Prayers to Neptunus

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[[Category:Roman religion]]
==Arnobius Adversus Nationes III 43==
Come, Dii Penates, come Apollo and Neptune and all You Gods, and by
Your powers may You mercifully turn aside this ill disease that
violently twists, scorches and burns our city with fever.
==Horace Carmina 1.5.6-16==
(O Neptune)
Soon he'll...stare in wondering shock
At winds gone wild on blackening seas! false the breeze can blow.
Pity all those who have not yet found
Your glossy sweetness churned! My shipwreck's tale
Hangs, told in colours, on Neptune's temple wall, a votive
Plaque, with salvaged clothes
Still damp, vowed to the sea's rough lord.
==Lucan Pharsalia 4.110-13==
May it be your will, O supreme Father of the Universe, and Yours
also, O Neptune, to Whom the lot fell second and gave an equal power
of the trident over the seas. May You above impede the air with
perpetual storm clouds; and You below forbid to turn back each surge
of the sea You send forth.
==Ovid Metamorphoses 8.595-602==
O Neptune, who reigns over the realm of wandering waves, Bearer of
the Trident, come to our aid, I pray, and undo her father's
savagery. Neptune, grant her a safe haven, or else allow her to
become a place herself, (to live forever as one of Your nymphs).
==Petronius Arbiter Satyricon 108==
O Gods, help us! Who takes up arms and beckons death amid the waves,
or inadequate to suffer one death? The sea's savagery is enough,
send no fresh floods to swell the savage waves.
==Plautus Rodens 906-910: ==
Thanks be to Neptune my patron, who dwells in the fish-teeming salt
sea, for speeding me homeward from his sacred abode, well laden and
in a good hour.
==Plautus Stichus 402-5==
Thanks be to Neptunus and the Tempestates, for returning me safe home
again, my venture a success! And also to Mercurius, who helped me in
my mercantile affairs and quadrupled my fortune with profit.
==Plautus Trinummus 819-30 ==
O Neptunus, brother of Jove and Nereus, heartily and gladly I give
you praise and grateful thanks. And to you, Neptunus, before all
other gods I offer and accord you the highest thanks. I give you
praise, for you know how to treat men fairly; this befits the Gods.
==Sillius Italicus Punica 15.159-62==
Neptune, divine Lord of the Trident, on whose high seas we begin to
cross, if my preparations are made justly, grant our fleet to sail
safely, Father, and do not scorn to aid our labors. The war I now
draw across the sea is a just war.
==Statius Achilleis 1.61-76==
Father and Master of the mighty Deep, look, Neptune, at what kind of
pitiful use You allow passage across the open seas. Safely under
sail pass the crimes of nations, ever since that Pagasean prow
ruptured the sanctions of law and the hallowed dignity of the sea
while carrying Jason in his quest for plunder. Grant that I may drive
off mourning, and that it not be pleasing to You that over so many
waves I should find but a single shore to inhabit a sepulcher on some
Ilian promontory.
==Statius Silvae 3.2.1-49==
Gods, who delight in preserving bold ships and turning from them the
perils of windy seas, make smooth and placid these waters, and attend
with good council my vows, let not my words be drowned out by roaring
waves as I pray:
"O Neptune, grand and rare is the pledge we make to You, and
in what we commend into the depths of the sea. Young Maecius it is
whose body we commit to the sea, far from the sight of land, that he,
the better part of our souls, traverses the sea's length and depth
(to the Western Lands).
"Bring forth the benign stars, the Spartan brothers, Castor and
Pollux, to sit upon the horns of the yard arm. Let your light
illuminate sea and sky. Drive off your sister Helen's stormy star, I
pray, and expel it from all the heavens.
"And you azure Nereids of the seas, whose good fortune it was to
attain mastery of the oceans – may it be allowed to name you stars of
the seas – rise up from your glassy caverns near the foaming waves
that encircle Doris, and tranquilly swim circles around the shores of
Baiae where the hot springs abound. Seek after the lofty ship on
which a noble descendant of Ausonians, Celer, mighty at arms, is glad
to embark. Not long will you need to look, for she lately came
across the sea, leading a convoy laden with Egyptian wheat and bound
for Dicarcheis. First was she to salute Capreae and from her
starboard side offer a libation of Mareotic wine to Tyrrhenian
Minerva. Near to her, on either side, circle gracefully around her.
