in their comitia (assemblies), or by senatus consulta, decrees issued by the Senate of Nova Roma.

These edicta cannot be issued outside the fields of competency defined by the Constitution, in its paragraph IV, A, 4, and reminded above.

AED. CUR. 2763 AUC responsibilities and organisation EDICTUM 2063-01

T. Flavius Aquila et Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus omn. s.p.d.

Please find below the edict for setting up the responsibilities between the curule aediles and the organisation of the aedilician team for 2763 auc.

We pay a special homage to the previous aediles and their cohortes.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the dedicated citizens who accepted being a part of this cohors, joined in one aedilician cohors.

Valete omnes,

T.Flavius Aquila et P.Annaeus Constantinus Placidus - e pluribus unum -

AED. CUR. 2763 AUC responsibilities and organisation EDICTUM 2063-01


Concerning the organization and the responsibilities setup of the aedilician team for 2763 a.u.c. (de ordine cohortis aedilicianae pro MMDCCLXIII auc)

We, Titus Flavius Aquila and Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus,aediles curules, by the authority vested in us by the constitution, the laws and the Senate of Nova Roma, and in view of the existing rules ;

in order to fulfill our duties as elected aediles curules and during this year 2763 auc give the best service to the res publica and to the citizens, we have decided on following setup

I. responsibilities:

a. MMP and proDIIS

MMP Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus

proDIIS Titus Flavius Aquila

b. Ludi

Ludi Megalenses April 4th – 10th Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus

Ludi Novi Romani March 1st –11th Titus Flavius Aquila

Ludi Romani September 9th – 17th Titus Flavius Aquila

c. Macellum

Both aediles curules share this responsibility

d.ordo equester

Both aediles curules share this responsibility


Both aediles curules share this responsibility

f.State real properties

Both aediles curules share this responsibility

________________________________ _________ _________ _________ _

II. Organisation of the joined Aedilian Cohors

We have decided on following organization:

The Cohors of the Aediles Curules Aquila and Placidus form a joined team - e pluribus unum - called aedilician Cohors.

Each of both aediles keep naturally free, as the constitution of Nova Roma allows them, leaving this joined cohors and form his own aedilician team.

a. A joined Aedilian Cohors is formed to assist the aediles curules, with no distinction of particular relationship.

Thus, Aedilis Aquila accepts that his dedicated quaestor helps the whole aedilitas, as well as Aedilis Placidus does the same with regard to his quaestor.

b. The aedilician Cohors

is composed by the following citizens, who will assist the aediles as general advisors and in preparing the Ludi. In addition, these citizens are also assigned to the following tasks :

Aula Tullia Scholastica: Prima Scriba of the joined Cohors ; translations in Latin of the aediles edicta and of other documents needed by the aediles' missions. Conventus North America. Coordination of the Ludi Megalenses .

Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus: Primus Scriba of the joined Cohors; translations in Latin of the aediles’edicta and of other documents needed by the aediles' missions ; Maintenance, creation and feeding of the web pages belonging to the aedilitas pages of NR web site. European conventus. Coordination of Ludi Novi Romani and Ludi Romani.

QuaestorTFA, proDIIS, Macellum, Order Equester , Novi Romani and Ludi Romani, maintenance, creation and feeding of the web pages belonging to the aedilitas pages of NR web site ; public events;. State real properties ; aedilician fund. Maintenance of the macellum and ordo equester regulations in collaboration with the censorialscribes. ...

QuaestorPACP, MMP, Macellum, Ordo Equester,Ludi coordination of Ludi Megalenses and Ludi ; maintenance, creation and feeding of the web pages belonging to the aedilitas pages of NR web site; public events; State real properties; aedilician fund. Maintenance of the macellum and ordo equester regulations in collaboration with the censorial scribes.

Titus Annaeus Regulus: Scriba Macellum, Ordo Equester; Ludi Novi Romani et Romani

Lucia Iulia Aquila: Scriba for Public Relations, Support of the Conventus North America , Support of the Ludi 2763auc

Gaius Marius Basilius: Scriba ProDIIS, Religio Romana and relations with the religious institutions of the Cultus Deorum, special task proDIIS Project , reporting directly to Curule Aedile Maior Titus Flavius Aquila.

c. The prima/primus scribae will act as the adviser of the aediles curules and report directly to the aediles curules. The Quaestores once assigned to the aediles curules will supervise the areas assigned to them.

d. In accordance with NovaRoman laws, the above mentioned citizens are, apart from thequaestores, appointed as Prima scribae et scribae for 2763 auc. As such, they are not asked to pronounce any oath of office.

e. Aediles Titus Flavius Aquila and Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus provide a joined coordination of the Cohors and keep a direct relation with the other powers of Nova Roma. The instructions given in the frame of the Cohors list will be reputed be given under both authority.

f. A further edict will precise the organization of the aedilian fund, and specially of the Magna Mater and the proDIIS Project.

g. Every NovaRoman public officer and her/his department must, as far as each one is concerned, enforce the present edict, which will be published in Nova Roma Yahoo! relevant lists.

h. Aediles Titus Flavius Aquila and Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus remain responsible, towards the People, the Senate and the consuls, praetors and relevant powers, of their duties, whatever they are performed directly by them or by one of their assistants.

Every concerned citizen is informed about this edict.

T. Flavius Aquila et P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus Aediles Curules Issued simultaneously in Wartenberg, Regionis Raetia,Provincia Germania et Italia, XVIII Kalendas Februarias. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c. (15th of January 2010) during the consulate of P. Memmius Albucius and K. Fabius Buteo II

Curule Aediles EDICTUM 2063-02 Appointment of Scribae

Curule Aediles EDICTUM 2063-02 Appointment of Scribae

T.Flavius Aquila et Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus omn. s.p.d.

We hereby appoint the following citizens as our scribae, with all the obligations and privileges prescribed by the laws of Nova Roma.

Aula Tullia Scholastica is appointed prima scriba and Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus is appointed primus scriba.

Gaius Marius Basilius, Lucia Iulia Aquila and Titus Annaeus Regulus are appointed scribae.

No oath shall be required of them.

This edict is effective immediately.

T. Flavius Aquila et P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus Aediles Curules Issued simultaneously in Wartenberg, Regionis Raetia,Provincia Germania et Italia, XVIII Kalendas Februarias. MMDCCLXIII a.u.c. (15th of January 2010) during the consulate of P. Memmius Albucius and K. Fabius Buteo II

Order Equester




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