Divide your labors, some to tighten fast the rigging from masts to
deck, while others high above spread forth canvass sails to the
westerly Zephyrs. Still others replace some benches, others send
into the water the rudder by whose curved blade steers the ship.
Another plumbs the depths with leaden weights while others to fasten
the skiff that follows astern, and to dive down and drag the hooked
anchor from the depths, and one to control the tides and make the sea
flow eastward. Let none of the sea green sisterhood be without her
"Then let Proteus of manifold shape and triformed Triton swim before,
and Glaucus whose loins vanished by sudden enchantment, and who, so
oft as he glides up to his native shores, wistfully beats his fish
tail on Anthedon's strand.
"But above all others you, Palaemon, with your goddess mother, be
favourable, if I have a passion to tell of your own Thebes, and sing
of Amphion, bard of Phoebus, with no unworthy quill.
"And may the father whose Aeolian prison constrains the winds, whom
the various blasts obey, and every air that stirs on the world's
seas, and storms and cloudy tempests, keep the North wind and South
and East in closer custody behind his wall of mountain, but may
Zephyr alone have the freedom of the sky, alone drive vessels onward
and skim unceasingly over the crests of billows, until he brings
without a storm your glad sails safe to the Paraetonian haven."
==Valerius Flaccus Argonautica 1.188-203==
"Neptune, Lord of Waters, the highest honor falls to You, along the
shoreline, decked with dark blue ribbons, a bull Ancaeus fells, and
to Zephyris and Glaucus bulls as well, while a heifer is offered to
Thetis. No one is more deft than he with the ritual axe at the fat
necks of the cattle. Jason himself pours a goblet in libation to the
lord of the sea, saying, "O God, who with a nod can stir the ocean
foam, You who with Your salt water encompass the lands of the earth,
hear my prayer and grant me Your indulgence. I am the first of
mankind to venture forth on unlawful paths across Your waters, and
therefore, one might suppose, deserve the worst of Your storms. It
is not my own idea to presume in this way, to pile mountain on high
mountain and summon down from Olympus bolts of heavenly lightning.
Pelias' prayers are false. Do not be swayed by his vows, but know
that he devised and imposed his cruel commands to send me off to
Colchis and bring on me and my kin the bitterest grief. I beg of
You, therefore, mercy and justice. Let Your waters receive me: bear
me up and protect this ship and its crew of kings." Thus he spoke as
he poured the rich wine from the cup on the blazing coals of fire.
==Valerius Flaccus Argonautica 1.667-80==
O You Gods who rule the waves and hold domain over the winds and
storms, you whose dwelling places reach from the ocean's depths to
the heights of heaven, and you Father of the Gods, who order the
spheres of the sky and govern the tides, behold a novelty here on
earth, a ship on the sea with armed men. For your rage I make
atonement and pray you look with indulgence upon us. Let me bring
these men safely to shore, and let me go home again where I shall
offer up on the sacrificial altars those rich feasts your mercy shall
have deserved. In every village and hamlet men shall acknowledge the
might of Neptune and pay you homage.
==Virgil Aeneid 3.528-9==
Gods of land and sea, and of their potent storms, carry us on a
gentle breeze and breathe a favorable wind for us to follow.
==Virgil Aeneid 5.235-8==
Gods, who commands the open seas, upon whose waves I hasten, gladly
before your altar on this shore will I arrange the sacrifice of a
white bull, this I vow as guarantor, to make his entrails an offering
and pour clear wine on the briny sea in your honour.
==AE 1997, 977; Hamble, Britannia==
Lord Neptune, I commend to You the fellow who pounced upon what
rightfully belongs to Muconus and therefore I remit to You the six
silver coins along with the one who stole them, whether male or
female, whether a boy or a girl, therefore I give to You, Niske, and
for Neptune the life, health, and blood of him whose conscious will
be filled with guilt, his mind beguiled, he who violated me in here,
and who knows his guilt, in order that You ensnare this thief who
violate me in this way; may You attack him and consume his blood,
Lord Neptune.
Domine Neptune tibi dono hominem qui solidum involavit Muconi et
argentiolos sex ideo dono nomina qui decepit si mascel si femina si
puer si puella ideo dono tibi Niske et Neptuno vitam valitudinem
sanguem eius qui conscius fuerit eius deceptionis animus qui hoc
involavit et qui conscius fuerit ut eum decipias furem qui hoc
involavit sanguem eius consumas et decipias domine Neptune.

Revision as of 20:33, 13 March 2011